I realized this morning, what lessons I learned, in my little Store, yesterday...
1. Grand Children are the most wonderful treasure... Katie brought Baby 'J' to visit... He is a 'Melter'! {Pal, Steph, {camelot cottons} brought some of her little guy's baby clothes out, for the Babe, and the were darling! Thanks Steph!}
2. Get 'self' ready for the day, before blogging, or anything... I again got caught, jumping out of the shower, to greet 'new customers', with wet hair, and no make-up... Scary, very scary!!!
3. Fellow Bloggers are great! I had 4 wonderful folks stop by, that were referred by Bloggers, I have never met! THANK YOU!!!!
4. Standing by, what you love, and believe in. I have stayed true, to Early Country...I also love Garden, and French, goopy, beady, swaggy, things, but True Blue Country, Primitives, has always been first and foremost, even when it seemed not so desirable, to the 'magazine' crowd. These old primitives are coming back, Hard! I think folks want the 'real deal', one of a kind, part of our history, type stuff... {that will last for their lifetime, as well as their children's and grand children's} Let's bring it on!!!!
5. Community Banks. { Home town businesses, in general} Shopping with local folks...That will answer a call, and be willing to help out, when called upon... I had a long discussion, with a dear friend yesterday, and I pretty much came un-glued... {I apologized, but didn't back down...} You might save a tiny portion,{at first} going with a big business, but not so much, in the long run... Big business is all about the 'fine print', and special deals, to get you hooked... See how eager they are to visit with you, when trouble arises... You will be on the phone, with a recorded message, for hours... How much is that worth???? I like to know "who's got my back, and who's holding the knife..." Local folks know who you are, where you live, your kid's names, and are neighbors...They deserve our support, they have earned it. I don't think tripping over dollars, to pick up a dime, is good business, anyway...
6. Seeing what a blob, my body has turned into... See, this is why I never post an image of myself... I looked at that girl, riding Admiral, and was pretty impressed... I can see now, how I won the State Women's Arm Wrestling Championship, that year... I was a "Burly Girl"! Dang!
7. How painful, after seeing that image, jumping back into " Body Sculpt" with "Gilad"... Oh my GOSH!!! I used to exercise to him, every day, and could keep up... I worked out, maybe 5 minutes, ran out of wind, and feel like every joint in my body is frozen solid.... How did I let this happen? { don't worry, I am more determined than ever, to get by body back!!! no matter how excruciatingly painful....} I weigh 90 pounds more, than I did back then... That's how much my sister, Chery weighed, her entire life...90 pounds...{ I think the last time I weight 90 pounds, I was in 5th grade...} { in my defence, she was 8 inches shorter than me...} But, still, this has gotten WAY out of hand... Thank God, my husband, friends and family still love me, in this bloated mess of a package I am wrapped in now... It's time for a change....
Barb C.
{ the treasures in the image above, are in the house... I bought the 1880, signed leather, nail pouch, from my friend, John. He owns a wonderful East Amana home, and this is from the original Amana owner... The little heart shaped leather pouch,{ encases a hand made magnifying glass} also came from the same Amana home, and is also from around 1880. {LOVE THEM!} The tiny gray granitware teapot,{ gray graniteware, is my favorite!} is for sale, but I am enjoying it, today, with the little happy yellow posies!
Hi Barb!
I just saw John today in Solon at his new restaurant. I had to deliver some things to him. On my way home I stopped at Polly's in Mt. Vernon and then at Gatherings in Anamosa. Both places I would not have known about if you hadn't blogged about them. Found a couple treasures at both. Loved all the early Primatives in Gatherings. I could have lived there. :) Thank you for sharing information about them. Definetly will return to both.
Oh my gosh!!! I had no idea John was going to open another restaurant!!!! I can't wait to go!!!! Keep me posted!
I am so glad you liked the shops! They are great!
Barb C.
hey mom, you are the roughest toughest "blob" I know. I have no choice but to love you. AND I have never seen you back down to anyone, dont let Gilad be the first. You could whop him any day!
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