Sunday, February 24, 2019
TAG SALE!!! Down...the Rabbit Hole.
I've been puttin' it off.
: )
Just Set The Dates
My Own...
Tag Sale.
Down the Rabbit Hole.
Down the Rabbit Hole.
MARCH 23, 24.
and the following weekend.
March 30, and 31.
9 'til 6... Daily.
101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa.
Since the IDOT, is taking so much...
I've got to Make Some Room.
Gonna let a Lot...Go, that had never been offered before.
I'm going to be pricing things...
to Sell...
Shop won't be Open...until March 23rd.
I'll be Resetting, the week of the 25th, for the following Weekend.
Two Weekends, of Sale Time.
With the IDOT Construction, on Highway 151, over the next two years...
I'm not going to be able to have The Memorial Day Weekend Sales, or...
Labor Day Weekend Sales.
for at least...2 years. possibly...3.
No...Big Events,
until The Highway, and Bridge completed.
This...has been a Difficult decision to make.
I've Finally... wrapped my mind around it, looking at this situation...
like I do, when walking someone else's 'Tag Sale'...that we Conduct.
It's the only...way I can.
: )
There will be BIG DEALS!!!
It's Gotta Go!!!
I'm Pretty Good, at Making That...Happen!
I'll be posting images, as I Prepare.
Stay Tuned! ya.
Barb C.
Winter's Sun...
I haven't poked my nose...out the door, today.
: )
The Howling!
Blizzard Warnings....North, and West...of us.
I can Feel...the Cold Wind, Blowing...through the House.
The Windows, are rattling, so are the doors.
That...takes a Lot...of Wind.
Our Pretty Tight!
When you can hear...the Wind...Whistling, through the Bare Branches, of the Trees....
ya Know, it's stay inside. : )
I, don't like the Wind.
It's so...unsettling.
I noticed, as I was walking through the house, this morning...
trying to get to the coffee pot...
how the Sun, was shinning through the picture window...
in Spite,
of....the Wind.
: )
It felt so Warm. : )
I loved the way it seemed to caress the Old...'Junk Yard', on the Sideboard.
I, myself...
how Wonderful, The Winter Sun, is.
I...realized, that I appreciate it, so much more,
than during the other Seasons.
: )
Somehow, it seems to, from the inside...out.
It's difficult, to put into words.
I've collected the Old...'Junk Yard', treasures...
for, decades.
The 'Misfits'...: )
things...that, at one time....were Loved, dearly.
sadly, were lost, and forgotten.
They, are Such...Soulful, things. : )
like, The Winter's Sun...
they, too...
Warm me, from the inside...out.
they...make me Smile.
Priceless. ya.
Barb C.
Friday, February 22, 2019
February 21st., was Mom's Birthday.
She would've been 99.
She passed away, nearly 5 years ago.
Mom, and John...were in the hospital, the same time.
John, had no more than gotten out of the ICU, after his brain surgery....
Mom, was brought in.
I remember, going back and be with each of them, and give reports, about each other, to them.
I, sounds Crazy...
but, they'd make each other Laugh....through my messages, to them.
: )
oh my.
: )
Mom, had such a Wonderful...Laugh!
: )
She'd say the Funniest Things!
John's...dry, Sense of Humor...would Crack Her Up!!!
Mom, so enjoyed life.
Tho, it was often...Ruff.
Her health, wasn't good, for so many years.
she'd always offer to come help me, saying...I was working too hard.
Mom, was totally blind, and wheelchair bound, but... she was Always Willing, to Come Help!!!
<3 <3 <3
I told her, to be careful...with her Offers!
I might just take her up on them!!!
Mom was 48, in the above picture.
She was so Beautiful. <3
She was 43, when she had me.
We lived in a 10x50 Trailer, on some land...she and Dad bought...near Toddville, Iowa, when I was born.
In that tiny trailer...
lived Mom, Dad, Granddad, Sister... Merry Jo, Brother..Larry, his new Wife, Susan...
and...soon, their new Daughter, Ellen....
: )
I, never remembered it being crowded.
I, do...remember, it being pretty great.
: )
We had Horses, Ponies...Chickens, Geese...Ducks...Dogs...a Pond, with Fish, a Jersey Cow,
a Monkey, named Sammy. : )
oh my. : ) <3
Sammy, was a Pistol.
Dad, found a Home for him... when I was about 3.
He wasn't mean... just Very, Mischievous.
Tho, I don't know...for a fact, I think Mom...put her foot down, with Dad, after one too many of Sammy's Shenanigans. : )
The above picture of Mom, was taken when I was about 2.
