It's been a Crazy... last few days.
Little Sleep....
and a Lot... of Movin' and Shakin'.
oh my.
Busy... Busy.
I'm wearing the same clothes.... I've worked and slept in... for three days.
Seems... just...when I get to take a breath.... Something.... comes out of Left Field....
I have to Run!!!!!
{at a Moment's... Notice!!!! }
It was So Crazy... this Morning.... all I could do... was brush my teeth.....
pull my hair up on my head.....
Throw on my Goggles!!!
{Shades.... }
{I didn't want Anyone... to see my eyes. oh my. }
It's Tuff.... this time of year... in Iowa.
Bills are High....
Business... is slower.
{not...a good mix. }
When... you have the Opportunity..... the 'Make Hay'...
in February....
Ya Better.... Start Balin'!!!!!!
It's this way... Every Year.
As soon as the 'Spring Bird'... starts to Sing....
It'll all... Break Loose.
Always.... does. : )
I heard one....'sing'... as we were Loading...Trucks, the other day.
Made Me Smile!!!
I decided to let the Awesome 'Diesel' Sign go... this morning... from our House.
I was going to sell it, this Spring... anyway.
I Loved It... but... it was kind of big.... for the area.
After delivering it... I remembered a sign, Pal, Mark had.
I swung by his Shop... in Norway... and bought it.
I'm going to have to bring The Old Martin House.... back up, and put it back... in front of the
Picture Window.
Waaaaaaayyyyy too Much... 'Light'...for me.
I feel like a Bug in a Jar... on this Highway.
{and...I don't like curtains....on windows. }
I don't walk around....quite... like 'Michael'... in the last post's video....
I do....
have my 'moments'... that No One... should be a part of.
Oh Dear. : )
It was a Good thing... 'things' were 'Upside Down'... the last few days,
I suppose.
It was 29 years ago... today.... Dad, passed away.
{February 13th }
Every Valentine's Day...since.... has been ruff.
: (
I didn't let the Kids... see that, much.... I wanted them... to Enjoy It... like I had... up until... 1987.
but...John... always knew. {He knew... 'Loss'... too. }
They are so much... 'ruffer'... now.
I was Very Blessed... by a Couple...of Very... Wonderful Men... in my life.
oh my.
<3 <3 <3
I Thank God... Often... for Them, and the Gifts... He sends my way.... when Everything... seems so dark.
The funny thing.... 'things'.... that used to 'Worry' me.... to No End...
don't... anymore.
{Not saying... I won't put up a Fight.... when someone is trying to dunk my head.... in a toilet... }
I just... 'know'... It's All... in His Hands.
He...won't let me down.
I Thank Him... Many Times... throughout every day... for All of The Blessings.
Every single time.... I walk out the door... of the rabbit hole....
no matter... what....kind of a 'day'... it's been...
the Last... thing I say... is....
"Thank You...Lord.... for Everything."
: )
I... am Blessed. <3 <3 <3
Love to You....
Barb C.
{above... is my Dad's Favorite.... Song.
I had them play it... over...and Over... at his Funeral.
it was to be... The Only... song... played.
<3 <3 <3
He took me... to see this Movie... when I was little.
He and I watched it several times...together... over the years....
{His eyes... would get 'Misty'.... every time... this tune... played.
It Had to be... 'Lara's Theme.
not... simply.... 'Somewhere My Love'
{The Organist.... at The Funeral... couldn't find... 'Lara's Theme'....'music'... only 'Somewhere My Love.'
oh dear....
"Then"... I told her... "There Won't Be...a 'Funeral'."
She found it.
Bless her Heart.
oh my.
I don't know why... or what... touched about This Movie.
I do know... his Stepmother... was Russian. {He Adored Her.}
He didn't attend... his Dad's or Mother's Funeral....
He Did.... attend... hers.
He Admired... her. <3
I think... tho...he never spoke, to me... about any of his 'sad' childhood.....
{only... The Good Times... : ) when he was being raised... by his Beloved...
Grandparents... in Derby, Iowa. <3 }
I think... he felt... She... deserved.... Better. }
![]() |
Perfect. Simply... Iowa. |
It went... to a Great... Home. : ) It... will be Loved. <3 |
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