Wednesday, July 27, 2016
You should have 'Seen' It... in Color.
I got to thinkin'.... the other night, when... the craigslist Dude, kinda let me down...
about my 'Journey'... with Old....Cupboards.
: )
I began, looking around the house, as I sat.... and typed.
I do most of my computer work... these days, sitting where John did, while he was on his computer.
{I've moved, from the Kitchen... at the Cutting Board. }
I started thinking, about 'The Journey'... with the Old Cupboards... that have found a spot, in our Home.
To my left... is the Big... Old....Wardrobe, I'd found... while on a Buying Trip... with Friend, Wanda.... July of 2012.
oh my.
: )
We took off, Early....on a Hot, Saturday....Morning.
Headed to a Bishop Hill, Illinois....then went on to Bloomington, Illinois....
for the Third Sunday Market...
{We shopped both Shows, on Saturday.... {Early Bird buying, in Bloomington }
Stayed the night, got up early...and shopped it, again.... Sunday.
Then, around 9 a.m., after we Loaded....Masses.... in the Fuso....
headed cross country, to visit Peg, and Michael....
{not before... we stopped to get Fuel, in Bloomington..... and I let the Fuso...get a little taste of Gasoline.
: )
{He runs on Diesel : ) }
oh dear.
Thankfully... I caught it... in time, so I didn't have to hunt down a garden hose...
and get a little 'taste' of the
'Mixed Elixor'... myself...
: )
{Called one of my Favorite Mechanics, at Home... and he told me to Drive easy...
and, The Fuso... might run a little 'sluggish'.... until the next 'fill'. }
oh dear.
It was soooo Hot, outside....
The heat doesn't bother me... much, if I have a breeze.
Wanda, prefers Air Conditioning....
: )
which, the Fuso... was never equipped with.
: )
{You know, thinking back.... over the last Many Years, of my Escapades...
'Runnin' Down the Road...
May God.... Bless... Those who Dare... to Ride Shotgun.... 'with'. : )
It's Always... Adventure!!!
{Muffler...fallin' off, me...crawling under.... to 'Wire' it all up....
{Shotgun Rider.... cuttin' the Wire... and feeding lengths of it... to me, as Semis... go Flyin' by... : ) }
Clutch Switch, out.... Ford wouldn't start...
so, on another... Hot...Hot....Day, had to Push Him... down a Southern Iowa...
Main Street....
{Crowd gathering.... behind us... : ) }
He fired up... on the second try.
: )
I jumped in, popped the clutch.... he took off!!!
{My Shotgun Rider, who was pushing, from behind...
unfortunately... whom, had never done 'this trick', before....
: )
failed to let go, of The Ford's Tailgate....
oh dear...
Seeing her eyes.... with white Death locked Hands... on either side of her face... on that tailgate...
in the Ford's rear view mirror, will forever be my Brain!!!
{She was fine, a bit Rattled... : ) but, fine. : )
She'll 'know' next time... to 'let Go'... when The Truck... takes off. : ) }
oh dear.
So, back to Bloomington.
: )
Wanda and me.... headed towards Peg's.
We hit several Shops.... and continued to 'Gather'.
{The Fuso... was getting pretty Full. I'd found some Big Pieces... in Bloomington.}
The heat, was getting to Wanda...
oh dear.
She, reminded me... often.... of how...Frickin' was. : )
: )
Riding in The Fuso... is quite a itself.
: )
It's a Cab Over...
{Snub Nose}
so, some say.... it's kinda like riding in a Glass Bubble.
Taking it down the curvy....steep hills... of those Missouri... back roads....
to Peg's...
can be a Thrill... if your not 'used' to it. : )
{Wanda said, she was 'Sure'... she heard "Banjo's Playin' "
as we snaked through thick Timber lined...winding...dirt roads.}
: )
When we got to Peg's... oh my... what an Oasis!
We spent the night, with Peg and Michael.
They fixed us...a Wonderful Meal.
Their Home... was Cool...
We had such a Lovely... Visit. <3
The next morning, we were up, bright and early.
Mike had Coffee made...for us, : ) I headed out to their Deck...
overlooking their Pond.
It was Breathtaking. : )
It was cool... and quiet.
Just... the Birds.... singing.
Peaceful. : )
Wanda came out, and sat down... too.
I said, "Isn't this a Beautiful... Morning...."
she said....
"Yeah, but It's Gonna Get Frickin' Hot!!!"....
