Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Paint, or Not...Paint. That, is The Question.

Just...picked this Old...Secretary ...Cabinet up....today.
I plopped in Justin's Shop....
because, I don't know whether I should paint it, French Country....
Clean, and seal it.
It would be a Show Stopper, when I get done with it...in Paint.
I'd make it look, 'French Country', all the way.
It's so...Pretty, in it's Original, 1920's Finish.
: ( 
: )
I'm asking Folks...to give me their thoughts, here, and on Facebook {Simply Iowa }
I'll decide, on Thursday.
Give it a couple of days. : )
This piece has it's original tag....
It was made, in New York.
Probably...around 1920.
It's been in One, Family...most of it's life.
It lived in California....most, of it's life...
then, came to Iowa...about 30 years ago.
It's been Well...cared for. 
The top drawer...is a Secret Writing Desk...the drawer front flips down...for a writing surface, with lots of pigeon holes, for letters, inside.... : ) 
I, could Love This...Painted, or Not.
'The Look'...these days...calls for 'Paint'. 
I, don't know...what, to do.
It's Painful!!!
Love...to ya.
Barb C.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trouble... oh....dear. The rabbit hole, is a 'Vortex'. I,tell ya. It...Sucks Ya...Right In!!!

Sweetie and me...
had a Great Day...down the rabbit hole.
: )
It, started off...like Gang Busters!!!
then, : )...
like, always....
I got sucked down...'the vortex'.
Peg and I...used to laugh, about it.
Unless, you've...'been here'...'working'...
you, have no idea.
: )
Trying...to stay 'focused'...and, on track...
is, nearly...Impossible.
: )
I began working in the front, green house.
That, went well...
until...I heard a 'Cooing'...sound.
Sweetie, did...too.
I looked up, through the glass, and saw, The Mourning Dove.
I, hadn't seen him, for a long time.
I was worried, something had happened to him.
There are three...that, are always...close by.
A Pair, and...this, one.
It's funny, when I go outside...I can find him, in eye shot...no matter.
I've looked for him, over the last, several weeks...and...he hasn't been around.
What a Gift...it was, to see, and hear him, again...just above us.
: )
We went inside, and began to sort....
: )
Much...has been rolling in.
I didn't put the 'Open' sign, up....
The rabbit hole, isn't ready, for anyone...who isn't 'prepared'.
Had a friend, call...so...I was expecting her.
but, then...several....more...popped in.
oh my. : )
As I worked, and was shuffling...
that's when I got sucked in.
: )
Ran across...some Wonderful...Old...Books.
: )
of course...I had to sit down, and flip through 'em.
: )
Then, found some hand written Letters, from the 1840's.
oh....dear. : )
The vacuum...is laying...just where I'd left it.
Folks, were having to step over it....
{I told 'em...if it was in their way, to go ahead...and flip the switch...and get Busy!!!}
They, decided...they'd just step over...
and, it was Just Fine...where I'd left it. : ) 
That Vortex.
: )
I'll get more pictures...tomorrow.
I was stuck...in 'Virgil's Corner'.
Primitives...Books...Kitchen...and, old...Soulful...
{an 8x8 'vortex' } 
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
I pulled a stack...of Old Books, from Virgil's Cupboard.
Look, at the repair...on the binding, of this one.
could pick this old book up....
hold it, in your hands...
see, the hand stitched...repair, and...Not, open it up.....
You, are Better Person...than Me!!!

of course....
I HAD....to examine, and sort...the Hand Made...Tin...
Cookie Cutters!!!
{oh....dear. }

Got a Good, 'Start'...on the front greenhouse....
then, I heard the Dove.
It, was...all....over.
then, I got caught up.....
The Vortex.
The Dove...
is the biggest spot, just to the right...of the candelabra.
He sat there...forever, cooing, and watching...me, and Sweetie.
A Beautiful...Gift.

Shutters and Doors.

Spent the last few days... Gathering.
Daughter, Liz...is moving, and brought some things back, that she'd borrowed, 8 years ago. 
I, remembered them all! 
{I can't remember, what I did yesterday... but, I Never forget...an 'Old Soul'! : ) }
I'm working on getting things in order, down the rabbit hole...with so much...finding it's way...to it. 
I'm Opening the shop...Thursdays thru Saturdays, unless I'm at an Event.
Have 'Visitors', coming...today, so...I have to Scoot! 
I'll take some pictures, today...and get caught up here, on the blog, hopefully...this Evening. 
Love, to Ya!
Barb C.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Sun...is Shining, in Iowa.

