Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Gnarly Wild Grapevine....
Peg...the little bird....
Peg and I worked in the yard, yesterday.... Well, mainly, Peg... She's kind of like a little bird, scratching for a worm... Very focused... And working in 'double time'... My, my.... Carolyn A. popped out, and dug right in, none of us had much time to visit.... We fought the gale force winds, all day, and that really wears ya out! We ran over to Val's, and delivered a table, and Peg got a grand tour, of Val's beautiful home, and gardens... It was such fun! Wanda {gatheringsiowa} called, yesterday morning, to tell me Whoopie Goldburg was wearing a 'Mad Hatter' hat, on the View... I asked her if it was as cool as the ones Liz had made, and she said it wasn't.... I ran to see it too... It wasn't... Liz's hats, are adorable... I had a call yesterday morning, from a friend who wants some of them, for her store.... Not til after Mid West... I really want to have them debut, there!
Peg, Liz, Steph, and her girls, are all going with, to see Alice in Wonderland, tonight! It will be great!
I had better get goin', Peg will be here soon!
Barb C.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Peg is Back!!! Spring Cleaning!
Sunday, March 28, 2010 a 'Metropolitan' way...
Another Day, on the Road....
Oh my... It was a long, long day.... John rode with... That was an adventure, in itself! He isn't much for travelling, loading, climbing, or just being out of his element... So, I rarely ask... But, Peg wasn't here, Mark had his girls, Dale is in Nebraska, doing a show, Liz had to work ..... Well, that left John... He's the 'Lucky One'! I truly think it did him good, to see what I do all day... He thinks that my job, really isn't work, and it's all fun, since I love it sooo much... Well, after the 6th trip up to the attic, of the Old Mansion, carrying down heavy bundles of pipe, and marble, I think he figured it out... But, the day didn't end there... There was stuff in the basement, and huge walls to be loaded...Then, the deliveries had to be made... The stuff on the load, that is already sold... Then home, to unload, make room, reload stuff, that is sold, and going to storage, to make room for the new load... Oh my...We put on about 300 miles yesterday... really, a mediocre run... John also found out, how serious you have to be... When unloading one of the Photographers Walls, he was standing, holding on to it, while a dolly was being brought to us, I was tieing down the other wall, so it wouldn't fall, inside the truck bed, and his wall, went over, and punched a big hole in the side of it... It had already been a long day... We had been on the road since 8, and by then it was 3... I looked at the wall, and said, "Let's load it back up"... The customer was fine with it, and John said he could fix it. And, I know he will... I just hate it, when old things are perfect, then when they fall into my hands, get broken... He felt bad, about it... I felt bad, too... I don't think, sometimes, he takes this stuff seriously... And, maybe, I am too serious... I don't know... After that, we had another 5 hours of work... Today, won't be much different, not so much loading, more cleaning and situating... I am pretty excited about the booth, if I can hold the load together... We'll see... Polly and Bob, were loading at the sale, too... Bob kept saying the same thing John keeps saying... We are Morons... And Bob hasn't a clue where all this stuff is going, once they get home...It sounded like a broken record..." No place to work, buildings are full"... I told him to put a lid on it... That's all I needed, was to have John hear that, and then have 'em gang up on us.... Polly and I are going to have to work out a schedule, so these Boys, are never alone together... I smell trouble!
Barb C.
Friday, March 26, 2010
This is my Clean, hand....
Mark... Checking out the 'Major Award'....
Oh My Gosh!!!!!
