Thursday, June 30, 2016
Old Glory Open House... July 2nd., 3rd. and 4th!!! 8 'til 6....Daily!
Been pulling all sorts of Things....
Together, for this Holiday Weekend!
Lots going on in the area....
Amana, Mt.Vernon...Iowa City.... and More!
Come, Spend The Weekend...with Us!!!
Located at...
101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa.
{On Highway 151}
11 miles from Amana, 18 miles from Mt.Vernon, 24 miles from The Fairgrounds, in Iowa City!
There are Dozens of Great Shops... within an hour drive... from here.
This area is a Honey Hole. <3
Hope to See Ya!!!
Barb C.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Playin' down the rabbit hole..... 'Old Glory Sale'... July 2nd, 3rd...and 4th!
The Door....
into the rabbit hole.
Love 'The Confessions'...plaque.
: )
{It's a 'keeper, has been...for years. It just...seemed 'fittin'. }
: )
Pay no attention... to 'The Hours'.
If I'm here...I'm Open.
{I'll be Open This Saturday...from 10 'til 5 }
I can be here, most...anytime... by appointment.
but, for now... unless...I have an 'Event'...
The Hours...
aren't written in stone.
I'm heading to my Niece's Bachelorette Party, tonight.....
: )
Haven't seen 'The Conner Clan'... since my Brother, Sonny....passed away, last year.
I've spent...very little time....with 'Family', for many...many....years.
John and me.... 'Worked' much.
Weekends....Holidays...Morning 'til Late...
No Vacations.
So Many....Obligations...always.
just... keep our heads....above water.
They, won't ever let up... I know.
I've come to realize.... it's better, to see Family, at these 'Happy'... Occasions...
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I have no decent wear, but...if I know One Thing...
about 'The Conner Clan'...
They Couldn't Care Less... what kinda shoes I have on...
or, for that matter, if I'm wearing all. : )
{They all know, I'm Crazy.... : )
they 'Invited'... me...anyway. : ) }
{They all know, I'm Crazy.... : )
they 'Invited'... me...anyway. : ) }
Playin' down the rabbit hole..... 'Old Glory Sale'... July 2nd, 3rd...and 4th!
The Door....
into the rabbit hole.
Love 'The Confessions'...plaque.
: )
{It's a 'keeper, has been...for years. It just...seemed 'fittin'. }
: )
Pay no attention... to 'The Hours'.
If I'm here...I'm Open.
{I'll be Open This Saturday...from 10 'til 5 }
I can be here, most...anytime... by appointment.
but, for now... unless...I have an 'Event'...
The Hours...
aren't written in stone.
I'm heading to my Niece's Bachelorette Party, tonight.....
: )
Haven't seen 'The Conner Clan'... since my Brother, Sonny....passed away, last year.
I've spent...very little time....with 'Family', for many...many....years.
John and me.... 'Worked' much.
Weekends....Holidays...Morning 'til Late...
No Vacations.
So Many....Obligations...always.
just... keep our heads....above water.
They, won't ever let up... I know.
I've come to realize.... it's better, to see Family, at these 'Happy'... Occasions...
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I have no decent wear, but...if I know One Thing...
about 'The Conner Clan'...
They Couldn't Care Less... what kinda shoes I have on...
or, for that matter, if I'm wearing all. : )
{They all know, I'm Crazy.... : )
they 'Invited'... me...anyway. : ) }
{They all know, I'm Crazy.... : )
they 'Invited'... me...anyway. : ) }
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The Strawberry Moon
Miss. Scarlett.... and me... took it all in.
: )
I put her up... on The Gypsy Ford's hood....
{ Heaven.... : ) }
We sat, and talked about 'The Moon'.
I told her... " the Longest Day... of 'This' year.
The next time, you see...
'This Moon'...
you'll be 75 years old."
: )
Scarlett said...
"Grandma, does that make you sad, you....sound...kind of sad."
I said...
