It seems, these days...
I keep working all the time....
but, am moving in 'Low' gear....
I locked The Ford in 4WD the other day...after loading him heavy with brush....
and, accidentally put him in 4 Low....
: )
I laughed... after I released the clutch and The Ford 'Jumped' to attention...
then dug a snails pace...
oh my....
{about snapped my neck! }
: )
Laughing out loud...stunned... The Mighty... Little Work Horse....
"Yeah... that's it....: ) The Gear... I'm in, too...Old Boy..."
oh....I'm moving.... but... the World is moving in Warp Drive....
I and the Ford... are in 4 Low.
: )
Guess...the Blessing is...
We are moving... Forward.
: )
Liz, Scarlett... and our Fiend from Wisconsin, Steven....
came out, yesterday... and helped get the Gazebo emptied....and hauled to storage....
Unloaded a trailer....
Then... came back, and worked on the trees....
oh my... there were so many broken branches....
Steven... climbed John's Beloved...Oak.... and trimmed.... : )
It looks... Amazing.
What a Beautiful...Gift.
Then...Brandon and I... got the Dancer... Fountain... going...
That was a Mess... {John's Favorite Job... he and I would do...every Spring....
{ahhhh... not so much... : ) }
I received a we were cleaning the yard, yesterday.....
I...had to sit down....
Harold... one of the Nicest... Men... I have Ever Known....
{Dwight and Junell Duwa's Clerk.....and Dear, Long Time... Friend...
'Duwa's Auction'
had suddenly Passed away....
I... am Stunned....
I'm sure... Everyone is....
He... will be Greatly... Missed.
oh my.
I remember... having so Much Fun...with Harold... : )
He and I would laugh...and carry on.....
He got the Biggest Kick...out of The Ford... and the Monster Loads...we'd Pile On!
He... was such... a Dear.... Soul.
oh my....
I keep moving forward....
Much to get done... before John's Celebration.....
oh my...
Love to you...
and Thank You...
for The Continued Prayers...
Barb C.
As we worked in storage....
Miss. Scarlett... rode the old hand made... Pedal Car....
This was something... I bid on... at The Sale of The Century....
{I bid... High... knowing I'd have commission coming....}
{seems no one else... saw it's 'Wonder'.... }
It's all hand made.... and reminded me... so much, of John...and Dad....
We'll have it at John's Celebration.... : )
I could see... John Building something like this... for himself... when he was a little boy... : )
oh my.
John's Favorite Tree...
The Old Oak....
The Kids gave him the 'Face'.... Many years ago...on Father's Day...
Liz said... she was surprised, when he placed the face on the Tree....
requiring put a few nails... in The Old Soul....
{John even hated trimming it... didn't want Anything... hurting.... the Old Oak... : ) }
When we built the House.... John made sure.... we wouldn't disturb... the Old Oak.... in any way....
Mark, stopped by...the other day....
and out of the blue... he said....
"I think.... the last thing John saw... was that Old...Oak Tree..... He gazed at it.... for a moment..... up...into the Branches....
then... his eyes rolled back..... and Barb... I really think... John.... left us... at that moment. "
oh my....
John would have Loved.... the job...Gift... Steven gave us.....
{This is what Steven does for a Living...... he is... 'Good' it.... } |
oh my..... |
This was taken in 2011.....
Harold and I...are at the far left.....
I don't remember what I said.... but he turned Bright Red!
I...LOVED to Spar...with Harold......
{He Sparred Right Back! : ) : ) : ) }
We Shared Many Laughs....
Laughter... is such a Gift.....
I Treasure... the Folks... like Harold.....
{ John...Dad...Mom.... Justin... Liz....Peg....Dwight...Jan.... Mark....Lynn....Cheryl S. Pattie....Julie...Wanda...Amy... Linda...Rosie...Cindy B. .... Cindy M..... Dale F. ....Michael and Ed... Many... Many...More....
The 'Characters'...
who have crossed my path...over the years...
on this 'Journey'.... that have given me...
The Gift...
of ...
The kind.... of Laughter....
That Leaves You....Breathless....
The Kind...
that makes you Cry! and... Utter a Word!!!
The Kind...
That makes your Stomach Hurt!!!
oh my....
{Don J. is center....Junell and Dwight Duwa, are in the back... Aletha and Renate, are far right.... }
We had just... after a Long... Long Day.... at The Auction.... got The Ford... Loaded...
{then... could barely get out the Door!
I think.... we even had to re arrange.... this LOAD... and contemplated.... letting the air out of the tires!!!!!!
oh my... : ) Good Times. }
oh my.....
: (
I, am... Stunned.
God Bless.... Harold, and His Loved Ones.....
He will be Missed. |
1 comment:
Barb-another loss in your life. Another dear friend, another dear person who filled your life with memories! I pray that I'm living the type of life that when I go people talk about me the way you talk about the ones that leave you. How they touched your life, how they enriched your life, how they shared their lives with others--what a blessing to know that kind of person, I know because I know that kind of person in you.
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