O.k..... Started out this morning, with work on the brain... Had to run to Polly's {pollyanns} and check out some stuff, that she had told me about, then, it was back home, to get busy... Then, Pal, Wanda called... and, now that I think of it... I called her, just as she was calling me, AND she had just left me an e-mail, as I was calling her... Oh, this was fate...Anyhow, she asked if I was going to the tag sale, in Davenport... I didn't know about a tag sale, in Davenport... I was just in Davenport YESTERDAY!!!! She and I discussed it, but it was getting late, the sale started at 9:00, and it was an hour and a half away... I kind of decided, I'd pass...But.... I just couldn't stop thinkin' about that sale... When I got to Polly's, I asked her if she'd like to ride, and she was up for it, so we flew! We took our time, and got there around noon... That was good... They had over 200 people waiting, at 9:00... We walked right in, and scored BIG! The sale was in a huge Victorian Mansion... The people who had lived there, were photographers... The last 100 years.... There were props, and all sorts of the coolest stuff! Oh My Gosh!!!! I made a bee line for the basement... where I found a wonderful walnut harvest table, a huge store counter...Needs lots of work, but it's way cool! And... Another 'Major Award'... Oh my gosh... It's on hold... Mark made a bee line, for the shop, when I described it to him... Everyone was all over this thing... I can't tell you, how many people stopped, as I was loading it, to say, it was the coolest thing, at the sale... Followed by, "What is it?" I am not sure, but, it's something to do with glass negatives... I see it, as a Conservatory... it spins, and if all the little panes had glass, it would be amazing... I bought a wall,{ huge} that is from the 20's, and was used for a prop, it has wheels, and will be perfect for the shows...Polly is going back, with her trailer, in the morning, I'm going too, to finish picking up... I am totally exhausted, and need to find some rest... Sweet Liz, popped out... With THE MAD HATTER HATS!!!! { She made them!} They are soooo cool! Can't wait to get the booth set! It is going to be GNARLY!!!!
Gotta Go...Tired, Filthy... did I mention, I am tired...
Good Night !
Barb C.
A Day on the Road...
Took off, yesterday morning, and hit some of my favorite haunts! Took in Artifacts, and Decorum! Had a wonderful lunch at the Blue Bird Diner... { Their Chocolate Expresso Cheese Cake was amazing...} Then headed for Illinois... It was a beautiful day, and found some fun stuff! As I was walking through, one of the stores, I was making decisions, and piling stuff up, around the front desk... To find, so many of the things, I had passed on, was being piled, next to mine... I thought, who in the world, is buying my look... Of Course... It was The Manley's... From Muscatine... They are such a sweet couple... Their store is wonderful... A lot tidier, than mine, but we love the same stuff! When travelling through, or near Muscatine, be sure and stop... {not on Thursdays, they are closed... }
I kept gathering, and all at once, I heard a familiar voice... Hmmm... It sounded like Bud... { Renate's Antique Gallery... Amana, Iowa...} I thought, it can't be Bud... It was Bud! {and his Sweetheart, Renate... I have never seen a more loving couple... I have known them for years, and they are as much in love, today, as they were, the first time I met them... They are, truly, the 'Perfect Couple'....} We had a nice visit, Renate had never been to this Mall, so she was having fun! They came to UNI, and it was sooo good to see them... Bud makes the Very Best, Margarita's... I'm about due...
Met a nice couple, also, at the Mall, as I was loading an old Bike... They have a booth at the 'Junk Asylum'. I was running so late, I didn't make it there, next time.... They, too, were gathering, stuff I had looked at, and almost bought...Well, at least my 'eye' is good, even tho, the wallet is a little 'slim'... I'm happy with the load... Gathered some fun garden stuff! Picked up some primitives too... Just a good day...{ except for the giant hole, in the seat of my britches....I knew I felt a draft.... Just below the back pocket.... I was too far from home, to do much about it... And certainly didn't want to burn shopping time, buying retail.... So, I just warned everyone, not to watch me walk away... That would be an ugly memory...}
Have a Wonderful Day!!!
Barb C
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hmmm... Sometimes, I don't know which, is which....I half woke up, at 4 a.m. this morning, with the Mid-West Show, running through my mind... I was planning the booth... The 'Mad Hatter' booth... Placing everything, in my mind... The gnarly architectural pieces, the funky concrete, the fresh flowers, the old Staffordshire dishes... As I was placing the cupboards, that will be in the corners... The 2 store cupboards, with open shelving, on top, only about 4 feet kind of, old red paint... It dawned on me, as I was tossing and turning... I don't own, cupboards like that... I was wrestling, inside my head, yes, yes, you have them... no, ah, no you don't! Oh my gosh! I woke up, so mad....{ no pun intended...}I was grasping, in my mind... where are those cupboards... where have I seen them... Does Mark, have cupboards, like that... Well, now I know I have totally lost my mind... It must be lack of oxygen! I could have sworn, this morning, in my mind.... I own, 2 store cupboards... I still think, I must know where they are...I've seen them, somewhere... I'm counting on them... The booth won't be complete, without them...
