Sunday, August 31, 2014

It's all... about 'the journey'....

Liz unpacked... many old paper items... the other day....
from Wally's Old...Home.
Several were old Newspapers.... like this one... that had been saved... that had articles about The Amana...Colonies...
This one is dated 1939.

This one... was from 1946.
These Folks... were very Proud... of their Community.
They should have been... it was Beautiful.

I'll be capturing more images, soon....
The Old Home... is for sale, as well....
It needs some work.... and a lot of cleaning.... but... it would make someone... a Lovely Home.
Jon and Heather...{Wally's Son and Daughter in Law } will be taking offers throughout the Sale...
 {Sept. 11th through the 14th. }
If it doesn't sell... it will be listed with a Realtor...

The Kids invited me to go with them.... to The Thresher's Reunion.... in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa... yesterday....
What a Gift...that was. : )
Dad and I used to go every year...then.... John and I....and the Kids.... then... when John's back... couldn't take all of the walking... the Kids and I would go....: )
It's been a few years since we went.... I, had completely forgotten about it....
Too many irons... too many fires.
Liz and Miss. Scarlett joined us... it was a Great day. : )
Huge Crowds... and... it was Hot.... but... it always is... : )
The Little Ones... really enjoyed the Train and Trolley rides.... All The Noise....and Whistles... of the Big Steam Engines...
They got to make rope.... and stir Apple Butter... over a fire....
I bought them whistles.... that drove Everyone Crazy.... but me.... : )
They played in bubbles.... that were created by a Hit 'n Miss Engine... : )
I watched as their minds... Whirled... while watching all of the 'Motion'... from all of the engines...
We ate all sorts of Awful... things for us... but... it tasted really good. !
They loved seeing all of the Critters..... and talking to people.... : )
It...was a Great Day. <3

I have been asked.... throughout...the last few days....
"How am I doin'? "
I...always reply....
"I'm hangin' in there"... : )
then... correct myself... and say....
"I'm doing Good." : )
That's what  'Faith'... asks me to say.....
I get so...frustrated with...myself....
I try... so hard.... to stay strong....
I...know... in my Heart.... it's 'Faith'... 'Trust'... in the Lord... that has carried me....
The Prayers... all of you... continue to send.... they have put a shield... around me......
yet....sometimes... my mind... lets 'worry'... and 'sorrow'...worm their way in....
and... I melt.......
Then... I ask the Lord... to take...them... carry them.........for me.... and show me... The Way.
I...know... whatever...whoever... confronts me... has had to come through The Lord... first.....He won't let me endure... more...than I can handle....
but... I have my 'moments'.... trying to figure out.... which way to turn.... first.....
I... feel like a little June the midst... of a Whole Bunch.... of Hungry Ducks.
I keep busy.... have to keep my head above water..... and... feed the Ducks...
I sat down...the other day.... and began writing 'Thank You' cards.... to All of the Kind...Souls.... who have thrown out a Much Needed Lifeline.... over the last several months....
I finished... two.
I couldn't do it.
The words... were so.... flat..... I.... simply couldn't do it.
Please Know... if... you are reading this.... and have sent cards....  helped us.... through Prayer... Kind Thoughts... and... in so Many... other... Beautiful Ways....
Please Know... You are in my Heart.... and I Thank You.... Thank God... for You.... Every Day.
Please... keep those Prayers...coming.... I'm gonna need : )
Peg... is perking along.... some days... are better than others.....
She needs your Prayers... too. : )
Thank You... for Them......
I had a woman stop by...the other day.....
She wanted to visit with me... about my 'Faith'.... thought I should look into her way... of thinking... interpreting...
 what the Bible says....
I... admired her.... being able to quote so many verses....
I... stood there... kind of stunned.... as she, then... quizzed me....
and began telling me... of who... the Bible says... won't get to Heaven....
 : )
I... don't know all the stories of the well... that I can quote them... so eloquently.... as she.... 
I told her.... that...
Then... shared with her...  my Favorite verse.... I Heart... when I was 5....
John 3:16
" For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."
What I do know... is Our God.
We've gotten...'Pretty Tight'... of late... : )
There are no coincidences on our Journey.....
I... believe... everything happens... for a reason...
to...learn... and Grow... from.
We...are All.... His Children...
The people... we meet... on our Journey...along with all of the 'circumstances'... are sent to us... for a reason.....
She interrupted... and said... "Yes... maybe, I was sent here... to teach you something.... : )"
I looked at her...thought about it...for a moment....
 then... looked to the Sky.....
and said.....
"or... maybe... it's the other way around."
: )
{then.... she was.... stunned. }
It's all... about... The Journey.
{we agreed... to Pray... for each other... <3 along with All.... who suffer...struggle... and are trying to find...their... Way.}
: )
Love to you.....
Barb C.
{The next couple of weeks.... I will be posting... mostly...about The Amana Estate Sale.
I hope... to see you there. <3 }


summersundays-jw said...

Don't like it when people see fit to judge you or your faith. I've always thought that was between you and your God! You hang in there girl & don't expect too much of yourself too fast. You've not had much down-time to ponder what's happened to you and we all do it our own way. Think of you so often. Love you, Jan

cindy said...

Yes Barb, people come into your life for a reason, season or lifetime-I too have a friend who can quote from the Bible, but quoting and living are two different things My favorite quote I share year after year with my Sunday School classes is always, be careful how you live, you may be the only Bible some people ever see! You dear Barb are a beautiful walking Bible-and hey-nobody that knows and loves you expects any thank you for anything because they already got the greatest thanks from you by you being their friend!

Simply Iowa said...

Jan... Cindy.... : )
You... are My Hero's....
My... Angels.. <3
Thank You...
Thank... You.
Someday... I'll 'Stand'... and be able to speak...the words... I Owe you Both... Many... Other... Beautiful People...
Today... I...simply...can't gather the words. so Very... Very... Blessed... and Thankful.
for... Everything.
Love You... Love... You.
Barb C.