Friday, January 31, 2025
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Purses... anyone?? ; ) { Cedar Rapids, Iowa Estate Sale 2/6 thru 2/9 }
Spent a portion of yesterday... sorting through Beautiful...
They were all carefully packed inside a Massive tote.
They... are like New.
'Hand Beaded'...
: )
Love the above... Red Leather Purse.
: )
Seems I'm much like my Mom.
I set my purse down... then, Can't Find It!!!
'IF'... I carry a Purse, it has to be BRIGHT!!
Orange, Red... Shocking Blue!!
: )
Mom always carried a Huge... Brown Leather Purse.
For a Tiny Woman, I Swear... she Insisted on having a Purse Half her size!!
I named Mom's Purse... 'The Log'.... when I was a Teen.
: )
Every Purse Mom carried, 'after'.... shared the same name.
They were All 'Kin'!!
: )
Growing up, remember... the times Mom, Dad... and me, would have to be at a 'Gathering'. Mom...would Rush
Dad, and me.
{Dad, and me... kinda dragged our feet when it came to 'Events'. : ) }
"Come On!! We're Gonna Be Late!! Get Ready!!"
Dad, and me... would get to the car... 'ready'.
Mom would be finishing up, last out The Door, right behind us... mostly. : )
She'd climb in the car...
as either Dad, or... I, depending on who was
'The Driver'...
was shifting the car into gear...
{This... is a Fact.}
Mom... would say
Three Dreaded Words...
"Where's My Purse????!!!"
"Where's My Purse????!!!"
{Panic!! Panic!!}
: )
Mom would hand me the House key...
I'd run back inside...
'The Log'.
: )
Miss my Mom, and... Dad.
{Mom had her Work Cut Out for her...
trying to 'Herd' Dad, and me. <3}
I'll be the first one, to admit... I'm not a 'Fashion Queen', but...
Many of the above, purse's, are Incredibly Cool!!
; )
This {Living} Estate Sale... is Beyond.
: )
Stay Tuned.
I'll be posting a Video, or two.
There's no way... I can 'picture' Everything...
on This Sale.
Pal, Bill is making Huge Strides!!
There are Mountain's of Lovely Clothes.
Size 12-18, I've seen so far.
Many, Many... are New, with Tags.
Just starting to go through Shoes.
: )
Most are size 9, 9 1/2... so far.
Good Sizes.
; )
This is a HUGE Home...for being a 'Condo'.
It's a 4 Bedroom 'Condo'...
each Bedroom has a LOVELY...
King Size Bed.
oh my.
; )
There are MOUNTAIN'S of Beautiful Linens, Sheets, Pillows... Pillowcases...
Down Comforters, Comforters, and Bed Sets.... again, many... are
Still in Packages.
This is a Complete Household.
Dining Furniture... Kitchen Items... Household 'Everything'.
Sofas, Beds, and Bedding, Vintage Items, and... Modern.
Garage Items, Patio Furniture... Health Supplies, Hoverounds,
Big Sale!!
Stay Tuned... for a Video, or two.
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
{My Heart goes out to All... who Suffer, always.
Sure have my Heart set on DC.
Prayers for All.}
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Anything that Hold's a Flame... ; )
Busy... Busy,
Met with one of the Executor's at the coming in March... '25,
Amana, Iowa... 'Estate Sale' property.
Captured several images, that I will be sharing
The Cedar Rapids Estate Sale has concluded.
; )
Don't want to confuse anyone... with overlapping images.
Stay Tuned!!
; )
The Amana, Iowa... Estate Sale, too...
will be Awesome!!
: )
Mark and I are working over the phone concerning
'The Anamosa Antique & Vintage Market'.
Getting Closer to Reality.
; )
Spent several hours 'Playin' '.... at
The Cedar Rapids, Iowa Estate, yesterday.
{Feb. 6 thru 9!!}
Pal, Bill... met me there.
Moved a few mountains.
: )
So Enjoy... being at this Home.
{Massive... 'Condo' : ) }
It's Lovely.
: )
Told Bill... yesterday, while restraining myself... from wringing his Neck, for not Preparing me for How Much... there is, and How Large... the 'Condo'... is. : )
"I'm feelin' a bit... 'overwhelmed'."
after 'playin' there... for several days,
Get Lost Inside It!!
: )
Just keep finding more, and more....
oh my.
; )
Like Pal, Bud... would say,
"I'm... still... tryin' to get my thumbnail under it."
: )
No Worries!!!
We'll Gitt'er Done!!
We Always...
; )
Ran across a little more Jewelry, yesterday.
: )
Gettin' The Kitchen... Squared around.
I make Coffee with a 65 year old Percolator... so testing the above...
Keurig, was an 'experience'.
: )
Figured it out...
