Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wild Children... May God... Bless 'em.
My Pal, Brandon... sent a message last night...asking if I was heading to What
I'd thought about it... but... there is so much, coming down... I didn't know if I was going to go.
Then... I thought... why not. : )
Miss. Scarlett...Liz... Brenton.... {one of Liz's 'Angels'... }bailed in The Old Gypsy...
with Brandon... and myself...
this Morning.
with Brandon... and myself...
this Morning.
{Climbed...Up...and In... : ) }
We all... Bounced Down the Road..... to What Cheer. : )
It was so Great... seeing Everyone. : )
I Love What Cheer....
Free Spirited... Gypsies..... are abound. <3
I...really don't need a thing... but gathered a nice load. : )
The Best... 'Thing'... I Gathered... were Smiles.... from such Wonderful.... People.
Free Spirited....
'Wild.... Children'.....
Free Spirited....
'Wild.... Children'.....
: ) : ) : )
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{ Many Trucks were still pulling in...
The What Cheer Flea Market runs through Sunday.... : ) }
{Google It.... You'll get all of the info. : )
You'll have a Good Time.... there. : ) }
{Google It.... You'll get all of the info. : )
You'll have a Good Time.... there. : ) }
{ Love... Love... Love... the Song...... I posted above.
oh my...
I dedicate it to...
All... of The Beautiful...
'Wild Children'...
I have been so Very Blessed.... to Know.....
have Known...
have Known...
been Loved... by.... throughout my life. }
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my little 'treasures'... of the day. What is it... about these... Old... Gnarly... Toy Trucks? oh my.... : ) They.... 'Melt' my heart. : ) |
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Gnarly... Old Bikes.... Vintage... Wheels..... and... a Heaven. : ) |
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Handmade.... Planters.... {The Ladies... who made these... and planted them up...were soooooo..... Precious.} |
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As the Girls... were leaving.... I walked them out.... we were Showered... by This Amazing.... Rainbow. : ) |
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Summer... down the rabbit hole.
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Love This.... It has a big chip... in it... : ) but... it should. : ) It's a Child's Plate.... from the late 1800's. |
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It's such a beautiful... painting..... and... being able to see...the old platter.... through the worn areas.... makes it even better. : ) I so... Love... Vintage... Ironstone. |
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I've also... been gathering late 1800's Children's Tea Sets.... Odd pieces... from here and there. : ) They seem so Happy... when they are all... Piled together. : ) |
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Just found these Darling... Teeny Tiny.... early 1900's Watch Part Boxes.... They have tiny little vials... inside them... with... even a few remnants....of Tinier... little watch parts... : ) |
Saturday, July 25, 2015
More.... Shenanigans.... : )
I kept working on the Old Grandfather Clock... today.
{had the shop Open...too. }
{The rabbit hole... is a Disaster... but....
I figured... the mess... will be there... tomorrow. : ) }
I am Obsessed with getting the Old Clock... Running.
{I KNOW it will....}
Those Weight Driven Clocks... that were made in the early 1800' mid...
are Work Horses....
They Don't Quit.
{kind of like the 7.3 Diesel... Ford had.... from '99 to '03 }
Even after my Clock Man... quit....
I couldn't give up.
I...Know... these amazing... movements.
I messed around.... with it...
{shenanigans.... : ) }
until... the Old Clock's Heart...started Beating.....
that was my Gift... for the day... : )
Along... with all of the Folks... who popped in....
didn't mind the messes... or... the heat.
{it's pretty Toasty... down the rabbit hole... these days. }
The Old Clock... is still going to need some tweakin'.....
like I Always Knew.... : )
He's gonna make it. : )
It was such a Gift... to hear his Heart.. Beat.
I'm going to be open... 12 'til 4... tomorrow.
Hope to see ya.... : )
Barb C.
{The Old... Clock... doesn't belong to me. It belongs to a Friend.... who bought it Many years ago.... from the Estate... of the Secretary of War... who served under Herbert Hoover... briefly.
{He lived in Cedar Rapids }
yes... this.... Old... Clock... has had quite a Journey.
I... understand that. : ) I...Admire... That. <3 : )
I have had offers.... on the Old Clock....
a few hundred dollars.
: )
Have you Any....Idea.... how Painful... it is... to hear that. : )
It's not.... going to happen.
This Old Clock... deserves... Better.
I am pricing it at 1200.00 {a Steal....}
{If it never Runs.}
If... I were a Wealthy Woman.... {monetarily}
This Clock.... would be in our Home. }
The Fact is....
