Friday, February 26, 2016
The Farmer's Wife....
Bailed in The Ford...yesterday....
and took a trip to Nebraska.
Went to buy... two Store Cupboards.... that sounded exactly... like...
what I'm Hunting For!!!!
what I'm Hunting For!!!!
The Woman couldn't send images.
They matched the 'size'... 'shape'... and 'age'....of what I'm looking for.
Turns out... they had it all.... but... one... had been refinished...
{I was told they had old finish.... }
the other...
was something that would require John... to get it 'back'... : )
The Folks... seemed kind of surprised... when I said...
"One... needs more work...than I can do.
The other... is too 'Pretty'. : ) "
The things... that find their way.... down the rabbit hole... are 'worn'... and well... Loved.
Worn Velvet... Tarnished...Silver.
White Ironstone... that is sepia toned.... from over a hundred...years...of use.
Little Old.... mirrors.... that are... 'Ghost Mirrors'....
they reflect a 'muted' image. : )
they reflect a 'muted' image. : )
Old... rusty... fragments... of toys...
Parts.. Pieces.... and Gears...
Parts.. Pieces.... and Gears...
Dirty... 'dug' bottles. : )
If you display.... these...Old...Soulful... 'things'.... on a refinished... 'Pretty' piece....
They all Look Bad.
The Cupboard...and... The Soulful... 'littles'.
The Cupboard...and... The Soulful... 'littles'.
I don't think... they understood... completely.
: )
: )
I can't 'buy'.
When I'm Hunting... for The Rabbit Hole....
Whatever 'It' Is.... has gotta have soul. : )
To me.. when a piece... is 'Skinned'....
I figured that out.... about... 20 years ago.
I used to 'skin' painted pieces.
Had to Get To That Honey Pine!!!
'Quarter Sawn Oak'.... : )
Then... one day....I got a call... from some Folks...from around Clutier, Iowa.
: )
The Kids... were little... 8 and 10...
: )
The Kids... were little... 8 and 10...
We bailed in The Aerostar... Van... and went to see these Folks...
who said...they had Two Farms...
One, Farm House... was Filled with Antique Furniture.
{The Farm House... was 'Storage' for them...
They lived at the Other Farm House, just a half mile...away. }
They lived at the Other Farm House, just a half mile...away. }
The Little Couple.... had been married... forever.
They were tiny... people. Quite...Elderly. <3 <3 <3
I was sooooo Excited.... to see what they had, in the Old Farm House.
: )
When we walked inside.... I saw... it was all... 'Oak'.
; (
{Don't get me wrong... I Love... Oak... but... not this.
It was too... Slick. 'Skinned'
They, over the years... had it all refinished.
I... was searching.... for... 'something'... 'as found'...
I was just... beginning... to 'feel'... the difference. }
: (
It was too... Slick. 'Skinned'
They, over the years... had it all refinished.
I... was searching.... for... 'something'... 'as found'...
I was just... beginning... to 'feel'... the difference. }
: (
I asked them... if they had anything... with 'Paint'.
They looked at each other...
The Farmer said.... "Well... there is that Old Cupboard... at the other Farm...
that our Boy... has in the shed... and stores his oil in.."
that our Boy... has in the shed... and stores his oil in.."
"That's The One.... I'd like to see." : )
So... we all headed to the other Farm.
: )
We walked into the little shed... and... saw...
The Most.... Beautiful.... Old.... Handmade...Stepback... Cupboard.
The Most.... Beautiful.... Old.... Handmade...Stepback... Cupboard.
: )
Filled with oil cans... belts for mowers....
parts...and pieces.... of this, that...and the other... piece of equipment.
parts...and pieces.... of this, that...and the other... piece of equipment.
: )
The paint... was so cool.
Layers... of Gray... Cream...and White.
: )
It had a surface.... for rollin' out dough.... : )
The Farmer asked 200. or 250. for it...
{a lot... for us. }
My Head Nodded...YES!!! I'll Take It!!!
oh my.
{so much... for a 'poker face'... : ) }
The Farmer began taking the contents out...
I offered to help... but.... he insisted... he'd do it... : )
so... I began visiting with The Farmer's Wife.
