Sunday, January 13, 2019

Anamosa Antiques & Vintage Market.... January 20th!!!

One Week from Today!!!
: )
Oh My!!!
The days, are getting longer...
{Can ya...Feel It!!!?} : )
My...internal clock, always seems to 'Feel' it, long before the 
Promise of Spring...officially arrives.
: )
This, is our First Event, of the year.
: )
Have, for Decades!
I've shopped this, for EVER!
It's like....Iowa's Best Kept Secret!!!
I've been a Vendor, for many, many....years.
Love, Cecilia, Jon....and Their Family.
They've done such a Great Job, for 25 years.
Sadly, Jon...passed away, not long ago.
Cecilia...asked me to help out, promoting this.
As I was visiting with a nice, young Man... who writes for Anamosa's local paper....
he asked me, what is going to be 'New', and Different...since I'm helping out.
I, sat here....for a moment, my, to answer his question.
The answer is,
"Why, would I...try to Fix, Something...
that, isn't broken?"
: )
I, Love....All of the Vendors.
They bring such Wonderful Treasures.
: )
I depended on The Anamosa Show, when I used to do Heart of Country, in Nashville.
It, Never...let me down. : )
Heart of Country, was one of the most Prestigious Antique Events, in the Country.
It was a 'Juried' Event.
'Simply Iowa', was more often, than not...the Only 'Iowa' Vendor, at Heart.
I, found...some of The Best 'Iowa' This Anamosa Event!
{No...back, then... I didn't tell Anyone...about this 'Honey Hole'. ; ) }
Thanks, to Awesome Dealers...who, many...only do, This...little, Anamosa, Iowa, Event...
Every Year.
Some of the Folks, who set up here...are in their 90's. 
They Truly Enjoy, this Love...of 'Old'.
The prices, are Great!...
I...Love...the Intimacy...of it's size.
Tho, it's not a Big...event, I would spend Hours...there, Shopping!
I'd go Around...and, Around!
So, no.... not many 'changes'.
We're opening a little later, for 'Early Bird'.
It's now, 8-9:30.
We've added a '99.00 and Under BARGAIN BOOTH'!
It Rocked...last year!!!
Heart of Country, had a '200.00 and Under Booth', that Rocked, in Nashville!
We offer it to the Dealers, to bring things, mark them TO GO...and, they Go!
We don't allow any of the Vendors to shop it, before The Early Birds!
Oh My!!!
That, was Painful...for Many of Us, last year!
Get There....Early!
{or...don't. : ) hahahaha! }
The Catholic Church, Serves Awesome....Iowa Winter Comfort Food,
 Amazing Homemade PIE!!!
oh dear.
: ) : ) : ) 
is a 
Good Thing.
: )
We're Gonna....Keep'er, Just That Way.
<3 <3 <3 
: )
Make Plans to Attend!!!
Love, to ya...
Barb C. 
{If ya have any questions... feel free to call me. 
I'll do my answer 'em. : ) }

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