The Great Staff...from The Machine Shed Restaurant, Jan, Mark...and Lynn....
Moved Mountains from eight storage locations... over two days....May 26th and 27th....
I...could not be there to help....
with the unimaginable... that had transpired, here... at home.....
but.... they kept me updated....
and said.... they were a bit worried.... as the piles... were being mounded...in the Huge... Old Hanger....
yet...space was dwindling....
I arrived... on the 28th...
looked inside....
and saw...exactly what I had expected.
I knew... this was going to be a Whale... of a Sale....
the first time... I peeked into each storage area.... and calculated... what was there....
oh my....
I also knew... what kind of a 'job'... it was to be....
and had no doubt... it would get done.
and... it did.
Thanks... to a Dream.....Team.
God Bless Them All... |
Everyone... Busted their Butts....
I knew... I had The Best... at my side.......
From the beginning....
Denny... said....
{The Man...who was put in charge... of helping with this move.... }
"I am at your disposal.... what ever you need... or want.... consider it... 'done' "
{I...can't tell you... what a Gift... that was... I told him that... over and over..... I have never had...that kind of help.... in my life.... I think... I even saw a Halo... around his head... a time or two... oh my.... }
Along...with the Wonderful...'Clerks'... who handled ALL of the Book Work... oh my... What a Huge... Gift... That Was!!! |
Jan... worked...Tirelessly....
I drove back and forth daily.... {3 hours a day... every day... for weeks....} Jan was there... before I arrived... and worked until... I was ready to head home....
She set displays... over and over.... and over.... as we kept pulling more and more...then...more.....
{I have to say.... I am usually... in charge of all of the 'set up'.... and...when I have 'help' with 'set up'... I usually... re set... other's displays.... {I don't mean to hurt feelings... but... I have a certain way...of 'seeing' things.... and it drives me Crazy... when things aren't just.... the way...my mind... envisions them....}
I don't say this... about myself... but, to get the point across..... I will....
'I...am Good... at what I do.... some, would say.... very good.... and... if I see...something 'out of place'.... I...move it. '
Not...with Jan.
I had no problem... standing back.... and letting her, take The Lead.
Because I know.... I'm pretty good...
I also know...
She is The Best.
The Best... Designer... I have Ever Seen... {and...I know Many.... from all over this Country.... Coast to Coast. }
I... was Honored...and felt...Privileged... to work under her. |

yeah.... there was something...for Everyone.....
We....sold...and sold....and sold.... oh my........ |
This was one of Jan's....Dolls...
Jan made several of these... years ago... all by hand.... they sold all over the world....
Our First Arrivals... : )
They and their Husbands... stayed the night... oh my... : )
Julie...and Kenny Moore... popped in... then brought their Box Truck...back...
: ) |
oh my...
He was the Highlight...of the Sale....
He called me... 8 times... before the Sale...
{on the morning he arrived... he called at 6:30 a.m. I was Not Coherent... He wanted directions...
Seriously... I couldn't find my way to the Coffee Pot.... that Morning... : )
He found his way.... : ) }
and kept asking me questions....
He's from Indiana....
and couldn't be here the first day.....
He kept saying... with each call....
"Aw.... You Know....You are Making Me Crazy!!!! You Know...You Are Making Me Craaaazy!!!"....
I loved it... : )
He was Such...a Cool Cat.... and FUNNY!!!! oh My!
He Cracked Me Up!!!!
He Bought...Tons....
then...sent his Equally... Fun... Brother... 'Harry'... back to buy the 'leftovers'....
oh my....
Love These Guys!!! |
Cindy... : ) She and Tom...came and Helped... Loads....
oh my...
Writing Tickets... was a Huge Job!!!
Love Those Two...
: ) |
Mark spent many days...helping..... oh my...
and... we had a Lot...of Fun....
When things got down to the wire... I had him help price... we Flew!
He was an Angel.... Is... an Angel... : ) |
This was our Supper... many nights... oh my... : ) |
Jan... really worked her Heart out....
and... I think... she Loved...Every Moment....
She can't sit still.....
She and her Friend, Larry.... Graciously... invited us to stay.... with them...
What a Gift... that was....
: ) |
Our Sisters' Garden... Buddies...
Love These Girls..... : ) |
Jan signed and dated, her signs.... She is an Amazing Artist... and Blows... My....Mind....
Some of her Artwork... was the Top Selling Items... on This Sale....
Amazing... |
Liz and Dale F. came and Helped... throughout....
Godsends.... : ) |
My Farmer...Friend...
: )
He knows 'signs'.... {along with a lot of other...things... : ) }
But... he was Great Help... in Moving... then...Pricing.....
Love Him... and his... Darling... Decorating... Genius of a Wife...