"No. : ) I'm Thankful... I got to share... 'This Moon'... with You."
I, Hope, You... Shared This Moon...... with Someone... 'Special'..Too.
Love, to ya...
Sunday, June 19, 2016
They don't make 'em... like my Daddy... anymore.
Happy Father's Day...
I Miss You...
Every Day.
What a Gift... he was, in my life.
Happy Father's Day.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Dad, and his Old...Trucks. <3 oh my. He could make Anything 'Run'... with a little 'Wire'...and a decent... battery. : ) |
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The Boys... helped me unload... this Altar, into the rabbit hole, in the rain... this morn.
: )
I had to laugh... as I was leaving....looking through the door, at it.
: )
When I say... the rabbit hole... is my 'Sanctuary'... : )
well, I mean it. : )
I've always...Loved, 'Church' related items.
they, are simply... 'soulful'.
This is the third, Altar...I've owned...over the years.
The one, below... I'd bought in the Fall... a few years ago.
I was going to make it... our...'Show Stopper'... at Heart of Country, in Nashville...
that year,
but... had no place to store it...
so, we enjoyed it, in our Home... over Christmas. <3
What a Gift... that was.
{It sold, before Heart... }
It's kind of...funny, when I think about... how Much...
is incorporated... into our Home, that's 'Church' related.
We didn't plan it, that way... 'it' all... found it's way, to we were building.
Always... Always... the right time.
It's nearly... all... 'Salvaged'.
John... was so Gifted, {and...had 'Carpenter' Angels...on his shoulders. : ) }
John couldn't build a toy box...for the Kids... but, somehow... he built this Amazing...
Single Handedly...
on a shoestring. : )
I gathered and gathered... envisioned...
John... made my 'visions'... 'dreams'...
: )
The Altar... that year... was such a Gift.
It fit Perfectly... in our Home.
Wonder... where it is... today.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Monday, June 13, 2016
The Teddy Bear...found his way back... to the rabbit hole. Along with everything else, that was stolen.
The Lord... Truly... works in Mysterious ways.
: )
I, knew... when the things were stolen, over The Memorial Day Weekend Sale....
like, everything else... that 'Happens'... that makes me go... "Hmmmmmm?"
I always, always... get a 'wink'... and find out, 'who'...or, 'where' comes from.
Who... is 'behind it'.
Sometimes... it takes a while.
Days... weeks... months, even...years.
I always... find out.
I don't always 'act' on the information...
I file it away. : )
With this situation... I 'Acted'.
I was at a Friends, Sale... on Sunday...late in the day, he had an old sign for me.
Who do you think... came walking up the drive, as I was getting ready to leave?
'The Girl'.
The Girl... whom, I was sure... had taken many, many things... from the rabbit hole.
She didn't notice, me.
I walked up to her... and asked her, if...she remembered me.
: )
She smiled, and said she did.
: )
I reminded her... she had some things... she'd forgotten to pay The Sale.
: )
She denied it... then, when I told her... of the Folks, who could identify her, and saw her carrying things, that...were gone, after she left... she put the blame...on her friend, that was with, that day.
I wasn't hearing any of it.
I asked her... if she'd like me to call the Sheriff... who took my statement, maybe... he'd have the patience to listen to 'it', but...I didn't.
{I saw her lips...moving... but, didn't hear a word... all I heard was...
"Lie...lie...lie... Lie...lie... lie."
She gave me her friend's name and phone number....{I asked her for them... then, after a few minutes... I asked her to repeat it all. : ) }
said, they had parted ways....
said, they had parted ways....
She...was afraid of him...
{I knew...better.... : ) and,...of course... He said the same... about her. : ) }
and....he put it all...on her.
: )
They both...tried to tell difficult their lives were, and how the other... was soooo awful.
: )
I explained to them... what 'Awful'...and 'Loss'...are.
Told 'em... my heart... is like a slice of Swiss Cheese....full of Holes, from the last couple of years.
again, I wasn't hearing Any...of 'It'...from them.
