Miss. Scarlett and I.... bailed in the Ford... yesterday.... and went to The Pumpkin Farm....
Picked up a nice load... of Mums...Pumpkins...Gourds.... and Straw!!!
It wouldn't be a Fall Harvest Sale.... without a little...
Fall Fluff... : )
Liz... came and joined us... later. : )
My Little Friend, Sheree.... stopped by.... and I gave her the task...
of creating a 'Driver'... for The '49.... Ford.
: )
{can't wait to see...what she comes up with... : ) }
Bringing in another load...of treasures...today....
then... I have Got... to start getting the rabbit hole.... put together!
{It's gonna be a Full... House! }
oh dear...
: )
{Thanks so Much... to Marc B. for turning me on to the Awesome Music from
Davina and the Vagabonds...
Hope you take a listen. <3 }

While working in Wally's old...Amana Home...the other day... cleaning things up... after The Sale....
My Favorite Teacher, {6th Grade} popped in....
Scott... : )
I had shared the story...of why... 'Hearts' and I... have such a connection.... as we examined the little paper, Heart Box... at the sale.... a week prior...
He knew... how much I had wanted it... and knew... it was beyond my reach..... ultimately.
{it found loving hands.... as all 'old souls'...do. <3 }
He handed me a package.... inside...was a Beautiful Card... with a Horse... on it.... and... this hand made...
Amana Cookie Cutter....
He said... "This is for the one, you didn't get... "
: )
oh my....
: )
It was made...exactly the way John...would have made it... with the curl...on the tail....
: )
I told him so.... as I held it in my hand.....
Then...Liz walked up...and said exactly... what I had said.
another 'wink'...
I... am so...Very.... Very... Blessed.
: )
That was so Kind...of him....
He...and Donna Young... are my Two...Favorite Teachers... from my Childhood....
Donna... lives just up the road.
I sure have been Blessed.... with some Beautiful... people... throughout my life....
I Truly... Have. |
When I walked back... inside the house... yesterday morning... I saw this... 'wink'... at the step.....
oh my....
We never... walk... alone.
<3 |
Miss Scarlett..... cracks me up....
: )
The Poor Little One... has been battling a Summer Cold... the last several days. : (
She won't let us 'help' her... with her 'leaky faucet'... period.
So.... she Sports a Kleenex on her nose... everywhere she goes....
{she was quite a 'hit' at the Pumpkin Farm... in her pretty dress... Tap Shoes.... and 'Nose Muff'... : )
{Liz says, she won't take the shoes off.... she even sleeps in them... oh my....
She loves her Dance Classes... : ) }
Liz said... when Nick and Scarlett went to Target...the other day.... Scarlett began dancing...at the front of the store....
He knelt down... and watched her..... {she Loved...the Floor... of the store... her Tap Shoes... really Clicked.... there... : ) }
Soon... a crowd...gathered...around her....a dozen people...or so.... they all...stood and watched her...
'Performance'... : )
They all Clapped for her... when she... did her...
"Ta Da!"
oh my....
Nick says...he's going to have to get her a Hat... for Tips!
: ) : ) : ) |

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