If I saw This Clock... at a Show... for 12,000 dollars....
it wouldn't surprise me. }
{The Old... Clock... doesn't belong to me. It belongs to a Friend.... who bought it Many years ago.... from the Estate... of the Secretary of War... who served under Herbert Hoover... briefly.
{He lived in Cedar Rapids }
yes... this.... Old... Clock... has had quite a Journey.
I... understand that. : ) I...Admire... That. <3 : )
I have had offers.... on the Old Clock....
a few hundred dollars.
: )
Have you Any....Idea.... how Painful... it is... to hear that. : )
It's not.... going to happen.
This Old Clock... deserves... Better.
I am pricing it at 1200.00 {a Steal....}
{If it never Runs.}
If... I were a Wealthy Woman.... {monetarily}
This Clock.... would be in our Home. }
The Fact is....
If I saw This Clock... at a Show... for 12,000 dollars....
it wouldn't surprise me. }
Friday, July 24, 2015
Shenanigans..... : )
The Shop will be Open Saturday...
11 'til 4.
{such as it is. : ) }
Instead of Cleaning....
I worked on this Old, Old....
Grandfather Clock.
: )
{Just got the movement back today. : )
My Clock Guy.... kind of gave up.... on this Old Soul....
Not Me. : )
He's Tryin'... to Go.... : )
He Will.. Run. <3 {I Know It. : ) }
As Daughter, Liz... would say...
So... the rabbit hole... Is What It Is... : )
My Friend, Mark.... is having a Sale...
at his 'rabbit hole'... : ) in Norway, Iowa...
{on the Main Street }
only 8 miles West...of here.
Stop and Visit us... if you're out and about!
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{ just found the Top.... video.. tonight....
I can't begin to tell you.... how very Much.... it Touched me.
I remember...vividly... sparing with Dr.'s.... concerning my Mom....
"You are 'listening'... but not 'Hearing'...."
It is soooo Frustrating... when your 'Voice'... falls on deaf... ears.
I'll watch it. : ) }
{Shenanigans.... : ) }
{I have been Blessed.... by so Many... throughout my Life.... that have
had this Gift.
Deep... Compassionate.... 'Listening' <3
I...guess... I'm Spoiled. : )
Makes me Think....
We All... Should Strive.... to 'Be'....
This. <3}
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Old... Trucks, Cigarettes...and Homemade Wine. 'Simply Iowa' ... in a Nutshell.
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Found my way down the rabbit hole... today. : ) have the doors Open... this Saturday and Sunday. {stay tuned. : ) } |
The last few weeks.... have been a bit... insane.
: )
I heard...again, today... folks have been wondering... where I've been.
{Thanks... for Thinkin' of me... and Mine. <3 }
Seems my world... has revolved around... picking up.... cleaning up...
book work.... yard work....
Peg... is having a hard time...
: (
oh my...
My Polly... is also.......... not well.
{Liz lost her Beloved...'Benny'... in the midst... He was The Best... Hound. oh my... } I am.... playing with Old Toys....
Little ones... and Big...ones.
I spend my quiet hours... thinking... and processing.
oh my.
John's Birthday... was the 19th.
Liz bought me several of The Sopranos dvd's...
{John and I...Never... Missed an episode... or...a re run.
I haven't watched it...for over a year.}
We watched them....
and... ate John's Favorite Pizza.... along with Ice Cold Coke.
: )
It was His... Day. : ) : ) : )
I'd posted many images of John... on fb on his Birthday.
Some...I had posted last year.
I didn't know... the captions I had written...would also be attached.
A Woman....... responded.... who had just lost her 'Beloved'... 7 weeks ago....
thinking... I had just lost John.
She... said how Broken... she was... and didn't quite know... how to help me... because she... couldn't find her own feet.
{oh my... }
I then, explained to her.... John had passed away... a year ago... May.
and... Sadly....
I...too... was unable... to shine a light... for her.
The only advise I have....
"One Day... at a Time."
The Truth....
If I didn't have to get out of bed... I wouldn't.
I didn't have so many....
and so much... riding on my shoulders....
: )
I've come to the 'Understanding'... I have to Function...
during the day.
I... can do that.
: )
Those who don't 'know' ....
: )
I visited with a Wonderful... Couple... from Fairfax, they called me to look at some things... they wanted cleaned out of their garage.
: )
They have been Married for over 60 years.
They knew John. : )
{better than they know me. }
after all the 'dealing' was done....
we began to visit.
They asked... exactly what had happened...
: )
oh my...
I made it through.... almost...
without.... melting... completely.... to the ground.
They... Understood.
{few do. }
As I told the Mrs.
When John... slipped away.... so did... half of myself.