She... was Lovely.
We stood, and chatted... watching The Farmer.... pile things... here, and there. : )
Never taking our Eyes.... off.....of the Old...Cupboard. : )
The Farmer's Wife...said....
"When we were first married, we lived at the other Farm.... with my Mother and Father in Law.
I remember, that Old Cupboard... : )
It stood in the Kitchen... near the Wood Burning Stove.
: )
My Mother in Law... was The Best Cook. : )"
she went our eyes... were 'Fixed'... on the Old Cupboard.
: ) : ) : )
"I...remember... the day...she painted it... 'white'...
{the last... time it was painted... around 1930 }
I was sitting at the Round Oak Table.... feeding my Little Girl... her Breakfast... in her Highchair.
: )
That.... was the year... my Little Girl... died."
oh my.
My eyes.... were no longer... 'locked'... on the Beautiful... 'Soulful'...
Old Cupboard.
They went straight.... to The Farmer's Wife.
I put my arm around her....
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The Farmer's Cupboard. Mr. and Mrs. Heck <3 |
I can't explain it.... but.... the Old Surface.... on a piece... somehow....
has an aura... from all of the years.
I...think... it takes in.... 'The Journey'... somehow.
: )
When...that is skinned...from it.... to bare wood.... well.....
'something'... is lost....and... it doesn't have the...
to me.
So... yesterday....The Ford and me... came home.... empty.
: (
The Folks... were Great... <3
They are retired... and were Long Time... Antiquers.
He was 80...she was 79. : )
He... was Born on the Farm.... I visited yesterday.
He said... "I was Born Here...and.. Never Left!". <3 <3 <3
He was 80...she was 79. : )
He... was Born on the Farm.... I visited yesterday.
He said... "I was Born Here...and.. Never Left!". <3 <3 <3
: )
We sat...and visited...over Coffee and Cake.
She said... "You come to our House... The Coffee is Always...On."
{It was Gooooood Coffee... too! }
We sat...and visited...over Coffee and Cake.
She said... "You come to our House... The Coffee is Always...On."
{It was Gooooood Coffee... too! }
I stopped at a Big Antique Mall... on the way home...went through it...twice...
bought... nothing.
: (
I was thinkin' about that.... all the way home.
{10 hours... on the road }
I really... am Thankful... for what's down the rabbit hole. : )
I was thinking.... about the Old Cupboards... that are in the Big Truck....
The Amana Cupboard... that's in the Gazebo. :: )
I talked with my Friend, from Wisconsin.... who is selling me back... several pieces, she used only for display... in her store. {She closed a while back. }
She bought most of them 6 years ago.... and is bringing me two... on Sunday....
Others are coming to Gold Rush... in May.
I am Soooo Excited.... to see Those Old Friends.... again. : )
I Loved Them... when I bought 'em.... still do... always will. <3
It's funny....
Cupboards... like the one, above.... wasn't 'accepted' by many... 20 years ago.
The 'Country' People... turned their noses something... like this....
Old...Iowa....Farm Cupboard.
'Not Old Enough.... and...Too Much...'Porch Paint'. "
: )
The Oak and Pine Folks... would have Dipped It and Stripped It....
{after all.... That's a Mess!!! }
: )
It took me.... a while, too...
when it Clicked..
It Clicked.
The Farmer's Wife...
was quite...a Gift. <3
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
It's funny....
Cupboards... like the one, above.... wasn't 'accepted' by many... 20 years ago.
The 'Country' People... turned their noses something... like this....
Old...Iowa....Farm Cupboard.
'Not Old Enough.... and...Too Much...'Porch Paint'. "
: )
The Oak and Pine Folks... would have Dipped It and Stripped It....
{after all.... That's a Mess!!! }
: )
It took me.... a while, too...
when it Clicked..
It Clicked.
The Farmer's Wife...
was quite...a Gift. <3
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Monday, February 22, 2016
On The Hunt!!! Have Ford... Will Travel!!!
I'm on The Hunt.... for some
: )
Below... are images of ones, I've had.... or am keeping.
I'm posting them... so Folks will have an idea... of what I am Hunting.
I REALLY.... Really... need an Old Store Cupboard.