The Horse's name...was 'Mister'.
Mom, didn't ride as often as us Kids did.
She Loved...all of The Critters.
She grew up on a Farm, near Garner, Iowa...and, later....on a Farm, near Mason City.
Mom, stood a little over 5 feet tall, and was like Dynamite.
: )
She, was a Whirlwind!
She, had a Heart of Gold...but, oh dear...
She wasn't one to back down, from Anything. <3
My two Sisters, on my Mom's side...
{I was an only child, between Mom, and Dad.
They each had one Son, and two Daughters...
before they had me. }
Chery, and Merry Jo...were, also...a little over 5 feet tall.
5'1, and 5'2.
I, was like the Jolly Green Giant, standing with them.
Trust Me, I Learned...
'Dynamite Comes in Small Packages'!
I, never 'Crossed'...any of 'em!
Frankly, I never needed to.
Merry Jo, and I...went a round, or two...a few times.
She's 8 years older than me.
Chery, was 21 years older than me...and, was Truly, my Best Friend, after I grew up.
We Much, Wonderful...Time, together.
She passed away, in 2003.
She, and Peg...were So Much Alike!
I, often told Peg... how much she reminded me of Chery.
I, remember...having to tell Mom, about Chery's passing.
It, was three days before Christmas.
It was one the most difficult things, I've ever had to do.
Breaking... my Mother's Heart.
Me, Mom...and Dad.
<3 <3 <3
Mom and Dad... divorced when I was 5.
They Loved...Each Other, So.
<3 <3 <3
They lived together, more often than not.
They never saw anyone else.
: )
There were times, they simply...couldn't get along.
Couldn't get along...with, each other.
Couldn't get along...without, each other.
They, Truly...Loved each other.
Mom, and me.
I, <3
I, couldn't live with her...when I was a Teen.
Moved out, on my own...when I was 15.
We, were always....always, 'Close'.
but, I...had to have my space.
When Dad passed away, so suddenly...
I spent much more time with Mom.
Her health, hadn't been good...for several years.
Dad, worried over
We, all did.
Dad, was so active, we thought sure...he'd outlive Mom.
I don't know how...Dad, could've survived, had Mom went first.
I, remember... the hospital visit, with Mom...the Christmas...just before She left us.
I was sitting beside her...talking to her, looked up...just, behind her....and saw my Dad, standing behind her hospital bed.
I, was stunned...for a moment, because...I...couldn't quite believe, what I was seeing.
He was very transparent, and had his hand...on Mom's shoulder...Lovingly...gazing at her face.
I...didn't say anything, to Mom.
She, was so afraid...and, so ill.
When she was in the ICU, a few short...months, later...
something...was different.
Mom, wasn't afraid...anymore.
I, knew...she was ready to go 'Home'.
I, stayed with her...for two days, in her room, and visiting John, while she slept.
We talked...about a lot of things.
: )
We sang...songs, together. : )
She...could a Bird. <3 <3 <3
I, also...told her, about seeing Dad, a few months earlier.
She was So Hear That!
On the the third evening, I told her...I was going to go home...
and check on the Hounds, and I'd be back, soon.
When I walked in the house...20 minutes later,
my phone rang.
It was Mom's Nurse.
Mom...had passed away.
I, think...Mom waited, until I was gone.
I...really, do.
<3 <3 <3
Above, is Chery's Husband, Jim.
He...also, sings like a Bird.
: )
This was taken at Mom's Celebration of Life, our Home.
I asked sing 'Yellow Bird', for Mom.
She Loved Hearing Jim...Sing This!
I was taking pictures, as Jim...sang.
Mom's Ashes, are beside the Big Bouquet of Roses...over Jim's right shoulder.
{Mom's 'Rose'. <3 }
As he began to sing...
a Ray...of Sunshine...
Lit Up The Bouquet...
like...I'd Never Seen, before!!!
<3 <3 <3
It reminded me, of a song... Mom and Dad, Loved...So.
'In The Middle of a Dark, Dark...Night'.
I'll post, both of those tunes...above.
It was like...Mom was telling us...
" Good."
<3 <3 <3
I, always tell Folks, about 'Winks'.
I, know...some, probably think...I'm crazy.
: )
I, simply...know, our Loved Ones...are closer than we know.
They send us...little winks, if we pay attention...they're....there.
: )
I, Believe... God...sends us, these Gifts, to help us through difficult times.
Happy Birthday, Mom.
<3 <3 <3 ya,
Barb C.
{I hate to keep going Tammy Wynette, but...the Top Tune, is...So, my Mom, and Dad. <3
I was very Blessed, through Everything....