I remember, when I used to waitress... I would have similar dreams...Not about cupboards... Customers... I would be running so fast, my number being called... food getting cold... eggs cooked wrong...water being spilled, on someones lap... Or, the worst... Forgetting someone...Getting a table, with hungry folks... and forgetting them... That, is the worst nightmare, a waitress could ever have...I've done it, in reality... and it's heartbreaking... The people are so mad, and hurt, at the same time...And, there is really, no fixing, being forgotten...Ah... Stress! I would wake up, in a cold sweat, and exhausted!
My dreams, so many times, have messages... so, I guess I'm due, for a couple of store cupboards... Or, something cooler... I guess, we'll see!
Have a Great Day! { I'm back to work today...}
Barb C.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Things that Sold...
The UNI Show... History...
This show, is always a challenge... We unload, at 7:30 a.m., and work our hearts out, til it opens, at 4:00 p.m., Then the customer rolls through, until 9:00, and we usually get out the door, Friday night, around, 9:45... We put in a 20 hour day, on Friday... 12 to 14 hour days, Saturday, and Sunday...It is a gruelling show... We always say, we're never going to do it again... But, we do... I love Rita, the promoter... She is an amazing woman... I'll bet she puts in 20 hours a day, over this entire week....We had grumpy neighbors, at first, but, they warmed up to us...Our sales, were about the same as last year, maybe a little more... I sold most all of Val's Victorian Dolls, she had sent with, so, with those sales included, we were way over the mark!
It was good to see everyone, David, {our neighbor} Scott W., my 6th grade teacher, and antique hound, his son, is battling c, and is in our prayers... Fellow blogger, Kay, she owns 2 restaurants, one is "Country Junction", in Dyersville, I gave her a little cookie cutter, well, not 'gave', traded, for a slice of her wonderful home made pie! Can't wait! Gail H., came through, with her Dad, I had never met him.... She always talks about him, and I know how much she loves him... I told him, he is a lucky man!
The crowd was amazing... Friday, was over the top! It's just, such a tiring show... Thank Goodness, Liz, Nick, Kelsy, and Richard helped us with unloading, and loading... We flew! Thank God, for Kids!
I'm taking it easy, today, again... Asthma flare up... Thought I was going to die, yesterday...{ really...}none of the old 'reliable' meds, or tricks, would work... But with a call to the Doc, last night, we got meds figured out...I can't afford, the ones that really work...around 600.00 a month.... I'm breaking out in hives, but, I can breathe... Nothing is worse, than having the feeling that someone is sitting on your chest, holding a pillow down, over your face, and you can't get away from it...
I'll do a little cleaning, around the house, today... not that it needs it, or anything...
You go out, and have a wonderful day.... And thank God, for every breath...
Barb C.
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Day Off...
I spent the day, with Sponge Bob.... Needed it... I'll fill ya in, about the show, tomorrow!
Barb C.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down...
Last day of the show... We had a good crowd, yesterday, and did o.k. No record sales, but that's o.k. Had a great time, saw some good friends, and had lots of laughs! I have to make some decisions, today, on a couple of things I am thinkin' about purchasing... Liz and Nick, are coming up, to help load out, so that should be pretty fast! I'm pretty worn out, so tomorrow, I'll be taking the day off! I think everyone is having a good show... Wish I would have taken more stuff! { But, I always say that!} We had lots of good comments, on the booth, and it's lookin' pretty slim, so that's good! Time is slippin' away... and Mark will be here soon, to pick me up... It takes us about an hour, and 15 minutes, to get to the show... So I'll be on my way!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
{ I just called Mark... I think 'Sunday Mornin' has come down, a little 'hard', on him too... He was supposed to be here, by now... and he said he's runnin' a little late... { he sounded like he had just woken up...} Mark said he'd be here in 10 or 15 minutes...hmmm... maybe I'll drive, today...}
Barb C.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The UNI Show!
This is short! We are having a Great Show... Blisters on my feet, and every muscle is aching...The Fun Never Ends!! Saw Wonderful Friends! PollyAnn Saved Me, with a sweet Little Marg, at the end of the Day! Bless Her Heart! Here are a few images of the booth... The show was packed with people! And Everyone was carrying a bag! Great Little Shoppers!
The beat goes on! Gotta Run!
Barb C.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What A Mess!
The 'Good', The 'Bad',and the 'Ugly'...