Loading....and gathering.
oh my.
Life... has been, so insane...on so many levels.
I wrote a long post, about...some 'stuff'...that's coming our way,
that...I was just informed of...Thursday evening.
then, deleted it.
Not, good 'Junk'...like the above, resting on The Ford.
: )
It...knocked me off of my pins.
but, after...doing a A LOT...of Praying, 
I realize, 'It's' all in His Hands.
: )
Frustration...and worry, don't come from The Lord.
I had a melt down...all day, yesterday. 
Got Nothing...done.
That's not, what The Lord...has in mind, for us.
So, it's a Beautiful...day, today.
One, that...many aren't Blessed to see.
or...have the ability...to 'work'...in. 
The Weather, is such a Gift.
It's Sunny, and in the 60's.
That's unreal, for February...in Iowa.
: )
I'm going to work...down the rabbit hole, then...later...
go visit, with a Man...who is thinking about having a 'Living Estate' Sale.
I Hope... the Sun is Shining where you are, today. : )
I...Hope... you are Enjoying...this Day.
Love, to ya...
Barb C. 

I spent most, of the Beautiful...Warm...Sunny....day, yesterday...
Then, I reached for my Streams in the Desert.
I've read it, so many times...over the years, I ask The Lord, to choose...what I need to see.
: )
{Should have asked Him...before, I went to the meeting, the night...prior.}
This...is a bit, of what I read.
He's...Always...Here, waiting. <3

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Great Time in Rock Island!!!

We had a Great Time...in Rock Island,
at Tammy Mendoza's Event!!!
Liz came...and helped, we had the booth set in 3 hours!
It was streamlined, from what we usually do, but....
it was a Fun...Sampling....from the rabbit hole.
Our booth. : )

See the Big....Velvet Heart!
I spotted this, next to my Friends, Colleen and Darrel's Booth.
The owner, wasn't there...so, I asked Colleen, if she would tell the owner, I wanted to buy it...when she returned.
She said she would. : )
Then...a bit later, Colleen brought it to my booth....and said,
"Happy Valentine's Day!!!"... and gave it, to me.
<3 <3 <3
{I put a sold tag on it...and displayed it...on the old, gate. : ) <3 }
I, am Truly...Blessed, by some Wonderful...Angels, in my life. : ) <3
: )
Our Booth. : )

After seeing the Show, during set up....
I called Mark Nutt, and told him... he needed to send some of his 'treasures' with....
The Show...was a perfect fit, for him.
He decided to bring a load...for the booth, Saturday morning, himself!
I was soooo Impressed, in so many ways...with this Event.
It's a very, 'tight'...event.
21 Vendors.
{The show started, 59 years ago...with 12, and stayed that size...for many years.
They never wanted it to become... 'Big'. }
My friend, Tammy, and her Mother...took it over...18 years ago...
and added a few more.
: )
It doesn't need, to be 'Big'.... in size.
There are some Wonderful....Vendors... who bring....Amazing, Treasures.
I had little time, to visit....but....when I did, I Thoroughly.... Enjoyed Everyone!
Everyone, was so...Kind. <3
It was like a Family.
The Customers, were Fantastic....too!
They came, throughout both days...non stop.

As I visited with them, I realized, These folks....are devoted to this event.
Most, said....they haven't missed a year, no matter how young, or old...they were.
Everyone, was Friendly...and laid back. : )
I saw so many....Beautiful, and unusual....things.
The Dealers, were happy, to share their knowledge....as, I was stumped...by several things.
{You never, can learn it all....when it comes to the Old Souls. : )
That's what keeps Loving them....so Fresh! }
It was interesting, to me...to see the difference, that only a 100 miles, can make....
in the Style, of what people collect, and offer.
This is the only Event, I do... on The River. {Mississippi }
I Love, 'River Towns'.
They are always... diverse,
a melding pot.
This event... was a perfect example.
There were things there...from the 1700's...to the 1970's.
just like, a River Town.
: )
Everything...and, Everyone...was 'Interesting'.
LOVED Being a Part...of it.!
The Rabbit Hole, fit right in!!!
I'm going back...next year. <3
One of my Favorite...Vendors, was from St. Louis.
He had his little hound, with him.
{This event...is 'Animal Friendly'. <3
One of the customers, came in...with her Cat.
One eyed cat... like Liz's two. ; )
His name was Rooster Cogburn!
{from The One Eyed, John Wayne character ...in my Favorite Movie, True Grit!!! <3
We had a Lovely...visit!}
The man, from St. Louis, had Dozens...of French Jewelry Caskets...
I'd never seen so many....in my life.

