I Love these Boys... They are in their 80's....and work harder than most men I know, half their age....Every Single Day! Hot...Cold...no matter... They are Scrappers....Junkers... Iron Men.... They knew, and worked around my Dad.... Stood toe to toe, with him, at auctions...buying this old Scrap....{and me, when I was a little girl...}
I Love listening to them talk...about those days... I Love...just standing next to them... I soak all the old times... into my soul...
A Great way...to Start the Day!!!
{I'm gathering...and gathering...for the Fast approaching, Fall Harvest Sale...it's gonna be a BIG One!}
{It was Great seeing Polly...{Pollyanns, Mt.Vernon, Iowa} and Tommie {FUEL Art and Espresso, Mt.Vernon, Iowa} My Sweet Pals, Vi, and Bob...It was a very.....good day.... }
Hope you...have a Great Day...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
Ha! Yes they do! Great post! HUgs, Janna
Love Old Dudes!
They know how to Get 'er Done!
Great Guys!
Love, to Ya!
Barb C.
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