I think I spit my Coffee out... Laughing!!!
{That Girl, Cracks me Up!!! }
We said our 'Good Byes'.... to Peg and Michael... and headed cross country....
to Columbia, Missouri.
{We wanted Peg to come... but, she couldn't. : ( }
We hit several shops, including Artichoke Annie's, in Columbia.
I had found some Massive Concrete Swans, at a Mall... just as we arrived in Columbia.
oh dear.
They each weighed... at least...200 pounds. {maybe...more. }
Getting them loaded, and the July Heat.... in the Packed Fuso...
was a 'Trip'.
but... we Got 'er Done!
The difficult thing, about 'Concrete'... well, there are two, 'difficult things'}
It's Heavy.
It's Fragile.
Bad... Combination.
but, we got 'em in, safe...and...packed...well.
{they survived. }
: )
At our last stop, in Columbia...
we walked through... a Huge...Mall.
We didn't find much, but, as we were heading out of the Hot...Massive... Warehouse...
I spotted a a booth.
It was buried, with all sorts of things... in it, and around it.
Beer Lights... mid century... things, Antlers.... old radios...
like a Beacon... it Shined Through. : )
I made my way to it... and read the tag, that was hanging from it.
It said, it was from a home in Hermann, Missouri.
Had a secret door, in the back....
It was thought, this may have been used in the mid 1800's for The Underground Railroad.
It was all, hand made. Hand Grain Painted.
{I believe it was Grain Painted, later, around the 1870's. }
It has hand forged iron hinges....
and, was all hand planed wood.
{I think... it was built, in the earlier 1800's. }
It was so Hot, in the Warehouse... we had a Heck of a time... getting it out.
{I paid an extra 50. for the Cupboard... because a beer light fell... and broke, while we were digging it out.
It was worth it. : )
I felt bad, and insisted... on paying for it... but, I left that there... : ) told them to tell the owner... he could use the parts, maybe... ; )
I had no need...for it. }
I knew, there was No Room... in The Fuso...for such a large piece.
It's over 7 feet tall... and 5 feet wide, or better.
{and... we had 3 Giant Swans... at the back door....roosting. }
yet, there was No Way... I was leaving that Beautiful....Wardrobe.
So, with help, from a Man... who had just arrived, to work... : )
We loaded it on the back of The Fuso. : )
Now, he fought me...on this 'idea'. : )
Bless his Heart....
he helped me lift it... and Wanda held it back...
but, he wanted no part... of strapping it on. : )
I had no worries. : )
{He thought....I was Crazy. but, then... most Folks do.
: )
What they don't understand...
I learned... from 'The Best', growing up. : )
My Dad.
He's Hauled, and Moved More Mountains...
that, 'others'...walked away from....
than, Anyone... I've ever Known.
and... he did it...
My Biggest Concern...
were the Tail Lights.
Like my Dad... would have...been.
I wanted to make Sure...
should a Deputy...
come knockin' at the Fuso's Back Door....
with the Massive Wardrobe... 'Greeting'...him, or her...
they could see some... 'Color'...from those Tail Lights.
: )
We got 'er done.
Headed North.
Just before we hit he Iowa Line....
we came across another Antique Mall.
: )
I'd been there, years before.... and, it was a Good One.
I Knew... there'd be things there... that Wanda, would Love.
She was concerned... that we wouldn't have room... if she found things.
{We Both... had done a Pretty Good Job... 'Buying'... on this Trip. : ) }
: )
No Worries!
"We'll make it happen... : ) We're Stoppin'."
Sure enough...
Wanda found some Great Stuff!!!
Fireplace Mantles....
Work Bench...
Lot's of Primitive...
'Dibby Dabbies'!
{she kept saying..."Are You Sure... we can get this on....????"
with each, piece she found...}
: )
Thankfully... there was a Kind, Man... working.
He helped me pull the Old Wardrobe down... off of it's Perch...
between the three of us....
we got Every Stitch... In.
{Stepping over Swans...Passing Mantles, to each other...Up and Over...
our heads...
like we were in a 'Mosh Pit'....
and were 'Helping The Old Souls'... Closer to 'The Stage'!!!
: ) }
It was a Very...Full... 3 days.
a Very...Full...Fuso.
You should have 'seen' it... like me and Wanda, did....
'In Color'.
: )
oh my.