It does a darned good job!!
; )
Love the Air Fryer.
I've seen them advertised.
If it doesn't sell, after the second day....
may have to purchase it.
Everyone tells me "You Need One!! They're Awesome!!"
; )
We don't 'Purchase' from our Sales... before our Customers.
Figure... if we bought... or pre-sold... All of The Good Stuff, why would anyone bother attending.
It's painful... at times, but... Always, Always... works out.
; )
Had a Blast... from The Past, yesterday.
Received a message from a Sweet Gal.
Rose Marie.
I'd purchased some Beautiful Pieces from her, years ago.
Her Home... {Jim's Home... Too!! <3 }
Is... like a Tiny Slice of Heaven.
They have Native Grass, and Wildflowers... covering their Land.
Rose Marie...
{Mom's name, too. <3 }
is a Ballroom Dancer.
Has a Huge... Building on their Land... where They Dance!!
Their Home...
is indescribable.
It's So... Tastefully 'Done'.
It's... in my opinion...
'Rose Marie'.
Rose Marie... had some things she was hoping I might be interested in.
Sadly... couldn't use them, but gave her my best advise.
; )
Caught Up.
: )
Rose Marie was Stunned when I filled her in on 'Fairfax', and 'IDOT'.
: (.......
: (
{wait until I share 'The Entire... and 'Latest... Story'... with You. : ( }
I insisted we change the 'subject'... and not Ruin, our Catchin' Up, with 'them'.
Rose Marie paid me the Biggest Compliment, ever....
she said, after sharing 'The Story'...
"I'm so glad we had the chance to visit today... Barb. You Make Me Laugh!!!"
: )
after all of these wrongful... painful years, I'm pretty good at putting a humorous
on this
: (
{Send in 'The Clowns'... wow. : ( }
Rose Marie... invited me to come Visit.
She, and Jim... have done So Much More to their Home, and Land since we last met.
I'm Gonna Do It!!
: )
We All Need More 'Rose Marie's' in our Lives...
These Days.
; )
'Dance... Dance... Dance.'
: )
Shared the below...
on FB, last night.
: )
: )
So Grateful...
for So Much, and So Many.
These days for Many... are difficult.
{Helped a Pal, with his bookwork... this morning. : ( oh my. }
It's Funny, but... it isn't, how things work out, yet...
they don't...
they always seem to work out.
One way, or... Another.
: )
'Crazy Train'
Rose Marie... got quite a Kick when I shared the part of 'The Story' concerning a mutual
'fluent' language.
: )
Mutual 'Understanding'...
That's Priceless.
; )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Cedar Rapids. Iowa... Estate Sale {2/6 thru 2/9 '25} Snippet.
'Played'... in The Kitchen, mostly... today.
: )
{that's not entirely true. ; ) did a Lot... of Bouncin' around.}
This is about a third of The Kitchen.
Cleared off the 'Full' table, to Mound It Full... again.
Have most of the bottom cabinets emptied.
What... I can't show Ya... yet, is The Rest of 'The Kitchen Story'!!
; )
; )
The Kitchen Counter's, and Stove... are Piled High!!
I always PRAY that 'Family' doesn't come walking through, at 'This' Stage.
It's UGLY.
'Terrifying'... to those who have never had to 'deal' with 'This', before.
: (
We Turn Everything Upside Down...
Inside Out.
Have to.
Keep Movin'... and re-arranging as things come to the surface.
There's So Much... New, or... Nearly New, in Boxes.
: )
Sorted through more Costume Jewelry.
Pulled the Lovely...
in, with the Jewelry.
Found some Fun... Purses.
; )
This 'Condo'... I'm guessing is over 3000 Sq Ft.
It's HUGE, and... Full.
Every Closet... is Full.
Beautiful... Quality Clothing, Furnishings... and
Definitely will be capturing a Video, or more... of this Sale.
No Way... I can gather enough 'images' to give Ya a Clue.
As I 'bounced' from one end of the 'Condo'... to the other, scoping out what was behind 'Closed' Closet doors, while Bouncin' and Shuffling items to where they needed to 'be', oh my.
: )
thought of the 'Tune' I'll post...above.
; )
"More... More... More."
{Andrea True Connection}
; )
Very Often... think of that 'Tune' while working on an Estate Sale.
Stay Tuned!!
Love to Ya....
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
{I get 'Lost' in this 'Condo' every time I visit, but... oh my,
It's Absolutely Beautiful!!
It Will Sell Fast!!}
Happy Sunday!!
Love It!!
; )
Happy Sunday...!!
Headin' to The Cedar Rapids, Iowa Estate...
{Feb. 6 thru 9, '25!!}
Had to get in a Long.... Hot, Bubble Bath, first.
My sleeping patterns have been...
Crap, for far too long.
