Saturday, January 30, 2016
The Shop is OPEN most Any Day... Any Time... in February!
The Shop will be OPEN Every Day.... in February.
Most....Any Time... : )
by appointment... only.
{simply... call ahead! : ) }
I'm working on Many Projects.... in many Buildings.... here... : )
I can be in another building.... with no reception... and miss you. : (
I can be OPEN Early... or Late... no matter...
just... let me know... when you would like to come visit! ya...
Barb C.
phone #
319 241 13 four eight
Monday, January 25, 2016
Davina and The Vagabonds!
Went to see
Davina and The Vagabonds....
Saturday Night!
Pal, Allyson... had bought us tickets.
I introduced Allyson to their Music... last year, after Friend, Marc B., had 'introduced' me...
to them. : )
Love 'em!
{ Allyson.... Surprised me with a see them..last year, too! <3 }
They were Both... Sold Out Shows......!
They have a 'New Orleans' Jazz... Sound...
They Received 'Standing Ovations'... Throughout... the Show!!!!
: ) : ) : )
When the Band took a Break...
I excused myself...from our Table....
and headed for the door, to have a...
'Stogie'... : )
I made my way through the crowd.... and just as I was at the front door...
I saw Davina... selling cds... I waved...and nodded... : )
{Davina remembered me, from last year... it seems. : ) }
She said... "Hey! Where ya Goin'?"
I smiled... said I was goin' out for a 'Smoke'!
: )
She said...
"I'm Comin' With Ya!!! Let me run to the back... and get my coat!!!"
{I looked to where she would have to get to.... through a Huge...Crowd...: ( }
I said...
"Wear mine!"
She said... I'd Freeze. : )
Nah... I had my old 'Cowboy' shirt on... over my dress. : )
{She was wearing a Beautiful... Black...Lace...Dress. Wow!! }
She threw my coat on... and out the door we Escaped!!!
and had a 'smoke'...
: )
We also... had a Lovely... visit.
: )
Artists...and Small Business so hard.
for little.
I know.
oh my.
I used to be in a Band. {Nothing as Hers}
I knew... after the Show...was over... They....
The Band... had Hours of Work....
Loading...Instruments...Lights and Winding Cords....
Driving.... to get to the Next... Event. : )
I wanted to Block the Door... at the end of the Show, so Folks would Have to Purchase a cd....
or Tee Shirt... before they could leave. : )
oh my.
Davina made the comment.... on stage, how 'quiet'... this Crowd was.
: )
I turned to Allyson.... and said....
"Hmmm.... ya think she'd like to hear us get a little 'Loud'????"
: )
Allyson said... "Sounds like it. : ) "
oh dear.
: )
{Barbara knows how to Liven Up...a Party! : ) }
We will be forever remembered.... as...
'The Loud Table'....
: )
oh dear.
{Everyone....was so well mannered. Until the Second Set. : ) }
It was Quite a Time!!!
I can't Thank... Allyson Enough.... for Thinking of me.
She Always.... has. <3
: )
She invited me... to go with her, and Sweet, Friend, Rhonda....
to Round Top...and New Orleans, again... in March.
: )
As Much... as I'd Love to go.... I can't.
not now.
I Really.....Really... want to go New Orleans.
It's been Haunting me... for several months.
When... I can get ahead...enough, and get things... pulled together here.
I may.... someday...
on a whim...
Bail in Ol' Jethro....
and go... by myself. : )
I So... LOVE the South.
New Orleans...
The French Quarter...
The Garden District.
The Gulf.
If... I have to Sleep.... in Jethro's Driver's Seat.....
I'm gonna Make That Trip.
: )
It was so Kind... of Allyson, to invite me. <3
Love Her.
I Am So Blessed...
to have such Beautiful...
in my life.
oh my.
<3 <3 <3
I posted Three of my Favorite Davina and The Vagabonds tunes....
: )
They have played... all Over the World... and....
New Orleans!!! : )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{As I was saying my 'Good Bye's' to Davina....
I said...
"Hope the Old Ford Starts!!! "
she said.....
"Hey...You can Ride With Us!!! If ya don't mind riding... in the Van... with 5 Musicians!!!"
{oh my....
Davina.... had No Idea... what 'Crazy'.... can be...
riding... with a Mad Hatter. : ) }
I said... "The Old Ford has Never Let me Down... yet!!"
We Git'er Done! }
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Me and Davina... in a Selfie... Blowin' Smoke. : ) |
Saturday, January 23, 2016
The Rabbit Hole. {Open Sunday... Noon 'til 5 }
I spent the day....
going through....'Treasures'....
down the rabbit hole.
