Tuesday, March 29, 2016
California... Dreamin'... down the rabbit hole.
Had such a Nice... afternoon....
with these Lovely.... California...Folk. : )
The Guys... have a Wonderful Garden Shop....
not far, from L.A.
Sandy... is from there, but... now lives in Iowa.... Near Des Moines.
{and...LOVES IT!!! <3 }
They were so Much Fun... : )
We loaded their Box Truck.... with Great....Vintage Farm and Garden.
They said... They'll be Back!!!
: )
{With an Empty Truck.... and Hit the Other Wonderful Places.... that are situated in this...
Honey Hole....
of Eastern Iowa.
: )
They could spend a Week Here.... and take some Great Stuff.... to The Coast.
oh dear. : )
There are So Many... Great Places... to Dig.... within an hour...or so... from the rabbit hole.
I Love... to send Folks.... All Over....
{We All Do... in this area. : ) We want Everyone...
to have a Good Time... and find... Treasures!!! <3 }
I'm working on the rabbit hole... have Much... to get unpacked... and situated.
The Guys... really.... had to climb Mountains... to get through... but... they didn't seem to mind. : )
{I warned 'em... before they got here. : ) }
Folks... may have to do that.... this weekend...too.
: )
I'll do my best... but...my 'best'...ain't what it once was.... : )
but... that's all....I can do.
: )
but... that's all....I can do.
: )
Hope to see ya.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I told the Guys... The BEST....time to Buy....in 'Shops'... in Iowa, is January and February. : )
{you can't 'buy' at auctions... then... but... You can Load Up... in Shops. : ) Lot's of Sales... in January... and February. : ) }
they said...
"but.... it's Cold....Here....then.... : ( "
: )
I said...
"Go Big...or Go Home!!! Get some Insulated Coveralls... Heavy Boots... Ear Muffs....
Warm Gloves....
and Make It Happen!!!"....
{This Job...isn't for The Faint of Heart. : ) <3 }
Ya Want.... to Buy... and Buy...'Well'... COME.... in January...and February. : )
{and bring a Bigger...
The Biggest...
Empty 'Box Truck'...
you can lay your hands...on. : ) }
{I told the Guys... The BEST....time to Buy....in 'Shops'... in Iowa, is January and February. : )
{you can't 'buy' at auctions... then... but... You can Load Up... in Shops. : ) Lot's of Sales... in January... and February. : ) }
they said...
"but.... it's Cold....Here....then.... : ( "
: )
I said...
"Go Big...or Go Home!!! Get some Insulated Coveralls... Heavy Boots... Ear Muffs....
Warm Gloves....
and Make It Happen!!!"....
{This Job...isn't for The Faint of Heart. : ) <3 }
Ya Want.... to Buy... and Buy...'Well'... COME.... in January...and February. : )
{and bring a Bigger...
The Biggest...
Empty 'Box Truck'...
you can lay your hands...on. : ) }
Monday, March 28, 2016
500 Miles... away from Home.
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Me and my Polly.... at the end... of this day. : ) |
Have you ever stood.... at Home...
and felt, like you were 500 miles... from there?
That's they way I feel...most days.
It's difficult... to explain.
Things... are so foreign.... so 'different'... almost...unrecognizable.
I guess... time, and loss... will do that to ya.
Nothing....and no one... looks the same... anymore.
I visited with a Girl... this morning... that knew John...very well.
She works at the paint shop.
I'd never met her.
oh my.
The things... she said...to me... about their conversations...
dropped me... to my knees....
{She Loved Him... So. : ) }
as she told me... all about their conversations....
it was like...John... was speaking... through her.
I.... just sat here... and wept.
oh my.
She...told me ...how Proud... he was..of me.
How Much.... he Loved me.
I felt...the Same... about him.
tho... neither of us... told each other... that kind of stuff.
She said... he thought... I was soooo Beautiful. : )
I... always wondered.... what a Handsome Man... like John...
was doin'.... with someone.... like me.???
oh my.
oh.... my.
Peg called.... shortly...after I put the phone...down.
Hospice... is coming to Peg's Home... now.
I Treasure.... Every Moment.... we visit. <3 <3 <3
I told her... about the 'call'...
had to... she heard it in my voice.
oh my.
She... said... I need to find a way... to move forward.
John is waiting.... for me, on the Other Side.... but, I still... have much... to get done, here.
She said.... he wouldn't like... this.
I asked her.... How....
how... do I do that?
