Sunday, January 28, 2018
The House.... The Kids, Bought.
Daughter, Liz....and, Son in Law... Adam, bought a House.
: )
I, absolutely... Love It.
They 'Closed' on it... a couple of weeks ago.
: )
When they first told me about it, their plans, were to tear the Old House, down...
and, rebuild.
I, didn't say, anything.
It sits, on nearly an acre and a half....
on the edge, of a Darling... little Town, Elberon.... {Very Near, one of the Happiest Places, I knew, growing up. {Keystone'.}
about, 35 miles, west...of Cedar Rapids.
It had been listed, two years ago... for 129,000.
For, some reason....when Daughter. Liz...saw the listing... it was for 29,000.
They bought it, for... much...less, than that.
{That's...a 'God' Thing. <3 }
I, went to see it, the day they closed.
: )
They aren't going to tear it down....
: )
They, are going to Bring It Life. <3
Adam, is Very....Handy.
Liz, is such...a Worker.
: )
It's going to be Great.
I spent a LONG....night, this week...painting.
I found an Old...7 1/2 foot Harvest Table, a couple of days ago, for them....
up, north, and west...of Waterloo...., for a Great Price, and delivered it to
They have torn the newer kitchen out, and all of the carpet.
They, have been working Hard.
They are trying to get down to the original, 1880's 'Bones'...then, go from there.
: )
I'm so Proud...of them. <3
This nearly 2000 sq. feet.
They will have Plenty...of room.
It's a Great...Community. <3
The the last image, is one...I took, looking out the west window.
: )
: )
Surrounded by Farm Fields.
: )
The Last...image, is...of Adam, and Liz, on their Wedding Day. : )
<3 <3 <3
{No, the Black Leather...Sofa and Chair, are Not...staying. Just...something to sit on, for now. }
: )
Love to ya...
Barb C.
I took the video above, the day...they, they 'Closed'.
It was the second time, they visited the House.
My... first, time.
: )
'As Found'.
Friday, January 26, 2018
the story.
I don't know...where this week's gone.
I've been struggling, about a post...for two weeks, to
I, still...can't seem to find, all of the words, I want to say.
It's a long....long, story.
I lay in night, thinking about 'the story'.
As, I drive...down the road, I...think...about 'the story'.
It was two weeks, while I was driving down the Iowa back roads,
something, strange...happened.
I, didn't realize, it had happened....until I got home.
I'd taken a I was driving.
Just...held my phone, in the air, not looking at what it was capturing.
I, was driving.
When I sat down, late...that Evening, and watched it...
it wasn't so much...'what' the video, had captured...
it's what the video...recorded.
The Sound.
It's, for the last two weeks.
Stirred up, a whole Bunch.
I, can't explain, what I heard, without writing the entire....'story'.
No one...would understand it, unless...I put all of the pieces, together.
I, 'need' share, this 'story'.
I, weep...when I think about it all.
but, I have to do it...and, say it... 'right'.
Please, absence.
'The Story' very close, to being put down, in words.
It, has to be.
For, my own...'self'. : )
{I'm sitting here, crying, just....thinking, about it. : (
I, cry... Every Time...I, think...about 'the story'. }
For today...I'm going to post, some Happy, images.
Bare, feet.
down, the rabbit hole.
: )
I'll be writing 'the story'...
very soon.
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
Monday, January 22, 2018
Thank You!!!
The Anamosa Show...
I don't have the exact numbers...
but, we had at Least...700 Folks, Attend!!! : )
MANY...Many...Early Birds! <3
More, than I've Ever Seen!
: )
The Show stayed Busy... the end.
: )
The New 'addition' of the 99.00 and Under Booth, was a Success.... : ) !
Now, that the Vendors, can see how it 'works'....
I, think...
It will be even BETTER, Next Year!
In that booth...
'Mark It Low...and Let 'er Go!!!'
: )
The Customers... Love It!
the Vendors... can reinvest. : )
I'm planning on having an Entire Big Tent, at The Memorial Day Weekend Sale,
and...Labor Day Weekend Sale, here, down the rabbit hole...
'BARGAINS'...too. : )
Haven't figured out the right name, for it...
'The White Elephant' Booth.
'The Catch All'....
my Pal, Val... used to call her Sales...
'Buy High...Sell Low'... : ) : ) : )
That, would be cute. : )
{and, true.. sometimes!!! : ) }
Many said...they had a Wonderful, Show...
Many said...they had a Wonderful, Show...
Not everyone, did Great, at The Show.
I, was one of 'em.
My fault.
{We Had... The People! <3 }
{We Had... The People! <3 }
I didn't have nearly enough 'smalls'.