8 to 12 feet Wide...
8 to 9 feet Tall...
Not Very Deep.
12 to 15 inches.
{The base can be deeper. }
Also... Store Counters....
I am re working the Rabbit Hole... and have so many 'littles'....
{more coming in.... : ) }
I need a permanent Display.
I buy Old Cupboards...of Every Shape... and Size.
Condition... and Dirt... are little worry.
I know how to use Soap... and a Saw...
{or... Butcher Knife... razor blade... or shards of broken glass....when something has to be scraped... or Whittled. : ) }
You can reach me by phone... 319 241 1348
e mail...
I'd like to stay within a 250 mile radius of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
for the Right Cupboard...
: )
The Ford and... me... will take to the Highway!!!
: )
Love to to ya....
Barb C.
No Worries.... about Moving or Haulin'.... We'll Git 'er Done!!! : ) : ) : ) |
This... is Very Close... to what I need...for the rabbit hole. : ) |
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This.... Type.... I'll Buy... until my Pocketbook... is Dry. : ) |
This is where I found this Old Cupboard. It... was Beautiful.... <3 |
I can Fix... Scrape... Strip... and Move... Old... Cupboards. |
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Busy... Busy.... Day.
Been doing Nothing.......
Re Loading...
oh my.
Livin' The Dream!!!
{I have Much... to Share... but... no Time... to Capture....
{or...unpack }
Pictures... soon.
Love... to ya.
Barb C.
{I no more.. than posted the tune.. above,
{It had been In My Brain...All Day... Runnin'... }
and the house phone... rang. {a Voice from the Past. : ) }
I was invited to take a ride... to...
{Jump in a Truck.... and Go. : ) }
How Does That... Happen????
: )
I declined... the offer. : )
Those Roads.... in Oklahoma... are Mighty... Ruff. : )
oh dear.
If my Butt's gonna Bounce down a Road....
it'll Iowa...
in a Big.. Old... Gypsy.... Ford.... Monster Truck. : ) }
{I no more.. than posted the tune.. above,
{It had been In My Brain...All Day... Runnin'... }
and the house phone... rang. {a Voice from the Past. : ) }
I was invited to take a ride... to...
{Jump in a Truck.... and Go. : ) }
How Does That... Happen????
: )
I declined... the offer. : )
Those Roads.... in Oklahoma... are Mighty... Ruff. : )
oh dear.
If my Butt's gonna Bounce down a Road....
it'll Iowa...
in a Big.. Old... Gypsy.... Ford.... Monster Truck. : ) }
![]() |
Simply... Beautiful... Vintage... Bistro Sets... and Settee.... 18 Pieces... coming to The Rabbit Hole. Spring... Is....Here!!! Time to Think... 'Garden'!!! |
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Diggin' After Dark.
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Love.... this Handpainted... little Portrait.... from the mid to late 1800's.... I gathered... this Eve. : ) |
Went on a Junkin' Expedition..... this Eve.
Filled The Ford!
The Gentleman.... I was buying from....
threw in a Bottle of Ouzo.
oh my....
{It's Greek Liqueur. Holy Smokes. }
I poured myself a glass.... 'Tumbler'... full...
{in one of my, and John's... Favorite Tumblers....{Vintage... of Course. : ) }
{They have a Horseshoe... on the bottom.}
This Stuff... has a KICK!!!
{oh dear... : ) }
I had wanted to take more images... of the Gnarliness... gathered...
I...simply... don't have me.
: )
Love... to ya.
: )
Barb C.
{Had to mix a little Nashville... with my Greek... 'Ouza'.... : )
via Chet Atkins. : ) }
Sunday, February 14, 2016
My... Old Friend.
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Mark... Liam... Steph... Gary... and me. : ) Old... Friends. <3 Priceless. |
My...Old Friend....
: )
I met Gary, and his Wife... Jenny.... over 20 years ago.
oh my.
: )
When I first met them.... they were at an Antique Show.... in Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
They drove a V.W. Van....
Gary had Long Hair.... and wore it braided. : )
They had a Passion... for Cast Iron Cookware.
Griswold.... Wagner.... and early... unmarked pieces.
They had some Beautiful pieces in their booth.
