Camp Blankets....LOADS of them...Amazing....Indian...Camp Blankets.... Wow....

Look what Peg Found...in the North Green House...{yes...Wanda...the Mama got them across the Busy Hi Way......} This little Fella was Not a Happy Camper!

This Man, and his Lovely Wife...{loading the truck} were so much Fun... He bought the Gnarly 5.00 Stetson Hat...{it was Perfect on him! {it fit me, too...I wore it...'til he paid for it.... Hey...it was Cool....} his wife said..." I had no idea he could do a U turn with this Big Rig... when he saw this sale....he whipped it right around on the hi way...." Oh My...I have done this...a time or two myself....{ask Lynn and Lea...about a U Turn...in Racine, Minnesota...oh my....HANG ON!!!}

The Old Walnut Wardrobe...is Wonderful...Holding these Beautiful Blankets....Oh My....

The Big Tent is Full! Thanks to Paula...for getting all of the totes unpacked.... Wow....There is A Lot Of Stuff!

Ahhh...Sweet Carolyn.... and The Junk Jubilee Girl.... I Am Going To Make It...To That Des Moines Show....This Year!!!! I have heard sooo much Great Stuff About It! I'm so glad she came...and visited!

Amy...."The Nest"..... Lord knows...what an Angel She is... She has to come back with a Truck... and... her Darling Daughter.....Lydia.... Wish I would have had more time to visit with her.... When she comes to Load.... I'll make time...Love..Her...

Sweet....Liz....and Sweet...Scarlett! This Baby....Always Smiles....at Everyone....She Loves Us All...{Even the Old Oak Tree....{we have a face, on the tree} She Loved the Old Oak...and Jerry...His Beard was a Lovely Thing! Ahhhh Miss. Scarlett..... Once again...The Belle of the Ball!{ Liz was whistling the 'Cyclone' Tune...from her favorite Movie..."The Wizard of Oz".... with the Crazy...Scary Wind...Blowing through the Sale...today.... Scarlett....was not worried...not a single bit!}

Ahhh...Jerry...Love Him! And...Sweet Carole! {do ya see why Scarlett was so Intrigued?...What a Sweet Man! She Loved His Beard!}

Tom R. brought this Amazing Iron Fence!!!! Gorgeous! Priced to Sell!!!! 50 feet of it...and...the GATE!!!! WOW!
The Day Was CRAZY!!!! I am Exhausted! The Wind...Took Limbs off of trees...and Cupboards Blew on the Ground Like Domino's! I said..."Leave it all lay.....Tomorrow, is another day.... we'll Stand Up... and Fluff... Tomorrow!...But....LOOK OUT FOR THE DEBRIS!!!!"...It was CRAZY!!!!{50 mph sustained winds!!!} It's going to be a Great.... Rest of the Weekend... but...whew... today...was unsettling!{I sooo hate the wind...Peg and I wanted to totally Jump Down the Rabbit Hole!}
It was Great Seeing Everyone! {I'll touch on that...next week...} Barb H., Brenda...Gail...Brandon....Stephanie...Eva...and Mark...Kim..."The Girls From Story City!"{Marion...and Jean!} I could...truly...go on...and on...and...The Sweet Gals from Texas... They had, some how... mistaken me...for a Woman...from Iowa...who drinks...with some Boys...from Texas...hmmmm...I told them...they have me Confused with Someone Else....I certainly...don't drink...ahhh Yukon Jack...ahhh...not ever....
Very Sweet...Miss...
Texas Girls....
Had a Great Time...visiting with everyone, who Braved the WIND!!!! Wow!
I'm Exhausted!!! If You are Headed this way....Be SURE...and Hit The Amana Colonies.... and What Cheer...Wow...I have heard Great Gathering Stories from Folks... That have went all Directions!!! They are Having Blast!
We are going to Dig In...and Re Set...In the Morn... Oh my... Hope to See Ya! New Stuff...coming in...Every Day!
Thanks to Everyone...who came...{ David...and Vernon...BIG HUGS!} I was touched...by sooo many...Good Folk....Thank You...Thank You...
I'm heading to the Sack...
See Ya...In The Morn...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
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