: (
Way Too Much to Process, these days.
Woke up around 1 a.m., began listening to an interview on YouTube titled
"The Man Who Followed Elon Musk Everywhere: 7 Elon Secrets!
Walter Isaacson"
Walter Isaacson wrote the book titled "Elon Musk"
First... I knew very little about Elon Musk, except he's helped President Trump a Bunch, and he's Very Wealthy.
I will say a couple of other things, that'll probably piss some Friends... off.
Most folks know... I didn't, and don't support Mr. Trump.
{can't get over J6. It's like 9/11 in my eyes.}
Will say... I never thought Elon Musk was deliberately using a 'Nazi'... salute, last week.
Any More... than I thought Bishop Mariann Budde was speaking directly to our President for Any other reason... except in hopes of our leader finding Compassion for Others.
That... being said, when I watched Elon Musk, do his 'wave'... the very First thing I thought, was he was So Excited, and... was basically gesturing, in my opinion....
"To The Stars!!"
That's the Very First Thing, that crossed my mind, with his 'Gesture'.
Elon Musk... wants more than Anything to get Humans to Mars in his lifetime.
Having the US Government behind this project, is Beyond HUGE... to Musk.
Oh my gosh... listening to that YouTube video, spelled so much out concerning Mr. Musk.
Do I support him, no... but, after listening to Mr. Isaacson, someone... who spent A Huge amount of time with Musk, and... Steve Jobs... {Isaacson has written books in Detail about both men.}
'Understand' Musk, much better.
Everybody has a 'Story'.
; )
I like to listen to Michael Cohen, as well. He was Trump's Lawyer, 'fixer'.
Nobody knows Donald Trump... better than Michael Cohen, in my opinion.
Also hearing about Donald Trumps early life, explains a lot.
Musk's early life... oh my. Very difficult, as well.
So Grateful... I couldn't sleep.
Made me 'Think'.
Actually... kinda set my mind, at ease...a bit.
Most of the time, that's a Good Thing.
Not advising anyone to 'listen'... or read, just glad I had the opportunity this early morning.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Things That Make Ya Go.... Hmmmmmmm.
I've written about this... a couple of times, over the last few years.
Above... are the latches on the Old...Old... Walnut Food Safe, that actually came from a
Home/Farm... Dad lived at near North Liberty, the 1940's.
The Cupboard is Huge. Very deep, and close to 8 feet tall.
Fairly narrow, maybe 3 feet wide.
One Piece.
It dates from when the first Home was built on the Farm, 1850's.
All hand constructed from native Walnut.
It's a Very Special... Cupboard, knowing... that Dad had ties to it.
There's quite a story... that brought the two of us together.
that's... for another day.
: )
What makes me go... "Hmmmmmmmm...", is...
every now and then...
Two of the doors will be hanging open, when I get up in the morning.
On one occasion.... All 4 Door's were standing Wide Open.
Had the Horse... a Big Belt, and Sleigh Bells.... hanging on the top doors, from both latches.
Not One Item Fell.
They were all... just resting on the single latch of the right hand top door.
{I couldn't make them 'balance'... on 'One' latch, for All of The Tea In China!!
I believe many will affirm, I can make some things... balance, that seem impossible to them, but...
Trust Me, I know better than anyone... when I can't begin... to. ; ) }
Here's The Deal...
I've had Countless.... Early Cupboards, over the years.
Once in a Blue Moon, we'd get one.... in... where a door wouldn't want to stay latched.
Usually because they had a spring type of cast latch, and the spring was weak.
because over the many, many... decades, the wood had shrunk. There's too far of a reach for the latch to catch.
Neither are 'The Deal'... with this Old Soul.
; )
The cast latches, are a 'Bar' type.
The Bar fits Tightly... in the receiving side.
Tight Fit.
this morning, the Top Left Door, was hangin' Open.
The Bottom Left Door, was also.
; )
Maybe... Dad's Givin' me a Wink.
; )
"Hang In There... Door's Are Gonna Open."
Workin' at The Cedar Rapids Estate.
{Feb. 6 thru 9, '25!!}
Images... Tomorrow.
Stay Tuned!!
Friday, January 24, 2025
The 'Big Gun'...
It's been mighty chilly here, in Iowa... this last week.
When getting dressed to head out... this morning,
pulled out
'Big Gun'.
; )
Usually... can get by with just my old... Fur Collar.
It's absolutely incredible how warm it keeps me.
I can wear a Fur Collar, with just a light denim jacket, or... even an old...
Flannel, and stay Warm on some Extremely Bitter Days.
Allyson's Sis, Bethany... tried on my Vintage Fur Collar, on Christmas Eve.
: )
She Is Sold!!
It's strange... how they can keep you warm, but... not over-heat.
