Monday, November 30, 2009
A Slap in The Face...
I woke up this morning, with one word burned into my brain...'Singlehandedly'... My dear friend, Steph, had made the comment, that I should look at my accomplishments, that I have done 'singlehandedly'.... Oh my Lord, NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!! At 5:00 this morning, I sat straight up in bed. With all the names and faces of those who have held their hands out, and broke their backs, helping me. People think I am the 'Lone Ranger', because I travel alone, a lot. But without the help, I have been soo blessed with, I'd be in a soup kitchen...
To begin, my husband, John, who keeps vehicles running, furniture mended, animals and children cared for, supper fixed, when I work so late...Added on to our house, and works his tail off on some crisis, daily... I could go on and on... My countless friends over the years, that I have shared booths with, that I have demanded soo much from, in patience, and ladder climbing, and heavy lifting...that have come in sleet and rain, to help me load, just to help...The knowledgeable friends, I know, who will help me, with no strings, figure out what something is. The folks I buy from, that care enough, to call me first. The folks I sell to, who think enough, to call me first, when looking for something, or come to our booth first, at a show. The many great friends, who come out during 'sale time' set up, and endure a grueling week. The folks who travel for miles and miles, to attend the Sale. The people who I can call on, to listen, and council. My daughter, Liz, and my second daughter { Liz's best friend Kristy} who have travelled with me, since they were 8 years old, to shows... My friends who come from miles away, sometimes in the worst of conditions, to shop at the store... My son, Justin, who when I am crazy enough to buy something, that weighs 10 tons, will help move it. People I hardly know, that leave their numbers, so if I should need a hand, to please call, my new blogger friends, that have left so many encouraging posts, on their blogs, and comments, that have really made me think. I thought about naming them all, but I would be here all day...really...
If this is 'Singlehandedly', it's a pretty Big Hand...
I guess that's why, when I stand at a cross road, as I am now, look back, make my own excuses, I realize, how many have helped so much, and have faith in me, and I don't want to disappoint... Business is holding it's own. It is probably no worse than many... I am thankful, it is still alive...some are not...Maybe it's my age, as I get older, the winter shakes me up a little more, and the new year, full of unknowns... I see that I keep looking out, farther and farther into the future, and guessing, with all the 'what ifs', seeking out my shortcomings, all my mistakes... I need to keep doing what I know, and do best... Today....That is all I can do. And pray we all do well, in whatever direction we may travel.
Barb C.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
OH my...
I knew it was coming, and should have clarified, my comments about, 'new' stuff. I have deleted any and all comments I wrote concerning them...and I will try and be more specific, when I write... I visited with one of my Iowa customers today, concerning the 'New' stuff, she carries. She is very selective, and much of it is made here, in the United States. She hand selects everything, and does a great job. And, without her sales of the 'new', she wouldn't be able to buy as many antiques, which are her first love. The people I personally deal with, do carry wonderful, new items, they are all careful, not to fill their stores with the stuff, everyone else has. Nor do they buy reproductions of good old stuff, it is new, but works well with the old. And is mostly made in the United States. I had a friend, years ago, try and get me to sell his Iron Stuff, that he brought in, in containers...I couldn't do it...He has done very, very well. I had another friend, who talked me into trading some antiques, for a load of new Iron Urns... I couldn't sell them... I practically gave them away...And I had people asking me for three years after, if my 'Old' urns, are old.... I don't understand this stuff... My beef is this, I can go to Ben Franklin, Drug Town, Major Antique Malls, and chain stores, and find sections of new, imported pieces, that are difficult for me to tell the difference,{ from a distance...} that I do see on garage sales... These things have truly wounded the market for authentic wooden ware, garden ware, iron fencing, Ironstone, transfer ware, jadeite, cake stands, apothecary jars, quilts, the list could go on and on. These are the things I carry. I could buy this stuff cheaper, but at retail, it would be as much, or more, than the old... This is a market I cannot compete with... The new stuff, my friends carry are not the reproductions of what I carry. It's the retail stores, that have hurt me, and others the most. It is that simple. My customers, that used to buy, the above mentioned pieces, don't much anymore, because they have been reproduced... and are everywhere. I could buy new apothecary jars, and ironstone, but it leaves me cold, tho, I could have an unlimited quantity, for the folks who just want the look. I look back, and I also ruffled a lot of feathers, when I started selling chipped, cracked and damaged pieces. The high end dealers thought it was terrible, but there is a market for those things, and I love them. Now I know how they felt...
I am sorry that I barked at my friend, Ed... He is one of those, who does everything right... They have some new, but are very selective, and don't carry things you can find anywhere, they work very, very hard to make everything perfect. And succeed. They are owners of one of the few stores, that care, and represent things appropriately. If you want to see how it is done RIGHT, check out { }But I am hearing it from so many, including my friend, today, that it takes both, to survive, and be diverse... My friend agreed with me, about me carrying new stuff... She thought if I did, maybe a candle line... That I could do. I truly wouldn't begin to know how to buy 'new' stuff... I don't even buy new clothes, most of the time...
Barb C.
P.S. I went to bed, and started thinking, for me to try and pin any short comings, I have, on anything, accept myself, is wrong....If things are not moving in the direction they should be, it's my own fault, and my judgement, or lack there of, sets squarely on my shoulders.
No excuses...
Made a Little 'Headway'
Worked in the shop, yesterday, it's getting worse, much worse. The area's that I was trying to keep intact, are getting loaded down... I moved the Monster Green pocket doors,{ 9x2 1/2} to make the new 'walls' and other big storefront doors, I hinged, so one could swing, to get you through to another 'room'. That was my goal, for the day, get the walls set... My store is basically, a three stall garage,{24 x32 } all open, with 10 foot ceilings, I use massive doors, and huge, 10 foot tall cupboards, as room dividers, I had it built this way, so I would never be sorry for having a wall or doorway, in a bad place, when bringing in a big piece. It is an optical illusion, when you walk in, that the store is huge, and goes on forever. When folks walk in, they really can't believe it, the outside, seems so small, and then, I guess, jumping down the rabbit's hole, would be an accurate description. I am making headway, but, it truly is a slow process.