Well, as usual... Down to the wire! We have to unload, at UNI, at 7:30, Friday Morn... I have been messin' around, all week...Now, I'm down to the wire! I'll get 'er done... Here's the deal... Most everything I had, for the show... Is sold... That's GREAT... Uh, That's bad... I kept diggin', and bringin' more stuff home... only, to see it leave... I haven't written about it, because, I figured, I'd have gathered more stuff, for the show... and have.... That's good... The problem, is this... I've been spending so much time gathering, and delivering, that the truck isn't nearly close, to being ready to go, by 5:00, tomorrow morning... That's Bad... I have to go pick up, some wonderful new, treasures, this morning... That's good... But they all need a bath, and a slick down, and that means 'time'... That I don't have... That's bad... Also, the Truck needs a new rear tire, that John was supposed to have done, and didn't, he said, " no worries, I'll do it Friday"... Ah, no he won't, unless he's going to change it at UNI... That's also, Bad... I can't load a Truck, that isn't here... That's really bad.... The 'Ugly' part, of this story, will be me... If you think the 'Mad Hatter', is a little scary... Wait til you get a gander of me, around 4:00, Friday afternoon, when the show opens... Whew!
Gotta Go!
Barb C.
This is why, I haven't written you all back... It may be sometime, next week, before I can! Thanks for all of the e-mails, I do read them all! And thanks to my special friend, that stopped by, yesterday... It truly was God's Time... A very spiritual visit, and refreshed my Soul.... Ah... Angels...{ I am never, ever too busy, to take an hour or two, to give Praise, and Thanks....Everything will come together, it always does...}
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A Wonderful St. Patricks Day!
Happy Birthday Justin!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy Birthday, to Son, Justin... The little leprechaun! { well, not so little... 6'1 or 2', and 235 pounds! He was almost 10 pounds, when he was born!} He is 25, today... I can't believe it... A quarter of a century... Wow... Where have the years gone... He's quite the Man... He has always kept us on our toes! He likes us to think, he's " Mr. Tuff Guy", and he, maybe, can be... But he is a softy, at heart... He, like us, loves animals, and doesn't want to see the 'underdog', get hurt... When he was 18, my Sister, Chery was dieing... Justin was at home, and I was taking care of Chery, during the day, at her home... Except, the day she died... Liz had been in a car accident,{ not her fault, but we had to appear} and we had to be in court... My phone was off, so as we left the court house, I checked the messages, to find out, Chery had passed away, just minutes before... I went straight to Chery's, to find Justin's truck there... He had a feeling, he needed to see Aunt Chery, that day.... Skipped school, drove out to see her, and was holding her hand, when she passed away... How many 18 year old 'Tuff Guys" would do that.... I don't know too many people, at all, that would do that... He loved his Aunt Chery... She never missed a birthday, for the kids... They would wait for her call, on their birthdays, in the morning, first thing... Their eyes would light up, when they talked to her... Yes, he is quite a Lad... Just this fall, he was out on the 4 wheeler, and found a Fawn... He called, and said he was afraid to leave it, it might die... I told him, the Mama, was close by, and it would be o.k. You would never guess, by looking at him, that he would be so very tender hearted... A couple of years ago, his little dogs, snuck out of John's shop, while John was up at the house, for a few minutes...{ the door didn't latch, behind him...} We searched for days, had ads in the paper, a 500.00 reward, for the little girls... Rafted the creek, drove for miles, talked to everyone, I mean everyone... I finally got a call, from a man, working on the railroad... weeks later... {we didn't give up...} He had seen two dead dogs, on the tracks, not far from home... Justin walked for miles, 'til he found them... and brought their little bodies home, and he buried them here... under the pine tree... I was in Minnesota, when that call came in... The poor man, that called, really had no idea, how incredibly hard, we would take it... I guess he just thought they were 'dogs'... Family, to us... Justin is a dear soul.... Yeah, Mr. Tuff Guy, Happy Birthday...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Girls!
Monday, March 15, 2010
The 'Lone' Moving Sale...
Twin Corner Cupboards!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Gipsy's Warning...
Antique Warehouse!
Here is Bill and Mike's web address... I didn't know they had this address, { I was too preoccupied with shoppin'... imagine that!} Check 'em out!
Barb C.
1897 46 Star Flag...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
On The Road, Again...
