Well, the little Angel arrived, safe and sound, around 9:45 Friday evening... He weighs in at 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and is the most beautiful child, I have ever seen... He has the softest, sweetest cry, but he doesn't use it much. He has long fingers and toes, just like his Dad, and is totally loved by all... His little face is like I would imagine an Angels would be... John and I went up to see him, first thing, Saturday morning, and he
absolutely stole our hearts away... Kate is doing fine, and Justin too. {Kate said Justin was a little '
Queasy', early on, but then stepped up to the plate.} It was a long day for all the kids! They are quite the little family, and that little boy couldn't be loved more.... They named him after Justin, he is Justin Lucas...
Thanks to all, who kept them in their prayers...
Barb C.
{ I will be leaving this Little Angel's post up today...and be posting about the 'Open House' in the morning... Thanks to all who visited, it was a wonderful weekend! I will have lots of stories for you Tuesday, then off to Indiana! Thanks to all who sent the most heartfelt comments, and
numerous phone calls...wishing great blessings, for our Little Angel... {I can't bear to post above him....}
What a beautiful baby and I'm kind of an expert on beautiful babies so take my word for it -- you've got yourselves one beautiful baby. I've got my 3 g'kids tonight & probably for a few nights. My son-in-law has a daughter that is having a baby tomorrow in KC that they think will have severe problems so they went to be with her. Keep them in your prayers. Jan
What a beautiful baby and I'm kind of an expert on beautiful babies so take my word for it -- you've got yourselves one beautiful baby. I've got my 3 g'kids tonight & probably for a few nights. My son-in-law has a daughter that is having a baby tomorrow in KC that they think will have severe problems so they went to be with her. Keep them in your prayers. Jan
Congratulations! Your family has been blessed with a beautiful, beautiful baby! Enjoy ~ Brenda
Congratulations!! He is beautiful!!
Oh how wonderful, he really is a gorgeous little guy! Blessings to the new family!
As we well know, God blesses us with these little packages and your little JL couldn't be a more perfect little package.
Barb, he is a beautiful little baby. I didn't want to say pretty, cuz maybe his dad wouldn't appreciate that! But he is a pretty baby, he has a beautiful little face. Congratulations and love to all the family. Thanks God for everything going okay.
Oh boy, gma, turn the page to a new chapter in your life book!!! Just remember a gma's role is to spend time soaking up all that baby's can give a gma.
hugs to you...
Well, just how much do you love that little guy! You're right, he is absolutely precious. Congrats!
:0) Congrats, Grandma Barb! What a beautiful blessing to your family!!! Enjoy
Congratulations barb! He is beautiful. He's very lucky to have you as his grandma. I'm glad everybody is healthy. I could'nt make it out this time for your sale. My loss.
What a precious little darling! Oh-he is everything I would imagine an angel to look like. Babies make life so very special. God has surely blessed all of you with this precious little bundle of joy. The angels are smiling! Luv~Betty G~
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