My pal, Jan, left me a lovely comment, and thought I should take a ride to MO. and come visit... Oh how lovely that would be. She also said I should hunker down, and quit buying... Good advice, but I have found, when you stop buying, and getting in new things, you also slow down on selling. I have always sold 'wholesale', and flipped stuff, right off the truck. Not a lot of profit, but it keeps things turning. I know my customers well, and for the most part, they trust my judgement, and will buy things, based on my description.
I read in my Streams, and also the book that Barb H. gave me, by Joyce Meyer, today, and what I got out of them was, to be still, enjoy life, and have Faith... I am trying. I went down to the store, yesterday, with the attitude, that I would enjoy all the work, and have fun with it...No pressure... What will be, will be. { after resetting the huge store door's hinges 4 times, so they would swing properly, climbing up and down the ladder, a zillion times, and dropping screws, all over the floor, and not getting riled up, I feel that I accomplished something.}
A friend called, and is interested in seeing some of the Indiana pieces today, I'll have to get them unloaded. My pal, Polly, offered to come help, with the mess, but truly, it takes me soo long to bring my vision, to reality, I think she would lose her mind...
I also tend to 'play', with the treasures I move. I unearthed some wonderful old photo albums, and just stood there, for at least 15 minutes, going through them... They were from a family, near What Cheer, Iowa, back in the 20's, 30's and 40's...Tuff times... But they all seemed to be having a wonderful life... They were farmers, and raised all sorts of livestock, had their dogs, and cats in their black and white photos. Many of the images were from 'threshing' times, all the men in their bibs... This is what keeps me going... The Old Cupboard, that my friend, Virgil, gave me, just weeks before he died... I look at it, and see his face... I have to move it very carefully, it's pretty feeble. He was going to make it like new, but I begged him to sell it to me, as found. He wouldn't. He delivered it to me, as a gift, when I was in Nashville, several years ago, when he had found out he only had a short time left, here. I love it, and him, they are both 'priceless'. I hung an old quilt on the wall, and felt pretty ashamed... It is soo incredibly beautiful, and has been folded up, for how long, in a pile, with others, equally as lovely, but I have no space, to let them shine... This one will smile, for awhile... Yes, I had a pretty good time, ...
My Gal stopped by, to peek at the Indiana load, and found several things, and has a couple things, on hold, 'til tomorrow... Peg called, and I felt like the 'Calvery' just showed up, on the hillside! She said she's coming up, tomorrow, to lend a hand! { my friends who just left, didn't see much we skinny'd through the store...ah, but there is hope, and it will be done, by Friday...}
'til next time,
Barb C.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I Hope You Dance...
I love this song... I direct it to my children, friends and family...But, today, I direct it towards myself.... The verse that says, "When you come close to 'selling out', reconsider..."
I was working in the Shop, last night, til late, late... moving everything...taring everything Peg, and I had so beautifully constructed, just a few weeks ago, completely apart. There is truly nothing recognizable.... Why? So I can add new things, give the Store a new look, and hopefully bring more folks in the door. While reorganizing, and finding lost treasures, and struggling with an early 1800's Secretary, that I had bought, just after I opened the store, 13 years ago, and attempted to use as my 'check out', to no avail, I decided to put it in the house, and use it for my computer, and printer. I stopped struggling, threw myself over the old Secretary, and wept...{ my mind was racing... I had just had 4 girls stop by, and tho they were very nice, I could see the disappointment in their eyes... the shop is a disaster...}Why does everything have to be sooo hard...
The shows have been a little down, all year. Mostly because there have been too many of them. It doesn't seem to matter, at the time, a little down, but at the end of the year, it really ads up. The one we just did in Indiana, had two shows within an hour radius, of this one... Had I known that, I wouldn't have gone. The show was tuff,{ crazy, busy the first 2 and a half hours, then it died...} the sad thing is, we did better than 90% of the dealers... The good thing is, I found some wonderful things, that never would have happened, if I had stayed home. So the total, on that show, remains to be seen.
My friend, Steph just called, and we visited about my concerns. She said, "Barb, look what you have done, you have built that shop, out of nothing... and carried your entire family, for years, how many people can say that... it just gives me goosebumps..." I know, it amazes me too. I said that to my little store, last night... A building, that is really, only a three stall garage, with a couple of old greenhouses, on each end, that were headed for the scrap yard... has truly carried us. { God had a plan, I just can't figure out what He wants me to do now...} It breaks my heart, to think about what may lay ahead... Frankly, I'm getting tired. I remember a time, when I went to work,{ at a real job...} and had two days off in a row, and wondered what I would do with them... I left my work, at work, never gave it another thought, until I punched in.
Steph also reminded me, of all the other businesses I have helped, over the years... Maybe that was a mistake... Tho I love them all, it kept me from making my own little store, the way it deserves to be...But without their mass purchases, would we have stayed alive? I remember seeing buyers, roll through, with treasures loaded on their trucks, that had been on my truck, just a few days earlier... I was glad... Glad that my customers had made a little money, and I had helped them survive too. I believe we must help one another.
Steph told me to go down to that store, and pour my soul into it, treat myself to a 'Starbucks', and make it happen... for me, and no one else... I am going to. About the 'selling out' part, I don't know... I guess that's my problem...I don't know. For today...I'll Dance...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Back to Business...
