We worked and worked, on the yard, yesterday.... More of the same, today...and all week, for that matter... We pulled almost everything out of the front yard of the shop... Straightened fences, raked, reorganized, and had the burn barrel roaring!.... Oh my... We were both plenty stiff and sore... Peg is a 'Yard Bird'.... Loves having her hands in dirt... When she moved to Mo., she intended on having the same, beautiful gardens, she enjoyed here, in Cedar Rapids.... To her dismay, NOTHING will grow, on her ground.... except Poison Ivy..... She asked last fall, if she could come play in my yard... "Are You Kidding Me???"... I am not a 'Yard Bird", tho, I love garden stuff, I just don't get into it, as much as some... I like 'Low Maintenance'.... Lot's of stone, and bricks, lots of urns, and troughs, for container gardening, I hate to mow, so lots of weed block! {we don't use chemicals, of any kind... I think that's why we have so many critters!}
I think Peg just wants to see the place 'picked up' a bit....I do too... I know it looks 'junky', it always has... What can I say... I like 'junk'... The truth be known, I think she's trying to prove a point... She asked one of her old friends, if she had ever been to my store... Her friend replied, "You mean that place with all the 'junk' around it... I didn't think they had anything great"... Oh my, Peg was burning... I guess, my feelings were a little hurt, too... Ah, but not for long... I love this old Gnarly Stuff... Some folks, just don't get it... Thank goodness for them... They are just the kind of folks, I love to buy from!
My Pals from Texas, went toolin' by, after shopping at the Amana's, several years ago... Michael saw the Shop, Ed wouldn't stop... 'It looks like a bunch of 'Junk!"... Michael demanded they turn the Truck around... Ed said, later, it was the best stop, they had ever made... They have been wonderful friends, and customers, ever since! Yeah, it hurts a little, when Ed tells the story....{ but it's usually after a few Margs, so the insult, is softened, a bit...} I guess I just don't see the 'junk'... I see beauty... After all, I hand selected every piece.... He didn't mean to hurt my feelings... The way I see it, if it wasn't for all of the cool junk, they may have driven on past...
My biggest diversion, is time... If I'm not runnin' down the road, or doing a show, or gathering and loading, or fixin' stuff, for them, I'm collapsed...So, what gets done, gets done... That's the best I can do... I put out 'fires', like fluffin' the yard, and shop, at 'Sale Time', but, then on to the next 'Fire'... When Peg gets done, 'fluffin', the same 'Junk', that makes it look junky, it will be beautiful... I have no doubt... She'll have the place, on it's ear! She's planting all sorts of stuff, all I can say is, she will have to keep coming, or have it take care of itself... Low maintenance, please!
She assured me, it will be... And, she intends to keep it up... Wow... What a Friend... She is amazing... and a little crazy, too...
I'll have to show you the Amazing Gourds she painted for me... They are in the shop... She made them for the 'Mad Hatter' theme, and has 'The Rabbit Hole', on them.... They are stunning.... Pic's tonight!
I hope you all have a wonderful day....
Barb C.
Tell her if she has any spare time, I could use a little help. My friends will do lots of nice things for me but I've never had one offer to help in the yard. Better get my gloves on -- suppose to be a beautiful day. Have a good one! Jan
I'll have to come by and check it out. Your blogs are making me itch to come see you! Tell Peg I had that same experience when I moved from Seattle to Iowa. I just focused on art instead! You are lucky.
See you soon. Oh, and don't worry about the junk comment. Just keep putting out fires.
Peg is a wonderful friend indeed. You are so blessed! And believe me "BILL AND I GET IT", We like the junk!! The most old and gnarly the better.
YOu are so blessed to have a friend like Peg. I bet she would say the same about you. ;)
I can't wait to see the Madd Hatter gourd!! She is such a talented lady.
Oh wow that sounds like a hectic amount of work! Can't wait to see pics from your "mad" party ;)
Don't worry even in the dark the other night we slowed down to see what you had sitting around! I see treasures not junk when we go by!
So glad to hear your friend is back! I hope you two have a blast together. Can't wait to see the gourds!
Hey Peg!
I LOVE your place! I have been there several times just to take pictures!! Hopefully I will get there this Spring to check out the greenhouse and all the wonderful "junk" you have to offer!!
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