Maurina had this little Cross... She knows how much I love this kind of stuff... It is going in the bedroom... along with all of the 'Rest in Peace' plaques... Some may think this is a little 'dark'.... well... I see nothing brighter, than Heaven... and... 'Resting in Peace'... well... one can Never have, too much Peaceful, Rest...and... if it weren't for these little plaques.... who would remember these folks... I think about them....who they were... where they lived.... what their life was like, 125 years ago... they may be absent... but... not forgotten...

Be sure and check out their blog... It's Lovely...

Sisters' Garden... is so Peaceful... and... Balanced... Being 'Balanced'... is a 'Good Thing'.....It's beautiful....

A Cool Load, from Carole's.... The cab is full...too... I unloaded from
Maurina's, before I headed to the
Amana's... That was a heavy load...oh's been a long... long... day....

Spent the last two days, on the road... I took Sally, on the road for the Iowa City area yesterday... so enjoyed a very relaxing visit at Sisters' Garden, Bloom and
Barntiques and Rug Cottage...I truly admire, all of the Women, that bring so much inspiration, and stability, to my life... Barb H., has been a truly amazing 'Rock'... I had a great surprise, at Sisters'... Sharon, from Sweet Repose, was just was so nice, to see her... { I look like a sight... I've dyed my hair, black, again.... Must be this 'Goth', 'thing' I'm going through....everything seems a bit 'Dark' these days...and my nerves are, well, simply... raw...I guess it's good timing... folks will just think I'm getting ready for Halloween....}
Today, I was on the run... Maurina is having a yard sale... and was was kind enough to give me an invite... I ran over, first thing... we had a great time... I found all sorts of fun stuff...{Images, in the daylight, tomorrow...}She took me through her Store, in Czech Village... then bought me the most wonderful lunch, at the 'Blue Toad' {next door, to the Famous, 'Red Frog'....}... Oh my... we had Potato Dumplings... gravy... their special, home fries.... red cabbage, and a Blue Moon... Oh dear... it was Mid West, 'Soul Food'...{the very cool, Bartender, even had the recipe for 'Root Beer'... oh dear... I have been hunting this recipe, for 30 years... It will drop you to your knees...and... it truly tastes, just like root beer...{he made us a's amazing...} Then my old Pal, Carole, from near Amana, invited me over, to go through her barns... and buy.... It was Grand....We had a wonderful time... It was great seeing Carole, and Jerry... It's been a lot of years... They said something, very nice... They said they called me first, because over the years, I always treated them fair...I was, and am... truly... that statement... made my day...
I left my camera at home, today... I would have loved to have taken so many images... oh well...
Hope everyone, has a wonderful...Friday....
Barb C.
{ Polly keeps putting her cold nose, under my elbow.... she's ready for bed... me too... and it's only a little after 9... oh dear...}
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