All made from Hand... Folk Art...
Their condition is Amazing....
Perfect for the Fall Harvest Sale!
They came from a Farm, just a dozen miles, or so... away... lived there, their entire lives...
I will find them a Lovely Home!
Happy Last Day of Summer!
Barb C.
SWEET!!! just keeps gettin' better & better...can't wait! I might be bringing a few things....not enough to have my own space really will give you a better idea over the weekend and will have everything tagged so no worries
might be a bit chilly for a sleepover ; )
Hey Amy...
Bring it On!'s gonna warm weekend...
I told Mark about you and Peg...maybe camping of the Sale nights... I saw TERROR in his eyes...!!! {oh yeah...guess he has seen us in ACTION!} Oh Dear! {and those crazy stories...from Nashville to Rochester...oh my...}just stories...
see ya soon!
love to ya!
Barb C.
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