The above, image... is a stereo card... from over a hundred years ago.
I smiled....when I found
: )
another... 'rabbit hole'. <3
I was moving stacks...of things, here and there.... and I saw an old book....
sitting all by itself... on the top of a 'stack'....
very plain, tattered...cover, and binding.
I thought.... to myself....
"Why.... did I bring this old book...home?"
I opened the cover.... it dates from the Civil War era.
I laid it down...
it flopped open, to this page.
: )
At a quarter 'til 5....
Walked away... from my..'projects'.
Sat down, put my feet up.
the Music.
{Alison Krauss {she sings 24/7 down the rabbit hole }
Thought about the Cool Folks... who had popped : )
gazed.... at all of the Old Souls. <3
It's a Beautiful... Full Moon, tonight.
I am heading to a concert.
My Friend, Allyson...invited me to.
Davina and The Vagabonds... : )
They are Awesome! ya...
Barb C.
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Perfect. There's Always....a 'reason'... the 'things'...down the rabbit hole... have found their way. <3 {click on the image to enlarge } |
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Feet Up... Basking. : ) |
Open Today!!! 11 'til 5!!! Sunday... Noon 'til 4!!!
Headed Down the Rabbit Hole! Do!
Open Today... 'til 5...
Sunday...Noon 'til 4!!!
Hope to See Ya!
Barb C.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
My... Peg.
I haven't written too much... about My Peg, lately.
Seems... this 'Vortex'...
'Silly Silo'....
has kept me...
'occupied', to say the least.
Mostly... 'within' myself.
Between the Kids... Polly... Shop... Shows....
I...really.... haven't had it in me... to 'write'.
Peg... has been battling lung cancer... for several
I remember... sitting with her, a month before she was diagnosed.
It was the last day... of a Grueling.... Fall Harvest Sale.
I'd had the rug...pulled out... from under me, by some 'the business'.
my heart....was heavy.
I was 'broken'.
Peg sat there...with me... as she had, over the years.... through Thick and Thin.
As I visited with her.... today.... I said, "Remember... that day? : ) When we thought... that day.... was the Worst...Day....Ever!!!"....
we both burst out...
A month later... she was diagnosed...with lung cancer.
We All... Stood Tall.... Prayed.... She Fought...So Hard.
Went Trough Hell....
and...somehow... : ) to the Dr.'s Amazement....
Made It.
: )
the cancer....
came back.
Again... Peg... Fought.... and... kept it at bay.
: )
Then.... John got sick... and...everything....Everything....
went so quickly.
Peg... got sick, again...too.
I remember... the last words, John...said to he was walking out the door...
taking his last two...steps...en route to the Hospital.
{Peg was there... in front of him... smiling... at him.... : ) }
"Well... maybe...they can give me a 'Pill."
: )
He always hoped... there would be a 'pill' that would make the body...fight against cancer.
Seems... there is... something like
The commercials come on the t.v., selling that Drug.
I always switch the channel.
{Too....Damned Late.... for John. }
: (
Not... for Peg! : )
She began taking that drug... a few months ago.
There was still...a tiny spot in her lung, that the chemo... last year... {that made her So Sick...Again}
wouldn't touch.
So... : ) she began this treatment.
The drug... is much like John had imagined... It helps your body, kill the cancer.
It seems it has worked... just the opposite... for My Peg.
Where there was No cancer... before....
in a matter of a couple months.... has attacked her breast.
She just got home... from the Mayo.
We talked.... for quite a while... today.
I said.... "Don't You Dare... Give Up!!!"
She she wouldn't.
Below... are a few... of the pictures... I have of My Peg.
During Shows..... and Events.
With... Friends... Family...{two and four legged }
Good Times!!!
Peg and me....
when we are together....
rarely... have 'bad times'. : )
We LAUGH!!!!
even... today...
with all of the SHIT... that's Swirlin'
We Still....
Have You... Any IDEA... what a GIFT...
that is????
: )
She calls me... 'The Sister she never had'...
She... is, in my Heart... My Sister.
I couldn't Love her... More. <3
Please... Keep Peg..... in your Heart... Arms...and Prayers.
{She and I... Laughed about how... few 'feathers' we have left....
on our...smouldering...singed... pinfeather...encrusted...
oh dear.
: )
We Rely... on Yours! <3 }
Please.... include... Michael, Peg's Girls... and Grandchildren.
They... are quite broken hearted. ya....
Barb C.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Take It... to the Limit.
Takin' it...
to The Limit.
oh my.
