What a day.... Spent the morn, watering Peg's plants, { she's coming up today, and I sure don't want her to see her new off spring all wilted! Yikes!} Fellow blogger, Sharon called, {sweet repose, wild thing} her Kentucky Pals are up visiting, and shopping, after a Fabulous 'Round Top', and wanted to swing through! YEAH!!!! It was good to see them all... Theresa, also a fellow blogger { time worn interiors} is a real creative soul... Her husband, Craig, is right there with her... They are a great couple, and really share common thoughts... It was so cool, listening to them create things, in their minds... One would almost finish the others thought... A perfect pair... and so nice to visit with... I think we have similar taste in things, and they found lots of treasures! It was so wonderful seeing Sharon... I see her out and about, but we are always in a rush, to get to the next stop, that we have little time to visit... We had a wonderful time... She found a treasure, and we did a little 'horse trading', on her amazing home made soap! Sharon is talking about opening a building at her home... I so hope she does... I know I'd be a regular! I remember when she had it, years ago... Oh my gosh! It was wonderful! I could have moved right in... Sharon did! It was in the house she lives in now!!! Theresa and Craig are headed back to Kentucky, today... I wish them a safe journey... It's so great to hear how the shows are starting to pick up, folks are getting back on their feet... It's been a long haul, for all of us... I guess that's life... You trip, stumble and fall... get your knees scraped, take it on the chin... but, you stand back up, brush yourself off, thank God, for sending you on the little trip,{ and learning everlasting lessons on that journey!} thank the Angels, that reached out their hands, to help you back on your feet, and move foreword....
That's Life... Now... Go Live It!
Barb C.
Just talked to Theresa, they're in Illinois and had to stop at a station to have a tire replaced, the belt broke...whew, was that a close call!!!
Well, back to the strawberry bed..heehee...
thanks Barb!
Just talked to Theresa, they're in Illinois and had to stop at a station to have a tire replaced, the belt broke...whew, was that a close call!!!
Well, back to the strawberry bed..heehee...
thanks Barb!
Good post barb, Sharon seems to reel all the fellow bloggers down to iowa, and making sure they swing by all her friends shops before they go. A Good thing for all.
We had a great time visiting and shopping with you! I'm sure we will see you on the next trip!
Thanks TOT and Craigypoo
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