Tuesday, December 31, 2024

One day at a time.



 Gonna quit, doin' that.

2025 New Year's Resolution.
; )

I know, deep down, I'm 'doing'...
 that's all... I can do.

That's All, Any of Us... Can Do.
; )

While visiting with Dear... Friend, 'Rock'... Gail, the other day...
told Gail, "The Barb.... from 'before'.... 
We all 'knew',
would be Absolutely LIVID, with the 'Barb'... now."
Oh Dear... Dear... Lord.
 that 'before' Barb....
hadn't yet walked 
: )

It... would be pretty easy, for her...
'Judge', back then...
when her feet hadn't Hit The Coals, quite... yet.

 beatin' myself up... at the end of yesterday,
 {when I started this post...}
 a little bit, for not gettin' 'More'... done, yesterday...
and More... Done, many... many,
 prior, to This one.
Each and every one of us...
who, had the Gift of waking... this morning,
are on an Ever Changing...
: )

Got The Old Harvest Table.... that only me, Harold.... and Ed, could love...
cleared off, yesterday.

It was mounded with All Sort's of Crap.
: (
Iowa Attorney General... IDOT, and... Fairfax... CRAP.

Papers.... papers, papers... and, More Documents.

I contributed to the Mounds, as well.
Folded clothes, towels... and... a basket of things, from the last Estate Sale.

Since the Mess, with IDOT, and Fairfax... our Family doesn't 'Celebrate' Holidays, here...
I... don't get in a rush, like I used to... 
making sure Everything, is 'done'... for The Holidays.
Was Determined to Get The Harvest Table Back!!

Wound several of The Clocks... in The Dining Room.
lit candles....
and, melted, into

Those Old, Old... Clock's, all have their own Voice.
Listening to them... sounds much, like rain...
on an old, tin roof.


The Old... 1870's Clock, above...
is one of my Favorites.
: ) : ) : )

Found it... while visiting Pal's.... Vi, and Bob... in Manchester, Iowa...
a Million Year's Ago, it seems, now.
: )
{Another 'Lifetime'.... ago.}

Bob, and Vi... had a Great little Antique Shop, back in the day.
They'd hit the weekend auction's in their area, 'Hard'...
 I'd Burn The Little Purple Ford Ranger's Rubber, getting to Their Shop... an hour away...
Bright, and Early... Monday Mornings.
: )

One day, while shoppin' at my Pal's, noticed in their trash can, was an old clock.
: (

I pulled The Clock, from the trash, asked Bob, and Vi... why would they throw the old clock away.
: (

They both said...
"It came in with a load, it's a mess, 'junk'. If you want it, take it."

Didn't feel right, taking The Clock, for free. It... had 'Value', to me.
Bob, and Vi... Insisted.

: )

The poor little Clock's door glass was long gone.
Many... of it's wooden case piece's... were, also... gone.
A Mouse, had built quite a Home, inside The Clock's Brass Movement.
: )
the little Clock's Pendulum...
was, also... long, gone.
: )

That Little Clock, needed to be Saved.

Took it to Marv Kacer, 'Clock Repair Service', in Cedar Rapids.
{He's Amazing. : ) simi retired, now.: ) }

Marv... was used to me... back then, bringing him, 'Basket Cases'.
{Richard Arnold, in Iowa City, too. Loved Richard!! <3 Genius Clock Man.}

Marv... got the little 30 hour Clock....
; )
Replaced the glass, and pendulum bob.

I Love It, case piece's missin' and all.
: )

I'd like to finish this story, but...
{It's a Good One. : ) }
oh my.

Seems, I picked up a Bug, at Justin's... on Christmas.
: (
Not Nearly... The Bug, Justin, and his Neighbor's have... but, an ugly one.
: (
Couldn't find my way too far out of bed, today.
My Head, is Poundin'... Nose Runnin, Coughin' Non Stop.
; )

Was supposed to meet with a Client, concerning an Estate Sale, today.
: (
Spoke with The Client... <3 She Totally... Understood, I wouldn't want to expose her Family.
: )
Thank's to Bill... he met with 'The Estate'.

Stay Tuned...
Estate Sale!!
February, 6 thru 9!! 2025
; )

Found some old, old.... Cold, and Flu tabs, in the cupboard last night.
Praise God!!

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