Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Took Tuesday OFF.
: )
: )
Slept all day.
: )
{ I don't feel a bit...guilty about it...either. : ) }
Took a Long...Hot...Shower...
this morning.
: )
It's a
New Day.
: )
Still have some things to get picked up, outside....from The Sale.
I'm starting in...on the Living Estate Sale, in Cedar Rapids.
Pal, Bill... from Iowa Tag helping me with it.
He's Great! : )
He, and his Pal...Mel, are Dear...Folk. : )
The next Full of Great Stuff!
Old and New.
I'll have pictures...soon.
{along with Dates and Time. }
I posted, my last post...feeling pretty 'uncertain', about the future.
What I didn't how I Pray...Every Day...about what direction...I need to go.
I've put God's Hands.
Asking for guide me.
: )
The truth is...maybe, I'm not liking what He's
His Angels, wielding 2x4's...have dropped me to my knees, over and over.
: )
Somehow, I...keep getting up.
: )'s time, I stay down.
Think about things...a little bit, before I jump up...and start Scramblin'...again.
I, really...really...need to find 'quiet'...and, 'Think'.
That's difficult to do...while you're standing in The Fire.
: )
but, I...feel, it's Imperative, at this point of my life.
: )
what He's been trying to tell me.
'I, am the Master....of my fate:
I, am the Captain...of my soul.'
Found this Beautiful...Beautiful...Poem,
I'd never read it, before.
It was Nelson Mandela's favorite.
I posted it, above... : )
It's read by The Great... Morgan Freeman.
{It's sooooo Beautiful. <3}
It touched my Heart, in Every...way.
{a 'God' Thing...I'm...sure. }
I,'ll listen to it.
It's a Beautiful...message...for us, all.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{Thanks, Tammy. <3 I was soooo Touched, by your message. Love You. <3 }
Monday, May 29, 2017
The Truth...
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale...
: )
I can't Thank, those who brought things...
and Weathered the Storms, 'literally'....: )
<3 <3 <3
What a Great...Bunch of Folks, I'm So Very...Very...Blessed, to have in my life.
<3 <3 <3
The Sale, was down.
Worst one...we've ever had.
: (
Seems, this has carried through...with all of the events, this year.
: )
I, know....some Folks...would 'sugar coat' it.
I, won't do that.
{ 'Sugar'...draws flies. I hate flies. }
You all...are Way Too Good, to do that to.
: )
I've racked my brain...about it, this year.
It's not, just me...
So Many...Many.... are feeling the sting.
I, can't work...any harder.
I'm so tired, now...I'm numb.
Saturday night...after we closed, was late....around 10.
I walked down to get Sweetie, from the shop.....
saw The Gypsy Ford, as we were walking up to the House, and thought...
I'd better move her, off of the side of the road... to the drive.
Sweetie, Bailed In...
: )
I, slowly...climbed in....
: )
{my the size of a softball. It hurts. }
Fired 'er up...let 'er...warm up...
a bit, then....
as I was waiting...fell asleep, sitting there, behind her steering wheel.
I woke 3 a.m., when a Storm....blew through.
We've All....put in, so many...Hard Hours.
I was So Thankful...for those who came and Shopped, with us.
I've been watching the 'People'...this year, at all of the events.
It's so strange.
I, can tell...Folks have a lot...on their minds.
This world...has turned upside down.
When you turn on the news...
it' ugly.
Too much, 'uncertainty'.
Last year, was difficult, too.
It was an election year.
They, are always...tuff.
Normally, after an election...things start to get back to 'Normal'.
Not, this time.
Normally, half of the Country....will be unhappy.
Half...of the Country, will be Happy,
and Positive, no matter what side of the isle, you stand on.
Not this time.
This Country...can't let 'Washington'...worry us...sick.
The Highway, in front of our, usually....Crazy Busy.
Especially....on Memorial Day.
It was quiet.
People, weren't usual.
Had a Couple, stop in, that had come from Nebraska....
I asked them, if the Interstate was a Mess....driving.
They was really strange, not too many people, on the roads, like they'd thought...
there would be.