I Love... The Eagles.
I've enjoyed their Music....
most of my life.
When I heard.... Glenn Frey...
from The Eagles passed away, today... at 67...
I thought of John.
He left us... at 67, also.
Way Too Young.
I couldn't decide... which 'Eagles' Tune..
I should lead with... today.
{I play 'Take It Easy'
It's my Favorite... : )
Always has been. I've Always... since I was very young...
been the Driver... of Many...
'Flatbed Fords'. : ) }
Today... after this last weekend...
it Had to... be One... of Two.
'Take it to the Limit'...
oh my.
oh my.
The Anamosa Show... was Good.
: )
but... not good enough.
I'm scramblin'.
It was crazy... here, getting things pulled together...for the show.
Then... Crazy... trying to get it all...pulled together there...
oh my...
Sunday Morn... I was up at 4... at 5... { a.m. } it was below zero....
I ran out to fire the Fuso... {Box Truck}...and get him warmed up.
He 'Clicked'.
wouldn't even turn over.
{He was plugged in... so... I was the starter.}
My mind... was racing.
"How Many Trips....
will I have to take...with a Little Flatbed Ford Truck....
at the end...of the show.?"
I was thinkin'.
I couldn't get to the Trailer, the Fuso...was parked in front of it.
I called Mark, to see if he'd pick me up... on his way to the show.
left a message, with Son, Justin... asking come check the Fuso out....
when he got up.
I told Mark... I was going to keep 'messing' with the Fuso... and if it should happen to start...
I'd call him.
{Had to be at the show... by 7:00 a.m. and it's a 45 min. drive. }
I had to run to the rabbit hole... and grab a trencher, that was sold on line, and was going to be picked up.... at the show.
Polly and I... were moving Briskly... to the shop....
{it was Cold...and Dark. }
as we rounded the corner... to the entrance....
I noticed... there were no lights....
in the greenhouse.
That meant... There Was Not Heat.... in The Fish's Big Stock Tank!!!!
{I had Just... placed a New Heater, the morning before... in the Tank.}
I was worried... the two, that were in there... wouldn't keep it from freezing.
I RAN INSIDE...and began Flipping Breakers....
to no...avail.
: ( : ( : (
All I could think of.... were The Fish....
Freezing to Death!!!
Oh My God!!!
: ( : ( : (
I...couldn't work on it.... any further.
I had... to get to the show.
I ran the Fuso.... messed around with it....
and... it 'turned over'...
Praise God!!!
Kept messin'... and got him to Fire Up!
Called Mark....told him to go on....
Then... Justin.
Told him...not to worry about the Truck...
Run another cord... {that I didn't have...that wasn't the ground. }
and... get a heater going...{use two... of the three.... the new one... must have been one...too...many.}
{I didn't know... if it was too late... or not, but.... we Had to Try!!!}
{I called him... half a dozen times... en route to the show.... about the heaters..... and Not to pound on the ice... for an air hole... for the Fish... it would kill them. {if...they weren't already 'gone'.
If... with the sub zero temps... over night...the Stock Tank... wasn't frozen solid. : ( : ( : ( }
{I forgot to mention... the morning of 'set up'... Scout took a stroll... had The Sheriff here... at 1:30 in the morn. It appears Deer are taking down the electric get to the salt block.
Thank God... For Great Neighbors!!! and... a Great Son. <3}
on to the show.
It was below zero....
The Weather Folks... advised NO Travel... unless...
You HAVE to go out.
oh my.
Great...Information... for a Show!!!
: )
God Bless... Those... that came. : )
They Bought!
it wasn't enough...
So... I got on the phone...
and Sold... and Delivered.
We'll scrape by.
: )
I rested all day.... yesterday.
Lord... after loading... unloading...
setting a booth...
tearing it down...
I hurt. : )
{Thank God... for Liz... and Brandon. <3 {and Mark... He stayed...and helped us load up. : ) }
I started cleaning... house, this morn...
and realized... my Kitchen Drain... is clogged.
: )
Won't Drain.
I tore the pipes from under the sink...
That... wasn't it.
Liz helped me put it all back.
I have Drano waiting...
By morning.... I think it will be drained enough... that I can try that, if that doesn't fix it...
well... I'll give Ken Way...a call. : )
I mustered up... the 'Heart'... to go see.... if... The Stock Tank... was o.k.
{Fish... <3 }
I couldn't look yesterday.
I knew, if what Justin had done...
was too late.... it would be a very... sad..... sight.
There is ice... on the top... but... there is an air hole, and plenty of unfrozen water...
