Sunday, February 28, 2010
Fresh Flora... and Blue Birds... Spring...
I always think of Sarah...
Gnarly Vintage Cherub Lamp....
A Bowl Full of 'This and That'
Ahhh... Gerber Daisy...
Early Iowa Cradle...
Darling Little Tote...
Gnarly Old Pin Cushions...
Little bowl...
A Beautiful Day!
I had intended on spring cleaning, at the Shop today... It started out well... but then had lots of folks, pop in! {they all stepped around my 'shop vac', unscathed!} What a fun group! It was sunny and warm, in the green house, and we all soaked it in! Lots of stuff went out the door, and some, I had intended to show you, but now have found other homes.... I finally got everything vacuumed up, around 6, this evening... then I snapped a few images, for you... I am gone tomorrow, on a buying trip, and hope to come home with a heavy load! I'll keep ya posted... I am pooped out, so, I'll see ya tomorrow!
Barb C.
Grant Wood...
Busy, Busy!
I am sooo sorry, No pics yet! I was runnin' every which way, yesterday, had to get wax, for projects, in Marion, at Antiques of Marion, to be exact, then of course, in a rush, ran through Marion Mercantile, and Antiques Avenue... I ran out of time, so I missed, Park Place, and Remember When! Next trip! Had a great time, visiting with everyone, like I was on 'fast foreword', but had to get home... Dale popped in, and a wonderful new customer, Randy... He and I really hit it off! We love so many of the same things! {Thanks to 'Smokehouse' and Fern Hill, for sending him my way!} I had a wonderful treat, last night.... a date, with my favorite man.... Baby 'J'.... Justin called, and asked if I would sit, for the little man.... Oh my... He is so wonderful! The kids really need some together time, and Kate, needs to get out, and have a little fun, too! He is teething, so I didn't get a pic of him... I wanted to let him sleep, and was afraid the flash would wake him... Then when he woke up, he was pretty fussy, and wanted to just be held...{ and I loved every minute of it!} I told the kids, I'd be over this week, to get some pictures! He is growing, like a bad weed... What a sweetie....{ I told Liam, Steph's little boy, he is growing like a 'bad weed', Liam looked at me, and smiled, " like a 'good' weed", he said... So, yes, the boys are growing like "good weeds"... Gotta love 'em.
Pics tonight! {promise!}
Barb C...
I have some neat stuff in, that I'm having lots of fun with! {you'll see!}
Saturday, February 27, 2010
On the Go!
Seems like when things start rollin', it's like a steam roller! I'm working in the Shop, this afternoon, but have lots of running, and it's getting late! I'll have lots of images for you, this eve, but for now!
Barb C.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Vernon... The "Cell Phone Man"
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ahhh... Old Cupboards....
'til next time,
Barb C.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
'One' of the Boxful's, I found Yesterday!
I have posted the contents, of one box, I gathered yesterday... John is waiting for me, to come help... So, I don't have time to post, all of the sweet Iowa Treasures, gathered yesterday, in Iowa City!
See Ya Soon!
Barb C.
The Little Old Truck...
Butter Stamp!
A 1/2 Bushel Basket...
Old Tin, Painted White, Megaphone...
The 48 Star Flag
Young Violinist....
Huge Ball of String...
The 1869 Letter...
An Iowa City Run!
