Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Anything that Hold's a Flame... ; )

Busy... Busy, 

Met with one of the Executor's at the coming in March... '25,
Amana, Iowa... 'Estate Sale' property.
Captured several images, that I will be sharing
The Cedar Rapids Estate Sale has concluded.
; )
Don't want to confuse anyone... with overlapping images.
Stay Tuned!!
; )
The Amana, Iowa... Estate Sale, too...
will be Awesome!!
: )

Mark and I are working over the phone concerning
'The Anamosa Antique & Vintage Market'.
Getting Closer to Reality.
; )

Spent several hours 'Playin' '.... at 
The Cedar Rapids, Iowa Estate, yesterday.
{Feb. 6 thru 9!!}
Pal, Bill... met me there.
Moved a few mountains.
: )

So Enjoy... being at this Home.
{Massive... 'Condo' : ) }
It's Lovely.
: )
Told Bill... yesterday, while restraining myself... from wringing his Neck, for not Preparing me for How Much... there is, and How Large... the 'Condo'... is. : ) 
"I'm feelin' a bit... 'overwhelmed'."

after 'playin' there... for several days, 
Get Lost Inside It!!
: )
Just keep finding more, and more....
oh my.
; )

Like Pal, Bud... would say,
"I'm... still... tryin' to get my thumbnail under it."
: )

No Worries!!!
We'll Gitt'er Done!!
We Always...
; )

Ran across a little more Jewelry, yesterday.
: )

Gettin' The Kitchen... Squared around.

I make Coffee with a 65 year old Percolator... so testing the above...
Keurig, was an 'experience'.
: )

Figured it out... 
It does a darned good job!!
; )

Love the Air Fryer.
I've seen them advertised.
If it doesn't sell, after the second day....
 may have to purchase it.
Everyone tells me "You Need One!! They're Awesome!!"
; )

We don't 'Purchase' from our Sales... before our Customers.
Figure... if we bought... or pre-sold... All of The Good Stuff, why would anyone bother attending.
It's painful... at times, but... Always, Always... works out.
; )

Had a Blast... from The Past, yesterday.
Received a message from a Sweet Gal.
Rose Marie.
I'd purchased some Beautiful Pieces from her, years ago.
Her Home... {Jim's Home... Too!! <3 }
Is... like a Tiny Slice of Heaven.
They have Native Grass, and Wildflowers... covering their Land.

Rose Marie... 
{Mom's name, too. <3 }
is a Ballroom Dancer.
Has a Huge... Building on their Land... where They Dance!!
Their Home...
is indescribable.
It's So... Tastefully 'Done'.
It's... in my opinion...
'Rose Marie'.


Rose Marie... had some things she was hoping I might be interested in.
Sadly... couldn't use them, but gave her my best advise.
; )
Caught Up.
: )

Rose Marie was Stunned when I filled her in on 'Fairfax', and 'IDOT'.
: (.......
: (
{wait until I share 'The Entire... and 'Latest... Story'... with You. : ( }

I insisted we change the 'subject'... and not Ruin, our Catchin' Up, with 'them'.
Rose Marie paid me the Biggest Compliment, ever....
she said, after sharing 'The Story'...
"I'm so glad we had the chance to visit today... Barb. You Make Me Laugh!!!"
: )

after all of these wrongful... painful years, I'm pretty good at putting a humorous
on this
: (
{Send in 'The Clowns'... wow. : ( }

Rose Marie... invited me to come Visit.
She, and Jim... have done So Much More to their Home, and Land since we last met.
I'm Gonna Do It!!
: )

We All Need More 'Rose Marie's' in our Lives...
These Days.
; )

'Dance... Dance... Dance.'
: )

Shared the below...
on FB, last night.
: )

: )

So Grateful...
for So Much, and So Many.

These days for Many... are difficult.
{Helped a Pal, with his bookwork... this morning. : ( oh my. }

It's Funny, but... it isn't, how things work out, yet...
they don't...
they always seem to work out.
One way, or... Another.
: )

'Crazy Train'

Rose Marie... got quite a Kick when I shared the part of 'The Story' concerning a mutual
'fluent' language.
: )

Mutual 'Understanding'...

That's Priceless.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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