Things...are 'different'...on many levels...these days.
I, know...I'm really...Really, tired.
I, know....things, will look brighter...after I get a little sleep.
{I, just don't know...when I'm gonna be able, to find...that 'time', to get some.
I'm pulling another 'Living Estate Sale'...together, set...for mid June.
I have so many...'obligations'....I Must....keep forging ahead.}
Many, Folks....are just, like me.
I Hope...we'll keep Supporting, each other.....the best we can.
I'm Every Person...who came to Visit, this weekend.
: ) <3
I, really...enjoyed...the Young...People. : )
The Ones....who were soooo Happy, to find Treasures.
: ) : ) : )
I'll Always...remember, the two...12 year old Girls...
who picked out, an 1800's German Book.
It was sooo Cool.
It was all about Fish, Birds, Snakes...and Critters. : )
They didn't have enough money, to purchase it.
One said... " I can't read this...but, I Love It!"
The other, said...
"I'm taking 'German', next year!!! I'll be able to read You!!!"
They, left...with that book.
: )
{They gave me Big Hugs....: )
that were Much More...
than the price, of the Book. }
<3 <3 <3
There's a Whole...Lot, of 'Good' this Old World.
We can't let the Fear Mongers...control us.
That, being said....
I'm looking for a Job.
I, Love...what I do.
I have obligations to meet.
John's hospital bills...
Taxes...of Many...kinds.
Critters, to feed. : )
I won't quit.
I'll keep the Rabbit Hole, 'Open'. {maybe...more : ) }
but, I'm cutting down...on the 'events'....away from home.
: (
and, gettin' a job.
: )
I, don't see....any other way.
Some day, I'll write a Book.
That...will be my 'retirement'.
: )
It'll be...a 'Must Read'.
: )
Love, to ya...
and, Thank You,
to Those...who Supported Us,
Memorial Day Weekend.
<3 <3 <3
Barb C.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND SALE!!! May 26th thru 29th! 8 a.m. 'til Dusk...Daily!!! Added a few more images, tonight! This is just a SNIPPET!
Located at...
101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax Iowa!
{On Highway 151. Watch for Balloons!}
5 minutes S.W. of Cedar Rapids
11 Miles North, of Amana!
: )
Loads...will be coming in...over the next two days!
: )
I won't be answering the phone or e mail...
TOO be Done!
{Several Buildings...and Tents! : ) }
Just, Plan to be here.
Rain or Shine!
Wear Your Grubbies!!!
Bring a TRUCK!!!
New Arrivals....Daily!
I'll be posting More Images...
as things arrive!
{no early sales... : ) }
: )
Barb C.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
To Those...looking for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale... scroll down, a couple posts. I have a Brand New...Grandson...I have to talk about.
![]() |
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale...
will be, as Always....
This, Friday... thru Memorial Day!
coming in. : ) : ) : )
I was Blessed, with a Brand New...
<3 <3 <3
: ) : ) : )
He's Quite a Little Man.
Reminds me...of his Grandpa...and, Great Grandpa. : )
I'll have images..tomorrow of The Memorial Day Weekend Sale....
I'm gonna Bask...
: )
{Thanks to Everyone...who Carried Liz, and her Prayer. <3 }
Love, to ya...
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Memorial Day Weekend Sale, is posted below this post! Had to share News, about Daughter, Liz..tonight!
Baby Jack....
On His Way!
The Kids, are at the Hospital...all checked in, tonight!
Please...keep The Kids, in Your Prayers!
Thank You!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Liz was helping me with yard work, on Thursday...for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
She's been working, Bar Tending... every Thursday thru Sunday nights...until tonight.
{She Runs Her Tail...Off! }
Her water broke, work.
She couldn't reach watch Miss. Scarlett.
{I was in the store, and left my phone in The Gypsy Ford. : ( }
She couldn't get a hold of her Brother, Justin...or...Katie.
Oh Dear!
She and Adam...were Frantic!
{Trying to get this like Herding Cats! : ) }
She called, Pal... Mark. He answered...: ) He was on his way, when I got the message.