Won't be open, today... Have to run up north, to gather... Dale will be riding 'shotgun', and it will be a fun trip... We always argue, in fun, and when people hear us, they think we are related! He always warns, new customers, at my store... "be sure and leave 'bread crumbs', so you can find your way out!", "oh, don't bother, the mice will think Barb is feeding them, again"... This usually winds up, with me glaring at him, and putting a sock in his mouth! He's like a older brother... MUCH OLDER!!! Dale has been a dear friend, over the years, and I'll never forget, I had sold an enormous cupboard, unexpectedly, to a couple from Texas... They decided, to purchase it, the morning they were headed home... They were on a tight schedule, and we needed to hustle... I couldn't locate John, or Justin, or anyone, close, to lend a hand... This cupboard was 9 feet wide, and almost 8 feet tall... One piece... So, I called Dale... He was out and about, he said, { I was under the impression, by our conversation, he wasn't too far away...} Dale said he'd be here, in about 30 to 40 minutes... It wasn't til after we had the cupboard loaded, did he tell me, he was on his way to Des Moines, and about 60 miles away, and turned his car around, to come help.... What a dear soul... I was shocked, and scolded him... I really felt bad... That's Dale.... He is so kind, and helpful, to everyone.... He is a very genuine person... What you see, is what you get... This wasn't the first or last time, he has come to the rescue... I could name many, many times... Concrete bird baths, cupboards, limestone columns, stone farm sinks... oh yeah, the list could go on and on... He is truly an Angel... I remember, one time, I had 'Paul Bunion', { an enormous cupboard, 10 feet tall} at a show, and needed to put some stuff, on top...{ I don't 'do' heights!} Poor Dale,just happened to be walking by.... { we laugh at his timing... he always seems to be there, at the right time, for me, not so much, him!}He climbed up the ladder, and kept moving the stuff around, 'til I said it was perfect... A customer, walked by and said, " I know that can't be your husband... a husband would never do that..." We all laughed! { Nope, but a dear friend would!}
Cindy B., found a hat for me, but, it's not quite right... She was so kind to help out, but we're still lookin', for the right hat! I went down to the shop, last night to meet with her, and showed her my 'Major Award', and her reply was, with jaw dropped... "what the......" She thought it was pretty cool! As I was turning off all the lights, I noticed some buttons, on the floor, and a darling little child's, 1880's sugar bowl, on the floor... It had dropped, 5 feet, broken an ironstone dish, filled with buttons, on it's journey, to the concrete floor... and finally hit the floor... Don't know how, it happened... I was so sad... I love this little sugar bowl... I bent down to pick it up, and all of the pieces, that I was sure, were resting beneath it... to find... it was perfect... It is a survivor... I stuck it in my pocket, and it is now, a part of my collection... I love 'survivors'... The treasures, that, against all odds, somehow, endure... They are the 'keepers', in life... They have 'Muchness'...
Barb C.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The " Major Award"....
Got most of what I needed to get done, yesterday, done... I had missed a couple of calls, so was checking my messages... and one of them, was sooo exciting! It was from a Sweetheart, at a Theatrical group, who I have loaned things to, in the past, for their wonderful plays... they are moving, and need to get rid of some of their props, and wanted to know, if I had any interest.... OH MY GOSH!!! So, I jumped in the truck, last night, and came home with some of the Gnarliest Stuff, EVER! The object, that most had me all giggly, was a huge wall sconce...{almost 6 feet tall, and 6 feet wide!!!! All goopy, and drippy with numerous drippy, electric candles, and beads... OH MY!!!} Once used at Theater Cedar Rapids... It's not very old... but... on the "Gnarly" scale... well, it's way, way off the charts!!!! { I think the creative folks I was dealing with, were even surprised, by my behavior! I LOVE IT!!! I even did the Mad Hatter's 'dance' as we were loading it!} Pal, Dale, knew I was headed to get a load, and was kind enough to stop by, and help me carry it into the store...{ Dale was even scratching his head!} I have no idea, where it will hang... but, oh my... It will be so perfect, for the dedication, this spring, for the Movie... I felt like the Father, in "A Christmas Story" when he got his 'major award'... The leg lamp... No one else seems to see the beauty, and wonder, in this amazing...well,... 'thing'... But, I am all gushy inside!!!! Deb, from the theater, was so kind, to think of me... She said, I was so kind, to loan them things... Whatever.... They are such wonderful people, doing such great work... I love helping them... anytime! { I owe them, big time!} They made my day... I have to go back, and pick up, more cool stuff... But... Nothing as cool, as this, well, Gnarly 'Thing'... My "Major Award"....