: )
{Wanda, owns 'Gatherings' Anamosa, Iowa.
When you get, her way... ask her.... about our 'Trip'... through Iowa, Illinois...and Missouri.
You'll hear a Lot... of 'Frickin'.... : ) }
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
The Man... from Columbia, MO. who helped load. : ) {He...had his 'Doubts'... : ) <3 } |
Peg, Wanda....and Michael. we pulled in. Peg...knew All About.... 'Colorful Journeys'.... We've shared....Many. |
Peg, telling me to put my Damned Camera....away. <3 {I'm glad I didn't. Great Image... with Michael... as Always.... reaching out.....for her. <3 } |
We had Such...a Beautiful.... Visit, be it very brief. It's one, I'll never forget. Wanda... either. Good Times. : ) |
Wanda isn't fond.... of crossing bridges... in the Fuso. hahahahaha.... : ) |
The Fuso... sitting in Peg's Paradise. <3 |
99.... with the heat index..... it was probably.... around 115. : ) |
As Sweaty and Stinky.... as I was... That Hot... Sultry...July....afternoon, The Shower.... was a Gift. <3 |
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Angels... with 2x4's.
Looking back... over the years....
some of my Biggest... Heartaches...
in this 'business'... have been over
Old Cupboards.
it's because, I Love Them....So Much!
I can go right down the line... again....and again...
with 'Stories', about Old Cupboards.... and how they've come between....
me, and... 'Friends'.
One of my Favorite... 'Cupboard Stories'...
happened years ago.
There was a Farm Auction... a Friend, was 'Ringing' at.
I knew, and Loved... the Auctioneer, I'd known him... and admired him....
since Dad left me off at Auctions, to do his Bidding... for him.
I was about 7 or 8... and The Auctioneer... was just starting out.
He, is one of the Kindest... most Honest... Men, in the Business.
: )
The Ringman... had called me, several days...before the Auction.
He took me through all the Old Buildings. Some, were falling in.
He told me... there was an Old...Cupboard...that 'Has Your Name On It!!!'...
in one of the dilapidated sheds.
Brownie... {The Ringman}... was Right.
oh my.
: )
I wasn't sure How... I was gonna get that Wonderful....Massive....Old....
Farm Cupboard, Out...of that Shed...
{The Shed... was resting on The Old Cupboard....and it was Buried... in Rubble.
By God....
I'd figure it out!!!}
but, first....
I had to get it bought.
It was a fairly big...Auction.
I arrived early... and scoped everything out... the day of the sale.
I bought... quite well... at the beginning....
Lot's of 'Farm Junk'. : )
At noon... my Favorite Auctioneer... made an announcement.
"We're Gonna Stop Selling... up by The House...
{where I had been buying...a Lot. Had Piles!!!}
We're gonna Go Down to The Field... and Sell Machinery!!!"
I was standing with him... {I always... stay The Auctioneer. I learned that, I guess... when I was little, doing Dad's Bidding. I didn't want to get 'Missed'. : ) }
So, a little nervous... {I thought... 'I don't want any 'Machinery'... and...I could Load...while he's selling....
I didn't want to miss that Cupboard.}
I asked my Favorite Auctioneer, if 'ALL'... he was going to sell... was 'Machinery'.
He got back on his 'speaker' and said....
"We Are ONLY Selling Machinery! When We're Done... We'll Come Back Up...
and Take Off...Where We Left Off! : ) "
I was Good to Go!
Called John, had him bring the 20 foot Flatbed Trailer...
{The Sale... was only 4 miles from Home. : ) }
He had no more... than pulled in....
I had a 'Pile'... of Old Chicken Nests.... Feeders... Wash Tubs.... and such... waiting, when he arrived....
for some....reason...
I got this...'Sick'...feeling... in my Gut.
I walked away, from the pile...and began heading towards the Machinery.
{About a Football Field, away. }
as I was walking.... Brownie, was coming towards me... with a 'sheet' for the Clerk, at The House.
I blurted out...
"Brownie.... they didn't sell that Cupboard.... did they?"
He said... "Yeah! Where Were Ya???"
oh... my....Lord.
I went Numb.
I Froze.... in my Tracks.
I couldn't even answer him.
It had mist....
I...was half....soaked.
and... my tracks.
I started to turn around, and follow The pay,
{Because... there wasn't Anything... I wanted...left at that sale.
I...was Done. }
Then, something....inside me.... began to Burn.
oh dear.
