I'll introduce you, to my life line... My little cell... It has traveled thousands of miles, and been engaged in millions, of very important conversations.... I love it... I get teased, by everyone, at my old cell... It's 5 years old, and I dropped it in the bathroom sink, under hot water, the first day I had it... I have never replaced the battery, and is the only phone, I know of, that has a wonderful 'Rooster Crow', for a ring tone! Perfect for an Antiques dealer... People are amazed, that it is a camera phone... They say, " a phone that old, is a camera phone?" You betcha! It's kind of like everything I own... and me, myself...pretty primitive.... Well, as I was visiting with a friend, this morning, my life line totally shut down! All it said, was something about a 'sim' card, and went totally black! Oh no...oh no.... My heart sank... So I hopped in the truck, and went to visit Vernon... Vernon was referred to me, 5 years ago, by the phone store, my cell plan is through...{ when the phone they sold me, bit the dust, minutes after the short warranty had expired!} His store, is not in the wealthiest neighborhood, in Cedar Rapids, and is kind of off the beaten path... I walked in, and Vernon had a welcoming smile on his face... I told him the situation, and I didn't want a 2 or 3 hundred dollar
.phone, just one I can talk on, and not too many gadgets! He grabbed this one, out of the case, and it was a match made in Heaven! Vernon assured me, he would stand behind it, but it was a really good phone, and I shouldn't have any problems... He was so right! I reached for my check book, to pay him, then saw the sign, "cash only" Our eyes met, and he said, "I'll take your check..." I was so thankful, it would have taken me an hour, to get back, with cash! About 3 years later, my phone wouldn't charge... I thought, this could be it... a new phone... So, I ran over to see Vernon... I explained the situation, then showed him the phone... He burst out laughing! "You still have that old phone?", I was hurt, for a second... and replied, " I haven't been back to buy a new one, have I???" He looked it over, grabbed a new charger, and it took right off! I asked, "how much...{ with glee}", he said, ah 5.00. Wow, what a bargain, John had repaired my old charger, a year earlier, with an extension cord end, and it must have given up, the fix! Well, today, when my lil' pal quit, I headed straight to see Vernon... As I was pulling up, to his store, I saw a cross, in front of his place, with Teddy Bears, and all sorts of flowers and notes... I walked up, closer, and saw the sign... Vernon had died...about a week ago... My heart just sank... He was such a kind, gentle man... He was African American, and reminded me of Louis Gosset Jr. The picture of health, always a smile, even when he was very busy... He always made you feel like, he would take care of things... He did... He was a year older than me, which surprised me... I would have thought him to be at least 10 years younger... I could see, by all the Memorials, he was a loved Man, in the community... I got in the truck, and said a prayer for him... I'm gonna miss him... I sent Vernon a lot of customers... He was a good, honest, fair Man... I knew he would treat people right... and he always did... I went on, to see about my phone, at the 'strip mall', as I walked in the door, I saw the same charger, Vernon had sold me, for 5.00, there for 20.00... There were some young kids, running the store... They were very nice, but not Vernon... I asked, if anyone knew him, and what had happened, a customer, waiting, said Vernon had a heart attack.... My phone, only required a battery... After 5 years, it deserves one... I will always keep this little phone, even when it bites the dust... in Memory, of my friend, Vernon...
Barb C.
Hi Barb,
Good Friends and Good Phones are hard to come by ... You'll miss both.
Hopefully I got rid of what ever got into my site. Give it a try.
Keep Warm,
Again, you're a great storyteller. Jan
yES, STORYTELLER. Great story. When all the vernons are gone what will we have?
Oh nooo...I think I know who you are talking about...I went to his place 3 different times to get phones for my girls when theirs died before the warranty was up...He was always so nice to them...and made us comfortable in an area of town that we do not normally hea dinto...It was a reminder to me and a lesson to my girls that you can't judge someone by where they live or the color of their skin...
I had this very same phone, I still do but now my kids just play with it. They love the lights and sounds.
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