Took the Old Clock in to Marv, to get, hopefully, repaired....yesterday morning... {he looked a little nervous....}{I'm so spoiled by John....when I take some, basket case to him... he may, for a moment think it can't be saved... then, I tell him, he can fix it.... I have no doubt.... and... he does.... Marv hasn't quite got there, yet.... he looked a little perplexed....} Then worked on domestic duties... Grocery Shopping.... I love to grocery shop... Mom, Chery and I, were the Queen Grocery Shoppers...Chery was the best....she spent days, clipping coupons....she shopped at a store, religiously, that doubled coupons...and always had everything organized, when she went shopping.... She would spend hours in the store... She'd pick up two cans, of something.... check the prices... check the weights...just because one is priced a bit less, doesn't make it a better deal... it may be several ounces less...She and Mom, would always make 'bulk purchases'.... if canned mushrooms were on sale... they would buy cases of them... same with laundry soap, paper towels, toilet paper, ice cream, roasts.... their freezers and cupboards were always Packed Full!!!!... Chery would unload, all of the groceries, in the kitchen, and leave everything out, {except frozen stuff, of course} and then, get her receipt out, and check every single item off the receipt... oh dear...{this made me crazy... Mom didn't even do this....{Mom would make sure, she got the sale price, on everything, tho...} however... Chery caught many, many errors over the years... and it added up, to quite a lot....and you wonder where my 'Obsessive Compulsive' comes from...oh dear... it runs in the family...}
I'm not like the others, in many respects.... I rarely shop with a list...{unless it's for a Holiday Dinner...} I don't clip coupons...I don't always check my receipt.... sometimes... if I think the bill is a little more than I think it should be.... and, I have gotten some good refunds.... when 'sale' items aren't ringing up, 'sale' price...I do 'stock up', when things are on sale.... I don't buy pallets full, like Mom and Chery.... I Love in store, 'mark downs'! When things are marked down, to move them on quickly.... oh dear.... Then the freezer gets stocked! I'll buy things then, I don't normally buy... when the regular price, is 4.29, and it's clearanced, for .45 cents.... We try it, the kids get some... friends... I Love a Bargain! Our little freezer has paid for itself....over and over...
I spent a couple of hours, Grocery Shopping, yesterday... Dare I say... it was relaxing?... I kept thinking of Mom, and Chery.... I caught myself, laughing out loud.... I really miss our times together...
Barb C.
{ Chery and Mom saved their families, thousands of dollars, over the years.... They were both amazing 'Savers'...tho, they were tight, budget wise.... they were the most giving people, I have ever known....maybe, that's why, they worked so hard, saving, and penny pinching.... so, they could 'give', and had it to 'give', when needed to....I wish I could be that devoted.... too much of my free spirited Dad, in me, I guess... tho....I think... the girls have rubbed off on me, too....
a little....}
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