I beat him here. : )
We're all...just waiting.
I'll keep ya posted.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND SALE!!! May 26, 27, 28 and 29!!!! Don't Miss It!!!
Down The Rabbit Hole!!!
'Simply... Iowa'!!!
May 26 thru 29!!!
Memorial Day Weekend!!!
8 a.m. 'til Dusk!!!
Rain or SHINE!!!
Wear Your Grubbies!!!
Bring a TRUCK!!!
{Located at 101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa
Highway 151}
The Lawn and Buildings....will be FULL!
Many Friends are Bringing All Sorts of Old, Gnarly...Farm Fresh...
Fun Stuff!!!!
Vintage Iron, and Concrete...
Architectural...House, and Barn....
along with
In Between!!!!
Lots of Surprises!!!
: )
: ) : ) : )
I'm helping clean out an 1800's...House, that's been closed for over a decade...
It was in one Family, forever.
They, didn't throw anything...away.
There will be Many... Friends, and Neighbors...Bringing a Huge Variety...
This Sale!
: )
rain, or Shine!
Wear Your Grubbies!!!
Bring a TRUCK!
{Images, as things start Rollin' In....Next Monday! }
early sales.
: )
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Insane....Week! Headed for Gold Rush... Fairgrounds, Rochester, MN.
I, can't begin to tell you, how's been around here.
The Fuso, is Loaded... as is The Ford, mostly.
I went diggin' in a Barn, tonight...and bought several Early pieces of Furniture...
that, I have no we'll get on, the Loads.
but...we will. : )
Liz, is due to have Little Jack, any, Pal...Maurina, was going to drive the Ford.
She was in a car accident, yesterday...
She's...o.k. {Praise God. }
but, very sore.
So, I thought... I'd have to drive the Ford up, to Rochester, early...tomorrow, then...
double back...
grab The Fuso...
and unload, at Rochester...late.
720 miles.
Kind of like going to Nashville.
Thankfully, several Friends, volunteered,
: )
and, I have a Driver.
Pal, driving the Ford.
Thanks, to Bart and John...for offering. : )
True Friends. <3
Mark, will be sharing the booth,
I'm so Blessed, to have so many... 'Brothers'.
These Boys, are like Family. : )
John and I... have been blessed to call them Friends, for decades.
Kevin made sure...I'd supply him...with Plenty of Margaritas!
No Worries.
: )
I walked through the rabbit hole, today....
oh my.
It...was quite a stroll.
I've been Hard.
and, have left it....all alone.
: (
Something, has change.
I fall down...the rabbit hole, and stay there.
I, thought...of the words...Rhett Butler said to Gone with The Wind, about 'Tara'.
"You get your strength...from the red earth...of Tara. You're part of It, and It's...part of you."
The so...very true, of the rabbit hole...Home, and me. stay Home.
I, have to figure out...a way, to make that, happen.
For, now...I'll hit the road, again...and take a little slice...of the rabbit hole, with me.
I always...look forward, to Gold Rush.
: )
The Beautiful...People.
: )
Hope, to see ya...There.
Show Runs....
Friday thru Sunday.
Google it...
{Gold Rush... May 2017.... Rochester, MN.}
I'm too tired look it all up.
I need to post images.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Below...are images, from my Stroll, around the rabbit hole.... this afternoon.
As I walked....around, the rabbit hole...
It was was raining.
The plants, Peg...had planted, years ago...are beginning to bloom.
The Lilacs...we planted...are getting soooo big. : )
There are Masses, of volunteer Strawberries, by the front door, Loaded...with berries.
: )
I thought, of the quote...from Alice in Wonderland.
"There is a no Place...on Earth.
A Land...Full, of Wonder...Mystery...and, Danger.
Some say, to Survive it...
You Must Be...
as a Hatter.
which, luckily...I am."
: )
Some, call it 'Home'.
: ) it, 'Tara'.
: )
simply, call it...
'the rabbit hole'.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Images for Norma's Estate Sale. May 5 thru 7. 9 'til 6 Daily! {numbers at 8:30 a.m. on the 5th) 145 Eastview Dr. N.W. Cedar Rapids.
