Fellow blogger, Jan {summer
sundays} left a comment about how many 'calls' I get, from folks with things to sell.... Well, it's true, I do get a lot of calls, many are from fellow dealers,{ friends, almost like family} who have gotten things in, that they are sure "have my name on them".... Most of the time, they are right! I think it's kind of a 'God' thing, too... I have written stories, the last year, about some of the things that have slipped through my fingers, yet ultimately, have been rested at my feet... Some would call it 'coincidence', and, maybe I would too, if these instances only occurred, a couple of times... but, it happens weekly.... I call them 'Blessings'.... I do believe in Angels.... The calls I get, are from folks with Amazing Souls... I stand, and listen to them, talk about life, and their personal journey... Oh my...Some, just want to 'get rid of'... need to get things 'in order'... Some have battled c... some have went through painful divorces, and lost the love of their life... some have lost everything, and endured the '08 flood.... some have lost a Child...a Mother, or Father... some, are just lost, within themselves.....I tear up, as I reflect, on the people who have called, thinking of me...as I see their faces, in my mind... The internal scars, the suffering.... I see so clearly, as I speak with them....and, listen to them...Seems, there is always a message, with these encounters... another person to pray for...And yet... It's always a happy time....On these calls... These folks are all SURVIVORS! So much the reason, I am so drawn to the worn things I collect... They have lived a colorful life...Loved, and abused, drop kicked through life, worked hard, serving it's purpose { and many other purposes, it was never intended for} and survived... ah... the stories... That is how folks know, who to call, when chipped, cracked, tarnished, faded, mended things come their way, they know who will find an appreciative home, for these 'Soulful' things....They may not know it, at the time... But, it takes one, to know one... They had to see good, in these old treasures, or they never would have brought this old stuff home, in the first place....Or, while reorganizing, and cleaning out, those certain little, soulful treasures spoke to them, and they couldn't stand to pitch it! This was never more evident, the day Dale F., John and I were digging through the scrap pile, and burn pile.... Dale is a very, very picky dealer... Fussy, Fussy, Fussy.... He denies it, but it's true... Only the best for Dale F.! But, as we were
scroungin' around, Dale was like a kid in a candy shop, digging things out, and searching for a glimmer of hope... He took several little treasures home, with...he had found good in... even through the fire... oh my....The parallels...
Folks say, all of the time, I "can make 'anything' look good'... I always bristle, with this compliment... I know it's meant well, but, the fact of the matter is... It was always good... I guess it just took me, to present 'it' in a loving way... I guess I should be thankful, for this gift, of putting a positive light, on things...and be Thankful, for the Folks, who call, who have rescued these wonderful treasures, and want me to turn on the light...
Barb C.
{ The gnarly stuff, pictured above, was from a call, a call from an old friend... Bob J. He called about some old porch posts... I didn't need them.... oh, but the other treasures I found in his store {3rd Street Resale...Cedar Rapids, Iowa}
Definitely had my name on them... Bob, has a very good Soul....{ my prayers are with Craig and Tracy...}
It takes a good eye to see the beauty that is already there.
They call you because their your friend & they know they can trust you. We have people bring things into the shop to sell & we treat them with respect even if it's something we can't use & suggest someone who might buy it. You just never know when someone is selling something because they have an emergency. Take care & thanks for the great post. Jan
Did you and John Get that huge guy delivered without killing yourselves?
What wonderful things you have...wish I lived in Iowa! I love the framed Madonna...do you ship? Have a wonderful day, Patricia
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