These are the morning glories, I picked up, last week... I love morning glories... They have a 'my way', of growing...They are wild, and unruly, wispy, can even get pretty gnarly...and are always reaching for the sun... I plant them all over... I mentioned, I could already see them, growing... Ah, only in my mind... I'll start them, mid to late March, inside, then put them out, when frost is no longer a worry...Sometime in April... The moon flowers are great... as the morning glories, shut their little petals, in the evening, the moon flowers, wake up, and smile... I don't have a green thumb, but the morning glories are so forgiving... They love the hot sun, and don't beg for water, all the time...We get along great... they always make me smile....
I heard a "Spring Bird', yesterday... I don't know what kind it is, I just know it's song... And I know, when he sings, spring is around the corner... It doesn't look like spring, it doesn't feel like spring, the weather man, says nothing about spring... but I know it's close.... The "Spring Bird" is promising it...
1 comment:
I love morning glories and moonflowers too. I love to plant the seeds next to the chain link fence. They cover them so well.I also heard a spring bird singing the last two mornings. Spring is definitely just around the corner and I can't wait. I feel rejuvinated when the first signs of spring pop up. I hope I hear the little bird singing again this morning. It will make my day! (((HUGS))) Luv~Betty G
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