Took a run, into Iowa City, Yesterday! Found some fun Stuff!!! My last stop was at Artifacts, I sure do like the owner, Todd... He really knows his stuff, and is just fun to visit with! The Shop was full, of all sorts of treasures! It was a treat! Daughter, Liz, is re-doing her home, and was looking for a desk, she has gotten away from the '60's modern, and leaned more cottage... But the truth is, she loves a lot of different styles, and that's who Liz is... So while I was shopping, yesterday, I ran across an old '60's 'study desk', it's that 'blond' color, with 3 tall sides, has long square tapered legs... it had good form, and I thought it would be very cool, in her 'makeover'! I leaned over, to see the price... it was 2.00... I thought, for 2.00, if she didn't like it, we could use the legs, for something... I found her a super comfortable school chair, from the 40's, in excellent condition, for 3.00... It was a great set, for 5.00! I took it over, to her house, last night, and she and Nick, carried it in... It was perfect! Liz will have lots of images, on her blog, as she goes {liz lemon aid} { some folks have had a difficult time, finding her blog, if you do, go to who I'm following, and click on 'liz lemon aid'. Liz decorates with all sorts of things... art glass, vintage tarnished silver, 1/2 round oak table, with the most wonderful pedestal, she painted it an off white, and it is darling... she uses 2 upholstered boudoir chairs, from the 40's, for dining chairs... Liz has paper covered dress forms, she painted, and displays all sorts of stuff, on them, a mid 1800's black Jelly Cupboard, for storage, and lots of Nick's original art work...{ he is very talented... I love his work!!!} She has a huge vintage fiber glass grey hound, from a department store,{ from our coolest friend, Gail H.} perched up high, on the back of a wall she created, to make a divider, in her former bedroom, now living room! It is Sooo cool! She still has lots of painting, and decorating, to do...but it is really taking shape! Tho, her house is only 440 sq. feet on the main floor, { she has a full basement, that is now the bedroom, and shower room} she hasn't tried to use 'scaled down' furniture... If anything, it's all on the large size... It works! and makes the house seem bigger! The little house has very high ceilings, and that really helps! Her guy, Nick, has jumped right in, to help, and I think he is having fun, too! I will be helping John today, finish up some projects, I totally annihilated his shop, Sunday, when I brought in a huge load of primitives...{ sorta 'dumped' in...} EEEK!!!! { I'm always in trouble....} I'd better getta' goin'...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Rose Marie...Happy 90th!!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
In June... I'll be "Gone with the Wind..."
The 'Big Easy'!!!!
As I was watching the snow fall, yesterday, and dreaming of Nashville, {Heart of Country is going on now...} and thinking how good it was, for my soul, to head South, and even tho, it was the hardest Show to do, just being in the Opryland Hotel, for a week, during the Show, bridged my spirit, so these old Iowa winter's didn't seem quite so long.. The phone rang... It was my Pal, Allyson... We visited for a while, and talked about the trip, she invited me on, last summer, to North Carolina... {she's getting pretty tired of winter, too} She said, " How would you like to go with me, this summer, to New Orleans?" she said, "we'll take the Mississippi, all the way, and Antique, on the river... stop in Memphis, eat some great BBQ, and have some fun!" I couldn't believe it.... As my pal 'Sponge Bob' would say, I'M READY!!! I have always wanted to go to New Orleans... Always... I was hoping, 5 years ago, John and I could go... I was saving my pennies, we have never had a vacation, all we do is work... I was going to surprise him... Liz graduated, that year, and I thought, she could take care of the critters, and we'll go! I didn't tell anyone, about the surprise, and kept working, and saving... Then, in May, of that year, Liz came rushing through the door, she said 3 of her friends, that were graduating too, wanted to take a trip, just the 4 of them, to New Orleans... And could she borrow some money, so she could go...
So, of course, I gave her the money, and would gladly do it all over again... I can't think of a better age, to see New Orleans, than 18... Liz got to see it, before Katrina.... She'll have those memories, forever...And I got to see it, through her eyes...
I can't thank Allyson, enough, for this gift... I could never have managed this, myself... Work, work, work...I'll still be working my tail off, just to be able to leave, for a week, in June... But I can start dreaming about our trip, now! Snow schmow! June will be here soon, and I can't wait, to see the South... I love the South! If anyone has any great ideas, for us to go, or great places to eat, and Antique, let me know!
Barb C.
{ I did discuss this with John... I think he was relieved....Happy to see me go... I always wanted us to see New Orleans together... When I told him this, he was pretty o.k., with staying home...{ and me not torturing him, to see all the sites...He's not much, into travelling... never has.... I am so blessed, to be with someone, who will let me fly... He's a good Man...}
Friday, February 19, 2010
Mine, and Ed's Cupboard...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
An Iowa Treasure...
A Late Night....
The day flew by, and mine really didn't get going, til late in the day... Had a darling couple call, and ask if I could be here, after hours... Sure! I mean it, when I say, I never mind being open late... I live here.... That little shop, really is an extension, of my home, I've come to realize... My customers, knew it , before I did... More and more, over the last few years, and especially during 'Sale' time, people would describe things to me, while I was running back and forth, that is in my "little house", I would stop, and think...'little house'? what, where, "oh, you mean the shop..." Guess I never really thought about it, that way... I just subconsciously, 'made' it, that way... I guess it really is, like a little house... And what is your home, a reflection of your own, knowing that... I really need therapy ....oh my....