Thanksgiving was wonderful! The Baby is amazing, and we got to hold him and squeeze him! Liz came over early, and helped out, that was sooo nice. Justin, Kate and the Babe arrived around 11:00, and we ate around 2. All the food turned out pretty good...I made 2 sweet potato pies, and a dutch apple...I cook with an early 1900's stove, that doesn't have an oven thermometer, so I have one that hangs in the oven...or did vanished...So my pies got a little crispy, but tasted pretty good! We had turkey, smoked turkey, candied yams. corn, sour cream garlic mashed potatoes, smoked oysters, cranberry relish, crab dip, veggies of all sorts, my famous dressing, really enough for 30 people, but I sent tons home with the kids, they will eat well for a week!{ it really is all about the 'leftovers!} I also took one of my favorite pudding molds, from the mid 1800's, it's early Ironstone, or soft paste, mixed up a German chocolate cake, with walnuts and cherries, sprayed a little 'pam' in the mold, and threw it in the micro....Liz and I stood back, wondering if the mold would explode...It didn't, and the cake was wonderful! I wonder if the maker of that beauty could have ever dreamt, that it might be used in a micro...I don't think so! We put all the meat on the beautiful, huge Staffordshire Platter, that I picked up this summer, and it did it's job, very well...{Wonder what was on it the first time it was used, back in 1840?
I'm headed down to the Shop, and will keep taring away... It's pretty ugly, but just knowing how fun it will be, has me energized! I visited with Peg this morning, and she said she would be glad to come up next week, but thought I would probably have all the hard stuff done by then.... I hope so!
Hope you all had a very nice Thanksgiving, and a fun, safe weekend!!
Barb C
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I spent a lot of time processing, this particular Thanksgiving....I have come to realize, I am a pretty selfish person. I have taken the Holidays, and made them mine, because I never really had them as a child. I have forced my family to endure a lot of food, and routine... This may not be what they wish, or want, on their Thanksgiving... I got to thinkin', maybe we should rotate. And let each family member, choose, what they would like, for their Thanksgiving...Maybe just watching t.v. all day, or eating at a restaurant, or going through old photos, or just visiting...or I can do it...Who cares, as long as we are together. My friend, Jan, said some lovey things to me this morning, and I know she is missing someone today... Who knows how long we have here on this Earth...We need to be thankful for each other. I will always hold The Holidays, in my heart, no matter where or what they are bundled in.
I posted 4 little turkeys, I bought from my friend Lillian, years ago. She lived alone, and took care of her mother. Lillian never married, and when her mother died, she was so lonely. She knew my love for antiques, and would call me over, and we would go through her things in the attic. We had great fun, and sorted through her memories. Lillian didn't need the money, she needed a friend. Sometimes I would take the kids with, she always had cookies on hand. Lillian knew, that when she left this Earth, there would be no one to give her memories to, so she chose me. I get the little turkeys out, every Thanksgiving, just like her Mother did... I remember how carefully she had them wrapped, in tissue, and handed them to me, one by one. I keep them in my old cupboard, in the kitchen, where I can see them. She moved into a beautiful retirement center, and after that, she didn't call much. Lillian died several years ago, I didn't even know it. We went to John's Aunt Elma's funeral,this fall, and there I saw Lillian's headstone, next to her Mother and Father. I wasn't sad, I knew she was where she wanted to be. Happy Thanksgiving, Lillian.
Hope you all have a Wonderful day, and eat way too much!
Barb C.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I was feeling pretty 'Poor Me', earlier today... I was reading beautiful memories, of Thanksgiving, from other bloggers. I always get way into Thanksgiving, and Christmas, tho my family doesn't. They don't seem to care, one way or the other.{ John even grumbled, helping me bring in the groceries} I always, I know, go way out, with too much food, I spend hours and days preparing for these Holidays... I want them to have something I never had growing up. So instead of having a 'poor me' attitude, because my family doesn't understand why the Holidays are such a 'big deal', I'll give Thanks.
I am Thankful that my children will never know, as a child, what it is like, to not have a Thanksgiving.
I am Thankful that my children will never know what is like, as a child, watching other families enjoy a beautiful meal, and not having one themselves.
I am thankful my children never saw a Christmas Tree, as a child, at someone else's home, and wondered what it must be like, on Christmas Morning in that home.
I am Thankful my children never witnessed their parents fighting.
I am Thankful my children never saw their Mother drunk and abusive.
I am Thankful my children never had to worry about their parents.
I am Thankful that my children don't know any different.
I am Thankful, that I lived through it, and love the Holidays. My siblings, not so much. My sister Chery, who I lost several years ago, hated the Holidays. She did her best, for her family, but in private conversations, would tell me how much she wished they would never come. My brother, well, he is always 'sick', and doesn't want to go anywhere,on the Holidays, and my sister Merry, she does a great job, for her family, but I know the Holidays are tuff for her too. How sad...{ Merry lives 2000 miles away, and has since she was 18} I have been a 'Pollyanna', my whole life... I moved out on my own, when I was 15, and was bound and determined I would have Thanksgiving, at my house, that year. {and every year after} My Dad and Brother came, and it was great. I saved, and bought a Christmas Tree, only me and my Best Friend, Dolcy {my beloved Great Dane.} celebrated, but it didn't matter, it was my tree, my ornaments, my Christmas. I still have them. I am sorry for those who aren't Thankful, so many have so much, and don't even know it.
Barb C.
