Picked this up... Tuesday... at Ken and Brenda's Store, {Kalona Antique Company, in Kalona, Iowa} Peg and I had a great time, visiting with them... and...shopping in the old Church...of course....! Lot's of cool stuff...and seems...I never leave there empty handed! This time... I struggled to get out the door...with this BIG DADDY! It must weigh...close to 50 pounds...whew! Ran into Carol and Bob...{and Harley...their four legged buddy!} Seemed we were all travelling the same path! They were at Sisters' Garden, too! {
http://www.sistersgardeniowa.blogspot.com/ } Good seeing them...and meeting their Family...
I so enjoyed...spending a little time, with Peg... She and Clohe were just up, for the day... but still... was great for my soul...We enjoyed lunch...here at the Rabbit Hole....
Yes...The Mad Hatter...and The March Hare...
Sitting..in the Shade..on Old Rusty Lawn Chairs...
Trying to Figure out...Life....
We Really are...
{all the best people are...}
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
That is a big one, what a great find. I can only dream of coming to see all the great things there are in Iowa. Maybe some day. Hope you are having a great Thursday.
I love the way you photographed the motar & pestle in front of the window! You have talent.
Hey Girl!
Come Visit! Would Love to See Ya! I guess your Fall...is going to be Fast and Furious!
And GREAT!!!!
Take Care...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Hey Sue...
Oh my....it was the only empty surface...in the house! I have a corner cupboard...on the harvest table...along with crocks...platters...pitchers... awaiting the Fall Harvest Sale... even my dining chairs are layered with 'sale' stuff... the house is a huge mess...and don't....even try and look out the window... oh my...
But...all I can say is...
It Is...What It Is....
and, thanks Sue...
for the compliment....
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
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