I was down the 16 foot Trailer.
Brandon... Son, Justin's Pal...who helps me... unload, and brings the Trailer, didn't come to help.
He was supposed to meet me at Noon, here...Friday, to hook up to the trailer,
{When I spoke with him, last week, he was very excited, about having the work. : )
He's a Worker!}
Justin, had talked to him at 10 a.m., said he was on his way...
At 1, I called him...
he didn't answer.
I kept trying, as I was reloading...
he never answered.
I, don't know what happened.
Still don't.
He's kinda that way. <3
He 'struggles'...sometimes. : (
without help....
It was tuff.
I had to make two 90 mile trips, on Friday afternoon, then...unload.
We were very Busy, Saturday, setting up our booths, along with helping Folks.
Kelsey, Mark's Daughter... was a Great Help!!!
She handled the 99.00 and Under, Booth.
She, did a Great Job!
Thanks, to Polly and Bob, { Polly Ann's, Mt. Vernon, Iowa }
for helping me unload, the Heaviest pieces. <3
I didn't get any pictures, but... did go 'LIVE' on FB, late...Saturday night.
You can see that on my 'Simply Iowa' Facebook page.
I was Blessed, that Liz, and Adam, came to help load out.
Lord...Lord. : ) <3
I rolled in, at Home...about 10:30, last night.
{had to be at the Show, by 7, yesterday morning.
Didn't get to bed, until 1, Sunday Morning.}
When I woke up, this morning...I was in the same clothes, I had on, yesterday.
{I remember, coming inside... letting Sweetie out, letting her in, feeding Philly, and the Baby Cat......
walking into the bedroom...and Diving....into....The Bed. : )
It almost The Bed, Rose a Wave....and Caught Me!!! Hahaha! }
At Least...I'd kicked my shoes off.
: ) }
It was a LONG....several days. : )
Cecilia, and her Family, helped so Much, too. <3
Mark and I, will be gently...taking over, but... I told Cecilia, and Everyone.... Going NOWHERE!!!!
: )
: )
She would like to travel...and, this a Ton, of work for her.
She Loves It.... but, it takes a Lot...of time, year round.
We all want it to continue. <3
There are Many... Folks, who sell there, that are older...and, do only...This Event.
They Contribute MUCH, and Have...for Many Years. <3
They bring...Wonderful....Things!
We Need Continue. <3
We, all...Love it, too. <3
So, we'll do our Best. <3
It was Great...Seeing Everyone!
Vendors...and Shoppers!
Thank You.... for Coming. : ) ya.
Barb C.
We are already, thinking of all sorts...of 'Special' things, for the year.
: )
I want to advertise...More, for The Show.
There are So Many...Wonderful Things, like Marbles...and, Paper...
Unusual....and, Rare...things,
I don't think Folks, who Enjoy...those Kind...of 'things' realize.... are represented, here. : )
There's some Amazing...'Country', and Stoneware... Wooden Signs, Advertising...that,
Folks...may not know, are at The Show.
I've visited with a few of the Dealers, to find out, where they'd recommend advertising.
I, also told them, THEY...need to Advertise, This Event. : )
Tell Their 'People', to Come.
Hand Those Cards, out... and... get online! : ) <3
I'll visit with Cecilia....and get her thoughts, as well. She's The Master! <3
Then, I look at why.... I, didn't do well...
and hear Libby Kramer...whispering in my ear. : )
{Beloved... Promoter of 'Heart of Country' <3 }
{I Admired her, so. <3 }
"Smalls and Smiles.... Sell!" <3
I, didn't have enough...'smalls'.
I, think...I smiled, enough. : )
My face was kind of 'frozen'...with a 'SMILE' : )
I, also... learned a Long....time ago.
Sometimes, you're The Windshield...
Sometimes, you're The Bug.
: )
It's Just... That....Simple! : )
Below, are a couple images, of The Anamosa Antique Show...from a few years back.
It's...ALWAYS Good. Always.
Make Plans, to Attend...Next Year!
There are So Many...Wonderful Things, like Marbles...and, Paper...
Unusual....and, Rare...things,
I don't think Folks, who Enjoy...those Kind...of 'things' realize.... are represented, here. : )
There's some Amazing...'Country', and Stoneware... Wooden Signs, Advertising...that,
Folks...may not know, are at The Show.
I've visited with a few of the Dealers, to find out, where they'd recommend advertising.
I, also told them, THEY...need to Advertise, This Event. : )
Tell Their 'People', to Come.
