Here's The Details!!!
Vinton Iowa Estate Tag Sale!!!
1103 'B' Ave.
Vinton, Iowa.
November 29, and 30. December 1, and 2!
9-6 Daily!
{We'll be handing out Numbers, {for 'Entrance Order' } at 8:30 a.m. on the First, and Last, Days.
If you want an Early Number, get there...early, before 8:30.
This is a Very Large Home. We'll be letting in as many as we can, as we can! : )}
No Early Sales
November 29, and 30...Full Price.
December 1, 25% Off
December 2nd., Most EVERYTHING will be 50% Off!!!
Method of Payment...
Cash, or Cards.
All Sales are Final.
Everything is 'As Is'.
This is an Awesome Sale!!!
Bring Boxes, and Packing Material!
It Goes Fast!
For Quick Loading, Bring Extra Hands! : )
We have Great Helpers, but... they will be Very Busy. <3
You may Pull Tags, on Large Items.
We have Stickers, for you to put 'Sold', along with your Name, on.
The Sale Will Be Open,
No Matter the weather! : )
I, Hope...You Can Attend!
There's some Awesome Old...Primitives, Quilts, Textiles, Baby Grand Piano, Harvest Table, Mule Chests, and other Items, dating from the 1700's.
Loads of Vinton, Iowa Memorabilia, Toys, Christmas, Beautiful Glassware, Stoneware, Paintings, Braided, and Woven Rugs, Many Cupboards, Large...Vintage Loom, Usable Rope, and Trundle Beds, Many...Trenchers, and Wooden Bowls, Regular Twin Beds, Several Chests, Many Chairs... and Benches, Jewelry, Hand Forged Iron, along with Regular Household!!!
Oh My!!!
I, could Go On...and On!
Don't Miss It!!!
: )
Barb C.
{We will stay Open, in the Evenings, after 6, if Folks are SHOPPING!!! : ) }
Keep scrolling down, for Many Images!
Here are a few images, of The Vinton, Iowa Estate Sale.
We'll be working on it, for several weeks.
The House is Filled, with Lovely...Early...Primitives.
Many...Many...Rugs, Vintage Quilts, Coverlets...and Textiles.
This Family, has Deep Roots, in Benton County, Iowa.
There are Many...Lovely Pieces of Furniture.
We find 'Surprises'...every day.
: )
We Keep Unpacking....and... Unpacking!
Oh My!!!
: )
Finding...Wonderful Treasures, Every Day!!!
Here, are a few more images.
I'd wanted to get pictures of all of The CHRISTMAS
{Vintage, and Modern...}
but, simply ran out of time, today...Unpacking!!!
With Thanksgiving, around the corner, I won't be back to the Vinton Estate, until Friday.
Hope... You All, have a Wonderful Thanksgiving. <3 count your Blessings, Thankful. <3
I've been doing a lot, of that...over the last several days.
No matter, how can be, when you look back, there's sure been a Whole Lot, to be Thankful...for. <3
May God Bless, each...and Every One of You.
Barb C.
UPDATED November 15th!
I was hoping to get more images, but...we've been working so hard, I've had little time.
Make plans, to attend. a Wonderful Sale.
We're pricing things, very fair.
Fair, to the Buyer, and... Seller.
There are some, Wonderful...things, here.
: )
Lot's of Great, Local...pieces. <3
I'll be getting more Images, as we go.
I, truly...shouldn't have to. a Great...Sale.
Hope, to See...You.
: )
We've been working Lots, in Vinton.
There are Many Wonderful Treasures!
Here is a Small Listing!
Large Loom! Very Early, and Wonderful.
{Lots of Old, Old...Spools, Hetchels, and Weaving Equipment!}
Flax, and Spinning Wheels!
Rope Cannonball Bed, Complete with Trundle!
Early, Complete...Youth Bed!
Many...Many...Hooked, and Braided Rugs!
{10x20 Oval Braided Rug! I've NEVER Seen One, That LARGE!!!}
Several Farm Cupboards! {around 10, that I can count in my head! : ) }
8 Foot Harvest Table!
Many, Early Benches!
Many, Early Chairs!
Two Amazing...Mid 1800's Mule Chests!
Several, Early... Primitive Kitchen Tables!
Two, Unusual Meal Bins...
Vinton Hybrid Advertising, and Vinton, Memorabilia!
Including Signs!
Poppy Trail...
Wallace Nutting! {Many!}
Early, Oil Paintings!
Many, Beautiful... Early Coverlets, and Quilts!
Several, Early Samplers!
Many...Early...Wooden Bowls, and Trenchers!
Loads of Modern, and Vintage...Pewter!
Lots of Wonderful, Old...Stoneware, Crocks and Jugs!
Lots of Early, Early...Fireplace Cooking Iron!
Lots of Early, 'Vinton' Farming Photos!
1875 Iowa Atlas!
Many Chests, Trunks, and a Nice, Old...Cedar Chest!
Baby Grand Piano!
Toys, and Marbles!
Early, and Reproduction Antique Lighting!
Early Candle Drier!
Many Wonderful Old...Old...Books!
Early, Limestone Steps, that were from Vinton, to step into Buggies!
{Where would ya find Those...These Days!?}
Lots of Linens, and Textiles!
along with...
Regular, Household!
: )
I could go On...and, ON!!!
Everything is Clean, and Nice!
The Beautiful Home, will For Sale!
These Folks, had Deep Roots, in Vinton, Iowa!
Don't Miss This Sale!!!
I'll keep posting, when I can.
Gettin' Pretty Tight, on Time!
I'll be at Junk Jubilee Jingles, at The Fairgrounds, in Des Moines,
Nov. 9-11!!!
I won't be able to return questions concerning This Sale.