{I thought.... do I Say My Favorite Auctioneer....
'let it go'.
The Fire....Inside Me...Won!!!
I Turned Around....
Headed for My Favorite Auctioneer.
He was quite a ways... a way, seemed I was to The Crowd... surrounding him....
in The Blink...of an Eye.
I didn't walk...
I Stomped!!!
I Felt...The Earth...Quake...Under My Feet.
{so, must of all of the Folks... surrounding My Favorite Auctioneer.
I didn't have to stop... or...excuse... myself.
The Crowd Parted....
Like The Red Sea.
In an Instant... I was Standing Toe To Toe....
My Favorite Auctioneer.
He, halfway....smiled... as he was looking at me, and trying to sell a Tractor.
he stopped.
: )
{still... 'half'...smiling....: ) : ) : ) }
I looked at him....
and All....I could Spit Out....was....
"Honey, You'd Better Learn...What's Machinery....and What Ain't!!!".
I Spun around... and headed Back... Through The Parted...Sea!!!
{There were two Elderly, Farm Ladies... standing near the front...
Their voices....were the only ones... I heard speak....
{You could have heard a Pin...Drop. }
One said... to the Other...
in a whisper....
"what did she say???"
"she said, he'd better learn what's 'machinery'...and what ain't....."
Oh Dear.
The Earth.... was Still....Quaking.
I walked {Stomped} to the Old Farm House.... Paid my Bill....
John, was smokin' a stogie.... and had stacked a few things, from my gathered pile... on the trailer....
I...Began To Load.
{He stood back... and finished his Stogie. }
I had that Trailer Loaded... in a few....short minutes.
Things, that I thought I'd need help with....
Were Sailing...Through The Air.
oh dear.
I told John... we should take the Trailer Home...
and go get some Supper.
I couldn't Think...about Cookin'....Anything.
We went to his Favorite Place.... to eat, {My Treat!!}
I sat down...
and said...
"LORD... my Feet Hurt!!! It must be from All of That Stompin'!!!
: )
He thought it was Funny. : ) <3
I, thought... I was an Idiot.
I told him... how sorry I was... for losing my temper.... and, how I owed My Favorite Auctioneer... and Apology.
I wanted to call him, but... I knew... I had to make that 'apology'... Eye to Eye, the same way.....
I had confronted him.
a 'simple' call... wouldn't do.
I stewed over it.... all week.
oh dear.
: (
My Favorite Auctioneer, was having another Auction, the following Saturday...
about 40 miles away...
I knew, I had to get there early...with 'Hat in Hand'... and, Hope...
he'd Forgive me.
: (
When I arrived, at The Farm Auction, the next Saturday...
I could see, My Favorite Auctioneer... way off... in the distance.
{He wears a White Cowboy Hat. : ) }
Up a Long...Lane...
he stood, near the Old Farm House.
He saw me, when I got within about 50 feet, of him.
He Smiled... Threw his arm... over his face...
and Yelled...
"Ya Gonna Hit Me????!!!" : ) : ) : )
I smiled back...shook my head.... and said... "No.... : )
I'm here to tell you, how Sorry...I am, for my 'behavior'... and, Hope... You'll : ) "
He Laughed. : )
Said... it was his fault. He'd said, he wasn't going to sell anything...but machinery, but....someone...had asked him to sell the contents of the sheds... as they were walking to the Machinery... and he did, not knowing... I'd been waiting for that.
{Another reason why.... you always...always... stand near, The Auctioneer. : ) and Stay 'With Him!} }
I Thanked him... for his Kindness.
: )
I turned to go home... there was nothing at that auction... I wanted, except....
to Beg for Forgiveness... : )
As I was walking down the hill... to the road....
a Man, yelled towards me.
I turned around...
he said...
"Hey, You Buy Old Cupboards... don't ya?"
I said.. "Yep.... I do. : ) "
"Well, I have a couple... in my Garage... I'd like to sell. Would you be interested in taking a look at 'em. "
: )
I said.
I said.
We exchanged information....
and I went to see him... the next day.
: )
He, was the man... who bought the contents of the shed, the week prior.
He had That... Amazing Old Cupboard...
{That he about got Killed by... when trying to get it out. The Shed Collapsed. }
and... another, Early Cupboard... that was Good.
He priced them me, for what I was willing to pay, for the 'One'... buried in the shed.
That's how
Had I not went to 'Apologize'.....