While the cute couple was shopping, I continued taking 'Christmas' down... leaving all sorts of empty holes... I can't wait to fill 'em up!
I really enjoyed the couple... They are young, and just bought a big old house, and are filling it up, with antiques... They truly have a vision...I could feel, they have old souls, just like mine... As we were going through quilts, I just got lost in them... Stacey saw this... I just slip into another world... while running my hands over the beautiful stitching... and fabrics... She said, "you act like you really would be sad to sell it", "no", I said.... The thing is, I only buy what I love... what I would gladly keep, myself....and quilts, really touch my soul... Stacey bought the wonderful old Crazy Quilt, she, like myself, fell in love with it... Now it will have a wonderful new home, and be proudly displayed, on her wall.... They are truly works of art...
I have a busy day today, so I better get goin'...
Barb C.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
For Janet...
I had a wonderful visit, yesterday, with my Pal, Janet... She encouraged me, to put my own image on the blog, instead of the gnarly statue, I have at the store... I always torture people, about putting their photo on, and always get them captured, one way, or the other... And, I think they are all beautiful... But... When it comes time, to put my own on...forget it.... Well, here I am... what you see, is what you get! I'm hoping, and trying, for a much slimmer version... Don't hold your breath...What you see, may be the best I can be...
I love Janet... she calls it, just the way she see's it... and I respect her, for her honesty... Another reason, I love this business so... If I didn't do Gold Rush, in Rochester, MN. our paths may have never crossed...
See ya soon, Janet... May will be here, before we know it! { hope we can hook up, before!}
Barb C.
{ I have added all of our show dates, to the calender of events, it's not too pretty, everything is double spacing... I even called my pal Sharon, {sweet repose} for help, we both scratched our heads... Well, it's in black and white, and you'll get the info, no matter how it looks!}
{ I had a better pic, but there was a roll of shredded up t.p. on the stove,behind me, that the cat destroyed... grrr....} {don't ask why it was on the stove....}
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Early Pie Safe... Can You Tell?
It's Coming Together....
I ran down to John's shop, yesterday, and we worked on a couple of projects... They are looking pretty darned cool! He is getting so good at repairs.... The problem is... I want to keep everything he is working on... Dang! John did auto body work, for years... and has the patience of Job... Me, ah, not so much... I have vision... I see things, in my mind, that most folks don't see any hope for, and know how it will be, when done... I can tell you how to get it there, and, sometimes, like when setting a booth, or doing displays, I can do it myself... But when building, or doing major repairs... I can tell you how to get there, relay my vision, but have no patience... Thank God, John does.... I have many images I'll be sharing with you... And singing John's praises...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Liz's House...{Liz-Lemon-Aid }
I just looked at my daughter, Liz's little house...{on her blog, {liz-lemon-aid} She is doing so much, with it!!!! She bought it, 3 years ago... and it is darling. It's a tiny little stucco house, 440 sq. feet... Situated on a huge corner lot, in a wonderful neighborhood... The little house was built in 1920, and has darling little dormers.... It looks like a Gingerbread House... On the main floor, it has 4 equal sized rooms... a kitchen, living room{now dining room} bedroom { now living room} and bathroom, with a darling little staircase, off the bathroom, leading to the attic! It also has a full basement, with a shower... She is in the middle of re-doing the basement, for a large bedroom...She is re-doing the wood floors, and repainting... Liz has transformed this little house, several times, since she bought it...I think, searching for her style, and the little house's style... She always asks for my help... but... I know, she has to make it her way... Liz has a great eye, and she has learned so much, by all of the re-do's! I have given her things, that she likes, she works all the time, and is on a budget, so I'll help her, that way... but this is her journey...and I am loving it!!! I hope she keeps taking pics, as she goes... She posted, and didn't really intend on showing the house.... but I want to see what she does!!!! I am so excited!{ check it out!}
Barb C.
Gnarly Volunteer!
Hope...for Spring...
A New Day...