{oh dear... }
His Booth...was layered.... with Amazing....French items, and Victorian Soulfulness.

The little....Black, inlaid...French Perfume...box, was what I REALLY....had my eye on.
Inside, it had it's original, pink....silk....lining. <3
It, also...still had it's Original...had made....Perfume Bottles. <3
They both...had their original, fancy...tops, and...under those...their hand made, glass stoppers.
Oh My GOSH!!!
<3 <3 <3
It dates...from the 1860's.
and... the price....
was only...
Oh My GOSH!!!
but, I had a Goal...for New Fuso Tires...
{waaaaaaay More....than 125. 00 : ( }
so, had to leave it... behind.
: (
{ boo...hoo... : ( }
{Next Year!!! }

Holy Smokes!
They had to follow me with a Mop...and Bucket, after every time I visited him.
I was Drooling....over Everything...he had!!! : )
Unfortunately... the Fuso....is in need, of Rear Dual tires...
He winces...every time we hit a pot hole....or pebble, on the road.
couldn't bring home....any of The St. Louis....Soulfulness...this time.
{I'll be saving up...for next year. : ) <3 }
I did, however... run into a Darling....little Old....
Teddy Bear.
: )
The Vendor, gave me a wonderful price...on the Little, well Loved....Teddy.
I couldn't leave him. <3 <3 <3

We had a Lovely....time.

Hope to see You...there, Next Year!!!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I forgot to mention...the Wonderful, Homemade... Mexican Food, and Bakery....
that was offered there. : )
Good Eats!!! }

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Bringing a little 'SPRING'...to Rock Island... THIS WEEKEND!!!

Gathered Up... a Load, for Tammy's Event...
yesterday. : )
Picked up Several....Old, Old.... Vintage Floral Rugs!!!
Some....are in long strips....like Runners, some...are whole.
: )
are Beautiful!!!
Covered in Florals!!!
in Iowa...
What a Fun...Load : )  
Little Old Toys....
a Victorian Wire....Plant Stand.
an...Old...Old... Melodeon Organ...., in pieces.
It has sooooo many....wonderful Fragments, that I'll be offering, but....
the Base... is Sooooo Cool!
: )
Can't Wait....to 'Play' with It!!!
 and Fill it Up.... with Old Soulfulness!!!
I have one, here...that I bought several years ago.
It's not for sale.
I used it at Mom and John's Celebration of Life.
Used it like a Memory Stand / Table.
It...was Beautiful.
I use it, at events, now....for 'Display'...only.
This one, will be for sale.
It's...so Worn...and Beautiful. <3
Loading Today...for Rock Island!
Hope to See Ya!
Barb C.

As I unrolled, and examined...the Old, worn...
Beautiful....Floral Rugs, in a Very...Cold...Building, yesterday,
oh my.
: )
SPRING...was in the Air...the moment, I saw the FLORA...on them.
oh my.
Some...are in Long...Strips. Some...{most} have holes, here and there. : )
I, thought..... 'Wouldn't these be Amazing....Covering Furniture....
hanging fragments, of them....on a wall.
 {even, framed up....in Vintage Picture Frames!!! }
a Piece of Art!!!
{that,They....Truly.... Are, <3 <3 <3 }
{sigh................. : ) }

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A 'Pop Up' Show... for Simply Iowa!

