Saturday, October 16, 2010

Old Books....

These Old, Old books have been fun, to see... they have been quite entertaining....
This is a cool book...1833.... Old Dictionary... very interesting to read.... I have a passion, for old, old books.... tho, it seems, I have little time, to sit down and read them... Just pulling them off the shelf, and flipping through them, is relaxing, to me... The old dictionary isn't dated... but... it calls fire arms, muscets... a Firelock, a soldier's I would guess it's from the earlier half of the 1800's... The 1833 book, and the dictionary are leather bound, and lovely... The other, 'Ladies Companion', is from 1851, and quite interesting... I will make a point, of spending a little time, with this one...
I didn't get the truck unloaded, entirely, yesterday.... I'll have John lend a hand, this morning.... I have an old grinding stone, complete, with it's stand... and a little too awkward for me to handle, alone.... I bought several grinding stones, from Carole.... and an early Amana stand, for a wooden wash tub... I'll see if John can get the centers out of the stones, and then, stack them on the old Gnarly stand.... they will be wonderful for the Mid West Show, next Sunday... I'm going to have some wonderful Surprises, for the show....
I was the Bobbling Clown, again, yesterday...{remember the blow up Clowns, from the 60's... it was about 3 feet tall, and weighted, on the bottom... the kids could punch it, and it would weave around, but would always stand straight up, again.... well..... that's my life, it seems... I'm the Clown...I guess the blessing, in this statement is...I keep standing...} I quit a little early... turned the phone off... and came up to the house... where my best Girl, was soooo glad to see me....{Pal, Mary S., gave me a little sign, that says, something like, "May I always be, just half the person, my dog thinks I am"....
People... what in the world, is wrong with them....I just don't get it....
I'm headed to an auction, this morning... we'll see.... seems I have money gushing from every orifice,{ spell check doesn't recognise the word 'Orifice'.... so... I looked it up, in the gnarly early 1800's dictionary... it was there... it means... 'any opening'... for me, it means...'Every Opening'}.... these days.... always plenty of palms out....and...Winter ahead.... oh dear...
Well.... I've got today... and, that's good enough for me...{still standin'}
Have a Great Saturday....
Barb C.

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