I'd never met the Man... with the Cupboards.
I've had several... 'experiences'... with Old....Cupboards....
like this 'Journey'... I've learned a lot.
They've Shown me A Lot... about 'me'... and 'Others'.
Just had another one...teach me a 'lesson'...this Evening.
: )
I 'never' look on Craigslist... but, tonight, I did.
There was a Pie Safe.... near Des Moines.... for 85.00.
I called the Man, told him... I'd take it.
Assured Him...It was 'Sold'...
I'd be there in the morning.
We talked for quite awhile.
: )
{It was nearly 8:00 and it's 2 hours to DM. I have Scarlett and Sweetie, who has to come with. I can't leave her in the House, alone.
He 'assured' me... he'd save it.
No Problem. : )
I told him, I'd be there by the Morn! : )
We had it all set up. : )
At 11:20.... just as I was heading to bed...
I went to set my alarm, on my phone...
and, he'd texted me a message.
{around 11:00}
Said he'd sold the Cupboard, to someone else.
: )
I texted back....
"That makes me sad. : (
I was looking forward to the trip.
I know, Craigslist... is strange.
And...a lot of people, these days...don't keep their word.
But I do. : ) "
Ya know... It doesn't bother me.
: )
{well.... maybe...a little. }
: )
Who knows... maybe, there would have been an accident.
{I had... kind of a 'funny' feeling...about this trip. }
I even thought... as I was doing laundry...tonight, by the time I pay for fuel....
and the Pie Safe...
{It was a 'Bad Color'... I'd have to do something with....}
there wouldn't have been much 'meat left on the bones'. : )
Everything... happens, for a reason.
: )
My Favorite....Auctioneer, would be Proud. : )
The Bottom Line,
If It's Meant to Be...
It Shall...
: )
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{I read a Quote from Joel Osteen, as I was waiting for clothes to wash.... tonight.
{Before, I received 'the text' }
"Life is 10% What Happens to You....
90% how.... you respond."
The Only Thing....we can Control...
is Our Attitude.
{Workin' on it. : ) }
I look around, the House... tonight.... and 'see'... The Old Cupboards.... that have 'found' their way... 'Home'. oh my. : ) I... am... Blessed. <3 |
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Time... marches on.
Time... marches on.
It...never, stops.
Seems, like it was just...moments ago...
when Everyone was worried about it turning '2000'.
: )
Nearly 17 years ago... now.
: )
Guess...we 'blinked'.
So Much... has happened in these, nearly...17 years.
yet, it all....seems such a blur.
July 19th was John's Birthday.
You'd think... it would be getting easier.
Not, so much.
I miss John... it seems... More...and More, every day.
I decided... I'd better keep my hands busy.
So, I cleaned much of the Brick Path... he created... Long Ago.
: )
and, the area... where we used to like to sit... by his Old Oak Tree.
Still, have a Lot... to get done... but...
Sweetie and me, made some Strides.
: )
It rained...all day.
We worked in it....all day, it was Wonderful.
It was pretty warm out, so...the gentle rain...was a Gift. : )
John and I.... talked often, of our most Memorable Birthdays, over the years.
He always said, the one... he remembered.... being one of his Best....
was when he was in his late 20's, or early 30's.
He and his Old...Buddy... 'Fuzzy'... went Fishin'.
{Fuzz... was John's Elderly, Neighbor. }
: )
They went down to the Cedar River...
under the Highway 30 Bridge.
{John said, it was One of The Hottest...Days... he could remember. }
They found a Perfect Fish....
sat down, put their Lines... in the water...
then, Drank Grape Pop....and Vodka.
All Night!!!
: ) : ) : )
They had One...Heck of a Time!!!
oh my.
{said, he couldn't remember... ever.... being so Sick... later. : ) : ) : ) }
So, after my 'Day'... working on John's Projects....
I sat down, in The Home... he Built....for us....
Drank... Grape Pop...
and Vodka.
It was Quite a Night!!!
oh my.
I Miss... my Husband.
I Lover.
I Miss... my Soul Mate....
Most...of All.
I Miss...
'My Friend'. ya,
Barb C.
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before. |
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before. |
<3 <3 <3 oh my... I Miss... My Friend. Always... will. <3 |
Time... marches on.
Time... marches on.
It...never, stops.
Seems, like it was just...moments ago...
when Everyone was worried about it turning '2000'.