P.S. I love my mother very much, she is still living, and is 89 years old. I was her primary care giver for many years, she is now in a nursing home, Mom is totally blind, has a Menengioma, {brain tumor}, and suffers from grand mall seizers. She can not walk, and it takes 2 people to transfer her. Holidays are hard, for people living with an alcoholic. It seems like, at special occasions, they like to drink all the more. When my mother drank, she got very abusive, to everyone around her. She was a sweet, loving, kind hearted person, sober. My siblings are all much older than me, and endured much more. My mother was married once before, and they had a different father, who was also an alcoholic. I was very blessed, my Dad didn't drink. He saved me. I thank God for him.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hey Robin...
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Better Image....
The Corner Cupboard....
Wonderful Hanging Cabinet
An Amazing Quilt...{Heartland Show}
Daryl.... What a Guy!
My Favorite Chair...
Huge Plaster Fixture!
The Poetry Book...Oh my...
Well, we made it home... I wasn't sure, the last 4 hours of the trip... If Dale didn't have to be to work today, I would have pulled over, and slept... Oh my... It was all I could do to keep the Van and trailer on the road... I was totally exhausted.... I told him to sleep, because he had to be up so early, it was a long, long weekend...
The show was great, but monitarily...not so much... When caught in a 'slow show', there is only one thing to do, 'buy' your way out. We both found several wonderful treasures, at the show, and going home, we found some truly great things! I would love to go back and shop that area again!
{ with a better show behind me, and a larger wallet!}
I think I am going to tear the west side of my store out,{ dislpays, I mean, I need the building.} And fill it with some of the Indiana stuff, re-do, and enlarge the 'Primitive Corner', it's time. I have gathered some wonderful things on this trek, and they deserve a wonderful resting place! I am not sure if I'll start on it today, with Thanksgiving around the corner, but I dropped Dale off at his home last night, so I would have my treasures home, and I'm sure he will want his Van and Trailer back soon. hmmm...
If I can get it all done, I may have a little 'Primitive Open House', coinciding with Prelude to Christmas, in the Amana Colonies. The first weekend in December....
This will be a Big change for the Store, but a very exciting one...{ I wouldn't do this on a whim...but I am so happy with the treasures I have gathered, well, they have fueled me with inspiration!} {Very Cool Stuff!}
{ The image above is one of my favorite things, I found at the show... Pups on one side, kitties on the other... it has lots of cracks, but it is from the 1840's, and I will accept them, gladly...}
Barb C.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Our Booth
Well, Dale and I didn't kill each other, and the booth turned out lovely... We pretty much got mobbed, when the show opened, then around 11:30, it just fizzled out... The show was beautiful, tons of great stuff, but it simply did not hold a crowd.... I visited, late in the day with many dealers, and I think we did pretty well, considering... I sold one piece of furniture, Dale sold two, we sold lots of smalls, lots of Christmas. I will be posting more this week, for now, I'll show you our booth, and Dale's favorite find!
Barb C
Friday, November 20, 2009
I Feel Like a Bag of Bones....
Oh my... My comfy shoes, blew out, and blistered the ball of my left foot... So unloading a dozen pieces of big furniture, and concrete urns and fountain, have truly taken their toll... I hurt everywhere...{ concrete floors are the worst...} We just had supper, and the three Bloody Mary's and Aleve, hasn't touched it... I got the booth 98% done, Dale and I had a few minor blows, mainly about lifting furniture.... when you are going to ' lift and go', say you are going to 'lift and go'... Three times, I nearly lost flesh, because he was lifting, and running... I don't move fast, when it comes to heavy stuff...period... I told him, "you hurt me, I'm walking out the door".... really....REALLY! This old Gal can move a mountain, but at my own pace... I would rather do it alone, and take a while, than get myself hurt... I take way too long to heal... I think Dale got the message... I told him, the next time he 'grabs and runs', I am going to pile drive him... I meant it.
Now that I have that off my chest... The booth is looking pretty good. I'll have images tomorrow. The Show looks great! I don't know how my stuff will go over, this Show is pretty 'hard core Country', but so is Heart of Country, and we did very well there... We'll see... I think some of the dealers don't quite know how to take this look... Oh well... { I heard one guy say, one of my displays reminded him of the Mardi Gras...I'll take that as a complement...{ his wife loved it!}
I haven't had much sleep, so I am a little grumpy... We have to be up by 5:30, so I am going to go soak in the tub, we have a long, long day tomorrow... a fast and furious sales day, and then tear down...pack and load...Wonder exactly how many 'Aleve' are left in that bottle?
I'll have images for you later...
Barb C.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Oh My Gosh!!! We Found Some Great Stuff!!!!
Dale and I took off, for the Heartland Show, in Richmond, Indiana, around 3:30 this morning, and we are settled in, at our hotel, and it's a little after 7...Ya Hoo! We found the most wonderful honey hole! I was driving, and we flew by an "Antique" sign.... I thought we would turn around, and go back, but there were no exits... for miles... Dale, really didn't want to back track, and said maybe we could stop on the way home... my mind was whirling... I thought, yea, yea, we'll stop on the way back... but my 'gut' kept saying, "go back, go back..." I saw an exit coming up, and Dale was still talking about our trip home, and how "if we came this direction home, we would stop...if the shop wasn't closed on Sunday..." And tho I haven't driven Dale's van much, that darned thing headed right off the Hi-way, and turned around... My little Ford has the same problem... Hmmm. {must be a 'Ford' thing...}
So back we go, miles... We walk into the Shop... and it was just like home, only 10 times bigger... and they were running a sale... 30 to 50% off everything.... I nearly died.... Vintage Christmas, Early Staffordshire, Victorian Shadow Boxes, Quilts, Ironstone, Gnarly Oil Paintings... Gnarly Fixtures.... I bought and bought and bought.....And Dale found some cool stuff too!!!! Wow!!!
I just had to tell ya! I'll be writing more, about this wonderful day, next week...Oh my!
We set up, at the Show, early in the morning, and I am Beat!!! I'll keep you posted!
