Saturday, July 9, 2016


I've had the news, world news.... pretty much, shut down....
the last few weeks, or so.
It's gonna stay, that way.
The 'politics' are driving me crazy.
We don't be poisoned... by such Ugliness, on a daily....
 purposely...divided... by the media, who profits....Greatly, by keeping us....
'Spinning', and pitting us, against one another.
Fear Mongers.
{brought me to Romans 12:2 }
 I've watched, a little.... of the terrible... 'news'...around This Country.
My Heart.... Weeps... for All Concerned.
We tend to look for 'fix' it.
We tend, to look towards others... to blame.
The fact is... in order to 'fix' this....
'It' 'Home'.
{in my opinion...
'just, sayin' : ) }
Treat Others... like You... would like to be treated.
'Respect' another.
Don't Judge... 
{unless, you...would like 'others' to 'Judge' you. }
Put Yourself... in other people's shoes, then, walk in 'em...for awhile....
when you feel the need to 'judge'.
Be Kind,
Yourself, and Others.
in that order.
Surround yourself, with the Most...Beautiful... things, in life.
The Positive...
Whatever.....brings you Joy.}
that God, has Blessed You....with.
When you
you'll want to Share 'that', with 'Others'...too.
You'll want Enjoy...and 'Feel' those 'Gifts'. 
: )
Fear, is a cancerous growth.
It's an evil....thing.
The media... makes Billions, feeding us.
I'm starving it to death.... here.
I'm Feeding... Hope and Love.
I think, that's why... I have chosen...over the last couple of years....
to stay Home, and down the rabbit hole.... more.
I'm not sayin'....I'm burying my head in the sand.
I'm nurturing my Soul.
for me, that's 'healing'.
I haven't been very helping others, over the last couple of years.
I, don't apologize....for that.
I've had to find my way, before I can begin, to help....anyone....find theirs.
but, I have 'seen'... and have been Blessed, Over and Over....
by the Kindness... of Others.
'They'... have helped 'lead' me. 
 I think, you have to sit in the darkness...
to really...
The Light.
It's Beautiful.
This 'Journey'.... is a short one.
I believe... we are all here, for a reason.
To Learn....and Grow.
Some, for a moment... some.... for a Hundred Years.
We all, learn 'something'... from each other..... 
from, Critters...
from, God's Gifts.
Some, lessons... are Painful.
those... are the ones... we'll remember, best.
but, if we stand back....
it won't be the 'pain'...we'll remember.
or, it shouldn't be.
It'll be The Love...Hope....Kindness...
The Gifts,
we'll 'See'....
that were delivered to Us...from the fire.
I don't believe, 'this place'.... is the end.
I, believe... it's the beginning.
We'll all... meet again, in a Place...where we won't need to 'learn'...
: )
For now, we do.
Keep your eyes...Open.
Your 'Heart'....too.
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{When I see the signs, 'Black Lives Matter'....
I Agree. <3
'All Lives Matter'.
We are All... God's Children. 
I remember... reading this quote, as a little girl.

"There are two times in your life, you won't care...
who your neighbors are.
When you are born, and when you die.
Let's get along." }
This is my Dad and Mom's Stone.
I don't think they care.... who their neighbors are. <3
{they didn't... any other time... either. <3 }
{John handed me the rusty bolt, to lay on Dad's side... years ago.
He said.... "Here... take this, to your Dad.... he might need this, on whatever he's workin' on. : ) "
oh my...
John, 'Knew'... my Dad. : ) }

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is...
His good, pleasing, and perfect will."

I was directed to Romans 12:2... when thinking about 'fear mongers'...'the media'.

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