Thursday, March 5, 2015 our Dreams....oh... What we see.

I sat.... at the end....of the Old Harvest Table....
{that only me and Harold....could Love... {and Ed.}
the other night.
Like I always do.
I... looked around the room...
Gazed... inside the Old Store Cupboard....
that, it... and all of the Old Cupboards... have become....
 over the years....
'Memory Boxes'.... 
than 'Cupboards'.
They hold... 'Treasures'... 
Gifts... from Friends...
the Kids'... artwork... pictures....
John's.. Gifts... and notes...
Obituaries.... Photos.
: )
Things... I've 'rescued'.... that no one else... would have looked at twice.
I...found sentiment.... 'soul'... in.
The Old Shoe.... rests on the middle shelf...
atop an Ironstone Tureen... John had repaired for me... several years ago.
: )
He felt so bad... after he'd tried to affix an old wooden knob... for a finial...
on the lid....
{per... my request.}
as... the original finial...had been broken some point...years ago...
The mid 1800's lid broke in two.... when he drilled it.
He went ahead... and glued the lid... then bolted the Old Wooden Knob... as planned... anyway.
I...said... "Well... you tried.... : ) Now....Guess....I'll just have to keep it!"... 
: )
I rescued the Old Shoe.... long ago.... from an Auction.
I don't remember... if it came with a pile of stuff....
 {I..can't imagine it selling by itself. : ) }
It's lived down the rabbit hole.... for Years.
I...never priced....
I... thought it was Unbelievably... Wonderful....
I was confident.... few, if any.... would see that.
: )
The Funny thing is.... many did.
: )
{I am Blessed... with the most... Wonderful People... Soulful....People....that somehow....
find their way... to the Door. : ) }
I...couldn't sell it.... and... explained to the Folks... who brought it to me....
The Gift is.... The Folks... who found the Beauty... in the Old Shoe...
kindly....understood...why....I couldn't sell it. : ) 
I...finally... after The Old Shoe.... came home, from Heart of Country....
{I'd taken it with.... a couple of years ago... when I did the Presentation....
'Heart and Soulful'....
It was Front and Center... in that display...}
When I unpacked.... all of The Soulfulness.....
The Old Shoe....
came Home... inside the House.
: )
When I the Old Shoe...
with a hole... worn through... it's sole...
it reminds me...
The Journey.... has been pretty ruff.... for many.
never... judge....anyone....
unless... you've walked in their shoes....
for a while.
: )
I... have an old pair of Boots... that I've patched... on the inside.
They still... have a few miles... left.
{tho... I step far... around puddles... when I wear them. }
John...had an old pair of shoes....
he duct taped.....over and over.
They'd belonged to Daughter, Liz...from High School. 
{with Pink Laces...}
{Me... Liz....and John... could wear the same shoes. Justin.... wears a 15. uh... yeah.}
When she was done... with'em.... John... wore them.
He saw she was going to pitch them.... one day....
and said...
"Hey.... let me try those on...."
He didn't care. : )
They Fit Good.... and he couldn't see throwing them away....
{after all... he said...."They were Expensive! and have a Lot...of Wear... left!" : ) }
{I offered to buy him a new pair....after he wound the duct tape.... around them.... a couple years later.
 He wore those... forever.
I finally hid them... and set a new pair out...for him. : )
 I wish.... I knew where they were.
 I have his last pair... of worn out...old... shoes...
 in the Kitchen... by the door.}
I don't have many regrets....
I have one... concerning John's Clothes.
We went to radiation therapy.... daily... for weeks.
Tho...John had some nice coats....{he never wore... : ) }
 he insisted on wearing his old... torn coat....
The coat he wore to the Shop...daily... and did chores in.... over the years.
One day... while waiting.... for the therapy....
the receptionist walked up... to John, with a very expensive men's coat.... in her hands....
"John.... someone... left this coat, and never came back...for it. 
Do you think.... you'd have a use... for it. : ) ".....
John looked at it.... and said... "No.... I have a coat.... Thanks."
: )
I...just sat there.... 
: )
That was John.
If we were Millionaires... John... would wear... what he wanted.
: )
My regret....
after that....
I washed... his old Coat.
It still hangs...on the old Hall Tree... where he left it....
so wish...
I wouldn't have washed it.
oh.... my. 
Well.... all of this...has nothing to do...
with the Dream.
I had a Dream... the other night.....
I was in an old farm house.....
I...stood... in the kitchen....
opened of the big old... Cupboards....
On one of the shelves....
were three Belgian Draft Horses.
The were tiny....form.
I...reached in.... petted them....
: )
I pulled them by one...and held them... in my arms... and hand.
I... was putting lotion... on one...
I realized...
they weren't Horses... anymore, they were Puppies.
: )
I walked outside... the old Farmhouse....
with the Puppies... held close.... to me.....
then.... Dogs... came circling around me.
Polly...and... our Old Black Shepherd, Molly....
Peg's little Clohe....and Big... Old...Beau.
The Old...Hunting Dog... that followed Peg home, shortly after she and Michael... moved to Missouri. 
: )
I was struggling... to keep the Puppies... my arms...
Peg's Old Dog... Beau.... grabbed one of the Pups... and began to devour it.
I yelled... for Liz...and Peg....for Help!!!
Knowing... I didn't dare...pull too hard... on the little Puppy.... 
yet... I had to get Beau... to release him.
Liz... slowly...walked up... and said...
"Why is it... you always call me.... when things are bad."
{Liz...would be here... in a reality. : ) }
Peg... stood there...frozen.... shocked at the scene.
I...somehow... got the tiny... Puppy... away...from Old Beau.
and caressed it's mauled ... still moving....little body... in my hand.
{feeling...all along... it wasn't Beau's fault....
 he's a Hunting Dog.... he doesn't know any better. }
I...made myself...somehow.... wake that point.
I... couldn't.... bare... to 'see' the ending.
I called Peg.... yesterday.
{Not... remembering the dream.... just... checking in.... : ) }
She didn't answer.
She called me... today.
Said.... it had been a tuff week.
Michael had picked Beau up... Monday.
They had to board him... at the Vet's... for Gerald's Funeral... and over the weekend.
Monday night.... as Beau... laid in his bed... next to her....
she noticed... something was terribly wrong.
Beau.... was dying.
Barely breathing... his body... was limp.
He wasn't responding to her.
She... laid next to him... through the night... and Tuesday morning....
Offering him...little sips of water....
and... weeping....  never leaving his side.
When Micheal got up... in the early morning.... he, too....
began to weep.... and laid with Peg... and Beau.
They called the Vet...she was going to come....
that afternoon.....
and put him....down.
Peg... kept offering Beau... water...
Beau... began... to take nourishment.... and... slowly....
found his feet again.
oh my.
He's... coming around.
Praise... God.
They...none of them... need this Heartache....
After she shared the events.... I...remembered the dream.
oh my....
Peg said.... "I've always known.... about your sense..... and dreams."
oh my.....
Peg... made a Beautiful... Gourd... for me, several years ago....
after I'd shared one of my... 'Dreams'... with her.
I had no idea.... she'd taken my insane.. dream...back then... so seriously.
I... just showed it... to Mark... on Monday.
Held my hands.
: )
Beau. <3 <3 <3 

In Our Dreams....
 Crazy... Dreams. 
oh my.
what things...
Love... to ya.
Barb C. 

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