Oh My!
: )
A Dear...Friend, Tammy...called yesterday.
She, and I have visited, over the years.
We met...through Blogger!
She reads my blog...and, understands...
this 'Mad'...Hatter 'Life', too. : )
We, have a lot...in common. 
We've Both...walked, in Very similar...shoes.
'Good'....: )
and, sometimes...not...so much.
We both, understand...'It's All...about 'The Journey'. 
: )
{What a Ride!!! }
She has promoted a Long Standing...Event, for 18..
of it's 59 years.
It's not a Huge...event, not...hundreds of Vendors, 
It's...a Close Knit...
She'd had a couple of cancellations...and, asked....if I'd like to come....
and bring 'Simply Iowa'...to The Quad Cities.
: )
It was strange, that she called, when...she did.
I had been doing a Lot...of 'Thinking'....about the direction, I need to go...
and, where I was going to set the Sails....heading into...the Future.
My mind, has mulled over....so many avenues.... : )
What I keep...coming back to...
is 'Small'.
: )
There are few...on this Earth....
that know the saying, better....
and have Strived...Harder...to Achieve...It...
than, myself...
: )
"Go BIG...or Go Home"!!!!
: )
I've Done It!!!
I listen to my Heart.
My Heart...is telling me...
to get back...to 'where' 'It'...all began.
: )
I'm headed to Tammy's Event....
in Rock Island, this weekend.
: )
Taking a 'Sweet'....Load, of what I Love....
Promote....our 'Memorial Day Weekend' Sale....
{May 26th....thru May 29th. : ) }
down the rabbit hole.
: )
: )
and Enjoy, 
Visiting....with the Folks from The Quad Cities.
: )
is, just...
: )
in..many ways. 
I, hope...some of our Blogger Friends...will come see us.
I'm looking...Soooo Forward, to this, and Thankful...
Tammy thought of me. 
: )
Love....to ya,
Barb C.
Found this...Crazy....Old...Gnarly....Lion, yesterday.
He's coming 'with'...to Tammy's Event.
I'm gathering up....some very Soulful.....'things'....for the Quad Cities....Attendees.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Aretha Franklin - Bridge Over Troubled Water

Old Souls...and, Kindred Spirits.

Called a Friend...today.
a...'Kindred Spirit'. 
I've been so Blessed, throughout my life....with Angels...
that, The Lord...has sent my way.
She's One...of them.
I, met her...over 20 years ago. 
She's nearly, 30 years...older, than me....yet...I've always seen her as a 
Strong...and, Beautiful....Woman, from the first time...I met her.
{I, Never....would have guessed her age. I met her, at 'her' Antique Sale.
Yes...'The Old Souls'...have introduced me, to The Most...Wonderful People. }
I...admired her Strength...and, Wisdom...
simply....by watching her Climb Mountains...and, deal with people, over the years.
: )
In our youth...we walked...much, the same...walk. 
: )
As, we visited...today...we agreed, how Blessed...we were, to have experienced....what we did, at a young age.
It helps us...understand, other's sore feet...
when we've walked in those very, same....shoes.
We, visited...for a long....time.
I, knew... if things didn't turn around...here, pretty quick....I was going to have to lean...on my Friends.
I'm not good...at that. 
 They...are wonderful, and I know...they'd be here for me...in a moment.
but...I've never been much of a 'Leaner'. : )
Over the last several months...seems, doors have closed....my mind, hasn't functioned...very well....
since, about....3 years ago...now.
That's when John...got so sick.
I've Finally...found my Head...and my Feet, 
but... just got another dose...of concerning....news.
My Friend...understands..., she's been down...these roads...too. 
She's kept a Caring...Eye, on me...over the years,
for That....I'll forever, be in her debt.
: )
She made the comment, today...on how she...admired my strength.
I burst out...laughing. 
: )
I told her...."It's not me... It's The Lord. He has sent....some Amazing...Angels, oh my.
My Sister, Chery...Dad...Mom...Jerri...John...Peg...."
I went on...and on. 
then... I said...
"They, were the Wind...beneath my Wings! 
They Believed...in me...
They made me... 'believe'...too. : )
but, they...are gone."
There's only a few...left, that...I can Truly... find...that...
'Uplifting' ....
 She...is One.
: )
I'm not talking...about 'Praise'. 
I'm talking about... 'Example'.
I was sooooo Blessed, throughout...my life, to 'Witness'...some Amazing...People,
 and, to See,
 and, to Feel.... 
their Kind...
Acts....of Compassion...
unfold, before.....my very....eyes.
What a Gift.
What Blessings.
'They'... 'believed' in 'me' ?'.
oh my...
Now you know...why, I would move Heaven...and Earth...
for Them.
They, were...and are, my Heroes. <3
My Friend, is a Writer...a...'Poet'.
 : ) <3
and, soooo Filled...with Wisdom.
Some Day....
when I Finally...write that Book...
: )
She'll..be a Huge part....of it.
: )
Love...to ya...
Barb C.