I said........ 'Theft'... doesn't happen, down the rabbit hole.
It's My Sanctuary.
It's All I've got.
Everything...there, was brought there... because it's soulful... and, I love it.
I told them both...
'This Is Personal'.
Told them... I felt God... had a Hand... in us meeting, and He must... care deeply...about them.
I told them both...they needed to 'get together'... because
they had 24 hours, to bring back the 'Soulfulness'... or, I was going to call The Sheriff.
{and...That's something... I wouldn't wish... on them, or anyone. }
She, called... and said... "well... what if I can't find it all?"
; )
I told her, and her friend... I had 'Faith'... that they Could. : )
I told them both... what I told the Sheriff, when he took my statement.
"Losing... these things... that I care about... is painful, but... a minor loss... to what those two, and their Families...have endured, and lost... because... I'm sure...they were on drugs."
{The Sheriff, thought so...too. As did... Mark... was actually... 'Nervous'... about them, and took precautions....unbeknownst to me. }
I explained to them... I could feel...a black cloud... around them, when they were here.
They, need to find a way.... to get that monkey off their backs. It'll take 'em...down.
I said... I'm giving you a chance, here... to make things right.
Most, wouldn't... but... I Feel... The Lord... is wanting me to send this message.
"You are Loved. a New Day."
Within 4 hours... everything...was returned.
I'll keep them both... in my Prayers.
I, Hope... you
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I explained to these 'Kids'.. who are around 30. : )
I'm no angel... and Nobody... is Perfect.
We All... make mistakes.
We All...must...take it... 'One a Time.'.
Today, we have to do The Best... we can. After all, 'This'... is All... we have.
We're not promised... 'tomorrow'. }
I said... much...more, to those Kids.
{they brought their Wonderful... Much Loved...and Well Cared For... Hound, with,
when they brought The Soulfulness...back.}
I thought of the above tune... as I spoke to them. oh my.
Yep... a Train won't run... on a torn up track. <3
Make It... 'Straight'. : ) }
{I explained to these 'Kids'.. who are around 30. : )
I'm no angel... and Nobody... is Perfect.
We All... make mistakes.
We All...must...take it... 'One a Time.'.
Today, we have to do The Best... we can. After all, 'This'... is All... we have.
We're not promised... 'tomorrow'. }
I said... much...more, to those Kids.
{they brought their Wonderful... Much Loved...and Well Cared For... Hound, with,
when they brought The Soulfulness...back.}
I thought of the above tune... as I spoke to them. oh my.
Yep... a Train won't run... on a torn up track. <3
Make It... 'Straight'. : ) }
{A SPECIAL 'Thank You'... to my 'Light Girl'... Julie.
I...hadn't checked the mail... for days.
{not much good there}
Today.... I found the Most Wonderful... Book.
from Julie. <3
It's about our 'Dogs'... when they go to Heaven.
: ) : ) : )
Thank You...
Julie. <3
What a Gift... You Are. <3 }
Friday, June 10, 2016
So much... has transpired...
over the last several days.
Peg's Celebration of Life...
was Beautiful.
I was Thankful... for the Folks... who attended, that knew Peg...
through the rabbit hole.
God Bless 'em.
It all....seems like such a blur.
All of it.
I don't know...where time goes.
I spoke... at Peg's Gathering, I'd tried to write.....what I wanted to say, the days...leading up.
I couldn't.
I...felt... like I was the podium... but, I guess... I said... what I was supposed to.
Melissa, Peg's Daughter, and Michael.. her Beloved...
brought many examples... of Peg's Artwork... to the Celebration.
After the Gathering... I sat, and studied it all.
oh my.
There was a Painting... Peg had done, that...I had seen, at her home...
but, thought it was done by another... 'Well Known'... artist.
: )
Peg, did it in 1988.
Michael told me that... before I found Peg's signature and date.
He knew, exactly.. where they were living... and what was going on... the year Peg... painted this.