I was drawn to it... because... that's all... I cook with.
Nothing.... in Cast... is better than Vintage. : )
We all... became.... Fast Friends.
They also... liked Early... Furniture.
I told them.... to come visit.
I had Much.... and was thinning out.
{I did... every year... with a 'Garage Sale' }
They came right over... : )
{This was Long.... before I had a 'rabbit hole'... : ) }
I'd collected....since I was little... and... kept upgrading....over the years.
When the cupboards got too full.... I'd have a 'sale'. : )
Gary and Jenny.... are such.... 'Soulful'... people. : )
We've stayed... close... over the years.
: )
Gary and Jenny.... are living in Oregon... now.
Jenny couldn't come back... Home..... with him.... this trip.
Gary is having some.... major.... health... issues, and... I keep him.... in my Prayers.
: )
{As he... and Jenny... have Us... through... so much... over the years. <3 }
{As he... and Jenny... have Us... through... so much... over the years. <3 }
I didn't want to miss this chance...getting together... today.
Pal, Steph.... along with her Husband, Mark... and Son... Liam... joined us....
for a late... lunch. : )
I introduced Gary... to Steph...and her Mom... Pattie... years ago.
They Love... Gary and Jenny.... too. <3
Gary... taught me... so Much.
I LOVED... Old...Old... Furniture...from the time I was little....
Gary... a Master Woodworker.... 'showed' me... so Much More... to Love.
How... to 'See'... the 'Early' Craftsmanship.
Recognize... it.
The Hand... Planing....
Hand.. Dovetailing....
How to differentiate.... Oak... from Ash...
Butternut...from Cherry.....
Hand Cut.... from Machine Cut.... lumber.
Pegged Pieces....
Square Nails... Rosehead Nails... Handmade Screws....
Notice... the 'Width' of boards....
how to 'date'... a piece.
oh my.
I remember... him telling me... as we looked at the back... of an old Pie Safe....
It had a 'two board' back.... One... of the boards.... was over two feet wide.
He said.... "We don't have trees.... to cut... these days.... that will produce... this dimension....any more."
It dated from the 1840's... when we had so Much... Native Lumber.
and HUGE.... TREES.
He is Quite.... a Master. : )
I Thanked... him...for that... today.
: )
I went on... to teach John... My 'Master... Carpenter'....
what I had learned from Gary. : )
We... all... have Saved... Many... Pieces.... over the years...
we couldn't have..... without Gary's Knowledge.
His Mutual... Love of Old. <3
oh my.
Steph.... said the same... today. : )
Gary... has been a Gift... to Many.
Still... is.
John... thought the World... of Gary. : )
It was Great.... seeing him. : )
He's headed back, to Oregon...
My God.... Bless.... his....and Jenny's Gentle.... Spirit.
: )
Love... to ya.
Barb C.
{I could write.... many Chapters.... about Gary... and our Journey... together... with our Beloved Old....
: )
Some... touch.... many others... that, like Gary...are still... so close...after so many years.
All.... because.... we have this Passion.... for 'Early'... Handmade... Pieces.
{some... stories... are simply.... Unbelievable...
How... they went through... 'Just'... our Hands.... with Miles... between us all.
Before.... any of us... 'Knew'... one another.
The Old...
Us. }
oh my.
{I could write.... many Chapters.... about Gary... and our Journey... together... with our Beloved Old....
: )
Some... touch.... many others... that, like Gary...are still... so close...after so many years.
All.... because.... we have this Passion.... for 'Early'... Handmade... Pieces.
{some... stories... are simply.... Unbelievable...
How... they went through... 'Just'... our Hands.... with Miles... between us all.
Before.... any of us... 'Knew'... one another.
The Old...
Us. }
oh my.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Upside Down...
It's been a Crazy... last few days.
Little Sleep....
and a Lot... of Movin' and Shakin'.
oh my.
Busy... Busy.
I'm wearing the same clothes.... I've worked and slept in... for three days.
Seems... just...when I get to take a breath.... Something.... comes out of Left Field....
I have to Run!!!!!
{at a Moment's... Notice!!!! }
It was So Crazy... this Morning.... all I could do... was brush my teeth.....
pull my hair up on my head.....
