Love... Playing with the Gnarly Toys... : ) This old...old.... well worn... little Amana Basket, I was told... was for a child... to carry to and from the Garden.... I watched it... throughout the Estate Sale.... even tho... I priced it... at only a few dollars.... everyone passed it by. So... it has now... found a 'Home'...atop..the old Amish Table... John patched... a couple of years ago.... : ) {and Jan... sold back to me... a few weeks ago... <3 } I purchased the contents... left at the sale... There are some Wonderful...Treasures.... still.... I... believe... they wait.... to find the perfect hands. Some.... will find a spot.... in the rabbit hole... some... will be on the Sale... outside. The little Basket... stays...put. <3 {there will be some Great Treasures... at this Fall Harvest Sale.... Mark Your Calenders... }
Fall Harvest Sale!
October 2nd thru 5th!
8 a.m. 'til Dusk Daily!!!
Rain or Shine!!!
The Lawn and Buildings Will Be Brimming!!!
oh my... : )
{there is Even MORE Awesomeness.... finding It's way here... This Fall!!!
Just got the call... this Morn...
: )
Don't Miss This One!!! }
Located on Highway 151
Fairfax, Iowa.
{Look for the '49 Ford Panel Truck... on The Curve! }
{101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa 52228 }
Wear Your Grubbies...
and Bring A Truck!!!
Call for further Info.
319 241 1348
or...fb : )
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