Friday, October 11, 2024

Fall Harvest Sale... Day 7 Here We Come!!

Our Very FIRST....
Fall Harvest Sale...
'Day 6'
; )

Miss Willow, and Miss Meadow.
<3 <3

Day 6... was Splendid.
: )
Absolutely Gorgeous!!

Maurina brought Another... 
Gnarly Pumpkin... and Much More!!
Everyone Brought Treasures!

I'm just posting 'Snippets'!!
The Lawn and Building's are FULL!!
; )

Spent the early part of Day 6...
Picking Away... at The Rabbit Hole.
: )
Mostly... going through Old... Old... 
The above... is Stunning, tho... the old leather cover, is a bit... ruff.
; )


Ran across a Cool....
'Poultry' Book.
; )

An 1870 Iowa Survey... Book, with Great Illustrations.
: )

Bill unpacked TONS yesterday.
The Vintage Beer Can...
; )

The above book, is a 1700's reprint... from the 1930's. 

Wish I could've captured an image of The Chicago Girl... above, as she was Squealing With Joy....
after purchasing The Gnarly Lamp!!
She did The Hatter's Futterwacken' Dance!!!
I Swear!!

Pal, Jacey....
 {A Beautiful Purpose, West Branch, Iowa }
Introduced The Chicago Girl... to The Rabbit Hole.
: )

It was a Lovely...
Day, on So Many Levels.
: )

Dear Pal....
Brandon, stopped out again.
He was here the other day.
: )
We Go Way... Back.

For some reason... many, really... 
this sale, has been an emotional one, for many of us.

I've never seen so many be brought to tears, inside The Rabbit Hole.
There's 'something' about that Soulful... little rabbit hole, that... brings emotions, to the surface, for some.

This is the first sale... here, ever... that Bud
{Renate's Antique Gallery}
 hasn't attended.
I've tried so hard... to not think about it, just... get through.
Evenings are incredibly difficult.
: (
Bud, and Renate... always, always... came to visit...
They'd bring wine... we'd sit under John's Old Oak.. or, if the weather was crappy, we'd shelter in the Gazebo...
or Hen House.
: )

Jacey...  really struggled. : (....

I've been good, until...
Pal, Brandon... was getting ready to leave.
Oh my.
Brandon... lost his Mom, not long ago.
They were Very Close.
With All of the Fairfax, and Iowa Department of Transportation...
BS, I've Not... been nearly as attentive to my Pal's, Fam... not to mention...
The Rabbit Hole.
: (...........

 pretty much... lost it, last night.
: (
Couldn't get the 'water' to shut off.
: (..................................
{our Heart's Ache for The Southeast, and All who are struggling, and suffering... }

a little weepy, this morning.
Bill... and The Crew, are holding down The Fort, while I write...
and get advertising done... this morning.
: )

I'm going to keep picking away... at The Rabbit Hole, today.
Like Jacey said... yesterday,
"How do you eat an Elephant??? 
; )


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