She.... didn't know... either.
and... I know...
he wouldn't be 'Proud'... of me... this way.
Polly.... came to the shop...with me... today.
: )
She's getting... so tired.
hates.... to be far from me. : )
I Treasure... every moment... with her...too. <3
I looked around.... at things.... Peg... and John... have worked on... at the shop.
Remembered... all...of our conversations.. : ) oh my.
I was standing.... right there....
and felt... like it all... was a World...
This 'World'... is putting... so Much... Pressure... on.
When everything.... was in sync... the 'pressure'.... was tuff.
not like this.
I've been 'shown'... so much... in the last several weeks.
Sometimes... we really do... walk alone.
Love...to ya...
Barb C.
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It's wrapped itself.... 'Embraced'.... and 'Hugs'.... the rabbit hole. <3 |
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Some of The Estate Sale... 'gatherings'...
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A bit.... of the Treasures... gathered from the Estate Sale. : ) Fun...Old... Farm and Farm 'House'.... 'Stuff'. : ) |
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Fun Stuff! The little coin purse has advertising from a 'Sundries' Store, in Swisher, Iowa. saying... 'Thank You'. |
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Ironstone Punch Bowl... Ironstone...Tureen, complete with Ladle and Under Tray. Clothes Pin Bag... : ) Cool.. Old.... Feed Sacks! |
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Lot's...of Old....Old.... Horse Rosettes.... oh my. Love the old Pins. These were used on Horse Blankets. I use them for Truck Key Chains. : ) {and to hold my Indian Blanket Coat shut. : ) |
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Old Trencher.... Tote... {Square Nailed... } and Wooden Ware. |
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Old Stanley Wood Planes.... and do dads. <3 |
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The Farmer.... wrote in pencil.... on the little cupboard's door.... the number for his 'Pickup's Oil Filter'. : ) |
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Found this... little...tin, child's doll plate... in the basement... of the Old Farm House. It's a 'keeper'. : ) |
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This little cupboard... is Sweet as Pie. <3 |
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This is a Very Gnarly.... Old... Wooden Tool Chest. It's about 3 feet wide... and 2 feet tall. The top lifts open.... and has 2 drawers. Very....Fun. |
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Start Me Up...
Estate Sale Lessons...
: )
Friends... Lynn and Lea....
took my Prompting...
we Rocked....
Estate Sale.
: )
{They... had Never Been. : ) }
Rule # 1.
Be...# 1
Rule #2.
Be Number 1. : )
Rule # 3... It might be uncomfortable...to obtain...#1.
Get Over It. Make It So.
Rule # 4...
Stay Focused.
Rule #5...
Leave Nothing... Good...Behind.
Rule #6...
Be Thankful... for your Blessings.
{because... you can't... and/or shouldn't get it all. }
{because... you can't... and/or shouldn't get it all. }
Rule #7...
Keep your Fluids... to a Minimum...
{You can't lose your spot in line.... to a heavy bladder. }
Rule #8...
Be Respectful....
Rule #9....
Don't 'Think'...too much.
If you 'want' it...
{even Remotely...'think' you want it... }
Grab It...
Keep It In Your Hands.
Rule #9...
Don't let Anyone... 'Intimidate'... you.
Rule #10....
Don't Lose Your Head.
: )
oh my.
We spent... nearly 24 hours...
waiting...at the Tag Sale... : )
: )
Slept in our Trucks.....: )
oh my. : )
{this wasn't my first...'Rodeo'... : ) }
It was soooo Much...Fun...
Showing The Ropes... to my Pal's... : )
{They looked a bit....... 'nervous'...at 5:30 a.m.
when the Cars.... and Trucks... came Rollin' In... : )
Rule #1, #2... and #3. : ) }
oh my.
We Made It Happen. : )
We Hauled Out.....
: )
Open House...
April 1st., 2nd., and 3rd.
: )
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{For the record... I wasn't even there, for myself. : )
I rarely go... to Estate Sales... anymore.
but... I knew... a couple of my Friends...really... Love... the type of things that were going to be on this sale.
so.. tried to help them... Git 'er Done. : )
I did get some cool things... : ) everyone did. : )
These sales...are crazy. I've conducted 'em... and... they are crazy too.
It's kind of like 'Black Friday'... for the 'real World'...
{I don't go out...on 'Black Friday'..... well....I did...once, to get 'one' of a few laptops that were going to be on a super sale.