Barb C.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A Spring Day... in 1862...
I'm Loaded fo Bear... On a Mission!
Sprung out of the sack, this morning... I am on a mission... I don't know what mission, or what direction... But the energy is flowin'! Spring is here... Remember, a few weeks ago, I wrote about the 'Spring Bird'.... I told you... He never lies... True to his word, the Thunder rolled, last night...What a gift... Our snow, is all but gone...We may get hit, with a brief, cold blast... But we know, it will not last.... I need to get the big truck, unloaded, and reloaded, for UNI... And John has several projects, goin, I should help him...New stuff, in the Shop, needs to be displayed... A massive door, needs to be delivered... I think I can get most of it done, today... Probably, not the big truck... That's pretty much a days work, itself! I am so excited, to get these shows rollin'! And SEE EVERYONE! The "Show Folk", are almost like family! The crazy family members, that you love so, because they understand you! Only they, truly know, how grueling, and difficult, this business can be... They, too, have walked the walk, and have such an enormous passion, for this wonderful, old stuff, that we can laugh and cry together, and we all understand... We cheer each other on, and commiserate... It's going to be great, to see all the wonderful people! Customers too! Friends, really... I love selling to my wonderful 'repeat' customers... I watch their eyes light up, as they embrace the treasure, I just knew they would love, as much as I.... And, the 'New' customers, that share their desires, and give me, yet another treasure, to scout for... It's all good... Very good.... I just received an e-mail, from my friend, Mary... She has quit her job, and is following her dreams.... She is an artist, and is taking a leap... I am so incredibly happy, for her... She said I inspired her... But, like Alice, I always knew, she had it all, inside... Mary can do anything, if she puts her mind to it... She is a Whirl Wind...{ I won't worry about Mary... She always has her 'ducks in a row'!} Money isn't everything... I live on little... But, I LIVE.... Mary has found her 'Muchness'... Now, go do the same!{ but, have your 'ducks in a row', too, mine are usually flying all over... remember... Mad Hatter... sometimes, my eyes are whirling in my head... a little scary!}
Barb C.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Little More....
Things That Make You Go... Hmmm....
I was searching the web, last night... And ran across a description, of someone... I listened to this description, again... and my knees got a little weak.... The man described this person, like this... " An interesting character... Unpredictable... You see, instantly, what this person is feeling... This person is like a 'mood ring'.... This persons emotions, are very, very close to the surface"... My blood ran cold... I stood here, for a moment...and instantly realized... this sounds a lot, like someone I know.... The man, speaking, was Johnny Depp, about his character, the Mad Hatter... He followed it up, by saying, "this was a 'dream' role"... I about fell over... I called Steph, and read her this description, and asked, who do you think this person is referring to? Her immediate reply, without hesitation, was.. " Oh, that's you, Barb, of course"... Then I called Peg, and asked her, the same question... { in a tiny, quiet, soft voice, her reply was...} " well, ah, I don't know... well, ah, who, ah, do you think it sounds like?" Oh my.... Then, I called Mark... He just went silent... cleared his throat, and with a laugh, said, "ah, well, that sounds like you"... Surely someone, close to me, must disagree... So, I went to John... read the description, to him... PURE SILENCE!!!! He wasn't putting one little toe, into this! I knew there was a reason, I was so incredibly drawn to this character... I know him well... I, truly am, the Mad Hatter... Or kin to...I think, one must be born this way... I have never seen the old movies, or read the book, Alice in Wonderland, so no influence came from that! But when I saw the 'trailer", for this version, I was driven, to go see it! There are so many parallels, in this movie, I have been planning to do a dedication, to it, at The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, here, this spring... I was scouring the Internet, to find the costumes, and props...{ that, by the way, are already right here...} Scary... I think, I may be a little less 'mad' than he... Well.... A little... Peg has said, for months, I need to change the name of the Shop, to "Down the Rabbit's Hole"... I can't do that, but I asked her to paint me a Gnarly sign, for the entrance to the Green House, that reads " Entering The Rabbit's Hole"! She's all for it! My gears are turnin... This is going to be, an incredible year...