{If... I could mention....Everyone...that has Helped, and supported me, along they way...
I would. 
I Know....who You...are. : )
and....from my Entire...Heart, I Thank You.
Thank You...for Your Continued Prayers... 
Cards, and Letters...when John left us.
I...have them...all. 
I...Hold Them...Dear.
<3 <3 <3 }

I found The Angel...who Welcomes...Folks, to The Rabbit Hole, on the ground...Thursday.
She was Standing...Proudly...on a Her pedestal, by the gate.
I, think... someone...tried to take Her home...with...them.
: )
They...didn't, get far. : )
She's heavier...when She doesn't want to be Moved.
: )
That's...how...Angels are. : )
They Go...
: )
where they are Needed Most. : ) <3 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Roger Miller, Little Green Apples

Ugly Apples... and...memories.

My Favorite Grocery Store, Hy Vee...{on Johnson Ave. }
has started selling 'Ugly Produce'...at a fraction of the price...
If you know me... you know...'Pretty'...doesn't pay the bills.
: ) 
and, I prefer...most Everything...that surrounds me...
From People...Critters...Vehicles...Clothes...to, Old...Stuff. 
: )
I, figure...the 'imperfections'...are part, of an Interesting Journey.
: )
I buy a lot...of Apples, from the 'Ugly' Bin.
I don't care....Scout, doesn't care... 
Heck, we don't care...if there's a Worm...in the ones...from the Old, Apple Tree. : )
I try and find 'em...and let 'em go...before Scout...gets 'em!
: )
I pile apples, in the Old...Truck, on the Old Harvest Table.
{that only...me, and Harold....could Love... } 
{and...Ed. : ) }
{That John...brought back...to Life. <3 }
I eat a few...apples, every day.
What get's 'beyond'...my liking....
Scout...devours...in an Instant!

The Old Boy....Loves....
His Apples. 
: )
He doesn't Discriminate! 
Before I piled another...Load, onto the Old Truck...
I remembered...the Wooden Tray....
It's been sitting beside the door....for months.
I ran across it...when...Son, Justin...was cleaning out the Work Area...
where John...performed his Magic...on Old Furniture...and, Projects, for the rabbit hole.
oh my. 
Before...I Loaded the Truck...again...
I brought it...inside.
{Cleaning John's Work Area...was one of the most...difficult times, of my life.
I could have shut the door...and left it...forever. }
We had some mid 1800's scrap...wood, from The Amana Colonies.
Wide...Boards. {1860's boards }
I had bought...some Hand Forged....metal 'rings' with...iron handles...from an Amana Auction.
Got a wild....idea...to take the scraps...and create trays....from the Beautiful...
 scrap lumber.
The last Heart of Country....{just, before...John...fell ill. }
I was Scrounging.... for Unusual...things.
That Wooden Tray.....with The Hand Forged....Iron, Band...
would be...
: ) <3 
John and I....worked for two days...'together'....
Trying...to Get The Band...to Fit, around an Oval Shape...he'd cut, from one of those scraps.
oh my.
I can't tell you...how Many....Times...we tried to 'fit'...the band.
He'd Pound...on it.
I...Pounded...on it...
Take it off....I'd hand sand...the board.
Then... we'd do it all over again...
Still, didn't fit...
Then, he'd sand...sand and sand....and....Sand!!!
oh my. 
We adjusted the notches...for the handles...
again...and...again....and, again.
You didn't dare take off...too much.
Then...the band, would be loose, and have gaps.
oh my.
: ) : ) : ) 
We FINALLY....got it to Fit.
It was Amazing!!! : ) : ) : ) 
I drove off...for 'Heart'...without it. 
: )
Yes.... Everything...Happens, for a reason. 
It's Priceless...
This...was the Last...'Project'...we worked on...
It Truly...Is...
The Journey.
to ya.
Barb C. 

The band....was around something, from the mid 1800's....
that had a slight...taper.
: )
We had to match that taper...by hand sanding.
Oh Boy!!!

The hand forged handles...had to fit into a notch....that had to be hand cut, into the wood.
: )
They were different...on each end.
{Hand Done...remember. : ) Nothing...matches. : ) }
What a Journey.
: )
: )
: )

Miss. Scarlett...
and me.
Tonight...like, always....we visit, about Little Green Apples,
and...Grandpa. <3
: )

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Macy Gray - Beauty In The World

Back to Black...

