So much... has transpired...
over the last several days.
Peg's Celebration of Life...
was Beautiful.
I was Thankful... for the Folks... who attended, that knew Peg...
through the rabbit hole.
God Bless 'em.
It all....seems like such a blur.
All of it.
I don't know...where time goes.
I spoke... at Peg's Gathering, I'd tried to write.....what I wanted to say, the days...leading up.
I couldn't.
I...felt... like I was the podium... but, I guess... I said... what I was supposed to.
Melissa, Peg's Daughter, and Michael.. her Beloved...
brought many examples... of Peg's Artwork... to the Celebration.
After the Gathering... I sat, and studied it all.
oh my.
There was a Painting... Peg had done, that...I had seen, at her home...
but, thought it was done by another... 'Well Known'... artist.
: )
Peg, did it in 1988.
Michael told me that... before I found Peg's signature and date.
He knew, exactly.. where they were living... and what was going on... the year Peg... painted this.
<3 <3 <3
I sat, and held this painting... in my arms... for a long time.
oh my.
The Trees... in this painting... where.......... amazing.
I saw so Many... similarities... from this painting... on her later work.
Had I looked at this closer, at her home... I would have Known... it was Hers. : )
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I insisted Michael hold this... {he thought I was trying to get a picture... without 'glare'. : ) I...wanted a picture... of him... holding it. : ) <3 } |
As we were leaving...The Chapel... to go to the Luncheon... following, Liz walked up to me... and said...
the Vet...called, and Polly... {her ashes}... were waiting for us.
She offered to go....
{Bless her Heart. }
I stayed, with Peg's Beautiful... Family.
: )
We went to where Peg's 'Stone'.. is.
{Her ashes... are with Michael.
When Michael... goes 'Home'...
All of Their Ashes... will be combined. : )
Peg's... Beloved Critters...
{Birds....and Four Legged Best Friends... Included. <3 }
{Yes, John and me... are doing the Same. : ) }
I didn't shed a tear... all day.
when I got Home... sat down, and saw Polly's Ashes....
oh my.
: )
The Faucet Turned On....
and... hasn't shut off.
{when it does... it's Still... quite...leaky. }
It's difficult... for me to write... more... than a few lines... these days.
I try... and stay focused, on what has to be done.
I feel Blessed... every day, to have such Beautiful... Children, Grandchildren... Friends, should I call on them... I...Know, in a Moment... They would be here.
: )
Looking back... on so many...many... 'Lost'... I can't help... but Very Blessed...
to have Been Loved, and Loved... them Deeply.
That's a Gift.
so Painful... when they go away.
I came across a poem... the other day.
It's one, I remember... reading as a little girl.
Thinking, at that time...
after seeing so much...loss...
How True... it was.
"I walked a mile... with 'Pleasure',
She Chatted all the way.
But, left me none... the wiser, for all she had to say.
I walked a mile with 'Sorrow'...
and ne'er a word... said She.
The Things... I Learned from Her...
when, Sorrow...
walked with me. "
This 'life'... is all about The Journey.
As Broken... as I am,
I... feel Humbled... by The Gifts... Our Lord... has Bestowed... upon me.
{All of Us...}
A Wonderful... Family.
The Most... Beautiful... Friends.
His...Devoted... Four Legged... Finned...Feathered... and Scaled Souls...
He... Created... for us,
that have been such Great Comfort... to us all.
along with...
The Flowers... The Trees... The Sky.... The Rivers....
'This Earth'.
: )
I looked at Liz... the other night.... and said...
"How Great...God Is."
He didn't have to 'Give' us... such Beauty.
'Such Gifts'
He Loves Us... So..... : )
He wants us... to Enjoy... The Very Best. <3
on 'this' part... of our 'Journey'. ya...
Barb C.
{I spoke... with Peg's...Oncology Doctor...from Mayo...
{Bless her Heart}... at the Gathering....
She said... Peg, was...Amazing... She forged through... and had such....
Positive... Thinking.
{They... didn't give Peg... much hope, {in their minds} Maybe... a few months.
{Peg... enjoyed nearly 5 years.
In those 5 years... she attended her Granddaughter's Weddings.... and saw, two...
Beautiful... Great Granddaughters... be Born... and Enjoy...Them. : ) <3 }
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Peg's Great Granddaughter.... Isabelle. <3 She reminds me... of Peg. : ) <3 |
I told her... Peg.... had an Army.... of Folks... sending Prayers.
Folks... that we've never met, and... may until we do. : )
Dr. Price... agreed... that our Prayers...Mattered.
: )
Thank You. }
{and, no... I Never... mentioned... our 'singed'... 'pinfeathers'... : ) <3 }
{I'd posted, yesterday...'Dr. Park's'... had attended.
Dr. Parks, was Peg's Radiologist, from Mayo...
whom, she...also adored.
whom, she...also adored.
Dr. Price... was who I visited with. : ) <3 }
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