: (
Make Plans, to Attend!
Numbers will be given at 8:30 a.m. on November 29th.
Full Price, Nov. 29, and 30.
25% Off on Dec 1.
Most EVERYTHING will be 50% Off on Dec. 2nd!!!
{numbers, at 8:30 on Dec. 2nd, as well. }
No Early Sales.
: )
Hope to SEE YOU!!!
Barb C.
{keep scrolling down, for more Images! : ) }
We Keep Unpacking....and... Unpacking!
Oh My!!!
: )
Finding...Wonderful Treasures, Every Day!!!
Here, are a few more images.
I'd wanted to get pictures of all of The CHRISTMAS
{Vintage, and Modern...}
but, simply ran out of time, today...Unpacking!!!
With Thanksgiving, around the corner, I won't be back to the Vinton Estate, until Friday.
Hope... You All, have a Wonderful Thanksgiving. <3 count your Blessings, Thankful. <3
I've been doing a lot, of that...over the last several days.
No matter, how can be, when you look back, there's sure been a Whole Lot, to be Thankful...for. <3
May God Bless, each...and Every One of You.
Barb C.
UPDATED November 15th!
I was hoping to get more images, but...we've been working so hard, I've had little time.
Make plans, to attend. a Wonderful Sale.
We're pricing things, very fair.
Fair, to the Buyer, and... Seller.
There are some, Wonderful...things, here.
: )
Lot's of Great, Local...pieces. <3
I'll be getting more Images, as we go.
I, truly...shouldn't have to. a Great...Sale.
Hope, to See...You.
: )
We've been working Lots, in Vinton.
There are Many Wonderful Treasures!
Here is a Small Listing!
Large Loom! Very Early, and Wonderful.
{Lots of Old, Old...Spools, Hetchels, and Weaving Equipment!}
Flax, and Spinning Wheels!
Rope Cannonball Bed, Complete with Trundle!
Early, Complete...Youth Bed!
Many...Many...Hooked, and Braided Rugs!
{10x20 Oval Braided Rug! I've NEVER Seen One, That LARGE!!!}
Several Farm Cupboards! {around 10, that I can count in my head! : ) }
8 Foot Harvest Table!
Many, Early Benches!
Many, Early Chairs!
Two Amazing...Mid 1800's Mule Chests!
Several, Early... Primitive Kitchen Tables!
Two, Unusual Meal Bins...
Vinton Hybrid Advertising, and Vinton, Memorabilia!
Including Signs!
Poppy Trail...
Wallace Nutting! {Many!}
Early, Oil Paintings!
Many, Beautiful... Early Coverlets, and Quilts!
Several, Early Samplers!
Many...Early...Wooden Bowls, and Trenchers!
Loads of Modern, and Vintage...Pewter!
Lots of Wonderful, Old...Stoneware, Crocks and Jugs!
Lots of Early, Early...Fireplace Cooking Iron!
Lots of Early, 'Vinton' Farming Photos!
1875 Iowa Atlas!
Many Chests, Trunks, and a Nice, Old...Cedar Chest!
Baby Grand Piano!
Toys, and Marbles!
Early, and Reproduction Antique Lighting!
Early Candle Drier!
Many Wonderful Old...Old...Books!
Early, Limestone Steps, that were from Vinton, to step into Buggies!
{Where would ya find Those...These Days!?}
Lots of Linens, and Textiles!
along with...
Regular, Household!
: )
I could go On...and, ON!!!
Everything is Clean, and Nice!
The Beautiful Home, will For Sale!
These Folks, had Deep Roots, in Vinton, Iowa!
Don't Miss This Sale!!!
I'll keep posting, when I can.
Gettin' Pretty Tight, on Time!
I'll be at Junk Jubilee Jingles, at The Fairgrounds, in Des Moines,
Nov. 9-11!!!
I won't be able to return questions concerning This Sale.
: (
Make Plans, to Attend!
Numbers will be given at 8:30 a.m. on November 29th.
Full Price, Nov. 29, and 30.
25% Off on Dec 1.
Most EVERYTHING will be 50% Off on Dec. 2nd!!!
{numbers, at 8:30 on Dec. 2nd, as well. }
No Early Sales.
: )
Hope to SEE YOU!!!
Barb C.
{keep scrolling down, for more Images! : ) }
My 'Find'...for this, Day...
was an 1830's Baby's Bonnet.
: )
It was tucked...inside an envelope, with the Original Owner's History.
Another, Wonderful...find,
were The Stone Steps.
They were used for The Bride, to step into The Carriage, on her Wedding Day...
Down Town, Vinton, Iowa.
There's going to be some Very Rare...and Unusual....
on This Sale.
Lot's of Farming History.
'Simply Iowa'...
There's a Wonderful Loom, in the Room we've been working in, the last two days.
It looks to be Complete.
There's also a 20...Plus, foot...Oval... Braided Rug, there.
I've Never Seen One, that large.
I could park a Truck on it, and...still...have room, to Wash the Windshield. : )
Yes... there's some Wonderful, Unusual...Things, on This Sale.
are a few images.
{There's a Wonderful Bunch, of Vinton Hybrid Material.... dating from the 1940's.
Many...Many, Real Photos. Simply...Amazing. }
Lace, from France...
Stetson Hats...
Furs...and Lodge, Items.
oh my.
: )
Stay tuned...
Mark Your Calendars...
; ) ya,
Barb C.
{Keep in mind, these images...are, One Room, above the Garage. : ) }
We worked...hard, all day.
There's So Much...of This Estate Sale, well...
I'd need another Photographer...following, behind me.
There's Tons, of Vinton Memorabilia.
Ton's...of Farming, related.
Even, some...Native American. <3
We've just....Started, sorting.
Make Plans...
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