Barb C.
I want to thank Polly Ann, I tried to post on her blog, to no avail, this evening...She totally brought me to my knees, with her beautiful comment...Words can never express my humble gratitude... She is an amazing young woman, and I am so blessed to call her my friend... My True Friend...
Barb C.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Loaded....and ready to roll!
Here are some of the images I was supposed to have posted yesterday....Better late than never... I had great help, from Carolyn A., who kindly volunteered her time, and we made fast work of it! I am still doing laundry, and will probably get to bed, about the time Dale pulls in, ready to go....
I am truly happy with the load, cool stuff, and not too much!
I can't find my case, for the computer... it may have to stay home... If so, I'll see ya on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!
Barb C.
On The Run...and Down to the Wire....
I will be posting images, later today...{ sorry Laura, I will get it on, and hopefully you will see it, before Dale picks up the trailer, around 3:30} I was running in so many directions, yesterday, I even thought it was Monday...ALL DAY!!!! All the furniture is looking amazing... The Harvest Table turned out Way better than I even could have imagined!{ John did a wonderful job, and it is beautiful...} I am still hunting early, formal, high back chairs... I have one.... to go at the end of the table... all I really need is one more, for the other end... I might pull one out of my house...{ Rats!}
Big Daddy, {John} and I un-loaded the 6, 300 pound limestone columns... { The party that was interested, sent her husband to look at them... he ran fast!} {Wimp} They are amazing, and we really didn't have much trouble with them, my two wheeled dolly, well, it was a God Send... I have had it for years, and it truly has carried some heavy, heavy stuff! It has turned from 'red' to 'pink' over the years, and we get teased about it all the time... Tuff! It may be 'girlie' but it gets the job done well!{ I have had this one for 10 years, most of my friends have had 2 or 3, in that amount of time, and don't haul near the loads we do...} It's fully inflated tires, went flat, carrying those columns, but like the 'Energizer Bunny', came back to life, and said "bring'em on!" When you move this heavy stuff, the key is, take your time... Don't try and 'Bully' the piece, I guarantee, that if you do, the piece will win...and you will pay, for days...
I read Polly's blog, this morning, and she did a darling dedication, to our new addition to the family... She is the sweetest girl, always so thoughtful, and kind...{ pollyanns} I truly love her...
Little Justin Lucas, is jaundice, his daddy was too, when he was a few days old, but since I had a C-section, they treated him for it while in the hospital, before we went home... I know the kids are concerned, but he will be fine...
I don't have one thing packed, don't have laundry done, don't have hotel reservations... { we need a suite, or double chaperone's going with, so no sharing...} Billy Grahm, in an interview once said, he was never in a room alone with a woman, who wasn't his wife... Good plan, I have never forgotten that... The last two years, my show partners have been male. They are like brothers to me, and I consider them my best friends... However, sharing a room with them, without my daughter, Liz, or another friend, that leaves room for gossip.... I don't need it...
Billy had the right idea.
Justin and Brandon loaded the corner cupboard, and barn doors, last night, while I was grocery shopping. {I don't want John to starve while I am away... He won't go to the store, or even call out for a pizza... he'd just starve... I'd come home, and find him in his recliner, remote in hand, all starved to death...} So he's set, lots of treats, for his long weekend, without the 'slave driver', barking at him... { he claims he doesn't like it when I'm gone...whatever... he loves it, I can tell, he has the house all to himself...} I know he misses me, a little... It was so funny, the last time I was gone, for 10 days, with Allyson, my neighbor, who I never see, came over to tell me John was missing me... He would never say it, not to me, but I know... I miss him too...
Once again, I am up, way too early, I'll be crashing and burning around 5:00... I'm going to run around, and grab the coolest stuff I can lay my hands on, and take a sampling of Christmas Treasures, pull a few quilts, the furniture is almost ready to be loaded, I can't forget the tools, and 'fluff' stuff... I won't have my truck, to run to... I always have everything in that truck...Extra cords, lights, wire, many fabrics and rugs to choose from...Yikes! I have to really think! { and be organized!}{I hate that!}
I will be posting later, with images... as soon as it gets light outside...
I'm runnin'!
Barb C.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Holiday Open House...History....
Oh my gosh! What a weekend! Saturday was amazing! Tons of people, lots of laughs, {some had us all rollin'!} {concerning cigars, ministers wives, long hanging moss...oh just had to be here!} A wonderful Angel came into our lives, { it was the hardest thing for me to do, this morning, putting a new post up... over that Sweet Angel...} Sunday was slower... but Great! Amy, from 'The Nest', popped in, with her darling family, Brandon and Dale, Anita and several folks who had never been here before... We all had a fun time, and I truly enjoyed the wonderful conversation!
Things got a little hectic, after I closed, Dale and I went and looked at 11 big{ at least 300 pounds each} limestone columns.... My pal Jay, had called me about... with the little truck... we turned around, and got his trailer...we loaded six, { I have to go get five more... they will have to wait 'til I get back from Indiana...}
My Pal, Bud called, Sunday night, he had to clean out a barn, where he had great primitive stuff stored, for 20 years, immediately, Monday, and we filled 3 trucks... It was soo cold, and windy, I thought I was going to freeze to death! Bud had taken a fall from a ladder, last week, and is torn up pretty bad, he needed help, no lifting for him for a while. So with the help of his sis, and brother, we gotter done! He sold me a huge load of great stuff, as we were loading! A wonderful old step back cupboard, several tables, a beautiful old dovetailed trunk, a gnarly old single doored Amana cupboard... I could go on and on! Quite a load.... All covered in 20 years of dust, and a little coon poop...just like I like'em! We got the other stuff all situated last night, and it was good to get that job done... I have to unload all those limestone columns today, run and get totes, get packed, do laundry, { I have no clean clothes!} clean stuff and load furniture, for the show... Dale wants to finish his loading tomorrow night, so needs to pickup the trailer, and we will be heading out at 4 a.m.. Thursday morn.... the fun never ends... The columns may be sold, I'm waiting for a call, I may need to deliver them, this morning...{ I don't want to unload, and then re-load....ah, no way...}
It was a whirlwind weekend.... I can not thank everyone enough, for all of the kind words...and prayers... my blogger pals are amazing... I haven't had time to thank all of you personally, but I have read every comment, and they have brought tears to my eyes...really... Thank You, from the bottom of my Heart....