Throw on my Goggles!!!
{Shades.... }
{I didn't want Anyone... to see my eyes. oh my. }
It's Tuff.... this time of year... in Iowa.
Bills are High....
Business... is slower.
{not...a good mix. }
When... you have the Opportunity..... the 'Make Hay'...
in February....
Ya Better.... Start Balin'!!!!!!
It's this way... Every Year.
As soon as the 'Spring Bird'... starts to Sing....
It'll all... Break Loose.
Always.... does. : )
I heard one....'sing'... as we were Loading...Trucks, the other day.
Made Me Smile!!!
I decided to let the Awesome 'Diesel' Sign go... this morning... from our House.
I was going to sell it, this Spring... anyway.
I Loved It... but... it was kind of big.... for the area.
After delivering it... I remembered a sign, Pal, Mark had.
I swung by his Shop... in Norway... and bought it.
I'm going to have to bring The Old Martin House.... back up, and put it back... in front of the
Picture Window.
Waaaaaaayyyyy too Much... 'Light'...for me.
I feel like a Bug in a Jar... on this Highway.
{and...I don't like curtains....on windows. }
I don't walk around....quite... like 'Michael'... in the last post's video....
I do....
have my 'moments'... that No One... should be a part of.
Oh Dear. : )
It was a Good thing... 'things' were 'Upside Down'... the last few days,
I suppose.
It was 29 years ago... today.... Dad, passed away.
{February 13th }
Every Valentine's Day...since.... has been ruff.
: (
I didn't let the Kids... see that, much.... I wanted them... to Enjoy It... like I had... up until... 1987.
but...John... always knew. {He knew... 'Loss'... too. }
They are so much... 'ruffer'... now.
I was Very Blessed... by a Couple...of Very... Wonderful Men... in my life.
oh my.
<3 <3 <3
I Thank God... Often... for Them, and the Gifts... He sends my way.... when Everything... seems so dark.
The funny thing.... 'things'.... that used to 'Worry' me.... to No End...
don't... anymore.
{Not saying... I won't put up a Fight.... when someone is trying to dunk my head.... in a toilet... }
I just... 'know'... It's All... in His Hands.
He...won't let me down.
I Thank Him... Many Times... throughout every day... for All of The Blessings.
Every single time.... I walk out the door... of the rabbit hole....
no matter... what....kind of a 'day'... it's been...
the Last... thing I say... is....
"Thank You...Lord.... for Everything."
: )
I... am Blessed. <3 <3 <3
Love to You....
Barb C.
{above... is my Dad's Favorite.... Song.
I had them play it... over...and Over... at his Funeral.
it was to be... The Only... song... played.
<3 <3 <3
He took me... to see this Movie... when I was little.
He and I watched it several times...together... over the years....
{His eyes... would get 'Misty'.... every time... this tune... played.
It Had to be... 'Lara's Theme.
not... simply.... 'Somewhere My Love'
{The Organist.... at The Funeral... couldn't find... 'Lara's Theme'....'music'... only 'Somewhere My Love.'
oh dear....
"Then"... I told her... "There Won't Be...a 'Funeral'."
She found it.
Bless her Heart.
oh my.
I don't know why... or what... touched about This Movie.
I do know... his Stepmother... was Russian. {He Adored Her.}
He didn't attend... his Dad's or Mother's Funeral....
He Did.... attend... hers.
He Admired... her. <3
I think... tho...he never spoke, to me... about any of his 'sad' childhood.....
{only... The Good Times... : ) when he was being raised... by his Beloved...
Grandparents... in Derby, Iowa. <3 }
I think... he felt... She... deserved.... Better. }
![]() |
Perfect. Simply... Iowa. |
It went... to a Great... Home. : ) It... will be Loved. <3 |
Friday, February 12, 2016
Livin' the Dream.....
has transpired.... over the many days...
since I last... posted.
I wrote... many... posts...
I.... couldn't bring myself.... to 'post' them.
{buy 'The Book'... when I get it done... oh my.... : ) }
I woke up... this morning...
was brought to my senses at about 8:00.
The phone rang.... it was a 'Business' call... from a Friend.