They Held On, to each other. <3 }
{I hate to keep going Tammy Wynette, but...the Top Tune, is...So, my Mom, and Dad. <3
I was very Blessed, through Everything....
They Held On, to each other. <3 }
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
If Walls...could talk.
If Walls...could talk.
With these 'Snow Days'....that, everyone....seems to be so tired of, I....
actually, find myself...loving them.
Maybe, it's because....they give me an excuse, for doing absolutely nothing, and...
not feeling any guilt, about it.
I looked through pictures, this I was trying to decide what to write about, this Evening.
It makes me a little sad, because...not many years ago.....
instead of looking back, I would've been Bouncin' Through...this Beautiful Snow, and have images to share...
that...are as Fresh, as the Sparkling Beauty, that fell...last night.
The images I chose, are of our Home.
The Walls.
We've had some...Very....Happy Times, here.
: )
My mind, this Evening...goes what The Walls heard, about 5 years ago.
It was the very first night, I slept here...within these walls, without John.
He'd slept...many, many...nights, without
I'm on the much, with my wares.
Des Moines.
Many other, Events, here and there...for days.
I...know, John kinda enjoyed...having The House to himself, while I was away.
: )
I, also...know, he Missed me, when I was gone...a little too long. : ) <3
I was
So Get Done.
So...Many, obligations.
No One...Understood that, better than John.
We've Always...had to Pull, a Heavy Load.
My mind, went back....this Evening, to that First Night, without...John, being here.
It, was the day...he was admitted to the hospital.
The First Time, John...had ever been in a Hospital.
The...Evening, we were told...his vertigo, that he'd been battling...
was caused by brain cancer.
I went into Overdrive.
Totally....Took The Wheel.
I had to come Home...that night, to care for Polly, and Nicky.
I remember....opening the door, to let them outside.
I closed...the door, behind them.
I walked to where that big...empty...oval...frame is,
I The Top of My Lungs...
I was out of breath.
I couldn't let anyone...anyone, hear that.
not...even, our Beloved...Dogs.
I, especially...couldn't let John know.
We were in...for The Battle, of our lives.
Losing...wasn't an option.
Being weak.
Showing...any, kind of weakness...
wasn't an option.
These...walls, saw my weakness.
They, comfort
so...on these 'Snow Days'...
when, I 'excuse', that...I don't feel sorry for,
I'm thankful, to be them.
They, are what John...Built.
They're like his arms....around me.
<3 ya.
Barb C.
{The Tammy Wynette tune, 'Til I can Make It on my Own', I posted, one, I've loved...since I was very young.
I used to listen to this Album...over, and over, at night, after I moved out, on my own, long before I met John.
It still...plays, over and my mind.
Guess, it always...will.
I talk to John, like he's here....with me, everyday.
I, don't think I could make it through, if I didn't believe he is. }
{On that same...Album, is the tune... 'Woman to Woman'.
I'll take some heat, over that one, and...'Stand by Your Man'.
all I can say, to the 'Flame Throwers'...
: )
Bring It On. }
: )
The Top...
Tammy Wynette Tune, pretty much...
Says it All. <3
Always...will. <3 <3 <3
Monday, February 18, 2019
All The Kings Horses....
Daughter, Liz...gave me this little Humpty Dumpty Box, for Christmas.
: )
We'd agreed not to exchange gifts, this, last....Christmas.
The little box, brought a my face.
It, was her Dad's...Wonderful...Dry....Sense of Humor, shining through...
as I gazed at it. : ) : ) : )
A... Whimsical...little reminder, of my 'Fall', down the basement stairs, in March.
{John... would've given me this. <3 : ) : ) : ) }
What, really....took my breath away, was when I opened the tiny box.
Inside... was the Ring, John gave me...on another Christmas Day... decades ago.
It, took my Breath..away, that Christmas Day, as well.
John, and I...didn't exchange gifts, at Christmas....very often.
{Socks, Tee Shirts...M&M's...Razors... : ) }
We, bought for The Kids. <3
John...handed me a package, that Christmas....I smiled...when I opened it.
It was a can of Pringles Potato Chips!
I, Graciously...Thanked him... <3
Then, he said...
'Aren't ya gonna open it???"
{I was Sure...a Prank...of Some Sort, was Going to Shoot Out of That Can...
and Hit me Square...on The Forehead!}
I, carefully opened the can...Bracing...for Impact...
to find this Beautiful...Beautiful...ring.
<3 <3 <3
John, Loved....Rubies.
The ring he had given many years before....had been stolen.