Hand Those Cards, out... and... get online! : ) <3
I'll visit with Cecilia....and get her thoughts, as well. She's The Master! <3
Then, I look at why.... I, didn't do well...
and hear Libby Kramer...whispering in my ear. : )
{Beloved... Promoter of 'Heart of Country' <3 }
{I Admired her, so. <3 }
"Smalls and Smiles.... Sell!" <3
I, didn't have enough...'smalls'.
I, think...I smiled, enough. : )
My face was kind of 'frozen'...with a 'SMILE' : )
I, also... learned a Long....time ago.
Sometimes, you're The Windshield...
Sometimes, you're The Bug.
: )
It's Just... That....Simple! : )
Below, are a couple images, of The Anamosa Antique Show...from a few years back.
It's...ALWAYS Good. Always.
Make Plans, to Attend...Next Year!
Friday, January 19, 2018
The Anamosa Show.... January 21st. 9 'til 3. EARLY BIRD... 7:30 'til 9!!!!!
I've touched base, with many of the Vendors....over the last few days.
They, are ALL....So Excited!
I, get this Antiquing Year....ROLLIN'!!!
: )
This Event, is always....So Good!!!
Cecilia, and Jon... have worked so Hard....for this, over two decades.
The Folks, who set up here....are Gems. : )
They Always bring such Fun Stuff!
There are Vintage Things....priced...from a Dollar, to Several Hundred.
They bring everything...from, Vintage Folk Art.
Kitchen Stuff, to...Early....Primitives.
Farm Cupboards....and Tables...
Garden Junk... and, Victorian.
Old Gas and Oil....Signs, and Memorabilia...
Old Toys, of Every Shape...and Size....
Native American, and Lodge.
: )
I've Always... So Enjoyed....This Event!
I, Never Missed 'Shop'.
several years ago... I became a Vendor, myself.
: )
We are adding a new booth, this year.
I,'ll be Fun.
: )
We've asked all of the Vendors, to contribute to it.
: )
It'll be a 'BARGAIN'....Booth.
No Early Shopping....from The Bargain Booth.
Early Birds, get DIBS!!!
{oh...dear. }
: )
Nothing will be priced over 99.00.
Not even the Furniture.
{There will be Many....items...under 20.00 : ) }
For Bookkeeping, purposes....that booth, will be Cash only.
I've asked the price their items, as they can.
There will be no further That Booth. : )
I have a Feeling, That Booth, is going to get thinned out....
: )
Get There....for Early Bird!
It's Worth It!
: )
I'm going to be Very....Busy, the next several days, through....Sunday.
I'll able to post Many Pictures, of The Show, Saturday Night!
I, may even 'Go Live'...on Facebook. {Simply Iowa on Facebook }
while I'm at The Show, Saturday Night. : )
We'll See!
I am looking Forward, to Seeing You...There!
Bright, and Early!!!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{There are some New Folks, coming in...that have some VERY FUN STUFF!!!
We, have a 'waiting list', at this time...The 'Full'. If, you'd like to be put on the list...let me know. Some Folks, may be year. Sometimes...for unforeseen reasons, Folks...aren't able to come, and we need Vendors. We'll go down the list, as they have been received. : ) }
{Please say a Prayer...for Grandson, Jack. <3 He's having tubes...put in his little ears, early, in the morning.
He's only....7 months old. : (.....
He's fought, so Many....ear infections. : (.....
I, Pray...the procedure goes, fast, successful. <3 <3 <3
I, can't....go to sleep, thinking...about him. <3 <3 <3
He's such a Sweet little Man. <3
Seeing him suffer, with those ear heartbreaking.
Thinking about him...having to go through this procedure.... is, heartbreaking. }
Precious... Baby. <3 <3 <3
Jack had his procedure... early this morning, and did GREAT!!!!
Thank You, for Your Prayers!!! : ) <3
Jack had his procedure... early this morning, and did GREAT!!!!
Thank You, for Your Prayers!!! : ) <3
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Gathering for The Anamosa Show!
Traveled around 300 miles, yesterday.
Crossed The Cedar, Wapsi...and Mighty Miss. : )
It was a Lovely...Day.
Found some very Cool Stuff, for the Show...
{Next Sunday! }
I'd intended on writing a story, about...what I 'found', at the end, of the Trip....
this evening.
It will be a very long....story, and very personal.
I've decided to write it, after the Show.
<3 <3 <3
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
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This was my first...find, of the day. Had, I not found....another thing, this...would have been plenty. |
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The day, was spent well. <3 |
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Life, is truly....a Highway. : ) <3 |
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Thinking... Spring.
It's been so warm, and Wonderful...the last couple of days, Iowa.
: )
Get's me thinkin' about... 'Spring'.
The Old... Martin House, above... is one...we've had for Many...years.