<3 <3 <3
I sat, and held this painting... in my arms... for a long time.
oh my.
The Trees... in this painting... where.......... amazing.
I saw so Many... similarities... from this painting... on her later work.
Had I looked at this closer, at her home... I would have Known... it was Hers. : )
![]() |
I insisted Michael hold this... {he thought I was trying to get a picture... without 'glare'. : ) I...wanted a picture... of him... holding it. : ) <3 } |
As we were leaving...The Chapel... to go to the Luncheon... following, Liz walked up to me... and said...
the Vet...called, and Polly... {her ashes}... were waiting for us.
She offered to go....
{Bless her Heart. }
I stayed, with Peg's Beautiful... Family.
: )
We went to where Peg's 'Stone'.. is.
{Her ashes... are with Michael.
When Michael... goes 'Home'...
All of Their Ashes... will be combined. : )
Peg's... Beloved Critters...
{Birds....and Four Legged Best Friends... Included. <3 }
{Yes, John and me... are doing the Same. : ) }
I didn't shed a tear... all day.
when I got Home... sat down, and saw Polly's Ashes....
oh my.
: )
The Faucet Turned On....
and... hasn't shut off.
{when it does... it's Still... quite...leaky. }
It's difficult... for me to write... more... than a few lines... these days.
I try... and stay focused, on what has to be done.
I feel Blessed... every day, to have such Beautiful... Children, Grandchildren... Friends, should I call on them... I...Know, in a Moment... They would be here.
: )
Looking back... on so many...many... 'Lost'... I can't help... but Very Blessed...
to have Been Loved, and Loved... them Deeply.
That's a Gift.
so Painful... when they go away.
I came across a poem... the other day.
It's one, I remember... reading as a little girl.
Thinking, at that time...
after seeing so much...loss...
How True... it was.
"I walked a mile... with 'Pleasure',
She Chatted all the way.
But, left me none... the wiser, for all she had to say.
I walked a mile with 'Sorrow'...
and ne'er a word... said She.
The Things... I Learned from Her...
when, Sorrow...
walked with me. "
This 'life'... is all about The Journey.
As Broken... as I am,
I... feel Humbled... by The Gifts... Our Lord... has Bestowed... upon me.
{All of Us...}
A Wonderful... Family.
The Most... Beautiful... Friends.
His...Devoted... Four Legged... Finned...Feathered... and Scaled Souls...
He... Created... for us,
that have been such Great Comfort... to us all.
along with...
The Flowers... The Trees... The Sky.... The Rivers....
'This Earth'.
: )
I looked at Liz... the other night.... and said...
"How Great...God Is."
He didn't have to 'Give' us... such Beauty.
'Such Gifts'
He Loves Us... So..... : )
He wants us... to Enjoy... The Very Best. <3
on 'this' part... of our 'Journey'. ya...
Barb C.
{I spoke... with Peg's...Oncology Doctor...from Mayo...
{Bless her Heart}... at the Gathering....
She said... Peg, was...Amazing... She forged through... and had such....
Positive... Thinking.
{They... didn't give Peg... much hope, {in their minds} Maybe... a few months.
{Peg... enjoyed nearly 5 years.
In those 5 years... she attended her Granddaughter's Weddings.... and saw, two...
Beautiful... Great Granddaughters... be Born... and Enjoy...Them. : ) <3 }
![]() |
Peg's Great Granddaughter.... Isabelle. <3 She reminds me... of Peg. : ) <3 |
I told her... Peg.... had an Army.... of Folks... sending Prayers.
Folks... that we've never met, and... may until we do. : )
Dr. Price... agreed... that our Prayers...Mattered.
: )
Thank You. }
{and, no... I Never... mentioned... our 'singed'... 'pinfeathers'... : ) <3 }
{I'd posted, yesterday...'Dr. Park's'... had attended.
Dr. Parks, was Peg's Radiologist, from Mayo...
whom, she...also adored.
whom, she...also adored.