We never could afford to replace it, and... frankly, I...didn't need it. <3 <3 <3
When Liz took me to the Hospital, they took my rings off of both hands.
I, didn't put her shoes, until many months...later.
I, always...took care of my Mom, and...have made many Hospital runs, over the years.
This...was my Daughter's...First, run.
She's never had to help me get dressed.
What she walked in on...that night, must...have been very difficult.
I, quiet, she she drove me to the Hospital.
I, remember her telling the receptionist... that they had to get me in, right away...
because there was blood all through the house, and...she didn't know where it was coming from.
I, looked at my arm....and, wondered...what, and... who, she was talking about.
My, arm...was a mess. wasn't bleeding.
I, had no leg was cut to the bone.
I'd crawled through the house, to get to my phone....and, left a trail.
Liz, put my rings on, at the hospital.
I saw her wearing the one, her Dad gave me...weeks later,
and, didn't have the Heart, to ask for it back.
I, knew...she would, when...she could.
I was Shocked...when I opened...that little box.
Just like, the First Time.
I, never...expected, that.
: )
I don't know...what made me think of the trailer, from 'Through the Looking Glass', today.
{posted below}
I was thinking about it, again... a little while ago, again... and thought of The Little Box.
I'm so sorry...that Liz, had to go through what she did.
I had no idea... how bad it was. I, just...knew, for some reason...I couldn't stand.
Didn't think...I could make it to the car.
Had I known... what a Mess, 'Humpty Dumpty'...left, I would've never called her.
She's Quite...The Gal.
Much...her Father's Daughter.
<3 <3 <3
Such a Gift.
<3 <3 <3
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
<3 <3 <3
It makes me so Proud, to See...what an Amazing Woman, and Mother...she is.
<3 <3 <3
she'll...always...always, be...
My Little Girl. <3
What...a Beautiful...Gift, God Sent Us.
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
{The Whitney Houston Tune... above, reminds me...of my Dad. <3
He, was an Amazing...Father. <3 Dad, could've written that tune.
He, went through Hell, as a child.
He...made Sure, His...Children, didn't.
The Best...he could. <3 }
me, Dad. <3
He was 50 years old, when I was born.
I feel so Blessed, to have had This Man, for my Dad.
I only wish,
Our Children...
could've 'Known' Him.
Thankfully, Our Children...have, an Amazing...Father, as well.
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3{The Whitney Houston Tune... above, reminds me...of my Dad. <3
He, was an Amazing...Father. <3 Dad, could've written that tune.
He, went through Hell, as a child.
He...made Sure, His...Children, didn't.
The Best...he could. <3 }
me, Dad. <3
He was 50 years old, when I was born.
I feel so Blessed, to have had This Man, for my Dad.
I only wish,
Our Children...
could've 'Known' Him.
Thankfully, Our Children...have, an Amazing...Father, as well.
<3 <3 <3
Catching...up. catch my breath.
: )
February...has been quite a ride, so far.
It's always such a bittersweet month.
Lost my Dad, on February 13th, 1987.
The day before Valentine's Day.
I miss him. <3
I've been keeping, fairly...busy.
That's a Good Thing.
: )
Had a great time, at The Rock Island Show...that Friend, Tammy Mendoza promotes.
She, and her...Family, are so Wonderful.
Pal, Mark...helped, and shared a booth with me.
I scaled very little, at that Event.
Sometimes, the can do, is...the can do.
; )
I truly...enjoyed, the smaller set up. doesn't pay the bills.
Hopefully, I'll have more 'Go' year. : )
It was a Great Show, for Folks!
Met some Wonderful...People, at Rock Island. <3
Two Ladies followed me, as I was getting a, as I strolled.
: )
They stopped me, and asked me if they could buy my apron, they Liked It.
{I, decided at the last minute, that wear that apron. I Love...that apron. Bought it from my Friend, Linda....several years ago, at her Store, in Racine, MN.
I...wasn't ready to part with it. : )
It, hangs, along other, Favorite Apron, from Pal's Lynn and Lea, on the our Bedroom.}
The Ladies, looked pretty disappointed when I told them, I liked my apron...too.
When I asked them what they liked so....about it, they told me it was advertising their
Great Grandfather's Business.
oh dear.
Needless to say, I went home 'Apronless', that evening, from Rock Island.
: )
They are from North, Central...Iowa.
I, bought the Minnesota.
Wore it...last minute, to a Rock Island, Illinois....
where, two Great Granddaughters, of the Original Owner...saw me, wearing it.
: )
That's how this 'Old' Stuff....finds it's way.