I Pray... they Survived. : )
When I think about... 'troubles'... mine....are minor.
There are Folks... with Much Worse... problems.
I Pray.... for Them... Every Day.
me, well....
it's just..... about 'Taking It To The Limit'.
being It.
oh my....
: )
I'm waiting to hear from Pegadoo....tonight.
She's going through some AWFUL Crap....
just got Home... from another Mayo.
oh my....
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Our 'Simply...Iowa'... Booth at The Anamosa Show. Opens at 7:30... in The Morn.... Runs 'til 3. See Ya There!!!
Big Truck... Loaded... HEAVY. : ) <3 |
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This Old Cupboard.... RULES!!! <3 <3 <3 |
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My Two... Favorite....Elves. <3 <3 <3 |
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Come... Gather!!! Anamosa Show... This Sunday!!! {January 17th}
I'm headed North... to pick up ANOTHER Load...
for this
{who knew??? )
: )
This is a Really Fun... Event!
Ya Just Never Know....
what you'll find.
C'est la Vie!!!!
C'est la Vie!!!!
: )
Ya Never... Can... Tell.
: ) : ) : )
Ya Never... Can... Tell.
: ) : ) : )
Get There Early!!!
It's a 'Short' Show...
7:30 to 3:00
One Day...
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{We are taking 2 LOADED Trucks!!!
Everything from French...
Freshly Gathered... Barn and Attic 'Finds'...
: )
Gather!!!! }
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Can ya hear me... Major Tom?
I sat Sunday... evening... listening to 'tunes'.
I listened to the one...above.
'Space Oddity'.
Understood it.... : )
{I've posted this tune... here... before. : )
oh my...
I 'get'... those lyrics. : ) }
{I've posted this tune... here... before. : )
oh my...
I 'get'... those lyrics. : ) }
went on... to post another tune, on fb by 'Pink Floyd'...
'Comfortably Numb'...
they... both seemed fitting.
I chose 'Pink Floyd'.
I never listened to either, when I was young.
: )
I...guess... I 'heard' them... but never 'listened'... to the lyrics.
I... was a 'Country' girl.
I'd play some Fog Hat... Aerosmith... Kiss....Queen...
when me and my Friends... were being 'Crazy'...: )
{none of my Friends were 'Country' girls... : ) }
but... unlike, the Country songs... all I heard was 'Music'... never the Lyrics.
What a Loss.
Like... my Beloved 'Country'.... lyrics
'Songwriters'... of Every Genre....
: )
I admire All... 'Artists'...
I really... Liked... David Bowie.
: )
I... Liked him... Appreciated him...his 'Music' and Talent...
even more... the older I got.
Music.... to me, is...
'Poetry set to Tune'.
Always... has been.
Music.... to me, is...
'Poetry set to Tune'.
Always... has been.
I heard him speak, on a
He said... he didn't like his voice... he saw a 'Writer'.
{'That'... he was. : ) }
no one... would record his Music... so... he recorded it himself.
: )
He said.... he didn't like wearing all of the make up... and crazy hair...
he had to keep... reinventing himself.
: )
A True... Artist.
: )
He was a Spiritual...Soul.
I...want to 'hear' his last, album... in a way.
in another....
I... want to wait...awhile.
Somehow... I believe... it will be quite Moving.
: )
What Beautiful... Gifts.... we all have been Blessed with...
'Amazing... Artists'....that 'Sing'... far more... than a 'Tune'.
: )
oh my.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I can't tell you... how Stunned... I was, Monday morning... 'hearing' the news...
David Bowie....'The Poet'... had passed away.
I can't imagine... any Other 'Voice'...
Beautiful... Voice....
Singing His 'Poetry'..... <3
Loretta... Sang her's too....
Artists... 'Poets'... of Every Kind... 'Sing'.
We simply... need to Listen... a little 'Closer'. <3
The Best Artists.... Touch.... your Soul.
: )
They 'Know' You.
You... 'Know'... them. : ) }
{I can't tell you... how Stunned... I was, Monday morning... 'hearing' the news...
David Bowie....'The Poet'... had passed away.
I can't imagine... any Other 'Voice'...
Beautiful... Voice....
Singing His 'Poetry'..... <3
Loretta... Sang her's too....
Artists... 'Poets'... of Every Kind... 'Sing'.
We simply... need to Listen... a little 'Closer'. <3
The Best Artists.... Touch.... your Soul.
: )
They 'Know' You.
You... 'Know'... them. : ) }
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Anamosa Antique Show January 17th!!!
I can't believe....
for 2016...