I stood in line... at the store... thinking... my 'Estate Sale' Training....was giving me a Huge... advantage. : )
oh my. : ) }
I left out.... one... important rule.
Rule #11.
Have Fun.
My Pal's Lynn and Lea.... said they did. : )
I had Fun.... seeing them get some things... that they will... Cherish.
The Man... whom these things belonged to.... would be very Happy... they are keeping... much...for their Farm Collection. : )
me too. : )
you see....
it's not...'always'... about 'money'. : )
In our cases...for The Most Part... it's for the Love... of Old. <3 }
{For the record... I wasn't even there, for myself. : )
I rarely go... to Estate Sales... anymore.
but... I knew... a couple of my Friends...really... Love... the type of things that were going to be on this sale.
so.. tried to help them... Git 'er Done. : )
I did get some cool things... : ) everyone did. : )
These sales...are crazy. I've conducted 'em... and... they are crazy too.
It's kind of like 'Black Friday'... for the 'real World'...
{I don't go out...on 'Black Friday'..... well....I did...once, to get 'one' of a few laptops that were going to be on a super sale.
I stood in line... at the store... thinking... my 'Estate Sale' Training....was giving me a Huge... advantage. : )
oh my. : ) }
I left out.... one... important rule.
Rule #11.
Have Fun.
My Pal's Lynn and Lea.... said they did. : )
I had Fun.... seeing them get some things... that they will... Cherish.
The Man... whom these things belonged to.... would be very Happy... they are keeping... much...for their Farm Collection. : )
me too. : )
you see....
it's not...'always'... about 'money'. : )
In our cases...for The Most Part... it's for the Love... of Old. <3 }
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Go Big.... or... Go Home. I was #3. They decided.... We decided.... maybe... I should... 'Take The Lead'... on this... 'Run'... : ) "Let's Make It So".... : ) oh my. |
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Lea... <3 After she Flashed us... I Flashed her Back!!! <3 <3 <3 |
Friday, March 18, 2016
New Arrivals...
The 'rabbit hole' will be Open by Appointment
'til April 1st.
Come Dig!
Thanks, to Everyone who Stopped By... last weekend.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Spring Cleaning!
Spring Cleaning!!!
I'm Cleaning Up....
Come Dig...
I'll be here Friday and Saturday...
11 'til 5...
and pricing things to GO!
Bring a Truck!
{Sold the little old pink... Amana Cupboard, this morn... for 20.00. }
If It's Wood... and Outside... It's Gonna be Cheap!
The Pumpkin Colored Table... below, is also... 20.00!!!
There's all Sorts... of Gnarly Fragments.... that, need to find new homes.
: )
I have some Ideas... for the rabbit hole... and I want to weed out...for New Arrivals!
There's Lot's of Tin Fragments... Wire Baskets... Enamelware to Plant in....
will be Very... Affordable... {some Free Stuff.... as well! : ) }
The Shop... is a disaster.... I will be selling some things from there...at Bargain Prices.... as well.
{thru Saturday. Then... I'll play. : ) }
Shop Opens... April 1st. for the Season.
oh my....
I can't 'Hold' anything.
: (
: (
First Come...
First Get!
: )
Hope to see ya.
Barb C.
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I'm Cleaning Up... outside! and... Thinning Out... Inside! |
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
There were Many... today.
Picked up another... Great Load....
for the rabbit hole.
oh my.
{ A Big...Old Cupboard....
A Fancy....Fancy.... Chandelier....
The MOST Amazing... Chair..
Bolts and Bolts of Vintage... 'Bohemian' 'Gypsy'... Style...
{ : ) }
Funky... Christmas Lights...
Oil Lamps...
I could go on...and on.}
My Favorite... Treasure.... was the above, Oil Painting.
It's signed and dated... from 1921.
: )
My Friend, Bill... saved it for me.... out of a load... he'd purchased,
Knowing How Much....
Knowing How Much....
I LOVE....Horses. <3
He's been such a Dear...Friend.... 'Treasure' over the years. : )
It's a 'Keeper'.
Every time... I see it, I'll think of Bill.
: )
<3 <3 <3
{and... Scout. This Horse... is Built... just like... Old Scout. <3 }
I'll have the rabbit hole open... this Wed. thru Sat. 11'til 5.
I'll be unloading Trucks.... oh dear.
Things are in 'Transition'... to say the least. : )
Wear Your Grubbies.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{Oh my Gosh..... I was just looking up the Artist's Name.... {Helen Snow Miner}
She came from Keystone, Iowa.