Keep scrolling down, to earlier posts.
There are many more images.
We are Still...Unpacking, Sorting...and Pricing.
: )
{Tomorrow's gonna be a! }
There is Much, I don't have images of.
Lots of Cooking and Baking...items.
The Kitchen Cupboards, are Full!
Lots of old, flower pots, canning jars...bedding, Costume Jewelry...
Loads, of Nice...Clothing, and Shoes.
Fun, 1960's and 70', fabric...and patterns.
I could go on...and on.
Hope to see ya!
Barb C.
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This Old...Old....Round Oak Table, has the most Wonderful Base! It has 6 matching Chairs, that go With!!! and...One...Leaf! It's a 54 inch Table, and has an Amazing...Surface! Love It! |
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
The Estate Sale is May 5, 6 and 7. 9 a.m. 'til 6 p.m. Daily! {numbers at 8:30 a.m. on the 5th.} The Address is 145 Eastview Dr. N.W. Cedar Rapids. {no early sales} Cash and Cards, accepted.
Here is a Partial Listing.
All Appliances.
Electric Stove, Washer and Dryer, Dishwasher, Microwave, Refrigerator, {new, in Oct.2016}
Many...Modern Novels, Cook Books, Gardening Books, Quilting, and Craft Books.
Many... Vintage Sewing Patterns.
Lots of Sewing Items, and Craft Supplies.
Two, Sofas...Lift Chair, and 'Stair Chair'...
Motorized Wheelchairs... {older }
Cooking and
Lawn Mower...
Sets of Dishes, and Glasses.
Nice, clothing...and shoes.
{some, Fun...Vintage! }
Vintage Round Oak Table, with Unusual Base.
{image tomorrow. }
6 Matching Oak Chairs.
Mid Century Lamps, and Furniture.
Christmas decor.
Clay Pots, and Planters.
Costume Jewelry...
Dressers...and Bed.
Lots...of Misc.
: )
We are still going through things.
I'll be posting images, tomorrow night.
This, sad.
Norma, passed away.
She lived on very little.
{a little over 700.00 a month, from Social Security }
Norma had Muscular Dystrophy.
Norma's legally blind, and helped her...alot.
Between the two of them, they got by. : )
Norma, at the end of her life...needed help, at a Facility.
Her Social Security wasn't enough, to cover her bills.
Her being 'Taken', to cover them.
Her Son... gets nothing...from the Home Sale.
The 'contents', are allowed to be help with his care.
This, is a Heartbreak...I, know...all...too well.
: (
at least...
I have my sight, and a fighting save our Home.
Bill, and I...are doing our pull this Sale...together.
: )
There's some very...nice things, here. : )
Some, unusual...and Interesting...items.
: )
Hope to See Ya!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
More Images...
{scroll down, there are Pictures, from last week. }
Boxes...and Boxes...of Great...Vintage...Patterns!
Tons, of Sewing, and Craft...Supplies!
Stair Lift...
It Works! : )
More Images, tomorrow. : )
Check out earlier Posts...for more pics. : )
Monday, May 1, 2017
Thanks, to All...who Attended Junk Jubilee!!! It was Grrrreat!!! Now, It's Estate Sale..time.
Found this...Old.... Clothes Pin, the basement, at Norma'
<3 bring it, Upstairs!
How That!
Norma, I think...was a pretty Cool...Gal.
I, think...we would have been...Friends. : )
{Got her Amazing...Cook Books, this afternoon. : ) <3 }
Thanks, so Bill Levis. {Iowa Tag Sales }
He's been working on this Sale...while, I...was away, at Junk Jubilee... in Des Moines.
This Estate, truly...a 'God' Thing.
I'll be writing about it, more...tomorrow.
There's some...Really..Fun...Stuff, here. : )
I've enjoyed...working with Norma's Treasures. : )
We've moved furniture, and are getting ready to fill....with 'smalls'. : )
I'll have many more details...tomorrow.
: )
I'm tired...tonight.
Long Day, at Norma's.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
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