The Door....
into the rabbit hole.
Love 'The Confessions'...plaque.
: )
{It's a 'keeper, has been...for years. It just...seemed 'fittin'. }
: )
Pay no attention... to 'The Hours'.
If I'm here...I'm Open.
{I'll be Open This Saturday...from 10 'til 5 }
I can be here, most...anytime... by appointment.
but, for now... unless...I have an 'Event'...
The Hours...
aren't written in stone.
The Mornings... have been Beautiful.
Hot... Days, tho.
I like to sit... with my coffee... first the Morn, outside...
and, listen to the Birds.....: )
I realized... one, of my favorite sit, is just outside the door,
with Two... of my Dearest Friends.
The Old Gypsy Ford...and Jethro.
Ford... 'Family'.
and, reminisce.... about the miles, we've covered.
The Little Ford... and Sally.... aren't far, away. |
I moved the Little Industrial Cabinet... inside the rabbit hole, today....
and worked on 'setting' things....
Things...have come in...and went out.
: )
Lots to do....before the Old Glory Sale.
When...I got tired...of 'playin' inside... I went outside, and trimmed the Gnarliness... that's determined... to close the 'world'....away, from the rabbit hole.
The Wild Grape and Bittersweet.... have taken over.
: )
I keep explaining to them, that...I don't much they Climb...and Gnarl...
They have to leave 'Openings' the let Friends In!!!
: ) quite a 'place'... this 'rabbit hole'.
Nature, has such a Lovely...way, of 'Enveloping'.
As I 'played'.... setting displays. oh my... : )
Every time.... I touched a piece....of lace, or...examined....a Bird's Nest.... I felt my Peg... right there...with me.
: )
I also felt her.... when I got distracted...and moved from one, 'project' another.
: )
{Made her Crazy.... when I bounced around...from one thing to another, leaving 'chaos'... in my wake.
Oh, Peg.... Girl... : )
You Know.... I Always... Get It Done!!! : )
Might not be 'pretty'...
my way of doin' things....
but, You Know, : ) I'll git 'er done.
Then...It 'pretty'. <3 }

I'm heading to my Niece's Bachelorette Party, tonight.....
: )
Haven't seen 'The Conner Clan'... since my Brother, Sonny....passed away, last year.
I've spent...very little time....with 'Family', for many...many....years.
John and me.... 'Worked' much.
Weekends....Holidays...Morning 'til Late...
No Vacations.
So Many....Obligations...always.
just... keep our heads....above water.
They, won't ever let up... I know.
I've come to realize.... it's better, to see Family, at these 'Happy'... Occasions...
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I have no decent wear, but...if I know One Thing...
about 'The Conner Clan'...
They Couldn't Care Less... what kinda shoes I have on...
or, for that matter, if I'm wearing all. : )
{They all know, I'm Crazy.... : )
they 'Invited'... me...anyway. : ) }
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