{Where I lived.... 'My Happiest....Place'... when I was a little girl.
We moved there... on Easter Sunday... when I was 7.
We lived there, little over a year.
It was like Heaven... to me. I LIVED on the Ponies....and rode Everywhere....
including...a couple miles...into Keystone... to buy a Pop....on Saturdays. <3
It was one of the saddest days of my life... when we moved, from that Old Farm.
From the time I was 12... I've driven there.... most...every Easter.
It broke my heart... the year, I pulled up...and the Farm House and Barns... were gone. }
Helen was known for painting Horses....and Animals, I read.
She was born in 1872 and passed away... in 1948.
She never left... Benton County.
oh my...}
I had to call Bill..... and tell him... how MUCH.... this means to me. <3
Thank Him... again. : ) }
{Oh my Gosh..... I was just looking up the Artist's Name.... {Helen Snow Miner}
She came from Keystone, Iowa.
{Where I lived.... 'My Happiest....Place'... when I was a little girl.
We moved there... on Easter Sunday... when I was 7.
We lived there, little over a year.
It was like Heaven... to me. I LIVED on the Ponies....and rode Everywhere....
including...a couple miles...into Keystone... to buy a Pop....on Saturdays. <3
It was one of the saddest days of my life... when we moved, from that Old Farm.
From the time I was 12... I've driven there.... most...every Easter.
It broke my heart... the year, I pulled up...and the Farm House and Barns... were gone. }
Helen was known for painting Horses....and Animals, I read.
She was born in 1872 and passed away... in 1948.
She never left... Benton County.
oh my...}
I had to call Bill..... and tell him... how MUCH.... this means to me. <3
Thank Him... again. : ) }
It just keeps getting Better and Better!
{this is my Third... 'edit'...I keep finding More...Information... about Helen. : )
I would have LOVED.... this Woman.
She made Pets.... of All the Critters.... : )
Especially... Ponies... : )
oh my...
She had a Kind...and Thoughtful...Spouse. <3 <3 <3
oh my.
{I called...Bill, again... and gave him Another... 'Update'.
He said... "I told You... : ) When I saw that...I KNEW... you...had to have it. : ) "...
{I wish...more Folks... would have signed their name to pieces, back in the day. This was so quick.
I had John... sign all of his Tin Work. <3 }
Movin' On.
I sat down.... yesterday....
and made some decisions.....
: )
Personal ones.... to start with.
: )
I've been on this crazy.... merry go round.... for too long.
It's time... I put the brakes on it....
I'm gettin' off. : )
You truly... do find strength... in your weakest moments.
: )
I'm making some... major... changes.... in my life.
: )
I'm looking forward... to 'Movin' On'....
with both.... feet....
on the ground....
by as Much....
as I can find.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{Please.... keep Peg.....and her Family in your continued Prayers. <3 }
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The Rabbit Hole..... has been.... patiently waiting.... for me. My.... Old, Friend. : ) We both.... need... each other. I'm on my way. |
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Time.... flies...
oh my.
: )
I'm working on getting The Rabbit Hole... OPEN...
regular hours... {I am Open by Appointment. }
and.... getting The Calendar of Events...
pulled together...for 2016.
oh my.
: )
I know... we will be having an Open House... the first weekend in April.
{April 1st., 2nd., and 3rd. }
Here...at Home.
The end of April... {April 29th., 30th. and May 1st. }
we will be in Des Moines... at
'Junk Jubilee'...
Gold Rush...in Rochester, MN. is....
May 13th., 14th., and 15th...
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.... will... be the End of May...
'Memorial Day Weekend'...
{Friday thru Monday....}
May 27th., 28th., 29th. and 30th.
Here...at Home.
So much to get done. : )
I've got so many things... swirling...in m head.
oh dear. : )
: )
Make Plans... to come Visit...
: )
Love, to ya.....
Barb C.
{Please keep those Wings Poundin'...for Our Peg....
My Polly... <3
our Families.
Along with...
All.... who suffer, and struggle...these days.
oh my...
as You All... are in Ours.
: )
<3 <3 <3 }
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Computers..... Android Phones.... oh my.
I've had quite a time...
these last few days...
loading images... to the computer.
I can share images on fb.... but... not... to the computer...
where I can then... send them on...to blogger.
: (
So Many... Images.
It's been Insane... around here.
I'll dig out my camera... and ditch this phone...
: )
Images... and Stories...
: )
Love to ya...
Barb C.
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