Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trouble... oh....dear. The rabbit hole, is a 'Vortex'. I,tell ya. It...Sucks Ya...Right In!!!

Sweetie and me...
had a Great Day...down the rabbit hole.
: )
It, started Gang Busters!!!
then, : )...
like, always....
I got sucked down...'the vortex'.
Peg and I...used to laugh, about it.
Unless, you've...'been here'...'working'...
you, have no idea.
: ) stay 'focused'...and, on track...
is, nearly...Impossible.
: )
I began working in the front, green house.
That, went well...
until...I heard a 'Cooing'...sound.
Sweetie, did...too.
I looked up, through the glass, and saw, The Mourning Dove.
I, hadn't seen him, for a long time.
I was worried, something had happened to him.
There are three...that, are always...close by.
A Pair, and...this, one.
It's funny, when I go outside...I can find him, in eye matter.
I've looked for him, over the last, several weeks...and...he hasn't been around.
What a was, to see, and hear him, again...just above us.
: )
We went inside, and began to sort....
: )
Much...has been rolling in.
I didn't put the 'Open' sign, up....
The rabbit hole, isn't ready, for anyone...who isn't 'prepared'.
Had a friend, was expecting her.
but, then...several....more...popped in.
oh my. : )
As I worked, and was shuffling...
that's when I got sucked in.
: )
Ran across...some Wonderful...Old...Books.
: )
of course...I had to sit down, and flip through 'em.
: )
Then, found some hand written Letters, from the 1840's.
oh....dear. : )
The laying...just where I'd left it.
Folks, were having to step over it....
{I told 'em...if it was in their way, to go ahead...and flip the switch...and get Busy!!!}
They, decided...they'd just step over...
and, it was Just Fine...where I'd left it. : ) 
That Vortex.
: )
I'll get more pictures...tomorrow.
I was 'Virgil's Corner'.
Primitives...Books...Kitchen...and, old...Soulful...
{an 8x8 'vortex' } 
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
I pulled a stack...of Old Books, from Virgil's Cupboard.
Look, at the repair...on the binding, of this one.
could pick this old book up....
hold it, in your hands...
see, the hand, and...Not, open it up.....
You, are Better Person...than Me!!!

of course....
I examine, and sort...the Hand Made...Tin...
Cookie Cutters!!!
{oh....dear. }

Got a Good, 'Start'...on the front greenhouse....
then, I heard the Dove.
It, was...all....over.
then, I got caught up.....
The Vortex.
The Dove...
is the biggest spot, just to the right...of the candelabra.
He sat there...forever, cooing, and, and Sweetie.
A Beautiful...Gift.

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