She asked me... if she had 'Woke Me'....
I said... "no... I'm just thinking....about... gettin' up... but... I'm awake".
It was then... I realized.... I... didn't get to bed... until 4....
and... I'd had 4 hours... of sleep.
I had Many.... places to be... and Many...People.. to Tend to.
: )
holy smokes.
all I could... Think Of....
oh my.
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Heaven.... in a.... Cup.... <3 |
As I found my feet...of sorts.... I thought...of the above video.
John Travolta... playing 'Michael'... The Archangel. <3
Scratching his crotch........ after searching Desperately... for his Cigarettes....
: )
oh my.
I faced The Day.... and Folks...
in the Same Clothes.... I slept in.
they... didn't expect to see...
a Halo... above my head.
: )
: )
I got Done...
Everything... I was Expected To.
: )
: )
oh my. : )
Livin' The Dream.
: )
Love... to ya...
Barb C.
{They 'titled' the above...... video... 'Funny'.... : )
I call it...
'Livin' The Dream'....
: )
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016 a Highway.
I met with The Mayor...and Engineer... this morn.
Then...went our Beloved Vet's Office... about 30 miles away....
to get Meds... for Polly. : )
I captured this video... of part of the trek.
After watching it... I realized....
Life... is Truly a Highway.
The Wind...was Howling... from the West.
When I turned North....
I also...realized... I was going to have to lock the Old Gypsy... into 4wd.
The snow...was drifting over the road....with the Heavy Winds....
It was Slick.
I pulled over... on a gravel road...and could barely get my door open.
The Wind... was Pushing so Hard.
I The Mayor...and Engineer....this morn... : )
Dear Friend, Stephanie Walsh Brandenburg... came with me...
took notes....
and Supported me.
but, stressed.... I won't back down.
Been down...this 'Road'... before.
Told them... If... you have never been...through 'Condemnation'...
'Eminent Domain'.....
I wouldn't wish it...on them... but,
They... could Never... Understand....
how it Rips...Your Heart...from Your Chest....
You've Endured.
{20 years ago...we went through it, and...after...I had to start coloring my hair.}
It's Ugly.
Told them... John's Life.... was probably... shortened...from Working So Hard....
to Carry the Load....
of His Dream.
This Land... to Us....
is Priceless.
{They Couldn't Offer Us... Enough 'Money'.
Period. }
They were both... very cordial.
The Mayor said... the City... would Never... 'Condemn'...
: )
We'll see... what comes.
: )
{Sadly... I've heard that... before... too. : ) }
I'll do my best...too. : )
to help...
{the developers : ( : ( : ( Not!!!}
'Community'... 'Neighbors'...
yes. <3
down the road.
: )
as John would....and did... know...I would.
: )
I'll Dig My Heels In....
before our Land...
We've Sweat Too Much Blood.....
to have it
from us...
in the Blink of an Eye....
of a Pen.
Yes... as The Gypsy... and Me...
: )
I had to smile...
: )
Had a guy... on our Tail....
trying to Push us...
to go faster.
: )
oh my.
I learned to drive...
when I was 7 years old.
Dad propped me up.... on some old catalogs....
behind the wheel....
my feet...
could barely touch the floor.
I pulled Dad... and his Old Trucks...
out of Many... Mud Holes... on old... Cow Paths.... : )
Draggin' Junk Iron.... out of The Depths.
I learned...
when to 'Give'er Hell'
to 'Take'er Easy'...
when I was very young. : )
was a
'Take'er Easy'....
: )
The Guy... ridin' mine...and Old Gypsy's Tail....
on 218...
Got a Goose...
: )
{tho... you can't really see it... }
at the end... of the above, video.
I would bet... he peed his pants.... just a little.
: )
oh my.
One Day... at a Time.
One Mile... at a Time.
Keep Us....
in Your Prayers.
Love... to ya.
Barb C.
I'm posting our 'ride' today... above.
It won't 'play' as an image.
who knew. ?
{Early this morning... I heard on the News... there had been a Bad... accident...
just a few miles, from where The Old Gypsy and me.... where at...yesterday.
I thought.... as the guy was breathing up... Gypsy's Tailpipe ...
