Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why is it... I'm either too Small... or...Too Tall?


 Travelled Many...Miles... yesterday...
It was...a Toasty... Journey...
Enjoyed a couple...
Ice Cold... Mint Juleps...
when I got home...
Made Deliveries... and Gathered... as well....
Everything... from the Tiniest... of Tea Pots...
: )
what looks like...
Greek Ruins...
: )
for the waiting...
Rabbit Hole...
{It was quite Excited... to see the Column Fragments...: ) }
They came from an Old Building...and are... Heavy...: )
Would be Wonderful... in a Home... or Restaurant!!!
{or... in a Garden!!! Oh My! }
Ooooh.... They would be Great.. for a Photographer's Prop!!!
Endless!!!! the kind man... who offered to lend a hand... as I was standing... before them....
'Sizing Them Up'... oh dear... : )
It's going to be a Busy...Busy....Week!
Mad Tea Party...
Friday the Thirteenth!
{6 'til 10}
Open House...
Saturday, the 14th...
and Sunday... the 15th!
{11 'til 6ish! }
Love to ya...
Have a Beautiful... Sunday... : )
Barb C.

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