Whew.... Spent the weekend, in a basket.... I have no tears left, and my eyes feel like they are full of sand.... Dad wouldn't want me to feel this way... It would break his heart, so I'm up, brushing myself off, and moving foreword... I don't know why, things were so hard, this year... I think, for the last 10 years, during this Valentines time, I have either been in Nashville, doing Heart of Country, or scrambling, getting ready to go... No time to think, or be sad...Guess my heart was making up, for lost time...
I called my friend, Patty,{fern hill} on Friday, we both needed an escape, and my pal, Barb H., had mentioned a 'Garden Show', in Des Moines, so I asked Patty if she would like to make a day of it, and she was game! We had a wonderful day. Ran into Barb H. {sisters garden} Had a great visit, but the Garden Show, left a lot to be desired... at least for us... It was more of a 'Home Builder's' show... We wanted to see flowers, and antique garden junk! We had a great time, tho... A wonderful lunch, and some antiquing! Lot's of good conversation.... Steph is re-working 'Fern Hill', and I can't wait to see what it looks like!
I have been gathering lots of stuff, but, still need more... Lots of shows, on the horizon, and I need to find some cool stuff, to get me excited!
Well, better take on the day!
Hope you have a Great Day, too....
Barb C.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
My Valentine....
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Marion Conner...My Dad...
Me and My Dad...
A Tribute to my Dad....
It was 23 years ago today, I lost my Dad.... I had seen him, the afternoon before he passed away, and brought him his lunch... We had a quick visit, and as I was backing away, and he, walking away, with the Valentines cake, I had made for him, he turned around, and looked at me... Just stood there for a moment... I looked at him, and said to my Mom, " I wonder, does he want me to go back?", but then he turned away, and started walking down the hill... That was the last time, I saw him alive... He died, at 7:30, the next morning.... Alone... He was involved in a fire, in the night, and worked so hard, to get it out, He collapsed on the ground, when they found him, he was alive, but had hypothermia... I wasn't notified, until 7:00 a.m., when his doctor called, and assured me he was fine, and was laughing and talking to her, and for once, his blood pressure was normal... I told her, I was on my way, and began getting the baby ready, so I could get to the hospital, as I was walking out the door, at 7:30, the phone rang... It was his doctor... She said things had changed drastically for the worse... I thought, in an instant, if I ask the very worst..." Is he dead?", she would say, " no, he's had a stroke"...{ Dad had unbelievably high blood pressure} So I asked her the worst, her reply was, "Yes, he is".... With Justin in his carrier, by my feet, I dropped to my knees... Inconsolable, would put it mildly... I had just lost my best friend in the World...The one who loved me, totally, unconditionally... And, he had been all alone... My heart was broken...shattered.... I drove to my Mom's house, and broke the news to her... We were lost souls...In a debilitating shock... Then I called all of the family... and went to my Dad's side... I sat down, next to his body, looked at his face, still covered in soot, from the fire, he looked so peaceful...Like he was sleeping... I ran my fingers through his hair... and at that very instant, could feel, he was really gone... and wept... And told him how very sorry I was, for not being there for him... Just to hold his hand... I was first on the emergency list, at the hospital... but they never called...{ Dad had been there for 5 hours} God must have known, I couldn't have taken, watching him slip away... I am the youngest, by many, many years, but I handled all the services... I was 22... Dad and I talked about everything... I remember how much he loved the movie, "Once Upon a Time in the West" and "Doctor Zhivago" The music, he said was the most beautiful music, he had ever heard... I couldn't find the music for "Once upon a Time in the West", but I had the pianist play Some Where My Love 'Lara's Theme', from Doctor Zhivago, over and over....{ nobody said a word} This song is so fitting... someday, we'll meet again, some day, whenever the spring breaks through... In those days, you couldn't do all of the 'special' things you can do today... I remember the song, that was going through my clouded mind, for weeks after he passed away... The Skeeter Davis song... " The End of the World".... I truly couldn't understand, why does the sun go on shining, why does the sea, rush to shore...don't they know, it's the end of the world, 'cause you don't love me, anymore... Don't they know it's the end of the World... It ended when you said.... Good bye... I, to this day, don't know how I made through, those dark, dark days... When Dad died, I thought the whole World should stop turning...And I was angry, that it didn't... I asked John, go to the scene of the fire, and salvage what he could... I just couldn't bear to go, and for years, after, couldn't go near, where the fire had been... John said there was nothing left, but the weirdest thing... Half of a heart shaped cake... It was sitting in the middle of the burned out building, untouched.... just sitting there... John didn't know, I had baked that for Dad, and taken it to him, the day before.... I miss my Dad, everyday of my life... Sometimes, I am sure, he is right here with me... The 13th of February, and especially,when it's a Friday the 13th, is very hard for me...I am so thankful, I have my faith, and God's promises... I don't know how I could have moved foreword, without Him... I know we will be together again...