: )
I, could tell you story, after...story, that I've been Blessed to be a part of, and witness, first hand...
how these 'Old Souls'...find their way, to where they're supposed to be. <3
I only took 6 totes of smalls, to Rock Island.
I, also...took the Amazing, Vintage Rugs.
That's It.
Half, of Mark's Van.
Not...the Fuso, and second Truck.
The Ford...has been down, with a Blown Transmission, since last November.
Just got him back. <3
That, set me back.
He's worth...Every Nickle!
February, just isn't a good time of the year, to be 'set back'.
Oh well...
It is...what it Is.
: )
We'll manage.
I was Lost... without The Ford.
He's a Mighty...Mighty...Little Workhorse!
If you've followed this blog, for any time, you Know...what a Workhorse...
that little Mighty Ford, is. <3
We've had Big Snow, seems...every other day.
: )
I, afraid to admit it...but, I really...kind of like it.
I, don't like the accidents, that are happening.
Mark, got stuck in our drive...when he brought my stuff home, from the show.
Brandon, and I were trying to dig him out...and...I nearly got tossed in the snowbank, when more Traction, in reverse, than I expected!
Where's a Camera Man...when Ya Need One!
The Neighbor, from across the highway, at EIB, must have seen The Circus, and came right over, and Cleared Out The Drive!
Bless His Heart!!!
I ventured out...last week, and visited two....Wonderful Stores.
{As I've said...for Years...There are Many, in our area! }
The first stop, was in West Branch.
Friend, Jacey...owns it.
Had such a Great Time...visiting her.
She's a Gem.
found this Darling...little Chair, and some other...Darling...little Treasures.
oh my.
Below, are a few images...of 'A Beautiful Purpose'
Then... The Ford and I...
headed to Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
Polly Ann's.
She's such a Gift.
Her Store, is also...Wonderful!
I found the Old Sleepy Eye, pitcher...on her front porch.
It's older than dirt...and, lost his handle...somewhere, along the 'Journey'.
oh my. bring 'im Home.
He'll 'Hold'...something, for me...
maybe...a bunch of Lilacs, when Spring...decides to come.

Polly, is a Dear.
It was Great, spending a little time with her, and checking out her Massive Store!
oh my.
Below, are a few images of Polly Ann's.
Mt. Vernon, like West Branch, have Many...Wonderful Stores.
They are both, Historic Towns...and have Charm, Galore!
Love...the Flannels Polly Creates!
She, gave me The Anamosa Show.
Love It!!! <3
I got a late start, the other day, when I visited Jacey, and Polly.
I'm gonna have to get Movin'...earlier, so I can visit, more Friends.
I'm trying to make my the rabbit hole.
The Girls, have really Inspired me, by their Lovely...Stores.
It's difficult, it seems...these days. a tuff month.
I, Miss... my Peg...who created the little Gourd, below...for me...several years ago.
February, is kind of tuff.
John's always....always, on my mind.
It'll be 5 years....this Spring.
I get so frustrated, with myself.
I...feel, most I'm letting him down.
: (
Dad, and Peg...too.
I've...gotta find my feet.
I've got to start writing, again.
It's so difficult, not...because, I can't.
It's for the same reason... I don't get out, so much...and visit Friends.
I, have little to share....that's happy, and positive.
Everyone...has enough darkness in their lives.
They, don't need my shade, too.
John cut these Hearts, out of the Old...Tin, he used to cover furniture in.
He put our initials in them.
He...Truly Artist.
<3 <3 <3
The above picture... is me...and Dad.
<3 <3 <3
oh my.
I've got to pull myself up...out of this.
February... is kinda tuff.
Mom's Birthday, is the 21st.
She'd have been 99, this year.
She's been gone, nearly 5 years too.
They'd all be Yellin' at Me!!!
Get Up!!!
{Kinda like Peg...did, when she Ordered me Up Those Stairs!!! : ) <3 }
As I process, and...process...
I understand, how I was given a Chance, to Live...
after that fall.
I, need to get going...there must be a reason. <3
Something...I'm supposed to do.
I, have to find my feet. : )
Me, and Miss. Scarlett.
She comes to visit, now and then.
<3 slippin' away.
They...Grow fast.
I bought a GoPro Camera, the other day.
I think it'll come in handy, for the rabbit hole.
I'd like to start doing some videos, of 'The Journey', around here.
Scarlett is helping me figure it out. <3
{She knows how to use these devices...Far Better, than I do. : ) }
Well, I'm gonna grab some lunch...and, get moving.
Love to You All.
Barb C.
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