Thanks...so Much...to them Both. : ) |
After we visited... for a while.... {I kept calling him... 'Yevon'...I thought that's what he said.... his name was... through my Cell Phone! }
He said.... "Ma'am... you can call me anything you want to... but... my name is... 'Levon'.... : ) "
I about fell over...laughing!!!!
oh my. : ) |
Jan said... she really... enjoyed helping with this sale.... it was 'closure'... for her....
She had gathered all of these Amazing Things... over the years... and said... it was wonderful.... 'touching'...them...once, again... and seeing Everyone... so Happy.... as they purchased them....
I...know... it was kinda tuff... for her... too...
She did...an Amazing...Job... on Every...Level. |
oh my...
Linda... : ) She... helped too.... and is always... such a Gift to be around....
You put Linda... and her Sis...Rosie... together....
{yeah... she was there too... brought the Wine...Cheese...and Crackers... : ) }
T R O U B L E....
Love 'em... : ) |
oh my.... |
This Guy....
really... made me... Smile. |
Everyone... was Great... about waiting to check out....
oh my....
There were lines... 30 feet deep...at times... and there was nothing any of us could do.... but... keep writing.
Thank You... Everyone... for being...so...Patient!!! <3 |
This Family... was Darling... The Husband...is a Tattoo Artist... {Award Winning...} He traded one of the Clerks... a Tattoo... for a Pair of Columns... she bought...
They Both... were Beyond...Excited!!!
{that was a 'first'... at one of my sales... : ) Cool! } |
This Sale.... was Something...Else...
on Every Level...
I can't Thank... All... who had a Hand in it... Enough...
It was Grueling... yet... seemed to go together... Very...Well....
I...wish.... some of the Folks... I worked with, for the first time... knew me, from... 'before'....
'Business'... totally took over my mind... and I was focused... very... focused.
{As most everyone knows... I Love...to have a Good Time. }
I...wasn't there... for a good time... I was there... to get a Job...Done.
and that... I did...
When I saw... so many of my Friends... waiting in line... the first day....
It was difficult....
It would have been... so easy... to stumble......
I...could feel the Love... and Sorrow... they felt... for me...
with every... embrace.
God Bless You All... for Coming...and Supporting... me... and, this sale.
{and... for 'Keeping'...me... I Hope you All Know...
I Know... What a Beautiful...Gifts...
I have been Blessed with... having You... as my Friends.... }
There are more images... coming.... but I've had a difficult time, moving them to folders, I can share on Blogger... I'll get 'em... but... it may be a while...
Life has been a bit... overwhelming...
these last many days... : )
I want to Thank... Everyone...
From Heart of America... and Their Wonderful...Staff... for allowing me to do this sale... for them...
and Helping... no matter...what we needed...
Jan... for... Everything...Everything....
{Larry...for putting up...with us taking over his...'Home'... : ) }
Mark... for helping... on so many levels... : ) : ) : )
Lynn, for Helping Lug... and Haul... and help...Price, then... take care of Folks...
Lea...for Help... Displaying...and cleaning.... oh my...
Daughter...Liz... who Helped... non stop.... either, at the Sale... or at Home....
Dale F. who helped, sell.... and keep the sale rolling....
Colleen F. who helped Promote this Sale... Bless Her Heart....
{So Many... put the Word out... Thank... You! }
The Collector's Journal...{Vinton, Iowa } {Kim and Rita...}
for doing such a Beautiful...Story, on this sale....
Cindy and Tom.... for Helping with my Books... and writing receipts... oh my... Thank You!
and...Linda Goldsberry... for Helping with the sale....
and taking so Many... Beautiful... Images... {above... }
Along... with All.... Who Attended....
{I dedicate... the above tune... to Everyone... who had a 'Hand'... in this... Mountain.
We all... took it on...
Full Throttle... Wide...Open...
The Only Way... any of us... 'Know'... }
Thank You All...
Love You...All...
: )
Barb C.
{Stay Tuned... I have another Tag Sale... coming in August.... It's not like this... one.... but... it's got some... Wonderful.... Old...Old... Treasures... on it. <3 }
Hi Barb. For two weeks or more leading up to this tag sale, just about every single morning I would check your blog and FB page for new photos and Tim and I would drink coffee and pore (drool more like it) over each picture and absorb every single awesome detail. Every time we finished browsing, we would say, "Yup, Barb's right, Sale Of The Century." The strength you showed overseeing this sale is inspiring.
Awwww.... Thank You...Angie...
Yes...it was The Sale...of the Century...
oh my... : )
I was very Blessed... to be surrounded...by Angels... I....surprised myself... being able...to 'walk on'....
It was...almost...like another person... stepped in...and up... and made this all.... 'happen'... {along with Amazing... Earth Angels...}
I...am... Blessed.
Love ya... little Girl.
Barb C.
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