To all of my wonderful customers, a.k.a. my friends... that walked through the door of the shop...I love you... Thanks for the great visits, the laughs, and your purchases... I know this is a tuff time for many, and I really appreciate your business. Thank You...
Peg... What can I say... We were both in tears when she left... I truly don't know how in the world, I could have pulled this off, without her...We laughed 'til we cried...all week...12 hour days... She wouldn't take a dime... I made her take some things home, I know she loved... she said to me, "Barb, if I didn't love coming up here, and working with you, I wouldn't be here... you truly mean the world to me..."{ believe me, there is not enough money in this world, to pay for the kind of work we do, if you don't truly love it...} {tears, and more tears...I can hardly write this...} We did have the most wonderful time...Sparring with Sweet Dale, cleaning up mouse turds... Peg would say, in a sarcastic tone, my words "they have to eat too", "they have to have a home, too." { I put up with the little creatures, and, well, Peg, not so much...} Lugging huge fountains and urns and iron furniture...I am keeping the beautiful fountain, we found, just for the wonderful memory, of our time together... I have been soo blessed with her friendship... Words could never express how truly wonderful she is....What can I say.... I am speechless...
To God... Thank You, for bringing the most beautiful, healthy child, into our lives...I pray that You will watch over him, and all of us, all of the wonderful souls I am truly blessed to be surrounded by...
Barb C.
Brandon and Peg...
Amy and the Gang!
Anita and Brandon
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Touched by an Angel....
A Wonderful Open House....
It was a crazy morning, getting the last minute things done...but we pulled it off! And what a day... Friends from all over the country came calling... and it was truly a delight to see everyone! Koral and her husband, Guy, started the morning off on a fast pace, they bought several pieces, and my last 'Amana' Christmas tree... they have a wonderful store, in New London, Iowa, that I have got to get back to soon! I truly love their things, and they always have great prices!{319-367-5349} I was sooo busy, I didn't get her info, for her store, just give her a ring, and be sure and visit!
My Pals from Oskaloosa, Iowa, popped in...It is always so great to see these Girls... Betty, Jean and Nancy....{ the Gals in the picture} They are such sweet souls, and have such a wonderful eye... I have been to Jean's home, several times, and it is truly amazing... She should have been an interior designer, it blows my mind....
Allyson, stopped by, and found several treasures, Dale F. popped in, just in time to help us move a piece of furniture in the shop...{remember what I said about his timing? Perfect...}
Lynn and Lea, from southern Iowa, came up, and we had a great visit, and did a little 'horse trading', they brought me up a box full of cool vintage Christmas, some I am putting in my own collection! {Thanks Guys!}
Lori stopped in, and found some treasures, and shared her darling little 'Fairies', she created, I will try and get an image on soon, they are really sweet!
I had several new folks in, as well... I tapped into the 'Gnarly Head' wine, late in the day, and Peg's Mother in Law, and my dear friend, Gerri, shared a glass with me... She is a darling... Gerri works at the Women's Shelter, 3rd shift, and is 78 years old... wow... She is the kindest, gentlest person I know... She and I could visit for hours, we like sooo many of the same things... Her home is adorable, she too, could be an interior designer.
Peg and I were pretty strung out... I had mountains of chocolates, cookies, pound cake, hot, spiced cider, every kind of 'nut', you can imagine, mints, candy, of all sorts...and we munched on them all day.... then topped it off with 'Gnarly Head'....oh my....
Everyone was blown away by the cool old fountain, that Peg and I rescued from the 'yard waste', and were totally impressed by Pegs wonderful painted gourd! Steph, at Fern Hill, wants to have 'Country Homes Garden' do an article on Peg, I think they would be amazed by her talents!
The day was wonderful...I so enjoy seeing everyone, on a slower pace, and not during my Sale... It is always so busy then, and no time to chat. The Store is jam packed, and Peg and I weren't sure if we could get more than 2 people in at a time! But everyone managed quite well, and I think everyone had a good time! I put some new stuff in tonight, and am anxious to see more folks tomorrow!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by, you all made my day!
Barb C.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Peg, Alive and Well, after helping me load, the 'Big Dawg'!
Peg, with her harvest!
What a Day!!!
Peg and I worked in the Store for several hours, the funny thing is, the more you do, the more you see, that needs to be done....Oh well, we are pulling out the Vintage Christmas this morning... { I am anxiously awaiting news, on a new baby... Kate is being induced this morning... The Hospital is very protective, about visitors,{ this is a very good thing...} so I don't know when we will get to go in...Kate assured me, they would have their phones on! Keep them in your prayers...}
Peg and I made deliveries, in the afternoon,yesterday, and had a fabulous lunch, in Oxford, Iowa. If you are in the area, be sure and stop in! It's called Augusta's, located on the main drag, everything is homemade, the breads and pies are wonderful, the folks that run it, are from New Orleans, and the food has a mix, between our hearty mid-west flavor, to a creole, and southern style...Very Nice! { I had the 'Derby Pie'.... oh my...oh my...}
Augusta's hours are : Wed, Thurs. 11 AM-9PM Fri, Sat 11AM-10PM and Sunday brunch 11AM-2PM Closes at 8PM Phone #319-828-2252 {}
We had a wonderful lunch, I had the 'Po-Boy' and Peg had the most awesome Tenderloin Ever!
