Monday, July 10, 2017


It's been a long...weekend.
: )
Daughter, Liz...went to the E.R., on Saturday,
Thank God...
she's doing much better.
They didn't keep her, but...we were all afraid she might have a blood clot, in her lung.
She couldn't take a deep breath....and had severe abdominal pain.
It turned out, to be pulled muscles, {she's been working too hard, cleaning out the rental house, so the new tenants, can move in. She went back to work, last Thursday...and, had been running her tail off, there... She never quits. }
She, also... had a postpartum infection, that...Thankfully...was caught, before it turned sepsis.
Miss. Scarlett, has been hanging out, with me. : )
Liz, is taking a few days off.
: )
I just received a text, from a Girl...who said she's envious...of all of the cool stuff, I keep getting in.
She, has a job...that she 'hates', provides insurance, but...would like to get back into what I do.
She, asked me...if, I had any 'advice'.
I Burst...Out...Laughing, when I read it.
I told her...
"Don't Quit Your Job!!!"
I, her, to start looking, for another.
{but, don't quit her old one, until she finds another.
No one...should work, in a place...they thoroughly....Hate.
Life, is too short. }
I, added, she could do this, part time.
Have occasional Sales...a few times a year, or...sell...on line.
Maybe, have a little booth, at a Mall, a few events, 'Shows'.
That, should help...fill her Creative Spirit, and...Love, of Old.
She watches what I do, on fb or here...
She said... it looks like so much fun.
It times. : )
I work, a Lot...of Hours.
I, don't have a vacation...or, many days off.
There is no security....of any kind.
It's always...always....
feast, or famine.
I describe, the way I live...
'Dancing on the Sharp, Glistening Edge...of a Razor Blade'
: )
It's not, for the faint of heart.
: )
Yes... I Love, what I do, but...
One has to...
to much, for it.
There are many times...I don't like it much, at all.
It can be a rat race.
You have to push your Body, Vehicles, Family, and Friends...Hard.
You miss, many Family Events. 'Weekends', are for 'other' people.
There's a Lot...of Stress, on your mind...constantly.
Most, who are in this 'business'...have a Spouse, with a 'Real' Job.
: )
Trying to do 'this'...for a Living, is like every other... 'Owner Operator' a Small Business.
It's Tuff.
: )
I'm glad, that when she reads my posts...I, sound so Happy.
and, like....I Love, what I do. : )
I, do.
I'm stubborn, and bull headed.
I'll figure out a 'way' make this work.
Some days... it's Exhausting. 
It's Exhausting.
: )
Years ago...some Gals...wanted to come with a Show.
Help me with it.
: )
They, came...Once.
There's only...been a few, throughout all of the years...that have kept up, for many years.
We like to Drink...Heavily...when we get together. : ) 
They, have other sources, of income...and, still...Bust Their Butts!!!
I, need to get a video camera....that mounts on my head.
: )
Have it running, for a week, : )
I, could be... 'enlightening'. 
I, wouldn't change...a thing.
There are Many....Blessings.
I, wish...things, would be more certain.
but, 'Life'...doesn't work that way...for anyone.
It's all...about.....'The Journey'. 
What a Ride.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{As I was rereading, this post... it reminded me, of when I was about 15.
I was standing in my Brother, Larry's... Kitchen...talking to my Niece.
She's a year younger, than me.
She went on and on, about how Lucky...I was, and how...I got to do Anything...I wanted.
I, got to drive, and go places... had Horses, spent all of my time, riding all over the country
 No one, was making me go to school, or do homework.
I, stood there...and looked at her.
thought about it, for a minute. 
She didn't have a 'worry' the world.
She didn't have to worry...about bills, or....a roof, over her head, or...making sure...anyone, or anything...was cared for. Not even..herself.
I said...
"I drive, because....I have to haul feed, to livestock. If, I didn't...they wouldn't eat. I, don't always have a perfect attendance at school, because...I have to work, to pay bills, and buy fuel...for the Truck...that carries feed, to the Livestock. Sometimes...I have to take care, of the sick calves, and colts, all hours, of the day, and night. Sometimes...I've sat there with them...helplessly...and watched them die. You've rarely...seen me, at a Family Picnic, or...on any vacations, you...and your Family...go on, throughout the year. I, don't have new clothes, or you. I live..on those Horses, Ponies...and Mules, because, if I didn't, they...wouldn't live. Most all of them, were headed to 'Kill' at the sale barn. Me, and my Friends...ride them, until they are safe, for ride, then...they find Homes. I, make some money....and, we all...have a Good Time. "
Just, then... the phone rang.
It was Mom, she told call a man, who had called her...looking for me. The Mules had gotten out, and damaged some things.
I took his number down, and told my Niece, to call him, 'deal'...with him, be polite, and tell him, you'll take care of it, like I'd had to...with many people, for many years...over many...'issues'.  : )
She smiled... : ) and, dialed.
She started out, 4 words out...Smiling...and, being polite.
Then, she stopped speaking... and tears...began to roll down her cheeks.
He was yelling at her....and, saying things, I'm sure...she'd never her life.
Yeah, the grass...always looks greener, on the other side of the fence...
 to Mules... : ) : ) : ) 
People. : )
I, went and got the little Mules. Paid the man, for the damages.
Told him, I was sorry...
then, told him... no matter, what they did...he had no speak to me, the way he did.
{He told my Niece, he was going to shoot the Mules, and...if I didn't make it 'right'...I'd be very sorry.}
He, didn't say anything else. 

{The above video, is one I captured early...Saturday morning, down the rabbit hole.
For all of the Hell...that the World...dishes out...
it's 'moments' that, that... I, savour. 
: )
God, is Good. 
He suits us...with our Very Own... 'Cross to Bare'.
Don't ever...think, yours...isn't as someone else's.
Don't ever think...yours, is too heavy, and, the Other...person's....must be...much lighter.
God, has Given us all... Perfect Crosses... He Created...Specially...for Each of Us.
'Our' Journey.
 <3 <3 <3  }

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