This is truly, the very best Dry Sink, I have ever owned.... Found it today, at What Cheer.... It has a single board well, that is, conservatively, 20 inches wide.... The Wonderful, Old Soul,{ ca. 1870's} is all square nailed, with beautiful hand dovetailed drawers, that retain their original, ornate, cast iron hardware.... This Dry Sink, tho the image doesn't show it, is massive... close to 6 feet long, 23 inches deep... and has a wonderful, beefy trim moulding surrounding the well... It's surface is, dry, soft white, 80 year old paint.... with original, reddish, mocha peeking through...The interior, is fascinating, with many wonderful, old tin patches.... It's clean, and structurally perfect... No 'picks', on this dear, Old Soul....My friend, Gerald, purchased it a week ago, at an Eastern Iowa auction, this is the first show it has been introduced to... It is in the Shop, and will stay there... I'm not taking it on the road.... I truly adore it.... if I were a wealthy woman, it would be in my dining room...
{ The Wonderful Old Dry Sink, Sold, Sunday afternoon...Guess it wasn't meant to be mine...It's going to one of my very favorite people, so, that softens the blow.... I needed just a little more 'bonding time', with this Old Darling...}
That is gorgeous!!!
Awesome huge oyster dry sink! Love the drawers! It won't last long! Hope you don't get too wet tomorrow!
I see what you mean. That dry sink is gorgeous! You find the coolest things! Have a wonderful day, hon!Luv~Betty
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