: )
February...has been quite a ride, so far.
It's always such a bittersweet month.
Lost my Dad, on February 13th, 1987.
The day before Valentine's Day.
I miss him. <3
I've been keeping, fairly...busy.
That's a Good Thing.
: )
Had a great time, at The Rock Island Show...that Friend, Tammy Mendoza promotes.
She, and her...Family, are so Wonderful.
Pal, Mark...helped, and shared a booth with me.
I scaled very little, at that Event.
Sometimes, the can do, is...the can do.
; )
I truly...enjoyed, the smaller set up. doesn't pay the bills.
Hopefully, I'll have more 'Go' year. : )
It was a Great Show, for Folks!
Met some Wonderful...People, at Rock Island. <3
Two Ladies followed me, as I was getting a, as I strolled.
: )
They stopped me, and asked me if they could buy my apron, they Liked It.
{I, decided at the last minute, that wear that apron. I Love...that apron. Bought it from my Friend, Linda....several years ago, at her Store, in Racine, MN.
I...wasn't ready to part with it. : )
It, hangs, along other, Favorite Apron, from Pal's Lynn and Lea, on the our Bedroom.}
The Ladies, looked pretty disappointed when I told them, I liked my apron...too.
When I asked them what they liked so....about it, they told me it was advertising their
Great Grandfather's Business.
oh dear.
Needless to say, I went home 'Apronless', that evening, from Rock Island.
: )
They are from North, Central...Iowa.
I, bought the Minnesota.
Wore it...last minute, to a Rock Island, Illinois....
where, two Great Granddaughters, of the Original Owner...saw me, wearing it.
: )
That's how this 'Old' Stuff....finds it's way.
: )
I, could tell you story, after...story, that I've been Blessed to be a part of, and witness, first hand...
how these 'Old Souls'...find their way, to where they're supposed to be. <3
I only took 6 totes of smalls, to Rock Island.
I, also...took the Amazing, Vintage Rugs.
That's It.
Half, of Mark's Van.
Not...the Fuso, and second Truck.
The Ford...has been down, with a Blown Transmission, since last November.
Just got him back. <3
That, set me back.
He's worth...Every Nickle!
February, just isn't a good time of the year, to be 'set back'.
Oh well...
It is...what it Is.
: )
We'll manage.
I was Lost... without The Ford.
He's a Mighty...Mighty...Little Workhorse!
If you've followed this blog, for any time, you Know...what a Workhorse...
that little Mighty Ford, is. <3
We've had Big Snow, seems...every other day.
: )
I, afraid to admit it...but, I really...kind of like it.
I, don't like the accidents, that are happening.
Mark, got stuck in our drive...when he brought my stuff home, from the show.
Brandon, and I were trying to dig him out...and...I nearly got tossed in the snowbank, when more Traction, in reverse, than I expected!
Where's a Camera Man...when Ya Need One!
The Neighbor, from across the highway, at EIB, must have seen The Circus, and came right over, and Cleared Out The Drive!
Bless His Heart!!!
I ventured out...last week, and visited two....Wonderful Stores.
{As I've said...for Years...There are Many, in our area! }
The first stop, was in West Branch.
Friend, Jacey...owns it.
Had such a Great Time...visiting her.
She's a Gem.
found this Darling...little Chair, and some other...Darling...little Treasures.
oh my.
Below, are a few images...of 'A Beautiful Purpose'
Then... The Ford and I...
headed to Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
Polly Ann's.
She's such a Gift.
Her Store, is also...Wonderful!
I found the Old Sleepy Eye, pitcher...on her front porch.
It's older than dirt...and, lost his handle...somewhere, along the 'Journey'.
oh my. bring 'im Home.
He'll 'Hold'...something, for me...
maybe...a bunch of Lilacs, when Spring...decides to come.

Polly, is a Dear.
It was Great, spending a little time with her, and checking out her Massive Store!
oh my.
Below, are a few images of Polly Ann's.
Mt. Vernon, like West Branch, have Many...Wonderful Stores.
They are both, Historic Towns...and have Charm, Galore!
Love...the Flannels Polly Creates!
She, gave me The Anamosa Show.
Love It!!! <3
I got a late start, the other day, when I visited Jacey, and Polly.
I'm gonna have to get Movin'...earlier, so I can visit, more Friends.
I'm trying to make my the rabbit hole.
The Girls, have really Inspired me, by their Lovely...Stores.
It's difficult, it seems...these days. a tuff month.
I, Miss... my Peg...who created the little Gourd, below...for me...several years ago.
February, is kind of tuff.
John's always....always, on my mind.
It'll be 5 years....this Spring.
I get so frustrated, with myself.
I...feel, most I'm letting him down.
: (
Dad, and Peg...too.
I've...gotta find my feet.
I've got to start writing, again.
It's so difficult, not...because, I can't.
It's for the same reason... I don't get out, so much...and visit Friends.
I, have little to share....that's happy, and positive.
Everyone...has enough darkness in their lives.
They, don't need my shade, too.
John cut these Hearts, out of the Old...Tin, he used to cover furniture in.
He put our initials in them.
He...Truly Artist.
<3 <3 <3
The above picture... is me...and Dad.
<3 <3 <3
oh my.
I've got to pull myself up...out of this.
February... is kinda tuff.
Mom's Birthday, is the 21st.
She'd have been 99, this year.
She's been gone, nearly 5 years too.
They'd all be Yellin' at Me!!!
Get Up!!!
{Kinda like Peg...did, when she Ordered me Up Those Stairs!!! : ) <3 }
As I process, and...process...
I understand, how I was given a Chance, to Live...
after that fall.
I, need to get going...there must be a reason. <3
Something...I'm supposed to do.
I, have to find my feet. : )
Me, and Miss. Scarlett.
She comes to visit, now and then.
<3 slippin' away.
They...Grow fast.
I bought a GoPro Camera, the other day.
I think it'll come in handy, for the rabbit hole.
I'd like to start doing some videos, of 'The Journey', around here.
Scarlett is helping me figure it out. <3
{She knows how to use these devices...Far Better, than I do. : ) }
Well, I'm gonna grab some lunch...and, get moving.
Love to You All.
Barb C.
1 comment:
<3 <3 <3 What a blessing you are dear Barb... a true light in a dark world... <3 <3 <3
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