I've had several...Old, Martin Houses....over the years.
This One, is Special.
It reminds me, of the Old Farm Houses, here, in Iowa.
: )
I've often thought, how Lucky...the Birds were, who set up 'Housekeeping' in this Old House.
: )
Sometimes...I just stand next to it, and peer in the doors....'windows'... : )
Imagining... how it would be decorated...if, it were People Size. : )
I'm thinking about the Load...for The Anamosa Show.
: )
I, can't part...with this Old House, but....
I am, going to part...with one, that is Equally...Impressive.
It'll be at The Anamosa Show. : )
We, for the First Time, at Anamosa...are having a Booth, that will be So Much Fun!!!
It's gonna be '99.00 and Under!!!'
Nothing...will be over 99.00
: )
We've asked All of Contribute to That Booth!
There's Gonna Be Some Great Stuff!!!
We aren't allowing Any...Vendor Shopping, until the Doors Open, at 7:30 a.m. for Early Birds!
We are giving the The Early Bird Shoppers, 5 minutes...ahead of the Vendors, to Shop...
before they can.
: )
We all have things, that...we've had for awhile...
Great Stuff... that Needs to Find New Homes!
We're Gonna Mark ' GO!!!!
Get to the Show... Early!!!
That will be a Cash and Carry Booth.
Bring Cash!
{With so Many...Contributing, to that Booth...that's the easiest way, for the Bookkeeper.
{Kelsey, Mark's Daughter, is Taking It On!!! Oh Boy!!! }
You Will, as Always...get a Receipt!
Prices, will be as marked. Trust Me, there will be DEALS!!!!}
The information, about the Show, is Below. Click, on the enlarge.
Heart of Country, in Nashville...had a larger version, of this.
: )
I,'ll be FUN!!!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{My Old... Martin House, won't be under 99.00.
: (
: )
It will be in my booth.
: )
Trust Me...
There Will Be Some Great Bargains!
Get There....
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Now, Those...are words to Live by!
Oh My!
I was so wound up, yesterday....
I, get frustrated.
I, wish... I didn't.
I get to 'Thinkin'... makes me crazy.
There is So Life, we can't change.
There is So Life, that keeps...changing.
It's like... The World, keeps spinning faster, and faster.
I, guess...that's part of why I Love 'Old' much.
: )
'Old' is a reminder....that, through many...many... difficult times.... They have Survived.
Below...are a few images, of Iowa City, Iowa...
Civil War era Newspapers, I found, at an Old Farm, where my Dad, once lived.
Civil War era Newspapers, I found, at an Old Farm, where my Dad, once lived.
That's a Long...Story, about how...they came to me...that I'll share, another day.
How, those Old....Papers, ever survived, I'll...never know.
They Did. : ) <3
Below the Paper, images...
is an Old...Book.
: )
I ran across it, the other I was one of the Old Cupboards.
The Book, went through a few Proud Owners.
: )
{1820's and 30's. }
The 'Owners' wrote inside the let the World...Know, 'Who' it Belonged To!
: )
: )
I sit here...tonight, with so much...running through my head.
I, think...about the Folks, who read those papers.
The Folks...who printed them.
What they...must have been thinking, on the day those were written.
The little Book, that was Treasured, below.
: )
It was Loved... not too many years, after...The Revolutionary War.
Iowa, wouldn't become a State...for another 30 years.
It was 1816.
Napoleon was alive...and well.
Abe Lincoln... was 7 years old.
Thomas Jefferson, was still...very active, working and writing.
yes... the little Book, is a reminder.
Time....goes by quickly.
Time, is not...about the Years.
It's All...about the moments.
At the end...of the day, this day...
I sit here...tonight, with so much...running through my head.
I, think...about the Folks, who read those papers.
The Folks...who printed them.
What they...must have been thinking, on the day those were written.
The little Book, that was Treasured, below.
: )
It was Loved... not too many years, after...The Revolutionary War.
Iowa, wouldn't become a State...for another 30 years.
It was 1816.
Napoleon was alive...and well.
Abe Lincoln... was 7 years old.
Thomas Jefferson, was still...very active, working and writing.
yes... the little Book, is a reminder.
Time....goes by quickly.
Time, is not...about the Years.
It's All...about the moments.
At the end...of the day, this day...
I realize...getting Twisted...into a Pretzel....Over Stuff, the scheme of things....
doesn't matter, much.
It all... seems to, in the 'moment'.
{oh....dear. }
It all... seems to, in the 'moment'.
{oh....dear. }
In the end... we all turn to dust.
So... once again, tonight....I'll vow, to try not worry.
: )
'Think'...too much.
Love to ya...
Barb C.
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