Well... went from Red hair...to Black, again. 
It's been a while... since I colored. : )
I looked like I had a red Skunk... perched on my head.
: )
Couldn't color it...with shingles...still...on my head.
Until Now!!!
: )
At least... when the gray comes in... I'll look like I've got the real deal....
perched...: )
Visited with some Friends, about an Estate Sale... yesterday.
Made deliveries...today.
{The Victorian Urn, sold... }
I've had some ideas...running through my mind....about, the upcoming year.
Just..... began, making a few calls, to 'catch up'... with Friends, in the business.
oh, my.
After, visiting....with one, after another.... it seems, maybe...
'They'...have been waiting, on me. 
I, feel... like a Bear... must feel, walking out of it's Den...
after a Long...Winter's Nap.
A bit, Groggy....and Hungry.
Anxious to see Spring.
but, in the places, I thought I'd see it, it...isn't.
{There are a few, that... truly...inspired. : ) }
as I was listening...to some, well....it was worrisome.
Here, they were...ready...to quit, and I'm thinkin'....
of Diving In...Deep!!!
'Full Throttle....Wide Open!!!'
Hitting It HARD!!!
but, then.... I don't have any choice.
Well... I do.
I could quit.
but, that...isn't an option.
I've let things sit, idle......for too long.
but... I didn't have a choice.
I, did...what I 'had' to do... but, that's all...I could do.
I..Hope... in Some Way.... I can Help...others....now.
We Need... Inspiration.
People are so...twisted, because of what's going on in Washington.
: (
We can't...let that divide us.
Here's the way....I see it.
Mr. Trump...is going to do the Best...he can.
He, doesn't deal with failure, well.
I Pray....for him. 
I Pray...for our Country.
but, we can't let all of that...stop us, from moving forward.
A Great President...once said....
"The Only Thing....to Fear, is 'fear'...itself."
There will always....be uncertainty.
The Truth is... It's That...that makes us...Strong.
{You only Build Muscles...while Swimming Upstream.
Nothing is gained...Floating...with the current. }
I, think about those...in waiting rooms....in Hospitals...all over this World.
Sitting beside their Children....Husbands....Wives...Brothers...Sisters....
Those, are the ones...who, truly....have it tuff.
There are Those...who could only Dream...of a Hospital...for Their...Loved ones.
If You and Yours....are Healthy... 
Life...is Good.
Money.... can't buy...that. 
: )
It's All...in God's...Hands. 
Every Bit....of it.
: ) 
We Must...Keep Moving Forward.
Just, as important... Seek The Beauty....in this World, around Us.
: )
Be Kind.
There are days... when It's Tuff, I know.
but...I make Point, these days.... when I'm in public....
to Smile.
: )
Show Kindness.
People...Need That....Now, more...than ever.
: )
The Man I did a Sale for...last Fall, who is a Major...Trump Supporter, called me yesterday, for some advise.
{I told him, last Fall...before the election...we wouldn't talk politics. I knew, neither one of us...was going to sway, the other. : ) We Truly....enjoyed each others company..., and...respected, one another. : ) }
He left me a message.... it said...
"So...are you Alive....or did you Commit Suicide...after the Election!!!! Call Me!!"
{He's  Quite...a Dude. : ) Gruff...Straight to The Point.... and...Funny!!!}
I called him back. 
He was in Such a HURRY....to get his sale done, by Nov.1...{Holy Smokes!!! I Ran my Tail Off...to get his, and another  Two Sales....done, in October. }
All...so he could get to his Winter Home...in Florida...
I was Shocked, he might be back...in Iowa!
When he answered.... I said...
"Where The Hell Are You????!!! You Can't...be in Iowa!!!"...
he said... yeah, he was. His mother isn't doing well. : (
He wanted my advise.... on what direction....to go. 
He, also....commented... "I'm Not About....to make Another Mistake, without Consulting You... like, when I went ahead and listed my Property....after you told me not to....until after the Estate Sale!!!
{BIG MISTAKE!!! $$$$$ }
{Big Man...to admit it... : )
{he has...Over and Over.... hahahaha {Listen to Barb....}
then.... I said...
"I can't Believe... they let you out of Florida!!! 
Do You have All of Your Paperwork...in ORDER...
 Green Card???.... Birth Certificate???
Hell,... with What's Goin' On....THEY Might not let ya Back In!!! "
"I'm gonna tell 'em to watch for You....at The Iowa...Line, should you have to Double Back!!!!"
We laughed...a lot. : )
Ya....have to. 
: ) 
Make, no mistake...we all...understand, what's going on.
We have to have Faith.... and...Love, one another. 
: )
No Matter. 
Love, to ya...
Barb C.