Everything was great, I even knew the waiter.... In Oxford.... I looked like a real Goddess, my hair pulled up in a gnarly ponytail, sticking straight up in the air, no make-up.... bad, bad, bad... Joe, the waiter, seated us, and said, " Barb, is that you????" He was serious.... I said, "oh,'s me...." I didn't recognize him either, probably because I didn't expect to see him there, Joe works part time for Fern Hill, and that's where we usually see one another!
From lunch, Peg wanted to harvest some birds nests... She is a wonderful gatherer... Peg truly enjoys nature, and she found some wonderful ones. We wanted to cut evergreen, at my favorite "lawn waste" site, but we got 'skunked', they had already dozed and burned... As we were leaving the site, I glanced over to a pile of broken concrete, to see, in amazement, a HUGE BIRDBATH!!! Holy Smokes! I looked at Peg, and said, "I am Not Leaving, without that...." It was partially buried, by other pieces of discarded concrete, so we carefully exposed the huge bowl, to find it in remarkably good condition... the pedestal was standing near-by, and perfect! The issue was, how to get this monster loaded... My asthma has been the worst it has been in years, I am constantly huffing, puffing, wheezing and coughing all day and night...{ little rest these days...} and Peg, tho mighty, isn't a very big girl... But I knew one thing... if it killed me, that birdbath was going to be in the back end of that truck.... Peg and I looked at each other, I backed the little Ford, as close as I could, to it, looked at Peg, and said, "On the count of three...1...2...3....GRRRR! And the huge bowl was loaded... What two crazy women can do, when they put their minds to it....I'm sure it was adrenaline!
On the way home, our pal, Dale F. called...{he truly has the worst timing...} He asked if we needed a hand, unloading stuff, he was in Fairfax, and would be glad to help... We said, suuurrre!
When he saw the size of that bowl, I thought he was going to get in his car, and RUN! But sweet soul, that he is, he stayed, and helped. { More than he wanted... We got the birdbath, elevated on 4 big concrete disc's,{ that had to be carefully leveled, one by one} then Peg looked at me, and said, "Well Barb... don't you think this needs to go back, another 6 inches, or so...?" {it did, it really did...} The look on Dale's face, well, it was totally priceless... I was laughing so hard, I truly could not breathe, so was Peg... Dale literally 'crossed his eyes' and totally went limp.... Oh my gosh, I thought Peg and I were going to keel over, right then and there... Dale agreed, he would help tear it all apart, and re-do... Peg found an old level, Dale grabbed it, and started leveling the stone, squinting, and standing back, eye balling the stone, then back to the level.."I CAN'T SEE THE BUBBLE!!!" Oh my Gosh... Peg and I were rolling....Poor Dale... I kept snapping pictures, he kept yelling at me "THIS HAD BETTER NOT GET ON THAT BLOG!!! {Flash, Flash, Flash went my little Kodak!} What A Guy...
Dale took off, before we had a chance to change our minds, again, and Peg and I worked til about 8:30. She's coming out, this morning, around 9:00, and we will get into the trailer, and Fluff Christmas... I need to get the treats lined up, and the 'wine' is looking mighty tempting, already, this morning... It has been a long, long week... I don't know what I would have done, without Peg... And for the life of me, I can not understand, why she puts herself through so much torture, helping me... This is grueling work...really... She says, " I'm not doing anything but running a vacuum, and sweeping.." WHATEVER!!! God truly sent me an Angel, when Peg walked through the door, of my little store, many, many years ago... When she moved to MO., it was awful, but I hear little hints, like they might be moving back home... I hope so...
I'm headed for the bath, it's about 7:30, and I keep thinking about Kate... They induced her around 6:30...Prayers, Prayers... and Justin too... he has no idea...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Peg's Gift...She is an Amazing Artist....
The Fun Never Ends....
Wow, Peg and I have been running Hard!!! I didn't think I had too much to get done, before Open House.... I was wrong! My place is a Mess... I thought the shop was passable... Throw a few ornaments in, garland, ta, da, ta,da,...ah, not so much... My main goal, was the front Greenhouse... EEEK! Peg and I have been intense, I laid several hundred pounds of cherry stone, inside, Peg ran away fast, with every load, it is very, very dusty stuff! I hooked up the chandelier, that got wet, this spring, told Peg to stand back... My arm got a good 'BUZZ", and Pegs eyes were as big as saucers, she said a flame shot 5 inches out of one of the fixtures....well, that didn't work....we ran lights and cords, took countless bags of trash out, swept, and cleaned til 9:30 last night... The thing is, the Greenhouse is looking pretty good, but every time we walk back into the Store, it looks like a rotting banana....It looks worse and the minute... How did I ever think, this was remotely passable....Peg saw it too...I made deliveries, visited Bud, in Amana quick, he had called, and informed me he had fallen off a ladder, over the weekend, and got pretty 'tore up', and will be down for a while... We took him over a peach pie, and 'well wishes', he is always soo active, this is going to be a hard several months....
My phone was truly ringing off the hook! Peg and I were flying, trying to get everything done, we had wanted to cut some more greenery, but had to get back to the store...Folks were waiting on us.... We had lots of visitors... One gentleman from MO, as he was talking to his wife on the phone, back home, said, " I'm at this place, I don't know how to describe it, it's wonderful, ah, I don't know how to describe it...yes, it's an Antique Store..." he turned around, looked at me and asked," how would you describe it?" I looked at him and said..."It's like jumping down the rabbit's 'Alice in Wonderland' " { The gals from Colorado described it that way...and it fits...} Peg said I really should have name the shop "The Rabbit's Hole"...