She said... her Mother said the very same thing....
when her Father... went 'Home'.
She said....
"They buried half of me... today. "
They both... worried... about 'the day'... they, too... would go through this.
I WISH.... I could be more of a Beacon............
I...think... maybe... that's part... of why....
'If it's not 'Business'.... I'm not... 'Home'
I really... don't want to be around... Friends.
not... this way. : (
'Sale Time'...
'Show Time'...
I Got Ya...Covered!
: )
I'll git 'er done. <3
but... 'my'...
all I have.... left.
I...don't want to... bring this... darkness... and sorrow...
to Friends... who... all... have their own...
Crosses... to Bear.
{we all.... do....
Every Single... One of Us. }
I don't want to see Folks.... unless... we can Laugh..... together.
: )
I spoke with a Dear Friend... today...
She has been such a 'Gift'
........ oh my.
She said... "I wonder, in 5 years... what our conversation will be...."
{she.... has been down a Very....similar path. }
: )
I... pretty much know.
I...think... she does too.
John's name still comes up on her caller id.
It always will. : )
Her Husband's name... still comes up... on my phone... too....
It's been.... Years... for my... Friend. : )
{and... if... you didn't 'Know'... you wouldn't.
What a Woman. }
She is Someone... I have Admired... from the Moment... I met her.
20 years ago.
{Maybe More... I Lose Track... these days. : ) }
She reminded me... Instantly... of Katherine Hepburn.
I met her...shortly after she lost her... 'Beloved'....
{She is also...Passionate... about 'Old Soulfulness'... <3
These 'Old Souls'...
have introduced me.... to the Most... Beautiful People.
One reason... I am... so Passionate... about them...also. : ) }
It was when she was selling some of her.... Wonderful... Treasures...
and moving.... in to her new Home.
I imagined... then... they'd had a
Hepburn / Tracy... kind of Love. <3
She... is.... an Inspiration.
I never knew... how Much... of an 'Inspiration'... until this last Year.
I am Blessed....
The Lord... has sent me such... Beautiful... Angels....
Angels... that 'Keep' us... in their Prayers.
Thank You.
May God... Bless You All....
: )
all I can do...
for now....
Thank You.
but know...
None of You... are far from me.
and... I Don't forget....
Love to ya...
To You.
: )
Barb C.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Thanks....So Much!
Thanks So Much...
to All... who Contributed... to this July Sale.
: )
It was a Success....
indeed. : )
I was going to capture a few images....this morning...
but... there...truly... isn't much to see.
We were Blessed.... in so many ways...
The Weather... was PERFECT.
Not a drop of rain... all four days.
Had Amazing Shoppers.... that were Truly... Fast on their Feet!!!
Had the Best... Helpers.... : )
A Special Thanks... to Kate H. and Dale B.
Kate took care... of us all.... : )
Dale B. ... came early... and Played... his Fiddle... for us.
What a Special... Gift... they were. <3
Liz, Katie... Lynn and Lea.... oh my...
: )
Dale F.... Tom... and Dave J. also brought some things... and helped out!
yes... it was all... Good.
{Even had some Goodies... from a Wisconsin Angel... left our our door... <3 }
: )
oh my.....
I... have fallen down the rabbit hole.
: )
Have to get books done... things picked up... and put away.
The 'rabbit hole'... is in 'NEED'...
{I almost kept the doors locked to the rabbit hole.... but...I knew..
Folks wouldn't have been happy... so... we let 'em dig. : ) }
I'm beyond... exhausted... and don't think... I can say when... 'the rabbit hole'...will reopen.
The house... is also... a disaster.
I have to make some sense.... of our own 'Nest'...
and... somehow...find my feet.... before I can go much further.
: )
Thanks, Again!!!
To Everyone... Who Helped!!!... Attended!!! Shared Business!!!!....
We sent Folks... Everywhere...too. : ) : ) : )
There was Great Antiquing... within an Hour... radius of here...
oh my. : )
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{I'll post the dates.... when the rabbit hole... has found it's feet again. : ) }
{Thanks... So Much... to my Little Friend from Santa Fe...
: )
and her Fam. : ) <3 }
Thursday, July 2, 2015
oh my....
Day One...
was insane.
: )
{there is Still TONS... of Amazing Stuff...but..
Tons.. went out.}
Daughter, Liz... captured a video... of when the Gates Opened...
this Morn...
: )
I can't seem to post it here...
check out
'Simply Iowa'...on Facebook.
You will... chuckle.
I did.
Love to ya...
Hope to see ya...
Sale Opens at 8... in the Morn.
: )
Barb C.
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