Dr. Price... was who I visited with. : ) <3 }
Friday, June 3, 2016
July 2nd., 3rd. and 4th!!!
Simply Iowa...
'Old Glory' Sale!
July 2nd., 3rd., and 4th!
9 'til 6 ish...Daily!
Loads of Treasures... coming in, the Month of June...
for This Event!!!
Located at :
The Rabbit Hole
{Cross Creek }
101 Williams Blvd.
{Highway 151 }
Fairfax, Iowa
Rain or Shine!
Wear Your Grubbies!
and Bring a Truck!!!
{There are Several GREAT Events... in the Area...
over The Fourth of July Weekend!!!
Come, spend The Weekend with Us All!!! }
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
"In The Gardens of Memories....
and in
The Palace of Dreams...
that's... where we'll meet."
said, The Hatter.
Alice, replied...
"But, a 'Dream' not, reality."
The Hatter, smiled....and said...
"Who's to say, which?"
: )
{This is the 'Good Bye'... between The Hatter, and Alice.
from the movie...
'Through the Looking Glass'
Very, close... to the words... I spoke to Peg, when we parted... and, my Polly. }
{This is the 'Good Bye'... between The Hatter, and Alice.
from the movie...
'Through the Looking Glass'
Very, close... to the words... I spoke to Peg, when we parted... and, my Polly. }
I went to see 'Through The Looking Glass'... tonight.
It's been haunting me, since I saw the trailer, last year.
It struck me...when I saw it was to be released over Memorial Day Weekend.
The trailer... frightened me. It did, well.
It seemed 'Ominous'... and us.
It seemed 'Ominous'... and us.
Just the 'snippets'... seemed, very close, to home, like the 2010 movie.
This one...was about 'Time'... the lack of.
The manipulation... of.
The manipulation... of.
Friends... in trouble, with no 'time' to waste.
There were Clocks...and Clocks.. and Movements...with gears...turning.
{I've collected Clocks... of every shape...and size. Some, very ruff... for over 20 years. }
{I've collected Clocks... of every shape...and size. Some, very ruff... for over 20 years. }
The 'Alice in Wonderland'... that was released in 2010... had so many 'the rabbit hole',
John and Peg... even went to see it....with me.
I could connect, all of the characters, with... people...I knew... through the rabbit hole.
Peg... was The Mad March Hare... I...was The Hatter, and, sometimes...Alice.
John... was Absalom. {The Wise... Caterpillar }
I could go on... and on.
The Rabbit Hole... played...Itself.
{I swore... Tim Burton, had visited our 'rabbit hole' }
{I swore... Tim Burton, had visited our 'rabbit hole' }
Mostly... everything, was in 'Riddle' form... to me.
as, was this one.
The strange thing... I sold... The Perfect, Pier Mirror...That...Was,
It broke my heart.
{bills to pay... obligations, to meet. }
{bills to pay... obligations, to meet. }
Every time...I looked at it, after it heart was saddened.
after all... what is a 'rabbit hole'...without a 'Looking Glass'?
The Folks, who bought it, were restoring a building, and left it down the rabbit hole, for safe keeping.
They came to me... last week, and said, sadly... they could find no place...for it.
They asked, if I could re sell it...for them. : )
oh dear.
I'm going to try...and find a way to buy it back.
That, kind of opportunity... rarely...happens.
Not, with 'something'... like this.
and, as we all know... Everything Happens for a Reason.
{They found Perfect Places... for Everything Else. Big... 'Everythings'. }
{They found Perfect Places... for Everything Else. Big... 'Everythings'. }
The reviews... for the movie... have been poor.
Overall... I, would agree...if, you can't 'see'... the your life, good at... deciphering 'riddles'.
I can.
There were Many.
It...was exactly... what I needed to see.
If you go, don't try and find a 'plot'.
: )
That's, not... what it's about. {in my opinion}
It's the 'snippets'... that you, will find...that 'parallel'... where your life is.