I am trying to get caught up... but seem to be falling further, and further behind....I don't know where I'm going to go with the half Greenhouse goodies.... It's all heavy, fragile stuff...Some of it will work, in the store, but not all of it! Peg is watching her grand daughter play volley ball, today, so I'm on my own! I truly don't know what I would have done, without Peg... She has decided to stay, through Saturday....BLESS HER HEART!!! I am going to work in the shop, today, and maybe turn off the phone...{ I forgot it in my purse the other afternoon, and got tons done, and had 7 missed calls...}
I haven't tapped into the 'Christmas' stuff in the trailer... Boxes and boxes... I have to start getting the load ready for the show in Indiana, next week... oh my....{well,the phone just rang... I will be making deliveries this morning...the shop will have to wait.... the fun never ends....}
Barb C.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My new Wine of Choice...'Gnarly Head'
A Christmas Carol...You Have Got to See it!!!!
My Pals...Val and Roxanne....
Holiday Open House....Next Weekend!
I am seeing a 'gliimer' of hope.... { tho I don't think some of my customers did, yesterday... I had a large group come through, and one of the guys said, " I don't think I could work here, I have to have everything organized,,," I replied..."You're Hired!!!! Get busy!"} The week before any event here, is a BIG MESS! You have to have a lot of vision, to not get discouraged.... 90% of the time, the shop will get done...There have been a few occasions, when it didn't, but the funny thing is, most people don't know it didn't... I don't know if that's good, or bad....
My pal, Bill B., popped out, yesterday afternoon, and we did a 'cupboard swap'! He brought me out a cool, painted counter, type thing, with a bunch of drawers, that will be perfect for an Island! And I sent an Oak Pantry Cupboard, home with him... We both decided, we buy things by the pound... We like heavy, heavy stuff! Lori popped out, and got lost in the little shop...I kept asking her if she was o.k. { I even had Bill check in on her once!}{ I was running back and fourth, between jobs, loading and unloading, and she seemed quite content!} She said she was putting fairies in jars... and was seeking 'cool jars'...O.K......{poor little fairies...} I truly can't wait to see them! I think we could be 'fast friends', she is a healthy girl, athletic, a 'runner', creative, { I can tell she follows through with all of her ideas, too.} slim and trim...put together, and an organized type of gal... about my total opposite... Oh yea, someone I always wish I could be more like....But I'll be content, watching off in the distance, with a glass of wine, smokin' a stogie, and eating a snickers...and cheering her on! Most of my closest friends are like her...Well, maybe not the athletic part... But healthy, creative, organized, well groomed, well educated folks...hmmm...{ why in the world do they hang around me... maybe I keep them in 'check', and they see what would happen, if they should ever fall off the wagon....I am sure their houses seem 'spotless', after leaving my humble abode!}
For whatever reason, I Love these 'put together' type of people...
Maybe, it's because, I left out two important attributes... they are also accepting, and non judgemental...The rest of their conformation, really doesn't matter...That is what I truly love... that is what they all have in common...Just plain, good folks...
Barb C.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I am Alive, and Well...
This is my 'new' answer, to everyone asking how I am doing today... I am Alive, and Well, and today, you know, that's good enough for me...breathing in and out, is a blessing, can't you see... I'm Alive, and Well....
I play this new song, by Kenny Chesney, over and over, in the truck... It truly is an amazing has kept me sane, and focused... { well,... focused...}
I had a rather frustrating day, today... But, I'm Alive, and Well...
No one figured out what the 'stand' was for... It is for a beauty shop.... To rinse hair! How cool is that! It is so sculptural, and weird, well, I had to have it! My mother was a beautician, back in the 40's, and I am sure this pre-dates her, by several decades!
Delivered the cool laundry basket, and early shelving units, I picked up, Tuesday. Wanda liked the sweet little Windsors, and picked them up, went and harvested boughs of greenery, for my 'Open House', on the 14th and 15th.{ I have got to keep clippers in the hands are looking like leather gloves...} Don't worry, I didn't raid any ones evergreens.... my old friend, Julie, had shared with me long ago, a place back in the woods, where people take branches and leaves, it's a great way to re-use, discarded evergreen, and instead of it laying in a pile, it will get to shine, for this Holiday Season! I wasn't the only one out there, a guy pulled up, in a new truck, with clipper's, heavy gloves, clean, nice coat, boots { it was pretty muddy, I nearly lost my shoes, a couple of times...} and bags, { I suppose, so his 'new truck' wouldn't get pine needles in it...} with a 'raised eyebrow' said, "guess we had the same idea..." Yea, well, he might have been prepared, but he was a little late.... I found the 'Mother Load'! and was strapping the branches down, as he arrived... Tee Hee!
I had a wonderful surprise, Peg called, and asked if I would like a hand, with the Open House... Wow... Uh, Yea! She's coming up, on Monday! I will be working in the shop, today, and all weekend, getting things packed in... It's going to be 'cozy'... But fun!
I am hoping to get to go to 'Nest', Amy is a blogger, and has very cool stuff! I have heard her store is wonderful, and not too far away! 'Nest', is located in Sperry, Iowa, near Burlington I have never been to her store, so maybe I can run down, in the morning! { She has been working so hard, for her Open House, this weekend!} Her images on her blog,{ I am a follower}
look Great! {}
I can not believe I am up this early... I looked at the clock on the micro, and it said 5:45, and I thought, well, it's a little early, for me, but I will get busy and get things done... uh, I haven't set the clock back on the was 4:45....grrr. I'll be snoozin' in the recliner, by 8:00...
Have a wonderful day...
Barb C.
Barb C.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Darling Little Windsors....
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