'If I should have to tap the brakes....for Any Reason... that guy... would go for a ide... and...maybe... into oncoming traffic.'
We all get in a hurry. I know I do.... but.... not on roads..... when they are like The Above Video.
They can be good... for a stretch... then... a Mess... all of a sudden. : (
Kinda like... 'Life'. : ) }
I'm posting our 'ride' today... above.
It won't 'play' as an image.
who knew. ?
{Early this morning... I heard on the News... there had been a Bad... accident...
just a few miles, from where The Old Gypsy and me.... where at...yesterday.
I thought.... as the guy was breathing up... Gypsy's Tailpipe ...
'If I should have to tap the brakes....for Any Reason... that guy... would go for a ide... and...maybe... into oncoming traffic.'
We all get in a hurry. I know I do.... but.... not on roads..... when they are like The Above Video.
They can be good... for a stretch... then... a Mess... all of a sudden. : (
Kinda like... 'Life'. : ) }
Monday, February 1, 2016
I Dedicate.... the above 'Tune'... to 'Life'.
How much more?
How... Much...More?
: )
That's all I want to know.
In the last year and half...
I've lost.... my Mom.
Husband...John... {Soulmate....}
My Sister in Law...{whom I Admired... so.... }
and both of my Brothers.
Last week... the Vet told me....
Polly ... my Beloved Pup... who has Kept Me Alive....
these last two years...
may have a Month... possibly two.
I'm doing Everything... I can... to make her comfortable... : )
{I Always... Have. : ) : ) : ) }
: ( : ( : (...............
Peg.... My Best Friend...
'Sister'... in Every Way... that Truly Matters...
called.... this morning... said... as she was walking with Mike..and Little Charlie....earlier...
she looked at Mike and said......
"Why?... here were are... 'walking'... and... I'm walking Dead."
: ( : ( : (................
the cancer... won't..... leave her alone.
I tried... to console her..... Peg... tried... to
: ( : ( : (...............
Son, Justin called...worried sick.... said... a man from the City... stopped by....with a map....
they are going to try and condemn a major part of our property...
for a 'walking trail'....
for a new housing addition up the road.
: )
I've been on the phone all day... with the DOT.... The DNR....
The City....
Engineers... etc.
While waiting for returning calls....
I decided to begin... to take the Christmas tree down.
I finally... turned the lights out... on it... a couple of weeks ago.
It...looks sooooo sad. : (
As I pulled ornaments... off... and placed them... in an Old cardboard box... John had given me...a few years ago... from Him... and The Kids...
Filled.... with Beautiful.... Massive... Ironstone and Staffordshire Platters...
Covered in his Beautiful Writing....
I began humming the above tune.
Then... singing it... out loud...
To 'Life'.
Louder....and Louder.
I finally... walked away... from the darkened... tree.
Helped my Polly... up the stairs.
and decided to write.
My hands... are trembling.
my body....
If you've never been through 'condemnation'....
you could never understand.... how it rips your Heart Out....
to see... what you and Yours.... have worked so Hard For....
Most... of Your Life...
have it taken... away... with the stroke...of a pen.
When we went through this... 20 years ago... with the DOT.....
I Fought... Hard.
{John...handed Those Keys... to Mama. He was Broken... of That Mess }
It was for a Better Highway.
: )
That...was Bad....Enough.
for a 'walking trail'.... hmmmm...
Commercial... Frontage... Property....
that both John and I.... have Sacrificed SO MUCH for...
in exchange... for a...
'walking' trail.
{and... put a 'sewer line'... along our Creek... for the folks in the New Addition...
coming in the future...
We don't have City Water or Sewer..... here???
Don't Want... It...
Don't think our Neighbors do... either.
We DON'T want a Sewer Line... NEAR The Creek!!!! }
How Much?
: )
I'll be paying the rest...of my 'life'... on medical bills... for John. : )
to... Save... what he and I struggled so Hard for....
This Is His Sanctuary.
{still waiting to go to trial.... with medicare }
If you ever wondered.... does 'life' hurt more....
when it's happening to you... or...
when it's 'Happening'... to Those You Love.
: )
well... let me tell ya.
