We went to see 'Alice', again, last night... Peg and Steph, Liz and Nick. and Page.... Even John went... { He had more fun throwing popcorn at Liz, than the movie...} Peg and I worked in the yard.... Alice, from 'Alice's Wonderland' in Mt Vernon, popped in, with one of her pals, and they Loved Peg's Beautiful Gourds.... We ran them down to 'Sisters' Garden', earlier, yesterday morning, Barb and Deb thought they were amazing, but Barb didn't want to be responsible for them, if they drop, they can crack! Barb was very helpful, on pricing.... Peg will never get paid for her time, she has between 30, and 40 hours in each one.... But between, Barb and Alice, we thought around 95.00 each... Alice wants one, for her store, with "Alice's Wonderland" on it... I think that would be perfect advertising! We mentioned Tommie, from 'Fuel' { one of my favoritest Coffee Shops Ever!} Her wonderful store is so artsy, they would go well there, maybe...
Justin just popped in, while he was doing a test run, on a 4 wheeler, he had been fixing, last night, he flipped it, and it appears, he may have fractured his arm... I am waiting, to get a call in, to the Doc, our wonderful family Doctor is calling in an x-ray, then I'll take him in, to see him, and figure out where to go from there... Poor Justin, is walking like his Old Mother... All stiff and sore...Ah... The fun never ends...
Barb C.
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