The Anamosa Show
{click on image to enlarge }
This is One... of my Very Favorite... Events.
: )
It's not too big....
too, small.
It's Just Right!
The other Vendors are Great.
They always manage to bring... Fun... Old... Unusual...
Things... that are 'Fine'... along with Gnarliness...just pulled from a Barn.
Ya Never Know... what will find it;s way... to this Event.
Everyone... is Friendly, and Appreciative of the Folks... who come to shop...
with us. : )
No One.... leaves this Event... 'empty handed'.
: )
They serve GREAT Homemade Food...
It's a laid back.... event.
: )
Perfect. : )
I look forward... to seeing Everyone.... again.
: )
Hope... to see You... as well.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{There's Great Antiquing on Main Street well. : ) }
Monday, January 4, 2016
I worked all day...
down the rabbit hole.
It's comin'... : )
at one point...
I found a chair....
and sat.
So Much... was running through my mind.
I felt the need...
to be 'quiet'.
Sit.... rest.
: )
I did.
What happened next... was Something... I'll never forget.
I opened my Heart... to The Lord.
He assured me... I was being Guarded by Michael....
The Archangel.
I...honestly... had Chills.
I remembered the crazy... movie...
: )
I had many...years ago...
and thinking... as I watched it...
'He's My Kinda Angel!!!'...
: )
: )
: )
Never Dreaming....
'He Is'... My Angel. : )
I felt... and heard... Many... things... today.
Still... have Chills.
: )
What a Gift... I was
: )
some... will think I'm crazy... : )
That's o.k.
: )
I Believe.
That's... All... That... Matters.
Love, to ya...
: )
Barb C.
{fyi.... 'Michael's Demeanor'... in this movie... is Much... like John's... <3 }
<3 <3 <3
: )
I would Guess... They... would 'Understand' one another. : )
I'm no... scholar....on The Bible...
Many... could trip me up... on Bible Verses.
from the first time... I can 'recall'....
: )
I... somehow... 'understood'.
: )
Barb C.
{fyi.... 'Michael's Demeanor'... in this movie... is Much... like John's... <3 }
<3 <3 <3
: )
I would Guess... They... would 'Understand' one another. : )
I'm no... scholar....on The Bible...
Many... could trip me up... on Bible Verses.
from the first time... I can 'recall'....
: )
I... somehow... 'understood'.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
The Flowers are Bloomin' down... the rabbit hole.
Thanks... to Everyone... who stopped by... this weekend!
<3 <3 <3
I'm working there...ALL WEEK!
I'll be Open... 11 'til 5 All This Week!!!
been carrying and diggin'... through piles...of Gnarliness.
: )
oh my.
Got all of the Old Chandeliers... LIT UP!!!
Still... have Many Mountains to Climb...
I'm gettin' there. : )
The Truck is LOADED for The Anamosa, Iowa... Show,
January 17th!!!
Mark Your Calendars!!!
{Thanks, so Friend, Linda Goldsberry... for giving me... her Beautiful...
{she is Quite an Artist! } ya..
Barb C.
{the above... tune, reminds me... of my Dad... and my Beloved... 'Hounds'. <3 I've been so Blessed to have been...
by.... life.
When the Storm...hit... last week, I was working outside.
Polly was with me, for a bit.
It brought back memories... from a Christmas Eve.... decades ago.
I was 16.
I'd went to feed the Horses a 'Special' ration... for Christmas, then... the Old Chevy Truck... I was driving... wouldn't start.
It was sleeting... like... the other day.
Dolsey... my Beloved Great Dane... who was with me Always.......
and I...
walked 5 Home.
The Sleet, felt like needles... in my face.... the entire walk.
{like... the other day... }
Dolsey.... shivered.
but... we kept walkin'.
A Drunk... pulled over... and offered us....a ride.
I 'Thankfully' : )... declined.
pointed to a sight...
"That's we're headed... : ) but, Thank You."
: )
She and I... walked another 3 miles.
were Mighty Thankful.. to Snuggle... in our Warm Bed!!!!
Old Dogs...
of Any Kind!!! }
: )
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Got this Old Chandelier... Lit Up...and Cleaned... today! |
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This little area.... has been a Fun... Transformation! |
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Polly came with... down the rabbit hole, yesterday.... before Sunrise. {Lord Knows... I had Mountains... to get through.. before the doors opened. } |
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3 feet. That's as far... as I can get, before Polly comes Lookin'. I just took this image. Stood up... so did she. : ) Mama doesn't get far...away. : ) Best... Friend. <3 |
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