Barb C.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A Fragment of the Day...Off...
I am taking the last part of the day, off, sorta! Took a ride to Iowa City, yesterday, and found some fun things... Met some very nice people, and had a great time... I ran across, this wonderful, 1880's oil painting, and just couldn't leave it behind... It's very, very tall,{ about 58 inches!} and the frame is lovely... It's difficult to see, all of it's splendor, but it could so very easily, stay right here in the house... It truly sings... I am trying to find an old top hat, and run with the Mad Hatter theme... It just seems to click... I am so mad...{no pun intended!} I had the perfect one, and sold it, last fall! Found some fun stuff, on the journey, yesterday... But this old painting, is my favorite! I'll have more images, tomorrow!
Barb C.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Flood of '08... Prayers are needed....
Went down to the shop, yesterday, even tho, I have been trying to take Sundays off... Pals, Rick and Karen wanted to stop by, and I just felt drawn, to be there, anyway... I now know the reason why... My little store, is kind of a gathering spot for folks... Folks, that just need... Need, comfort, someone to listen, I have had so many folks, just need an 'ear', that when I found an old brass plate, from a confessional, I posted it on my door, it reads, " Confessions 5 to 7 Daily". But all know, those hours, should read 24-7... When I walked down to the store, a van was outside, I walked in, to find, an old friend... He had gathered a couple of treasures, and when Rick and Karen popped in, my friend kept looking around... When they left, he stayed, and I asked him, if he would like to sit down, and chat.... He took me up,on the offer, right away... This dear man, seems like a lost soul... beaten down, totally exhausted... My heart aches for him, as I write... My friend lost everything, in the flood of '08... He has been working, and trying to rebuild, since the city let everyone go back in... We have discussed all of the massive hurdles, he has had to over come, the last, almost, 2 years now... I recently found out, he has been living in this house, sleeping on the floor of his bathroom, with a heater...{ all winter, with walls torn down to the lath, no insulation... Some nights this winter have been -20}{it took them months, to turn on the gas...} { some nights, he has slept in his van, in a well lit parking lot...} He goes to work, every day, comes home, and works, all night.... I gave him my number, and begged him to call, if he needs anything... months ago... I offered him a place, here in our home, to stay... He just won't.... He is so driven, to get this house done... This man, has a professional job, he makes good money... and yet, he is sleeping on the floor, in his bathroom... He had no flood insurance, when he purchased his home, the realtor, said he wouldn't need it. He wasn't in the flood plain... Every penny he makes, goes into restoring his home... I wonder, how many people, with far less, are living the same way... and we don't know about it... Fema, helped a little, the city, well, has everyone jumping through hoops... I don't know... This man, is one of the kindest, gentlest souls, I have ever known... I have given him, a few things, over the last year and a half, that I hope will work, in his restoration.... I don't know why, I am sharing this, with you, except, I know prayers work... Please pray for him, and all of those, who experienced this flood, and the Katrina victims... I am sure they are still struggling too...My friend told me, his co workers are coming over this week, to lend a hand... I have offered to haul, with the little truck, and help too, but he never takes me up on it... He said he was having chest pains, a few months ago, but when he went to the hospital, everything was fine... It's not his heart, I said, it's stress, and anxiety... He is a healthy, fit man, but this is taking him down, emotionally... He shared with me, while talking to one of his co workers, and sharing with him, so many of the obstacles, the city has placed before him, the man replied, " you need to just get over it"... I asked, if he had ever visited the square miles of destruction, he is living in, and nope, he hadn't... I asked if that man was coming, to help with his other co workers, and nope, he wasn't... Maybe, we should pray for that man too....My friend and I visited, for several hours... I didn't have another soul, walk through the door... I think God knew, my friend needed an uninterrupted session... Prayer's my Angels, I ask for your Prayers....
Barb C.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Mother and Child...
Kate didn't want to be in the picture... But, like Dale said... " there is nothing more beautiful, than a Mother, lovingly holding her baby...." How true...
We so enjoyed, trying to distract him, from his teething... He was looking around the shop, and so fascinated by all the colors and sparkling treasures... He's a 'Melter'!
Goopy Chandelier.... Oh My....
Bill's Shop... Antique Warehouse
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