: )
Nearly 17 years ago... now.
: )
Guess...we 'blinked'.
So Much... has happened in these, nearly...17 years.
yet, it all....seems such a blur.
July 19th was John's Birthday.
You'd think... it would be getting easier.
Not, so much.
I miss John... it seems... More...and More, every day.
I decided... I'd better keep my hands busy.
So, I cleaned much of the Brick Path... he created... Long Ago.
: )
and, the area... where we used to like to sit... by his Old Oak Tree.
Still, have a Lot... to get done... but...
Sweetie and me, made some Strides.
: )
It rained...all day.
We worked in it....all day, it was Wonderful.
It was pretty warm out, so...the gentle rain...was a Gift. : )
John and I.... talked often, of our most Memorable Birthdays, over the years.
He always said, the one... he remembered.... being one of his Best....
was when he was in his late 20's, or early 30's.
He and his Old...Buddy... 'Fuzzy'... went Fishin'.
{Fuzz... was John's Elderly, Neighbor. }
: )
They went down to the Cedar River...
under the Highway 30 Bridge.
{John said, it was One of The Hottest...Days... he could remember. }
They found a Perfect Fish....
sat down, put their Lines... in the water...
then, Drank Grape Pop....and Vodka.
All Night!!!
: ) : ) : )
They had One...Heck of a Time!!!
oh my.
{said, he couldn't remember... ever.... being so Sick... later. : ) : ) : ) }
So, after my 'Day'... working on John's Projects....
I sat down, in The Home... he Built....for us....
Drank... Grape Pop...
and Vodka.
It was Quite a Night!!!
oh my.
I Miss... my Husband.
I Lover.
I Miss... my Soul Mate....
Most...of All.
I Miss...
'My Friend'. ya,
Barb C.
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before. |
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before. |
<3 <3 <3 oh my... I Miss... My Friend. Always... will. <3 |
Monday, July 18, 2016
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Me, Sweetie...and The Flatbed Ford...went Eastbound...and Down. oh dear...
We had Quite a Day!
Sweetie, LOVES to ride.
being tied up...
while I work....
Not So Much!
We gathered a Load... of 'Farm Fresh'....
Stopped and Visited, with Pal, Charlie...
who had an Armful... of Bird Nests... his Farmer Friend, saved for me...
: ) : ) : )
Peg... has been such an Inspiration.... to so Many Folks,
even...Folks... she never met.
It was her Love, and Appreciation... for Birds, and Nests...
that got me collecting, 'Abandoned'... nests.
Then... when I shared her story...with Charlie... he, began saving them for me.
and... when his Farmer Friend, saw a nest, Charlie was saving for me... on the dash of Charlie's Truck.... one day, tho... he was 'wowed'... like me and Charlie.... after Peg helped us 'See', he still, thought...we were a bit... 'round the bend. : )
However, That Farmer.... the very Next Time... he was cutting Hay....
got off his Tractor... again, and again...and, again... and saved Bird Nests... instead of mowing over them. : )
Seems, Peg's Words.... 'Wowed' The Farmer.... more than we knew. <3
She was such a Beautiful... Spirit.
It was a Very.... Good....Day.
Hope, Your's was As Well. : )
I'll have the shop Open... Sunday, July 17th. from Noon 'til 4.
Stop by.
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{We had a LONG way to Go.... and a Short Time... to Get There...yesterday.
The Flatbed Ford...
Had Wings!!! }
oh my..
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LOVE...these Old...Grungy.... Mill Stones. : ) They are Heavy... but... sooooo Cool! |
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LOVE...the Little Truck! {I gave it a bath... last night. It's Adorable } |
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Found a Variety of Wire.... and Screw Jacks! |
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Several Old French Doors, and Gnarly Windows! |
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Old Iron Barn Trollies.... and Iron 'Dibby Dabbies'... : ) |
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The Tote... is from the 1880's I'd guess. It's so.... cool. : ) Walnut. All hand made... <3 |
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Found several....Old...Old... Horse Shoes... and a Great....Farm Ledger, from 1918. {WW1... times. } |
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Found Lots....of Hearts... and a 'Hound' old tin. Love 'em! |
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The Sun...was so Bright... as we were loading, I was trying to take pictures..... but, couldn't see what I was 'capturing' in the screen of my phone. : ) This One... was a Surprise... hahahahaha |
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Charlie, saved this nest...for me. : ) |
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