Have to say this every time... I write about Real Fur.
I would Never... purchase a 'new' fur.
Grateful... every time I wear a Fur, for the long ago...
Critter, that keeps me warm while working on these Cold... Cold,
Iowa Winter days.
Guess I'm kind of a hypocrite.
: (
I'm pretty much a Vegetarian...
at times, slip off 'The Wagon'.
{I like a Very Rare... Prime Rib, now... and then.}
my footwear, since the 'peroneal nerve'
that Reared It's Ugly... Head, a few years back...
{stemmed from an injury...
dating Way back to when the most Stubborn Horse I've ever known, with a Very Fittin' Name...
' 'Nothin' '
{his registered name was... 'Double or Nothin'. ; ) }
reared up... went over backwards...
with me... astride.
Pinned my left leg under him...
and, knocked himself out, in the process.
: (
Folk's tried to pull the 1200 pound 'Nothin', off of me.
They couldn't.
Nothin'... woke up... and found his Legs.
Nothin' survived.
He was the most.... 'unintelligent' Horse,
Horse, no less....
{Thoroughbred Horses.. in my opinion, are 'Top Notch'... when it comes to Intelligence.
Smarter... Than Smart. }
I'd ever met.
I've Ever... 'met'.
; )
My left leg, 'knee'... took a bad hit, that day...
I was about 18.
that knee, and nerves held out as long as they did.}
since a couple of years ago.
Tony Lama...
Boots, with a Cowboy Heel.
Need That Wedge.
; )
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Baby... You're The Best.
Seems so strange... not having The Anamosa Show, this year, about now.
Certainly don't miss loading, unloading... and re-loading in the FRIGID Frickin' COLD!!
: )
Oh My Lord!!!
Never Failed... almost, never....
that whenever The Show landed in January...
It Would Be The Worst Weekend in January, in Iowa.
; )
We Had The Tuffest Vendors, and Shoppers on The Planet!!
: ) <3 : )
God Love 'Em!!!
<3 <3 <3
{We're looking at another location for The Anamosa Show. It won't ever be in January... again, as long as I have any say. Hopefully... in March. We'll see.}
Dear Pal, Gail... sent me the below... meme, this morning.
Gail said... she thought of me, when she read it.
: )
Funny thing... I Thought of Gail!!
don't f##k with 'em.
; )
{Especially if they Cross Over into The Antique World.}
; )
oh... my.
Uh... oh.
; )
{Inherited from Mom... 'Finger Waggin' about now. ; )}
Gail's meme... made me think of the above.
; )
Yes... indeed.
: )
Woke up this morning thinking about the 'James Bond' movies.
{where does this stuff... come from?? ; ) }
I've never watched a 007 movie, in it's entirety...
in my
; )
Carly Simon 'Tune'... from one of those movies.
I'll post it above.
It came out... when I was 14.
Carly Simon, is... 'The Best'.
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
A 'Meme' Day. ; )
Lost my 'Shoe'... last night.
; )
oh my.
After walking through the last many years of memes... and posts
today... I kinda
'See', a much 'Bigger Picture'.
oh my.
that's kinda what Triggered, the lookin' back, and memes.
: (
John Helm... Knew Me Better, than 'that'. : )
The above meme's are from several years ago.
I will never apologize for Standing Tall.
'Life' these days.... around 'Home'.
Fairfax, Iowa.
IDOT District 6.
Grateful... Beyond Grateful...
Charles Meardon.
AKA 'Josey Wales'.
Without Him, riding This Insanity... Crazy Train,
I would've been Dead in The Water.
: (
I'll be writing... All about This Wrongful Mess, soon.
: (
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Simply... Iowa.
: )
It's mighty chilly, in Iowa... today.
; )
oh my.
I've actually hunkered down.
Don't even want to ask our Ford 'Fleet' to turn over.
Used to.
: )
Remember... Dad heating up Huge Pot's of water...
on the stove, to place under our old Trucks, to heat up their oil pans.
How Many Times... did I watch Dad... slide under our Trucks, with Hot...
Boiling Water.
We Hoped, in the Bitter Cold, that 'boiling water' under the oil pan would heat up the oil... enough, that...
the Engine could turn over... a little easier, and not 'Pull'... on the battery so hard, trying to crank.
; )
{It Worked... : )}
Ran across some of my Favorite 'Iowa' Images, today.
Dear Pal, Allen... used to do 'Hauling'.
Folk's paid Allen, to haul away their 'Junk'...
often, after... someone Passed Away.
Allen, would call me... before he took things to 'The Dump'.
: )
are images from a Photo Album, that... if not for Allen,
would've been Long Lost.
Somewhere near What Cheer, Iowa.
So Wish... I could meet 'The Photographer'.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
So Grateful... to Allen Clinton.
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