If you haven't seen the 2010... 'Alice', I'd recommend... you watch it first.
I watched them both, in 3D. It's worth it. : )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Thank You...
Thank You to All....
Who Attended...and Shopped The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
Thanks, to the One's... who Shared on FB...and with each other.
Thanks, to The Collector's Journal {Vinton, Iowa}
They always do such a Great Job... for us. : )
Thanks, to Everyone... who brought...such Wonderful Treasures. <3
Thanks, to Those, who Helped... Tirelessly.... <3
It was Great.... seeing, Everyone!
Thank You. <3 <3 <3
![]() |
This little Girl... was So Sweet! She lugged that chair up... for her Mama. {we grabbed it, right away... when we saw her... but... had to get this image. Darling! <3 } |
This, was a very difficult Sale...
on every....level.
My...Polly, went to Heaven... last Thursday morn.
I'd slept on the floor with her... all night, she just.... was done.
Liz and I... took her to the Vet... had to carry her.
I held her in my arms...the entire ride... <3
I was so hoping the Lord... would have taken her...Home, and...I wouldn't have had to make that decision.
It was the first time... in my life, I had to.
I stayed with her...until she slipped away.
That, was the day... before The Sale... opened.
John...passed away, two years, and a day... before...that....during The Sale.
I was Thankful... Polly made it past that day.
Just.... so much.
Not having yet 'seeing' her, and John... Everywhere.... oh my.... : (
and... trying to keep everything.... upbeat... and getting it done, or as close to done... as could be...
wasn't easy, I'll admit.
{When Polly passed away.... I reached for my phone... to call Peg.
She worried about much... these last few months. }
Peg... and me. <3 |
Peg's Celebration of Life...
will be June 6th, at 11:00
at Cedar Memorial, The Chapel of Memories.
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Hope, to see you, that knew and Loved her... there.
I just...couldn't 'Think' about any of them.
I...knew... if I did... I'd melt... into a puddle.
{I did... a time or two. but... I believe...through Prayer... my knees stayed 'locked'. }
So Much... is depending on... 'Sales'.
So Many... Obligations.
Git'er Done!!! Git'er Done!!!
oh my.
Sadly... we had a major theft, down the rabbit hole, on Sunday.
A young man and woman... filled their cars.... as we were busy.
We got plate numbers, and called the Sheriff.
They turned the rabbit hole upside down... went through drawers... and piled things all over the floor... in no time.
They were moving fast, taking things...that made no sense.
Plastic toys... fragments of jewelry... {'costume'... that I had placed on an old...chandelier.
They picked pieces from it..... like a bird would. I caught them while doing that.}
They did.... get a Beautiful, Old Kitchen Clock... a Big Dome...and my Favorite...worn... Mohair...Teddy Bear. {and...much more, I am sure. I didn't know, they were filling their cars... but, I caught them 'destroying'.... and put them on the run. I found another of their waiting 'stashes'...outside the fence... as I waited for the Sheriff. }
The Sheriff thought, they were most likely.... on drugs.
I was very Blessed... to have Liz... Barry and Scotty... helping pull things...out, and get them displayed...prior to The Sale.
Brandon and Justin...helped getting the tents up... as did Mark.
Big Help.
: )
I took the day off... yesterday.
Back, to
well... shortly.
Something must have gotten flushed down the toilet, that shouldn't have...
The toilet overflowed this morning..., I didn't catch it... until it flooded the bathroom, hallway.... and part of the basement.
I've been moppin'.... : )
{just takin' a break, to catch up... 'here'. }
The house... is a mess.
We have so much work... to get done, outside... too.
It's gonna be a long week.
I feel so Blessed, that the weather, pretty much held...and so many Folks... came.
: )
I hope... they know... how Very Much... I Appreciate... Them.
I know, I wasn't myself... this sale. but... I did the best I could.
It is... what it is.
It will... be... what it will be.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
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