Barb C.
Friday, February 12, 2010
That's Life...
I like Sinatra... I Love this song... I can relate, whole heartedly! Made my apologies, to John, yesterday, for shaking my finger at him, and the truck dealer... I fixed him a nice supper,{ John, not the dealer... if he never sees me again, it'll be too soon...} and there is peace in the house... I have folks coming, early this morn, I am up early, so I can go down and shovel... Yep, more snow... I think we are getting pretty used to it.... I bought some morning glory seeds, yesterday, and can already see them, climbing the old iron Cemetery Entrance, I have at the shop... One is called 'Scarlett O'Hara', and it will be stunning.... I have to get a new memory card, I'll have images later!
Barb C.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Park & Tilford Cigar display?
Keokuk Transferware...
A Crazy Day!
Had lots of business to attend to, yesterday... Some very frustrating... I was a 'thorn' to a couple of guys, my hubby, being one of them... A truck dealer, the other... I left both of them scratching their heads....literally... When I do business, I have fun, laugh and visit... But business, is business. I believe in a straight foreword, honest stance...If I love it, I love it... If it's too much, no matter how much I love it, I walk... Period. Not that the piece may be worth it... I would never insult someone, by saying they are asking too much, or what they have to offer isn't worth it... I know what the bottom line is for me...{ no matter how much I may want it} Ultimately, the truck was purchased, for the amount we are limited to... The dealer, I am sure, thought I was a real snot... My husband, after I left, probably made it clear, his opinion was well founded...Oh well... I hate it, when it comes down to the wire... In my life, I have heard every 'sales tactic' imaginable... let it go... Just the facts... Just the facts... That's all we need. You either can, or can't... { in almost 30 years, I have never gotten involved in John's deals... I just couldn't step aside, on this one...Fair is fair....}
I was pretty hot, by the time we were done, so headed down to see Charlie, in southern Iowa... Fumed and vented, and he whole heartedly agreed with me...{ about buying what you can afford, and not being in a big rush!} See, that's what friends are for!
Peg is sick, so she won't be coming up this weekend! Yeah! She would have had a fit, that some of the Christmas is still up! Charlie and I headed further south, and did some antiquing, then had a great dinner... By the time we had finished shopping, I was cooled off... Antiquing is truly the best therapy! I found some fun stuff, a big bunch of very gnarly old, old umbrellas, a wonderful transferware plate, from Keokuk, Iowa, and all sorts of dibby dabby's! Charlie had some fun stuff, at his place too... As I was dropping him off, he handed me the coolest old pail, and said he thought of me, when he found it, digging in an old barn! I love it, and will keep it, with the birds nests, he always saves for me....
I didn't even hardly talk to John, last night, so I am going to now... I didn't mean to step on his toes, however, I couldn't take one more minute of the haggling... The price was escalating, and the dealer wasn't budging... Bottom line, is the bottom line... business, is business... I guess I really am, like the girl, in "True Grit"...
Barb C.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I am now a twitter-er... I don't quite get it, but kind of... I am following some interesting people, and shops...another world.. I have lots of errands to run today, and can maybe squeeze in a little fun! Hope I can get out of the drive... We have had several inches of snow, and the truck is covered...{even tho, I went out yesterday afternoon, and cleaned it all off...} Peg is coming up, at the end of the week, and I must get all the Christmas out, before she gets here... {she will have a fit!} I have a lot of it packed in totes, but the days I have had set aside, for taking it down, I have had customers, too... It's hard to work, and re-do, when folks need my attention... I could go down, and have it done, in one evening, but, my energy isn't flowing, yet... I'll be like Scarlett, and work on it tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is, another day....Peg's right... February is a tuff month...
Happy Trails!
Barb C.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hand Made Butter Stamps
Butter Mold
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