I Could Never... Fight This Hard... for myself.
Everything.... Every Thing.... that has happened....
and Is 'Happening'...
is ALL About Those I LOVE.
There Is NOTHING.... in this World...
Than That!!!
I'll Fight... for Those I Love...
I'll never stop.
but... 'Life'... I've got your number.
You are having quite... a time... around here.
I'm Handing 'This' over to The Lord.
He knows how to make 'crooked things'... straight.
: )
and... tho.... I don't have much money...
if need be....
I know a Damned Good Attorney....
that Loves to Fight.... for The Underdog.
Bless Her Heart. <3 <3 <3
She's an Angel. <3 <3 <3
{Who also... Knows how to make 'crooked' things...straight. }
Please... keep us All.... in Your Beloved.... Prayers.
{I just got off the phone... with that 'Damned Good Attorney'....
: )
I told her.... like most of you... already know.
I work.... my Tail Off... to Keep Things Turning.
I go to bed..... and don't move...
'Life' and me..... go round and round...these days.
I am No Quitter.
When Push... comes to Shove....
'Life' can 'shove'.... and 'shove'....and....
Enjoy.... keeping a smile... from my face.
Make No Mistake.... No Matter......
How Broken and Weary...
I Will... Find the Strength....
'Shove'... back....
It's The Right Thing to Do.
For Those.... I Love.
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{I told that 'Damned Good Attorney'.... "John's Coat and Shoes... are right where he left them.
Always...Will Be.
John wouldn't use a chemical on the ground... or... trim a Crazy Tree.... : )....
He took Care... of His Beloved Sanctuary...."
I.... Intend... to 'Keep'... His Wishes.... Forever....
All of Our Kids..... Feel The Same... Way. }
{As I spoke with an 'Official' of sorts... this afternoon..... from near Home....
Hoping... to find some Trusted Advise.... <3
{ his ear....the Moment... I heard his voice... : ( }
to my Surprise... he already knew... the reason 'why'....the Tears.
Said he'd heard... from another 'official'... a while back....
there were going to be 'problems'... with a few others... in the community.... over 'this'.
he told my Friend...
"All Hell... is going to Break Loose... on the 'other side'... of 151."
he was right. }
![]() |
<3 <3 <3 Paw....on Mama's knee.... oh my. |
I posted the 'True Grit' Clip....
from a memory....
when Dad took me to see this Movie... when I was 5. : )
'The Damned Good' Attorney....
'Lawyer Daggett'
{Just Recognized ... The Parallels...}
: )
Met Her... nearly 20 Years Ago...
Down the Rabbit Hole.
She was wearing Striped Knee High Socks... and Had Men Running...
as She... was Preparing to Load a Big Garage...WINDOW!!!
{10 feet by 10 feet... : ) }
She... Was and Is...a Force... to Reckon With...
oh dear.
{The Eye Patch... also... is a Parallel. oh my. That's....Another....Story. <3 }
My Amazing.... 'Lawyer Daggett'... said.... I... have No Patience.
: )
She... and Pal... Allyson... would have Much... in common, concerning my demeanor.
: )
{I Expect 'Royalties'...
They... Write... Their... Books.
<3 <3 <3 }
Have Earned Them All.
: )
{and... Then... Some. : ) }
from a memory....
when Dad took me to see this Movie... when I was 5. : )
'The Damned Good' Attorney....
'Lawyer Daggett'
{Just Recognized ... The Parallels...}
: )
Met Her... nearly 20 Years Ago...
Down the Rabbit Hole.
She was wearing Striped Knee High Socks... and Had Men Running...
as She... was Preparing to Load a Big Garage...WINDOW!!!
{10 feet by 10 feet... : ) }
She... Was and Is...a Force... to Reckon With...
oh dear.
{The Eye Patch... also... is a Parallel. oh my. That's....Another....Story. <3 }
My Amazing.... 'Lawyer Daggett'... said.... I... have No Patience.
: )
She... and Pal... Allyson... would have Much... in common, concerning my demeanor.
: )
{I Expect 'Royalties'...
They... Write... Their... Books.
<3 <3 <3 }
Have Earned Them All.
: )
{and... Then... Some. : ) }
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