Peg and I, started out, for northern Iowa, bright and early, yesterday morning.... Had to pick up the 2, 9 feet 7 by almost 8 feet tall General Store Cupboards, and massive fragments of other wonderful things.... Sweet Joseph, helped us load.... It was cold, and full of some sort of dust, in these old buildings.... My lungs feel like they are full of whatever it is, and my voice was almost gone, by the time we got home, last night, around 11:00.... We loaded and loaded... Got the 2 Store bases on, then one of the huge tops, all of the screens, lumber and door, headed down the street, and BOTH of the rear tires were rubbing....{ our hearts sank... and I even said a naughty word, or two...} We backed the truck into the huge building, no one left to help us... and started un- strapping, the massive load... Very disheartening... The huge cupboard top, took 5 men to hoist up high, on the top of the load... and it was just me, and Peg, to get it down.... The horror was all over Peg's face... I was so torked off, having to unload this 'masterpiece', that I told her to just, stand back.... I spun the huge top around, til it was just balancing, by a hair, and Peg didn't know whether to grab a hold, or run for cover.... All she could muster, out of her lips, was "your CRAZY!!!!" "oooh, ohhh, OHHHH" as the Monster was teetering... { she worries, way too much...} I gently grabbed the bottom, let it rest on the floor, then stood it tall, on it's end... Flipped it over, onto the industrial cart, and we were home free... Peg helped steady it... and was amazed, how elegantly it walked of the truck....{ it's the Angels... I'm telling you... Don't know what we would do without them!} Pal, Mary Ellyn, {check out her NEW BLOG! { maryellynsgallery} I'm following her! She is an amazing Woman!} met us there, and we went to her wonderful home, and had a fantastic visit, ate wonderful Pizza, and drank a little 'Gnarly Head', all was right with the world.... My friend, Ed called, as we were having dinner, and bought the cupboards, over the phone... They are Texas Bound! Now, all we have to do, is drive another 350 miles today, and bring home 2 more massive loads... Oh my... We met the Coolest Cat, last night, before we headed home, that I will be writing about, later... He has NEVER thrown anything away... You will not believe his museum, he has created with, well, ah, what most folks would call trash.... AMAZING!!!! Mary Ellyn, Peg and I were in awe... Everything was categorized, and sorted... From a collection of used light bulbs, to sorted pounds of square nails... We had never seen ANYTHING like this.... He is building a 22 foot tall Grandfather Clock, from salvaged things... You truly could not believe it.... Talk about being 'Green'... All of us, we agreed, are sort of like this Man... We save things, the coolest things, from the landfill, and they are wonderful TREASURES!!!! Talk about 'Folk Art'... This guy was the Master!!!! What journey's this business will take us on... The wonderful, colorful people.... My, My, My..... Peg is meeting me here, this morning, and we have a 'Whale' of a day, in store.... Massive, Whale... Moby Dick, Whale... Say a Prayer, for us... We are going to need a real Team of Angels, today...
Have a Great Day!
Barb C.
oh I get exhausted feeling just reading this. BUT I know what you mean, when all you have is what you have, and there are no other options. it's just a go for it mindset. Just Do It! You better get a nap in here or there and drink some hot teas in between tasks. Dont want to get sick. no no no no, especially in the chest.
Watching all of your doings with relished excitement. STAY well. Tomorrow is another day.
You guys are a hoot and a half! Love it! And love the massive cupboards!
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